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I understand that there's no flawless filter for protecting against scammers, but currently it seems incredibly lackluster.

There's dozens of accounts with jumbled names like gjfjrehbcx spamming 5 lines of spam, rapidly, every minute or so. You can block them, but even until you manage to block them, they get like 3 lines of spam in, and also doing it during a fight could be dangerous, so we're constantly forced to see these advertisements. Even if you block them, next minute a new name is back and spamming again, if you block them "all", the next hour, more are on the way. You can block to your hearths content, but there's going to be new spam for you.

You can't really disable chat, because it constantly re-enables entering a new zone.

You can't even report them, just block(unless blocking sends a report to EHG, which I doubt)

Some possible suggestions for the team:

  1. There could be a stricter control on how many messages you can send practically immediately. There's no reason someone needs to type 3 mesages in 1 second, followed by 2 more in another second.

  2. More moderation of active chat logs, not banning, but banning and quickly adapting the filter.(have at least one person doing it 24/7, you can stamp out this immediately, but understandably having someone extra on payroll 24/7 is expensive. However there's potential for player/new players loss when spam is handled poorly. These new players are probably the prime audience for these gold sellers anyway.

  3. Perhaps a time/level limit for having access to chat? I understand the edge cases where a new player might be hurt by this change, but I believe new players will be more hurt seeing the advertisements so early on. Maybe you can unlock the chat when you select a mastery?(Let's say You're unable to talk telepathically to the other adventurers around Eterra until you visit the end of time, selecting the mastery infuses your character with ability to communicate with others or something). So i think an elegant lore-wise explanation for this can be implented. The added requirement would slow down bot creators and complicate the process, because now they need to automate gameplay as well as avoid the chat filter.

Thank you for reading!

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10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

I agree that our methods aren't providing enough protection against this yet. The current system blocks almost all of it. But the couple percent that does slip through is still really annoying.

Edit: We are actively developing new systems to combat this problem.

10 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by SamSmitty

It might already be apart of it, but had shadow banning been discussed? If they get chat banned, they make a new one. If they aren’t sure if they are chat banned, it might slow it down? They would probably still need to be able to whisper and all so they can’t confirm it easily, but if they aren’t sure of what exact phrase got them banned at what time I could help in the conflict.

I can't really go into details on what we do with regards to this but we can shadow chat ban people.