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I think I have two conflicting sides of myself. I am an alt-aholic who can never pull myself away from my current character. I played what I consider to be a pretty weak build this season, Mana-stacking lightning disintegrate, and had an absolute blast. But, as many of you know, the gear progression can be endless. I still have a few pieces that I really want that I think would let me challenge aberroth realistically, and then I can chase REALLY rare items.

There are so many other builds I want to play, and that I've conceptualized, but it's also so hard for me to let go of the character I'm currently playing.

I'm not trying to complain or say anything monumental, just making conversation. So, can anyone here relate to this?

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6 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

What do you think would help you to take that step to make an alt, u/Pandarandr1st? Is there anything that feels like it's too burdensome?

6 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by rand0mtaskk

Please stop making me do the campaign.

What would you rather do instead for leveling?

6 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by oljomo

Not him, but a few things I would say:
Third skill spec slot opens too late, you get it at 20, but you probably want to be able to spec into the new skill from your class, which now unlocks about 5 levels earlier - would feel a lot better if this was unlocked earlier.

Experimenting early is brutal - you get very punished when you only have 1 or 2 skills, and reset it because you want to try something else - minimum levels/levelspeed up should be much higher early on, when you want to try things out, without having to wait several levels to see what things are actually like - similarly testing out nodes and having to back out the whole level is very painful early, and if that could be improved/the impact reduced early you could get more exploration.

If there could be some basic default loot filters added to choose from, this would be a huge help. I dont necessarily want to go through and select for example all the minion bonuses to highlight a certain colour manually, and i might miss some but i either have to or end up very weak (unless you already have the shards) A few simple presets to base a filter off would make things much easier (along the lines of highlight + acolyte skills, rather than having to select each skill you can get - ideally this would then let me then take things off that were added, but at least the bulk of the big work was done in one click)

Thanks for the feedback. Good suggestions. We do have plans to address early skill experimentation by raising minimum skill level.