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Good morning. In the next updates, could you think of expanding the stock from 300 to 1000 pieces?
So you can collect the complete and modified sets. And not having to destroy them to make room for new ones.
Thank you.

almost 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Gundam1St, I'm gonna push this thread over to the general discussions, as that is the best place for us to gather feedback!

about 1 year ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by VindicoAtrum

Don't leave Sorc hanging. Basically the older masteries are showing their age - less interesting passives, lacking passive point bonuses (compare Runemaster number of point bonuses to Sorc), older skill trees with larger point sinks, fewer 'more' multipliers etc.

We have some specific ideas for updating Sorcerer that I'm really excited about.

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

We’ll definitely be revisiting older classes. Designing skills and passives is many of our personal favorite things to do and with the increasing tech we have at our disposal and talent we’ve brought into the team and grown over time there’s plenty we we’re excited to do.

Shamans getting a bit of love at release and I see u/ehg_trasochi (our principal designer) has replied to a comment below hinting at some sorc updates we in mind. Forge guard is high priority for some updates next.

Also, If you guys have cool ideas we’re always reading your comments and looking for awesome ideas from the community too! We like to keep some time flexible in our dev cycles to put in things like this that are not tent pole new features.