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So I was quite unhappy that to travel anywhere in the map or monolith, it required 2 left clicks, 1 on the area, then one on the Travel button and I was confused why the double left click was not directly travelling.

Then, I did a right click by accident on an area, and it let me travel directly, oh simple happiness!

Then, I discovered it's actually written in the lower right while opening the map.

Does it deserve a post? I am not sure, and it will gladly be deleted it's a known feature, but if, as me, you didn't read, I hope it's useful.

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about 1 year ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by Wagrram

Wait, what?

In a monolith echo if you create a portal and it's blue that means you haven't completed the echo yet and taking it will fail the echo. If it's green then you've completed the objective and you can safely go through it without failing the echo. After you've completed the objective the portal you create with the normal portal key will be green, just like the one you get if you click the button that appears on the right of the screen.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Tetsucubra

I have this game for 3+ years, played ~200 hours and didn’t know this. Thanks!

To be fair this wasn't a thing for most of the time you've had the game.