about 1 year ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s good afternoon everybody and welcome
3s back to another last Epoch Dev
6s stream as always I got to say as usual
10s now I'm your host Mike welcome back from
12s the break everybody how's it
14s going uh glad to glad to be back just
17s just real happy to be back in the
20s saddle um we do have some some new audio
25s Hardware here so I apologize if it's a
28s little less than awesome I'll do my best
30s to just in the fly as we go um also
33s we've got new charity boom there gam
36s that reach I also realized I now have
38s this like microphone arm
42s thing and I'm uh still getting used to
44s having it existing in the space with
46s me so I'll probably hit it a few times
49s and I'm sorry for that causes the
50s horrible noise when I
54s do yeah glad to be back hope everyone
57s had a good
59s holiday got got some
63s rest hope everyone found that perfect
66s present someone close to
71s them you know that one that like they
74s don't see
82s coming if this is your first time here
84s welcome glad to have you with us we do
86s stream for charity r heads who are
87s streaming for um we also so answer
91s questions about last deepo here I'm one
93s of the senior Developers for 11 games
94s working on last EPO and uh I'll be happy
96s to answer any of your questions if you
98s hav't please put at lasty game in the
101s chat so I can see him and I'll answer
103s him uh and I at the same time will'll be
106s playing as the scrubbies of Scrubs that
108s ever
109s scrubbed on my shield throw Sentinel
113s that I've been just making off the cuff
115s as we
119s go
122s I got to Lon last time but uh due to
125s checkpointing uh situations I didn't
127s actually get to complete
129s it uh my DPS is pretty low still so I'm
132s I'm kind of hoping that I'll get some a
134s little bit of a bump here before we get
137s there see what
146s has just get extra Shields not using it
149s much right now but we
156s might think we really need to invest
158s more and me damage
162s weirdly H first question of the New Year
165s congrats to vorc gaming will there be
168s better development or support for steam
170s deck eventually it
172s runs uh but very low FPS and buttons Etc
176s yeah so with regards to the button
178s situation we are improving our
179s controller support that's something that
180s we're working on as a 1.0 Target so that
182s portion will be better um like there's
185s still sections where you have to like
186s use a virtual cursor still and we're
188s working to clear all those out and
189s things like that so there just there's
191s better just general controller support
193s coming um we are also working on just
195s general optimization and um fixes to our
198s Linux platform things like that so it's
200s um not specific Works being done on
203s Steam deck but incidental work is being
205s done on Steam deck um that will just you
207s know make it a little little bit better
208s each time
211s um we don't technically don't support
213s steam deck as a platform yet um we
215s haven't even made the decision to
217s support steam deck as a platform yet um
221s so like I I would say it's very likely
224s we will um but I just can't say like
226s yeah for sure or anything like that
228s yet still
239s there
258s yeah it's it should naturally just
260s improve um even before we if we if we do
263s decide to make it a platform the the big
265s the big thing with making it an actual
266s platform is that we uh start testing on
270s it um and we're just we're just not
272s prepared to open up our uh testing
275s pipeline to an additional platform
290s for how's the audio so far let me know
292s how it's
294s going uh next
297s question have you answer any of our
299s questions I mean uh I'm happy to answer
303s any questions I'm allowed to
308s answer uh does the team have a good plan
311s for the servers at launch seems like
312s there's a ton of hype around the game
314s can only imagine the amount of people
315s looking to play on day one yeah so the
318s um we' we've never actually hit our
321s server cap um we've always had more in
324s reserve um and and we kind of we we keep
328s that
330s mentality of always having someon
331s Reserve
333s still I know we're we're our plans for
335s 1.0 are to have way more
339s server capacity ready to go than we
341s expect to need
345s um I
346s mean if if there's some sort of I'm sure
349s there's some number of people that could
352s uh could outdo us but
357s um uh if if that's if that if we're that
362s number uh it's it would be a little
369s insane not I'm not concerned about
371s running out on on uh patch
374s day if anything I think there'd be like
376s some other problem you know like I I I
378s don't have specific ideas of what
379s problems there would be
381s like why to problem but I don't want to
384s talk about specific problems that could
386s happen but yes we are preparing for
388s other problems that are more likely to
389s be
395s uh will the faction reveal in a few days
397s go into all the details about the
399s factions or it'll be more of an overview
401s SL um it's going to go into a lot of
403s details there's going to be a couple
404s things that are still not quite 100%
406s nailed down um we're talking like uh
410s favor cost ranges for specific tiers of
413s items at the bizaar you know might not
416s be exactly perfect uh these are things
419s that we're we're dialing in with the um
422s uh the the community tester team right
423s now they're giving us lots of good
424s feedback on that um there's been some
425s pretty big changes um like yesterday or
429s tomorrow somewhere the somewhere today G
432s or take a day there's big changes to
433s those costs anyway so like we're still
435s we're still dialing those in
438s um and so yeah there's there's some very
440s specific numbers that might not be um
445s perfect uh when when we make that
447s announcement in in a few days but um
449s we're going to try and go into as as
450s much detail as we
454s can I I hope we'll answer every question
460s um
466s see Shield rotation
470s speed we should
474s uhal healing Shield
478s situation
485s got to get this minion ass
488s sword I think that's really the big
490s thing that's going to help the most is
492s getting him a sword two points off which
494s is what our um our Point numbers at
497s right now so it should get up there
498s fairly
502s quick we do a little bit of a
508s resp
514s is there a potion heal I I feel like I
517s looked this up last
519s time me add a potions heal your manifest
521s armor
523s node someone remind me to do
538s that
545s just pick up that sword it's right there
546s just just pick it up come
550s on
555s uh uh will the will there be any or many
559s new cosmetics in the storm 1.0 launch um
561s there will be some I don't know how many
563s there will be but I know there will be
564s some
566s um we we've kind of just got our uh
569s cosmetic MTX team just just turning
571s turning through stuff now um I know
574s there's a couple new categories of
575s things that had to get
581s added so yeah there there's there's
583s going to be some new stuff uh do I know
585s exactly how much stuff
595s no there was one that my uh one of my
597s tester characters started wearing a new
599s MTX
600s armor that was I didn't know it would
602s got put into the game yet I just loaded
604s up my test character and saw it was
605s already like automatically equipped by
607s mistake I
608s think it's pretty
611s sweet a nice
628s surprise on my
630s goodness I have the worst
635s damage not even good not even good uh
643s durability uh questions I need
649s questions is this a full release or
651s another pre-release patch um the patch
654s that goes live on February 21st will be
658s uh the one 1.0 launch
663s patch
666s yeah what I'm playing now is the current
669s live version of the game this is if you
671s go boot up on Steam right now this is
673s what you'll
674s get there's no special shanigan
687s happening if I stand close enough to my
690s manifest armor does this heal him
698s too look it [ __ ] little little bit of
701s Health off there
708s right this is the
718s Barbie
723s no it does not look like a
731s he it's just like an a exercise in me
734s figuring out what sh should add to
736s manifest
737s [Laughter]
748s armor
750s we we need to increase duration if we're
752s going to
754s be CU this is every six seconds and it's
756s up time is
762s 10 that's good actually we're going to
765s make it a healing
773s Shield can
777s dip we'll dip into Healing Hands there
779s we
786s go uh I was probably working toward
789s something this I've got a lot of stuff
792s on
808s yes
811s all right next
816s question uh same question what was the
818s last question same question for the new
821s year will there be Auto loot for pets
823s based on loot filter maybe new thoughts
826s um no we have no new thoughts on the
828s matter for pets picking up
832s uh still still a hard
838s note
856s I that heal may have hit the minion
858s actually just had so much health it
859s didn't do
868s much
870s Shield throw all right all
883s right oh what are we
886s doing what are we
890s doing I an idea there's more flat damage
894s over
898s here
924s got to get to the bus got to get to the
928s bus
930s all right this is my yearly poke about
931s the ever expanding ever lingering ever
933s evading ever eluding character sheet
936s rule yeah um still in the list nothing's
943s changed it'll happen
949s eventually hi welcome back you been
951s missed get three weeks off yeah uh my
954s question have you thoughts on some sort
956s of inspect in game so I can help my
958s friends with their build builds so I can
960s some regarding gear stats passives and
962s spells yeah um I think it's a great idea
968s um we don't have
971s oh we don't we don't have anything set
974s up for that yet
977s um it's going to be a while before it
980s happens but um I I say there's a very
982s good chance there'll be some sort of
983s inspect
985s feature there'll probably be some sort
987s of like opt out or possibly opt in I
991s think opt out would be the better way to
992s do it just because it's one of those
993s things that you know it is really
994s helpful for new players and people who
996s really really want to hide it are pretty
997s few and far between um and those that do
1001s are going to
1002s be well versed in the game enough that
1004s they'll be able to know
1008s things so in this situation it'll
1009s probably be an opt out
1017s situation like hi like
1021s a I don't know some something you can
1024s some toggle that like just makes you
1026s aible or something I don't
1031s know
1032s um yeah it's it's really useful for now
1035s the best way to do it is to um head on
1037s over
1039s to I believe last tools and Max roll
1042s both have character importers where you
1044s can actually look at your characters
1045s that way so you can like send you have
1046s like a link for your character and send
1048s that link to a friend show what your
1051s character looks like it doesn't update
1053s on the Fly which is the big problem
1055s there um so you can like make changes to
1058s your character in game and it won't make
1059s changes to that
1063s yet I think it's I think it's
1069s unlog yeah I'd love to see
1074s that I know last time we talked about
1076s everyone
1077s was
1090s uh uh how do you plan to extend the
1093s endgame and keep people engaged have a
1094s friend that can't play the game for more
1095s than 5
1096s minutes um I mean so yeah
1100s there's ex um adding more activities to
1103s the end game is is going to be the focus
1105s you'll see in
1106s the um the first Cycles that's going to
1109s be a major Focus for those and getting
1112s them to be getting more in game
1114s activities things that are fun and
1116s engaging things like that um I think a
1119s lot of people it'll just be as simple as
1120s hey there's a new class to play hey
1121s there's another new class to
1123s play and that's going to help a lot at
1125s 1.0 but we do need to have ways to
1127s expand the actual AME
1131s content what's what what you're going to
1133s see post 1.0 I can't really go into
1136s details on um but like what have we talk
1139s we've talked about that there will be
1143s um what are they
1145s called what are those bosses called you
1147s know the ones that are really hard the
1149s end of
1152s everything Pinnacle bosses there we go
1155s um so that that'll be a big thing that
1157s comes in
1159s um and and other stuff too like it's I
1162s can't really talk about the details of
1163s what's coming
1167s after
1172s basically just adding more challenges
1173s adding new things to uh attack those
1176s challenges with you know um new problems
1180s and new
1185s tools it's long and short of
1195s it will there be more cosmetic items in
1197s shop or trans to customize our
1199s characters more more items in the shop
1202s yes transmog we do not have a transmog
1203s system set up yet I don't know what
1205s that's going to look like or how the
1207s details are going to play with
1209s that but we are looking into a trans
1211s system
1227s General
1234s need that duration up by two don't
1242s we
1252s up all right we've done this once before
1254s we can do it again it's going to be
1256s tough this is going to take a long time
1257s heads up
1261s uh will we have a normal hype week in
1262s addition to the reveals or will 1.0
1264s launch be different from other big
1266s patches in that regard to um no we're
1268s going to have like like it will be
1270s different um the way it'll be different
1271s is there'll be more
1273s stuff um yeah we're going to be we're
1275s going to have our usual like 1.0 hype
1278s week there'll be tons of stuff coming
1280s out then
1283s um you know like yeah it's going to be
1287s big this this is our biggest marketing
1289s push we've
1290s done which hopefully
1294s it's will you fix all current bugs for
1297s least no
1299s um cuz that's
1302s impossible we will fix every single bug
1304s we can that's all we're doing right now
1306s is bug fixing
1309s um like right now personally I've just
1311s got a I got a big list of bugs to work
1313s through that's my whole job for the next
1315s month and a half bugs
1325s but I mean getting every single one of
1326s them is impossible
1334s so uh and and the loading screen in
1337s Dungeon specifics um I I don't have any
1339s details on specific bug progress at the
1345s moment but any progression blockers are
1347s by far the biggest
1350s PRI has Gregory been given access to the
1352s company credit card or still banned he's
1355s he he went on a big shopping spree in
1357s Vegas and you know like we're still
1359s we're still recovering from that
1365s so did I bump my lightning no so we're
1369s still we are still lightning squishy
1371s chose
1377s this
1382s lost these walls will be your
1396s doom this random little unique up there
1398s that's
1402s funny you are a
1407s fool
1413s don't you see the harm you are
1416s doing not
1417s [Music]
1420s really you chose
1431s this lost these walls will be your
1436s doom okay too do more question instead
1439s of staring at the slack J losing my
1443s patience
1447s uh uh yeah to go to last tools or some
1450s third party site and have to put in all
1451s the stats I currently have it just takes
1453s much time yeah so I was referring to is
1455s actually that they can they have they
1456s have an importer so you can just you can
1458s get your character directly from the
1459s game so you don't have to put all the
1461s stats
1462s in check it
1467s out CH
1478s this uh last tools actually has a live
1481s character profile that updates every few
1483s hours using the API M yeah that's what I
1485s was referring to yeah it's not like it's
1487s not perfectly updated all the time PA
1492s it's a couple hours behind
1497s us
1499s you are a
1506s fool don't you see the harm you are
1514s doing here's a question uh hi Mike I
1517s don't know if this was added before can
1519s you introduce a prompt that asks so I I
1522s if you if you if you want to suggest a
1524s feature please go to the forums or
1526s Discord or something like that um
1528s it's just fure cuz I don't write things
1530s down here and it will get lost in my
1532s brain um but I'll read this just a sec
1535s oh
1537s no I am my
1542s patience this
1544s way it's always so much harder to get to
1546s her when she's down at the bottom you
1548s are a
1550s fool uh where's the rest of this uh PR
1553s that asks if we want to switch area or
1555s something similar instead of
1556s automatically move this when we are in
1558s range of said spot switching area
1560s accidentally happens a bit too often
1561s thank you yeah so this is um so uh the
1564s answer to your question no we will not
1566s add that um but here's why because the
1570s uh request is attempting to solve a
1572s problem that we can solve a different
1573s way um so if you've got specific
1576s feedback on this it's generally more
1578s useful to give like what's happening and
1581s why that's a problem rather than a
1583s suggestion um because without the
1584s suggestion I wouldn't know what problem
1585s you're actually trying to fix and um
1589s um I am Los patience uh the problem
1593s you're referring to is is a real problem
1594s we are working to fix it but we're not
1595s going to put an accept
1599s prompt thank you very much to
1602s somebody who is it it's
1604s Spike spike I recognize that name thank
1607s very much glad to have you with us
1609s again how long's it been that's 12
1612s months one
1614s [Music]
1616s year thanks for hanging
1619s out you
1625s chose we have calling on anything I feel
1627s like we
1630s do these walls will be your
1640s doom I am losing my
1647s patience
1649s oh come on you are a
1655s fool I was talking about last time about
1657s the culling percentage and like having
1658s like a visual cue of it you know where
1661s you are in relation to your culling
1662s percentage cuz I'm sure we've got
1663s culling on this character
1665s somewhere it might be
1668s lung
1672s yep lagon is unpredictable all right we
1676s got there trying
1679s to protect
1685s everyone yes I do agree switching out
1686s areas accidentally sucks and we're we're
1689s working on
1693s it hello sorry for bothering you that's
1695s okay you don't be sorry that's why I'm
1697s here bother
1698s me uh I want to offer promotion to your
1702s channel um please contact us directly
1704s privately for things like
1706s that
1711s happy New Year are there any plans for
1713s specialized stash tabs like uh when they
1717s can only hold one of any unique item um
1720s I I would say vague nebulous long-term
1723s plans yes uh specific short-term plans
1726s no um are you guys in talks with any big
1730s RPG streamers to get them on board for
1732s 1.0 yeah um for sure we've we've talked
1735s with several large RPG streamers for 1.0
1740s um
1742s yeah we've we've got we've got like it's
1745s pretty cool we've got a pretty good
1746s relationship with with um most of the
1748s big airG streamers I'm sure there's uh I
1750s know there's a few that uh we we haven't
1753s talked to before would love
1758s to um yeah it's going to be great it's
1761s going to be awesome I'm very excited I
1763s know I know there are um several
1765s streamers I not going to talk about who
1769s to let them decide to share what they're
1771s going to do but I know there are several
1772s streamers big and small that are
1774s planning on streaming us for
1777s 1. oh my goodness
1794s me who's run to the
1796s center
1800s my Wes will shatter
1804s you lung is really nice in this one
1806s because it does let you just go hard to
1808s the other side really
1811s easily you get situations like that
1813s where it like tries to push the
1816s outside um and you'll just It'll like go
1819s away from you if you time it
1826s right your blood will be to drop my
1835s ocean get stunned
1838s Mike it's going to take a
1843s while is the best you can
1847s do
1849s well all right uh are there any changes
1852s for Forge master has been changed
1854s already um there are uh changes that
1858s have happened to the forg guard between
1861s the current live version and 1.0 uh
1864s there are more changes that'll likely
1866s happen still too um nothing huge or Mega
1870s major gamechanging like super like new
1874s skills or anything like that but but
1876s yeah like there's there's stuff that's
1878s coming for
1882s it I mean something as simple as like an
1885s item change can have a big effect on
1888s specific classes even though it may not
1889s look like it is specifically for those
1891s classes at
1892s first
1894s it
1898s um your blood will be to drop in my
1913s oan is that immunity while lunging for
1916s the win
1919s okay more questions I can do this uh
1922s what will happen to our current
1923s characters once almost dodged it
1926s starting to Once what will happen to our
1928s current characters once 1.0 launches can
1930s we still continue to play on yes okay so
1932s here's a very common question answer
1934s asked and answered a lot um so if you if
1939s you forget the answer to this and you
1940s want to look it up again go to any
1942s platform that has any information about
1944s last depac and look in the last couple
1946s days and some of them have asked
1948s [Music]
1951s um it's if you if you're familiar with
1954s yoi Diablo 2 Dia 3 like like any of the
1958s classic RPGs and how they do it it's
1961s it's it's that like there you go if
1965s you're not familiar keep listening
1968s um every time a new major
1972s patch every time a new major patch is
1974s released um a new cycle will go with
1977s with it uh and this cycle will have a
1982s new leaderboard associated with it um
1985s only characters that were created since
1987s the cycle began are eligible to compete
1990s on said
1991s leaderboard um because of this they're
1995s all fresh characters that have been
1997s created since the cycle patch started um
2001s and there's no like Legacy characters
2003s which is what we're call calling
2004s standard or non-lad is Legacy um so
2007s there's no Legacy characters sitting on
2009s the server being like Oh boosting people
2010s to 100 instantly or anything like that
2013s um everyone's starting over all the the
2014s economy is starting over everything like
2015s that so it's a new environment um like a
2018s new realm new server realm where um oh
2022s my goodness
2025s me uh where where where everything's
2028s fresh
2032s and uh old characters currently existing
2035s characters um anyone that is currently
2039s Legacy anyone that is in the current
2041s cycle when the new cycle when C cycle
2042s rolls over will get transitioned into
2046s Legacy this is just a Melting Pot of all
2048s of the existing characters um and
2051s current cycle characters they get put
2052s into one
2054s thing you get to use all your stuff you
2056s to keep all your stuff you get to keep
2058s all your characters all that sort of
2059s stuff is there um oh there's no way
2063s right and uh you'll you'll be able to to
2067s access all of your old characters and
2068s play with them and all sorts of
2073s stuff there's a potion over here I
2076s really want
2077s it it's
2085s underneath
2088s um did I miss anything oh yeah the the
2090s question of like okay well how will
2092s statues get transferred over and things
2093s like that well the since the since
2097s everything's in one environment right
2098s now we're going from one to two
2100s environments there's no combining that
2102s needs to happen so we don't need to do
2104s anything with them this
2106s patch um but next cycle so when cycle
2110s two begins we will have to do something
2112s about that we'll have to figure out what
2113s we're going to do there
2115s um we haven't exactly figured out how
2118s we're going to handle that yet
2119s technically um design wise it is highly
2123s likely to be a um remove of
2127s only tabs system so you'll be able to
2131s you'll be like okay well I've I've got
2132s 20 tabs in my cycle transitions
2135s into uh uh into uh into Legacy what
2140s happens all the stash tabs while the
2141s stash tabs become removal stash
2146s tabs that's likely what will happen it's
2148s not fully decided yet um but i' I'd be
2152s surprised if anything else
2156s happens
2158s hope that was a full complete
2161s answer your blood will be to drop my try
2165s to get some of the
2172s follow more questions more questions
2174s more questions you guys have any plans
2176s is it even technically possible to make
2177s wasd controls game um okay so this is
2180s another one that comes up all the
2182s time um wasd controls are not possible
2186s for us to act for 1.0 it will not be
2189s part of a 1.0 buy controls will not be
2191s available at laun period hard stop I
2194s don't care how easy it seems there to
2195s come in sorry I'm being a little harsh
2197s on this one it's not happening um the
2200s primary reason for this is the massive
2202s amount of animations that would need to
2204s happen between now and
2207s then also we would have had to complete
2209s this about a month and a half ago
2211s because that's when we feature l so like
2214s we don't have the time even if we wanted
2216s to we don't and and and a few months ago
2219s we also had a meeting saying we weren't
2220s going to do this intentionally so it's
2221s like recently semi- recently we decided
2224s that we weren't going to do it um we're
2226s past the deadline to add something like
2228s this and we don't have the time to add
2230s it even if we weren't past it even if
2232s there was no de
2235s um so it's definitely not happening for
2237s 1.0 is it going to happen for post 1.0
2240s maybe there's been a lot of talk about
2242s it um since we last had our discussions
2246s the Topic's become quite large since we
2248s last had a discussion so we'll have
2249s another discussion now this doesn't mean
2252s that yes or no will happen it's just
2254s saying that we're going to talk
2256s about
2263s as put been put back on the design topic
2269s list post
2276s one
2277s that was a full and complete answer for
2279s you
2290s you oh I thought it
2294s you all right though uh now the real
2297s question how did you feel in that moment
2299s when Canada
2302s um how do we how do we ban
2305s someone your blood will to drop in my
2308s don't don't talk to about that
2309s tournament right now still I'm still
2311s very bitter don't actually B him just
2313s for the record but very bitter still so
2317s very
2320s bitter is that the best you could
2331s do I'm just sad okay new
2334s question will there be a video going
2337s into the new functions or new factions
2339s on the 11th yes there is uh there's new
2342s video content um that will show off uh
2345s various things about what the factions
2347s are going to be how they're going to
2348s work um most of the content will not be
2351s presented in video format most it will
2353s be in text format but um there'll be
2354s some clips for various things
2361s um you survive my
2365s storms
2375s your blood
2377s will
2380s myce all right more questions Mike you
2383s can do
2384s this
2386s um you got to add me if I want an answer
2389s yeah you got to add me if you want an
2391s answer hope that person just re ask the
2395s question
2398s yeah for anyone who's oh no for anyone
2401s who is um uh new around here or
2404s wondering why I'm not answering your
2405s question um please put at last fck game
2407s in the question so I see
2409s it answer
2416s it uh will we see more uses for gold
2420s yeah W will um the the the next major
2424s use for gold it's probably pretty
2425s obvious You' be like come on M that's
2427s not what I meant you know what I meant
2428s um is the bizaar so um new item factions
2432s that are coming out will include the
2434s merchants Guild um where the primary
2436s currency for purchasing items on there
2438s is
2442s gold so yeah there's there's a big
2444s there's a big use for gold right
2449s there BL will be to drop in
2455s myce
2461s I feel like I'm just like on the edge of
2462s dying at every
2466s second is that the best you can do oh no
2469s which way am we going oh
2474s no I thought I was dead for
2477s sure you're starting to B
2483s me come on lunge color finish it off for
2490s me my w will sh
2496s you yes there we go tired of
2501s this oh
2505s man that was a
2507s SLO all right thank you for the very
2509s answer no rush for anything oh gosh
2511s there were still enemies down
2515s there
2522s let's
2523s [Music]
2532s go it's kind of
2538s useless just making you sure you just
2541s make sure you enjoy what you guys are
2542s doing
2544s always I cannot do that
2548s [Music]
2551s uh uh wait what kind of animations was
2554s the works right now with third party
2555s software is just a little glitched at
2557s times which makes it not recommended
2562s um well so it
2565s is there's no proper way to
2569s decouple um movement direction
2572s from uh casting Direction so current
2578s ly uh good smell racing just just uh a
2581s vague off-the-cuff comment that I'm sure
2583s has no bearing on you whatsoever I just
2586s might want to remind people of that
2587s using third party software to gain a
2589s significant advantage over players who
2591s don't use that third party software
2593s isn't
2595s exactly
2597s recommended
2601s um just just just a a thought I had
2604s right now you know I'm not I won't I
2605s won't tell any uh you know just just
2608s something that I might
2610s suggest as as a thing to think
2615s about
2619s vaguely um you're back it will be a
2623s basically what it is is that the the
2625s lower half of your body doesn't um if
2628s you're moving One Direction and casting
2629s another Direction the you have to split
2631s your body in half animation wise to make
2633s it look good
2635s um
2637s and there is no way currently in the
2639s game to um move in One Direction and
2641s cast in a different
2644s direction at the same time if you if
2647s like every other you always stop you
2649s always stop a little bit to do
2653s it don't know why I came down
2657s here uh can you add more colors to the
2659s loot filter uh it's possible um we
2662s pretty intentionally didn't add too many
2664s colors but uh there might be room for a
2666s few
2667s [Music]
2674s more so like
2677s um there's there's kind of two of every
2680s major like color chunk a green half
2685s between green and blue and blue and half
2687s between blue and purple and purple is
2689s sort of like how it was laid
2693s out try and get various things there's
2696s there's some room for a few extras like
2698s colors and things like that but um one
2701s thing we're not planning on doing is
2702s adding in a just flat
2706s like anything color like like just uh
2709s like a Color Picker so to speak like
2720s a color wheel just like like put in any
2723s hex and you get the color for it you're
2725s not planning on adding that
2731s been out of the loop for a while
2731s apologies if you're repeating the same
2733s thing can we expect performance and
2734s graphical enhancements before 1.0 no but
2736s there will be stuff at
2738s 1.0 also will there be a UI scale option
2742s no
2745s um's up in
2748s there uh the leaderboards uh just going
2751s to be for arena or will it be more modes
2753s with leaderboards Heist corruption clear
2755s on bosses new modes Etc um 1.0 it'll
2758s just be the arena mode that's there but
2760s we are definitely looking to expand the
2764s options uh expand the options for uh for
2768s for what the leaderboards can be for so
2770s yeah like having having extra corruption
2773s like Max corruption kills on
2774s bosses
2777s um specifically because corruption is
2780s going is is becoming a more reliable
2782s form of difficulty measurement um that
2785s works better um I I can see all sorts of
2788s things like if we eventually do a
2789s pinnacle when we eventually do a
2790s pinnacle boss um having like a like a
2795s kill time leader board
2798s um that that might encourage some less
2804s uh less awesome builds but you know you
2808s know things like that so yes we are
2810s definitely looking for new ways to have
2814s um uh leaderboards but um none will be
2817s available for 1.0 10 out of 10 Leon
2819s fight that was that was a Brut thank you
2821s for sticking with me that whole long
2823s slog you know what I think you all
2825s earned something for not abandoning me
2827s in my hour of
2828s need so here's a little teaser about
2831s something coming in one point of that
2833s we've kind of hinted at before we've
2834s never really confirmed yet so here you
2836s go
2837s Aon there's here's the
2843s confirmation is there any extra graphic
2845s settings planned to add to the game like
2848s dlss Etc dlss dlss and FSR and things
2852s like that are not available in the
2854s current version of the engine we're
2855s using um so we can't put them in right
2857s now there are some uh workarounds people
2861s have created to get them in but we're
2862s not comfortable using those and uh we
2865s are planning on upgrading the engine
2866s eventually so like there's there's
2867s someone working on upgrading the engine
2869s right now um eventually that'll happen
2871s who knows when um when it does we'll
2874s start looking into things like dlss and
2875s Fs are and other other features like
2877s that that have come with new
2885s updates are there any plans to implement
2889s buy orders good
2896s question let's let that down there well
2899s we keep playing maybe we stre a little
2900s bit
2905s actually
2906s uh buy orders uh in the trade system
2909s like can I put up a request for or for
2911s others to fill uh and if so will there
2913s be a filter option for things currently
2915s requested on the marketplace so others
2916s can immediately identify them and put
2918s them up um the bio so we kind of
2923s somewhat a little bit uh probably won't
2926s be fully ready for 1.0 uh it's a very
2929s good feature and I believe we have the
2931s capability to do it so I don't see why
2933s not um the
2937s 1.0 version I don't think the Border
2939s system is functioning quite
2943s right
2945s um so I'm not sure if that if that'll be
2948s ready for launcher but it is something I
2949s know someone's
2965s working
2968s one day closer yes we're getting
2995s there
2998s hello
3000s hello how's it going uh any more plans
3003s for epic background music for areas yeah
3005s the Main Music is amazing but most in-
3008s game music even though is good sounds
3010s too depressing and others too chill sad
3012s music is intentional or more like a
3014s placeholder will love more epic um yeah
3017s like there's there's no placeholders in
3019s the game right now um but there are like
3022s there there's definitely room to add
3023s more to to have more dynamic based on
3026s the situation would be really nice to
3029s have I know the composers have asking
3032s for for a long
3046s time which Master are you most excited
3048s to see everyone's reaction to uh I'm
3051s most excited to see people's reaction to
3052s warlock because I don't think it's going
3054s to be quite what people are expecting
3058s um hopefully in a good
3062s way
3065s um but I'm personally most excited for
3068s the Falcon I think it's going to be I
3070s think it's just the most
3072s fun it's like it's it's the class I've
3074s been trying to play since day
3084s one
3090s keep
3095s spawning AIC shards will take
3107s them paling Healing Tree Healing
3111s Hands which answer that uh the 1.0 will
3114s have new lighting compared to the this
3116s right or will you have or the one you
3119s have is already new version uh no I'm
3121s I'm currently playing if you go if you
3123s go play right now um I'm playing on the
3125s exact same version you get uh if you
3127s look up the top left corner you see 92m
3130s that is the current live
3131s version not playing on any sort of
3135s hidden realm or like we're we're just
3137s normal Us West um we are we are playing
3141s as default as default can be right
3144s now and um um so yeah you you'll you'll
3147s see lighting changes between here and
3150s and 1.0
3153s the're they're not in every single zone
3156s because a lot of the like the new tools
3158s that we've added to the game for level
3160s design in order to be able to update the
3162s lighting and things like that um they
3164s have to go through every Zone in order
3165s to be able to to make those changes um
3167s so that takes quite a while and I'm not
3168s sure they're going to get to every
3169s single zone before 1.0 launches
3174s um and and some zones they go to have
3177s much bigger changes than others just
3179s because it's some sometimes they were
3181s already really good um not really a lot
3183s needs to be done but other times there's
3185s a lot that needs to change I know um End
3188s of Time looks super different it looks
3196s great and being a zone that you spend a
3198s lot of time in understandable why it was
3200s an early
3204s Target
3210s I'm shocked that our um manifest armor
3215s still hasn't L up yet get a sword yeah
3219s Heathen I don't know why he's a heathen
3221s without a sword but he needs a
3234s sword
3246s right well what do you guys think about
3248s the state of dungeons currently more
3250s specifically when it comes to their
3251s balance and modifiers um I think the I
3255s think I think the dungeons the the first
3257s tier dungeons need um need some changes
3260s need some mechanical changes in order to
3262s make them more of a viable campaign skip
3265s tool
3266s um for experienced players I think there
3268s needs to be a higher
3271s skill
3272s ceiling um when dealing with dungeons so
3275s like the ability to make good choices to
3277s have a a significant impact on how fast
3280s they are and how well they run all that
3281s sort of
3282s stuff which there really isn't right
3286s now um as for oh a chest
3290s I um as for just like General modifiers
3292s I mean it's I think it's pretty good
3294s overall there are some
3296s uh like there's always some problems and
3300s there's some individual pieces that are
3303s less good
3305s than so like there's there's there are
3308s ways you can be like look at how
3309s terrible this is and you can pick like
3311s one combination it's it's pretty
3316s terrible but for the most part it's it's
3318s pretty
3324s good uh any plans to let Icy Veins Max
3327s Ro release build planners for the new
3328s masteries ofit before launch I don't
3331s think
3332s so think every because I think that
3340s um I I don't know I shouldn't answer
3342s this question I just I just don't know
3344s I'd be surprised um because there's a
3346s lot of things that are in the passion
3348s notes that won't be public information
3350s like there's lots of things that would
3351s be in those build guides that public
3352s information until the patch Nots go out
3354s um
3358s so I'd be really
3363s surprised Al yeah I I don't that's
3366s that's definitely a question for
3370s um marketing
3372s team
3374s hello which I guess I kind of look like
3377s I'm part of right
3383s now I guess I should also play with this
3385s a little bit what's what should my
3386s lighting
3387s be got different
3390s colors we got a fancy I think this is my
3392s favorite
3394s one yell at me if one of those other
3396s ones is way
3399s better uh are all unique 3D in-game
3403s models being added to the game for 1.0
3404s including armor no uh weapons off hands
3410s first uh who do you guys use for the
3412s music in the game May a few different
3415s artists the monolith Boss track is my
3418s we've got
3420s um uh we've got one composer that just
3423s is always working with us um and we've
3426s had a couple guest composers that have
3427s popped in for for a few
3433s things yeah it's it's not like a service
3436s or anything like that like just it's one
3438s of us
3440s of I turn off my notifications sound
3455s power
3458s left no problem no
3463s problem we might complete the campaign
3467s today uh this build needs like a
3469s bajillion more damage if it's going to
3471s beat
3474s vazza
3476s to bajillion if it's going to beat it
3477s anytime
3495s quickly uh are there any plans to make
3497s your character level visible without
3498s opening the stats panel
3501s yeah what happened with that there was a
3504s um I I know that
3507s the
3510s um I know that the uh experience bar is
3514s more visible
3516s now not like huge or anything but it's
3518s just like you can kind of it's it's more
3521s like obvious what it is
3525s um this works a lot better in general
3528s and I think I think I know I know one of
3530s the things we were looking at is having
3532s a little number down here on your
3534s experience bar and I don't don't know if
3536s that is if that got approved or not but
3538s I do know that there's now a tool tip
3540s when you Mouse over the experience bar
3543s that you can at least see it there so
3544s there's at least that where you can see
3546s your level without opening your
3547s character screen um is it so you can see
3550s it always in the UI I
3558s don't this is going to go
3560s poorly stand down or poison be
3589s terrible trying to kill these big things
3591s but I'm realizing that I'm just like not
3592s getting any kills in these nests a
3597s me timely level
3610s up yeah I should just be
3614s behind more questions what's the deal
3618s with moon in front of lag gon are we in
3621s alternate reality rather than a fantasy
3623s world as space as a space the Moon
3625s pictures screams Earth and feels off
3631s um the planet is called a tera so it is
3635s not
3637s necessarily Earth and not necess I think
3639s it's I think it's specifically not oh
3641s should I don't think I think it is
3643s specifically not
3647s Earth but there's a lot of things that
3649s are very earthlike
3651s I know the gon has some control over
3654s them
3658s uh just want to watch Bu The Craft
3659s before launch ah
3663s yes I think that so my gut reaction on
3665s on not
3666s allowing you know builds to come out
3669s beforehand
3671s um is anyone who is uh like a content
3675s creator who likes to make builds and
3676s things like that is that a um doesn't
3679s have early access to any of that content
3682s any of those details is already at a
3683s disadvantage
3686s um and then having those builds actually
3689s come out early puts them at a huge
3692s disadvantage as far as being able to
3694s actually make and come up with builds
3695s early on in that cycle um that's the big
3699s hesitation I would have
3708s on it's not my job to know these
3713s answers where we
3720s going let me
3723s in
3727s huh really fast
3738s ah keep putting putting points in
3743s that we're putting all our eggs in that
3745s manifest armor basket right
3752s now uh follow the dungeon question any
3755s progress on key storage no keys are
3757s still all out and
3763s about sadly they didn't make
3767s it all right is there a referral system
3770s in mind for the game yeah yeah um
3780s don't I don't know if it's going to be
3781s available at one point
3783s or but I know a bunch of work has been
3784s done on
3785s it it's either done or basically
3799s done it'll it'll it'll just be a way to
3802s like unlock more
3803s cosmetics
3807s won't be there I I I I hope I don't have
3810s to say this but just in case there will
3812s not be any mechanical advantages to
3815s there will be no increased leveling
3817s speed there will be no um increased gold
3821s finding there will be no uh gear finding
3824s there will be no uh Power
3827s boosting any of any of these vague terms
3830s for weird mechanics just just no none no
3833s that don't wor
3849s all
3851s right uh will there be more with the
3854s story and lore in 1.0 um there's some
3857s little things but not like 's there's no
3859s there's no chapter um there's no full
3863s like uh I I'm just going to say no
3866s they'll be there'll be some little
3869s things uh will Idols ever be able to go
3871s in the Forge um maybe definitely not 1.0
3876s um I'll read the rest of your question
3877s here but it's really intentional that
3878s they're not able to be modified yet um
3882s yeah are there any plans for unwanted
3884s uniques uh yes some vague plans uh not
3890s ready yet uh like put them in a forge to
3892s get dust or something so you can use
3894s them for something something you craft
3895s maybe 100 dust gives you an item back
3897s um some crafting potential hard no on
3901s that just to be clear um restoring
3903s crafting potential to items is something
3905s that we would have to restructure the
3907s entire crafting system to make possible
3909s so no no on that but the rest of it
3912s probably e
3916s something I would say there's a very
3918s high probability that the
3921s um uh the they the the idle crafting
3924s system whatever that looks like in the
3926s long run and um
3929s [Music]
3932s the uh unwanted
3935s unique usage system whatever that looks
3938s like both of those will uh educated gu
3942s likely be dungeon mechanics dungeon
3944s reward
3953s mechanics
3962s woo sorry about
3965s that frog in a throat we're good now
3970s though um yeah so like the idols not
3973s being able to go in the Forge yet is I I
3975s doubt they'll ever be able to go
3976s directly in the
3977s Forge but um modifying them I think is a
3980s really really useful tool uh for for a
3985s cycle down the road like hey here's
3988s here's the cycle here's the idol cycle
3990s and here's a new uh maybe a pair of
3993s dungeons that get add to the game and uh
3996s maybe maybe those dungeons have rewards
3999s that modify Idols in different ways like
4001s one of them I don't know does something
4004s with two idols and makes one Idol either
4005s or something and one Idol like one
4008s dungeon reward I don't know I'm I'm
4009s literally just making this up but yeah
4011s like there'
4013s be um different
4016s rewards based on dungeon you complete
4019s that would be for idle craft which is I
4021s think what'll happen I could be wildly
4024s off here it might not be what
4027s happens
4031s but just looking at what we've used
4033s dungeon rewards for in the past um I
4036s think it's really I can't complain about
4039s that offer you ready to head out
4043s then
4045s the scale ban were never meant to be
4047s common THS will items ever have
4050s sockets kind here's here's the problem
4053s with um with item
4064s sockets doing our flip scene so I can be
4067s on the other
4068s [Music]
4069s side close
4072s enough um okay
4077s so like if we're going to if we're going
4079s to talk about a a socket system um it's
4082s a like an empty slot where you can
4085s deterministically attach a specific stat
4089s via an item going into that socket to
4092s the
4095s item kind of what our crafting system
4098s is um so fitting in a socket system
4102s alongside the crafting system that's
4103s basically is just a glorified fancy
4106s socket system it's really tough to do
4110s um we've we we've discussed it a few
4112s different times and one one thing we
4113s discussed doing was having
4115s specific um like having an AIX that was
4119s a socket specific so there's like
4121s certain types of items that weren't
4123s shards but could go in there um things
4125s like that so we've we've definitely
4127s looked
4128s at socket systems in a few different
4130s ways
4132s um and socket systems have
4135s excuse me really they do a few things
4137s really well our people like this
4141s um better than what our current crafting
4144s system does uh and the big thing that it
4146s does is it it lets you
4155s um I don't hate
4158s that oh
4163s um how having very rare socketable
4167s items alongside sockets in very rare
4171s items gives you uh something that it's
4174s one of the
4175s main uh things we try and do with the
4178s legendary system is is having items that
4181s are uh Stepping
4184s Stones um that's a bad way to put it
4186s there's a term for this we had a whole
4187s term for this uh items that
4190s are um composite
4192s items very rare composite items so
4195s you're like okay what's a good example
4196s of this the the cards the Divination
4198s cards in Poe um where you're like oh I
4202s just found like one fif of a mage blood
4205s sweet that's amazing it it doesn't
4208s really do anything for you right now but
4209s there's that tangible progress towards
4211s it you know like I'm one fifth of the
4213s way
4215s there and um this is the same sort of
4219s thing that Rune wordss did in diabl 2 um
4223s when you have
4225s when you have like like oh I'm I'm going
4227s to make an enigma and you find a jaw run
4230s and you're like great I'm like 40% of
4232s the way
4233s there
4235s and you find your bur you're like okay
4238s great I'm like 80% of the way there you
4239s got to find your base and and and having
4242s these like components that build
4243s together is is really good it's really
4247s really good especially when some of
4248s those components are useful in multiple
4250s different ways um where you have to make
4252s a decision on how you're going to use
4253s that item that
4255s resource and that's something that a
4256s socket system does really well that our
4258s crafting system tries to do a little bit
4261s and our legendary potential system tries
4262s to do a little bit and it's not quite
4265s there yet
4267s um so how that looks how we remedy that
4270s who knows it might be trying to add an
4272s actual socket system into the game um we
4275s might look at sockets in something else
4277s other than here so it might not be gear
4279s sockets they could be like um uh what
4283s else is there we can
4286s socket Idol sockets maybe we're just
4288s talking about Idols uh maybe it's like
4289s skill sockets or something um this is
4291s like kind of playing off of
4295s um uh like like the the passive grid
4300s socketable socket things in Boe you know
4305s whereas there's like the the sockets in
4306s a socket and the socket you know
4309s those
4313s um
4315s my my point is that it just it might not
4317s come directly on I don't know where it's
4319s going to
4321s be who
4328s knows uh next question if you guys if
4332s you guys PVP someday
4334s oh uh can you make it so you can wag
4337s your gold or
4339s items
4342s um so I used to play I used to play
4345s Magic back when anti was a thing where
4347s you'd actually put a card from your deck
4349s at random up
4352s for
4353s wager um for for for that game be like
4356s start the game and you flip the sub card
4358s to your deck and it's like well whoever
4359s wins gets to keep both these cards um
4363s and I was a kid and it was a terrible
4364s idea and I never should have done it
4367s lost cards that I shouldn't have done
4369s you know all sort of bad stuff happened
4371s [Music]
4372s um I do think that there is room for a
4375s system like that I think it's a lot of
4376s fun uh hopefully my reaction my initial
4379s reaction um it would it would have to be
4383s a presented as not the normal not the
4387s expected not the standard method for
4389s doing things sort of a like um like a
4393s cruel sadistic type like like along the
4396s same lines of Hardcore PVP you know like
4399s you really want to go for it go for it
4403s but we're not going to promote is like
4404s the main system but I do really like it
4405s as an
4417s option are there threshold passive nodes
4420s being added to the sub classes without
4422s them um we're
4425s not uh yes not completely um so it's not
4430s like we're going into it way all right
4432s Paladin let's see how many um of these
4434s nodes we can turn into threshold nodes
4437s we're not doing that um however we were
4440s just talking there was uh there was a a
4442s node in the Sham Tre that we had to
4443s change and we were just talking about
4445s it's going to be a threshold node now
4448s you know so like we we are taking
4449s opportunities to add threshold nodes
4451s where we can if it makes sense if it's
4452s appropriate all sort of stuff um but
4456s they're not uh we're it's not like we've
4459s gone through in an attempt to add
4460s threshold noes in a significant quantity
4462s to every tree right
4475s are there any improvements to the big
4477s health bars the top when hovering over
4479s enemies and allies yeah it's not a big
4481s deal but it's fairly inconsistent at
4482s times yeah it's a problem uh and there's
4485s there are solutions we've got
4488s them coming to a patch near
4491s you uh were there any discussions about
4494s a NPC with vendor recipes like sell
4497s three idols and get one new random at
4499s the same time
4501s um we've talked about vendor recipes um
4506s I think it's something that we'll likely
4507s try and a style of thing will likely try
4510s and
4510s Achieve um in a little bit different way
4514s um vendor recipes I think I think are
4516s fantastic um I think we can have a
4519s similar effect with a different thematic
4523s approach
4526s um and and like once again tie it
4529s to um maybe a dungeon reward like I know
4532s I bring that up a lot but but a lot of
4534s these things they they get tied to
4536s dungeon rewards really
4537s clean
4538s [Music]
4545s um oh I cannot remember what we're doing
4548s here cast a Target that's what we
4551s want we're getting there slowly armor on
4554s heal
4578s sure uh where are we health bars
4582s yes uh vendor
4585s recipes kind
4588s of all right it's the longterm plan with
4591s cycles that their content sticks around
4593s in some form or that it is completely
4595s gone after the cycle like three um the
4598s plan is that it sticks
4601s around
4606s yeah um especially in the early
4610s ones so there's a possibility that we
4612s could be looking at um like five years
4615s from now and we're in a situation where
4617s there's a lot of content in the game and
4619s adding in an entire new system in a
4621s cycle can can be a little um
4624s overwhelming for the amount of content
4625s that's in the game and if we did it
4627s every single time it
4629s could cause a lot of content that uh
4632s maybe it's hard to keep up with some of
4634s it so having um having Cycles where
4637s content doesn't necessarily stick
4638s permanently um will probably become a
4641s really good option for us down the road
4643s um um early on when we're like give me
4646s every little bit of shred of content we
4648s can possibly have um there's there's
4651s kind of no reason for us to to make it a
4653s cycle exclusive content there's kind of
4655s no reason for us to make it uh not carry
4658s over once the cycle finishes things like
4659s that so um especially especially for
4662s that like first year uh it it'll be just
4665s pure here we go everything carries
4669s over um who knows when we'll make a
4671s shift like that but it'll be do that
4673s based on feedback and based on you know
4676s um where the game's progressing and all
4678s sort of
4680s stuff thank you very much Mr fibble Mr
4684s fibble has been here for 10 months we
4686s appreciate you Mr fibble I like saying
4688s your name Mr fibble too long have we all
4691s been bound by the chains of Fate I will
4694s shatter them along with who would seek
4697s to bind Me Freedom will be our future my
4703s future
4704s at any cost he plans for Echo to be
4707s procedurally generated oh my God
4709s wouldn't that be
4712s nice
4719s um yes um but I don't want to get your
4722s hopes up on it no one is to the temple
4726s is closed was it just me I am not sure
4730s if we can trust this friend of yours but
4733s I trust you happy New Year Mike happy
4735s New Year Mr fibble how you
4738s doing I overheard your
4743s you've and hey if you're fancy little
4747s bring me his head of course bring me his
4749s head of course well I mean if you insist
4752s usually I I say bringing someone
4754s someone's head for a third date but all
4761s right sure we've got stuff in here now
4763s it's just like
4771s yes I don't really want to go through
4773s all of
4778s it
4782s like some
4792s stuff
4796s that's a lot of throwing damage it's the
4798s same amount of throwing
4804s damage ell res oh my God ell res oh my
4808s God I'm too low
4810s level
4811s [Music]
4821s curses any rework plan for Echo rewards
4824s not specifically no for example removing
4826s XP rewards from empowered Echoes thanks
4829s uh
4835s no I know I know we're looking to find
4838s um like more things to add into those
4840s categories all the
4852s timec
4857s 10% good such a huge
4868s difference just see that one skill point
4872s here so
4877s close any news on non steam release uh
4881s no uh the next like so we when we're
4885s looking at new platforms um that'll be
4887s one of the things we'll be looking at is
4888s how we Rel platform other than steam
4892s um like whether
4895s that's Xbox platform PlayStation
4898s platform things like that I don't
4899s know
4910s um yeah um 1.0 launch is
4913s you
4921s see uh was the cycle Cadence you guys
4925s were going for three months or four
4926s months I don't seem to remember uh
4928s because we've never told
4930s you um we we don't want to lock
4933s ourselves into anything like quite as
4935s specific as three months or four months
4939s um I I what we generally say is awfully
4943s similar to um the like industry Cadence
4948s um when I say that I mean like Diablo
4950s and half the Exile patches come out um
4954s you know like we we've talked about how
4955s fast we've done things in the past and
4958s like all those numbers are roughly in
4959s that three to four-ish month range your
4963s take um we're going to try to fall into
4966s a uh consistency Groove so people will
4969s be able to start making plans um on
4972s they'll be like okay okay well it's it's
4974s been so long since the last patch we're
4975s expecting another one I can kind of like
4976s gauge this I can assume there's going to
4978s be one that's around this time you know
4979s that that that's the sort of stuff that
4980s we want to have our players be able to
4982s to to rely on us for um but we're just
4986s we're just not ready to to to set a
4988s target for that yet in case it needs to
4990s change we want to be able to be agile on
4993s on the timing of things at least for the
4995s first year just so that we can you know
4997s get in that Groove and
5000s um cuz as we go we might find that hey
5002s people really want want it to be faster
5003s or hey people really want it to be
5004s longer or like you know it it lines up
5007s really well if we do three and a half
5008s months um with with these other titles
5011s and things like that so there there's so
5012s many things we have to take into account
5018s um but roughly in in and around that
5023s general area is a is a solid bet that I
5027s can't
5028s guarantee how non-committal can I be
5031s huh
5035s uh any plans to address the late game
5037s objective rushing that tends to happen
5039s at some point in empowered monos
5041s something like making Echo rewards scale
5043s with the stability you achieved in the
5045s Echo so killing monsters is more worth
5047s it well fun fact it already does
5050s that uh
5052s yeah
5057s so um could that number be bumped up to
5061s make it more enticing
5069s probably oh still dealing with a little
5071s frog
5074s there I should have looked how much
5076s damage the uh the Spin Attack was doing
5079s before and after the sword got
5083s added it's got to be
5091s relatively
5098s any plans to show character name instead
5099s of account name during online play um we
5103s we we we're not planning this right now
5104s it is something that's come up a few
5106s times
5108s um and I I think so I'd really like
5112s to I if I was given the option to have
5115s something manifest in the game without
5117s any work being done or anything like
5118s that it's just perfect I I I'd say it
5120s likely would show up as an option so I
5122s me the settings to like P be like oh I
5124s want to have
5126s um my my character name instead of my
5128s account name show or just like in your
5130s social panel um just like a little
5132s little toggle switch there you know
5133s something like that I think would be a
5135s really really positive change are we
5138s going to do that I don't
5151s know are there any new B skills SL items
5155s coming 1.0 I don't think
5160s so I know there's I know there's like an
5162s interaction with one oh my
5180s goodness that was close
5189s um no yeah I don't think there any new B
5190s skills coming or or
5193s items not with 1.0 anyways uh will we
5197s have Mike's beard as a customization
5200s option yeah just pick a sentinel or a
5201s prim less
5204s sorry it's getting a little scraggly I
5207s don't if you can see it on camera but
5208s it's getting a little
5210s scraggly I'm do a little clean up I
5212s think soon
5225s uh have you always been in the gaming
5227s industry I mean vaguely kind of but no
5234s um I started out as a um like a local
5239s neighborhood computer repair
5240s technician working at just like a little
5243s little M mama pop Style Shop
5249s um did that for 10
5255s years um took a couple stints to work as
5259s a camp counselor summer camp
5262s and dealer at a casino for a
5270s while decided to go get a degree
5274s and uh join the video game
5276s industry pretty
5283s great kind of kind of fell into it by
5286s mistake was was never was never never
5289s set out to be like I'm going to go
5291s become a game developer cuz just thought
5293s it would never happen because there were
5295s people better at it than I was doing it
5300s already and somehow wound up here is
5305s fantastic Super
5322s Lucky feels a way more work than
5329s I but very worth
5331s it
5337s I want Gregory's Barrel hat as an MTX
5339s make it
5342s happen I I think uh like GRE Gregory's
5346s not fully
5348s gone
5353s I we'll see what
5356s happens I don't want to get your hopes
5358s up there's not that for 1.0 just to be
5361s clear
5369s sometimes I make vague answers and I'm
5371s like people are going to think
5380s that's feels if it really feels like the
5383s sword Edition on the Manifest armor is
5385s doing a lot more
5386s damage I I don't know if this is just
5389s like confirmation bias or whatever but
5391s like it feels way better
5403s all do play any card games like uh mag
5407s mag mag the g g ging magek the yes uh I
5414s play quite a lot of magic um here's
5417s here's a deck I'm working on right
5419s here it's uh Baba Las Saga night
5434s witch here's one of three cases of decks
5438s I have sitting beside my computer all
5440s Commander
5444s decks there's stacks of stuff
5449s here yes I play a lot of magic it's
5452s great I love
5453s it can I help you it is the reason that
5458s uh Jud said he hired me actually was
5459s because I was working on a um a Game of
5464s Thrones draft
5465s set actually finish it at that
5474s point which looking I I went and looked
5477s back at it recently it was like there's
5478s a lot of things that would change about
5479s it now but like I've got like fully
5482s printed up and everything we played it a
5483s few times my buddies it's a ton of
5497s fun especially in um older Mage skill
5502s trees like go look at go look at some of
5504s the nodes of like Fireball and meteor
5508s and like like yeah the older Mage
5511s specifically fire skill SK trees and and
5513s some lightning ones too you'll see a lot
5515s of names of magic cards as no names just
5519s just like cuz that's the naming scheme
5522s that's sitting in the back of my
5533s head not quite sure how I survived that
5541s but
5548s hey let the Cyber
5549s key told you to stay
5558s down
5560s Health
5565s good uh is there going to be a stress
5568s test on the servers I expect at one
5569s point of release you're going to be
5570s utterly slamed
5573s um I mean this last year has been our
5575s primary stress test
5580s really
5582s um I don't think we're going to do any
5584s like events or anything like that before
5586s 1.0 like try and pack the servers cuz we
5589s we won't
5590s get like we we we've tried to do stress
5593s tests
5595s before and like you just you don't get
5599s remotely close to or at least we didn't
5601s get remotely close to the same number of
5602s people that show up for the stress test
5604s like it's just not even
5610s close and you can do things that like
5613s make each person behave like 100 people
5615s or something like that and it's just not
5617s quite the same
5626s thing as far as like like scaling on the
5630s Fly and things like that go and
5632s having having
5634s like enough access availability ready to
5638s go this last year has been a pretty
5641s exhaustive test for
5653s that please NF the maps filled with the
5656s elite Skelly Mages that throw flaming
5658s bowling balls across the map getting
5660s tired of the one shot
5666s hey Mike what's your favorite skill for
5667s each class ah interesting
5678s um
5682s uh I'm going to do each
5685s Mastery I may pick a base skill for the
5687s masteries by mistake that's okay uh
5690s Marksman multi shell shot
5693s easy uh blade dancer lethal
5697s Mirage love it don't know
5699s why
5704s um uh Forge guard I think it's Shield
5708s throw I love I love Shield throw that's
5710s why I'm playing it right now
5715s um Paladin is going to be hammer throw
5718s like like throwing skills
5720s apparently um
5723s void Knight volatile reversal easy
5726s so so it's just an interesting skill
5729s it's just we I like
5731s weird
5732s [Music]
5738s um what
5741s else uh Spell
5744s blade flame Reeve love the way it moves
5747s classic for a
5749s reason
5750s um sorc
5753s meteor love volcanic probably meteor
5759s um run master I I mean runic vacation is
5763s just so so fun so I I kind of got to
5765s pick
5768s it
5771s um Shaman I'm going to say Tempest
5774s strike but the new Tempest strike that
5776s you guys don't have yet so deal with it
5779s um sorry uh
5786s the uh
5789s Beastmaster I really like the Raptor it
5792s doesn't it doesn't it's not good enough
5794s yet but favorite probably the Raptor um
5797s bare form for Shaman just feels so
5810s good
5822s I think I think after the rework it's
5824s bone Golem for
5827s Necromancer and just L
5829s form form reaps so good death seal I
5832s really like death seal I'm going to say
5833s death seal actually it's just it's a
5835s it's a it's a game it's a weird
5837s skill that on paper seems like it just
5839s shouldn't
5840s work
5862s yeah that's everything I I I didn't say
5864s warlock or Falconer because they're not
5867s out yet but that one warlock skill that
5870s does the thing and the stuff yeah super
5872s cool and the falconer skill that's got
5875s the and the wo
5889s yeah wasn't actually referencing
5891s anything specific by the
5900s way
5905s let me in let me
5906s in oh yeah sure why not
5930s rightwell I don't really care what a
5931s throwing
5933s crit do you know
5960s that
5965s oh my
5970s goodness
5975s maybe do we have cleanse
5977s potions am I just am I just a silly
5980s monkey and didn't realize we had cleanse
5982s potions yep we have cleanse potions how
5985s did I get that love
5990s it
6020s yeah
6025s hey look a thing a
6027s thing yeah I totally didn't die see I'm
6029s still alive there we go no
6035s problem oh
6038s goodness
6045s no that's funny uh yeah another another
6049s node there for you
6059s uh should I leak start warlock has to be
6061s able to get a fast build up from running
6063s with no gear no gear at all I mean
6065s you'll find some
6068s gear warlock's a ton of fun warlock's a
6072s ton of
6080s fun
6085s what kind of mouse do I use I use a
6088s razor Death Adder
6100s V2 which I go through I go through one
6102s of these about every two years or
6107s so
6108s find the mouse the mouse buttons just
6111s like like just wear down and I've tried
6113s to find like myself just like last
6115s longer better quality that sort of stuff
6117s and
6118s like I just like the feel of this one so
6121s much that it's just it's just what I'm
6123s going to use and I'm going to live with
6125s the fact that I got to replace it every
6126s couple
6132s years feel like I'm using like four or
6135s five years worth of those in those in
6137s those couple
6140s years
6152s overlay what is
6153s this a game for
6159s ants it first
6162s try thanks
6168s Kane uh if you could add a new Mastery
6170s for each each class
6172s tomorrow what would that look like
6174s except for primel
6176s barbarian um I mean okay I I really
6180s don't like answering this question uh
6183s mostly because I do know what the first
6186s Master is going to be for a couple of
6188s them um and so I can either like
6191s intentionally say something different
6193s and be
6194s misleading or I can like just say the
6197s right one and be like oh it's not not no
6200s this is real and just be real
6203s um I never I never know what to do with
6207s that
6211s um I do know that what I would probably
6215s add for the next ones are not what we're
6217s probably going to do on a couple of
6220s them just cuz I I'm selfish it's it's
6224s what I would do if I was just doing it
6225s for
6230s myself
6238s on oh that Lun [ __ ]
6241s the oh come on that's 10% isn't it this
6244s is why we need the UI for
6247s it oh right it's 10% at max
6252s range got that weird range claw
6260s to
6268s also fun fact last time I streamed if
6271s anyone was wondering I did have a broken
6274s toe I broke it about an hour before
6277s stream last
6290s time
6296s here we go uh yeah if I could add a new
6299s a new master class for each tomorrow
6300s what would it be look like except for
6303s PR
6310s um I can do one that I know we haven't
6312s decided yet so the I know we haven't
6314s decided with the
6316s Rog
6319s um so my personal one would be adding
6322s like uh if anyone's played from League
6324s of Legends like a Sho character or shako
6326s dep how you pronounce it
6328s um adding this like a Jester style
6331s character like a
6333s a a trickster Jester style character
6336s would be would be my my go-to I
6343s think who is your favorite coworker and
6346s why whoever this is secretly in
6348s Disguise no um
6352s um I don't know
6358s um I
6361s I it's like impossible to
6363s answer
6370s um just like oh it's this oh I mean it's
6373s also this oh it could be this person too
6374s I really like to working with them too
6375s yeah um we we have such a great time
6377s together
6379s it's oh that's hard to
6384s answer I don't know sorry I'm not going
6392s to what are we
6395s doing are we trapped down
6403s here what I do
6408s wrong let's soft lock this somehow
6413s I just don't remember what to
6417s do apparently it's been a while since
6419s I've gone through the campaign and the
6420s door is just right there and it's not
6428s labeled that's
6433s all that should be expected by now
6439s though
6463s not quite sure how we survived that but
6466s uh not
6469s complaining
6472s there's some enemy VFX that's got a
6476s rotation change happening to it but it's
6478s not maintaining like it's it's changing
6479s its travel Direction without changing
6481s its rotation direction and we're getting
6483s like stuttering across the screen of the
6485s VFX for it
6488s there know what it is it's cuz the
6490s rotation is not sinking properly on the
6499s network
6501s and the visuals are matching the
6504s physical object R doesn't need
6526s to come
6529s on
6539s you got to give us another leak I I
6540s don't have anymore I'm
6546s sorry back to town you finish the sums
6549s but but but you're totally right thank
6555s you what's your favorite unique in the
6557s game and why oh um
6565s maybe the
6566s spoon loves the spoon seems like an easy
6570s answer um after
6572s that come on I love tell Su it's going
6576s to
6578s work thank you very much Anton thei mon
6582s in a row Happy New Year to you
6584s too apprciate
6587s you um there's there's the jungle
6590s Queen's chaps of
6593s holding that's one of my favorite
6599s items
6602s uh that that was just got a good story
6604s behind how it got
6607s made
6612s um it was a uh uh a unique we made for
6615s someone who is playing the
6619s game uh David Breck's wife was uh was
6623s always just like I need I need more I
6624s need belt with just more more everything
6627s more slots I need more potion slots
6630s every time she was
6632s played all right let's do
6640s it squirrel helmets also s along the
6644s similar
6645s vein I I love Rainbow Edge too it's uh
6649s just as a nod to CR
6652s trigger there's there's the there's the
6654s old
6655s spoon the OG spoon the spoon that people
6657s were trying to take four LP versions of
6660s and make just a usable item and just
6662s couldn't because it's so garbage love
6665s it I love challenges like that like like
6668s beat something with this item that's
6669s just
6676s awful uh I love this item because it it
6679s it's got uh fib in it as flowers
6686s do po
6692s one I said why is this not
6699s working stay there we go okay there we
6709s go so good used doesn't matter you see
6712s the three Attunement the five all res 8
6714s 13 21 34 55 89 and we change the value
6719s on this one specific item for 144 so it
6729s works what about the slab the slab
6732s slab's
6737s great get the belt last week 16 pots
6739s total nice yeah because you can also you
6741s can get even more if you give it
6743s LP you really Crank It
6753s Up not invited to the next episode of
6755s hot ones
6757s oh what if what if I what if I just
6759s bring my own hot sauce what
6768s then here are some some dried
6775s Reapers and I've been drawing these
6778s Armageddon peppers for a while
6787s now someone just say eat one
6793s no not eating one of those I i' I
6797s tried um I split a re with my
6801s buddy uh a few months
6803s ago
6806s and it that was one of the worst
6809s possibly the worst experience in my
6810s entire life it was unbelievably terrible
6814s I thought I was going to
6816s die
6818s um like the the whole time you're just
6820s you're just anything to make it
6827s stop like I I I fancy myself someone who
6830s can and handle some hot
6834s sauce oh my
6838s God it was there was something
6850s else cycle one coming with one point out
6852s yeah it is any teasers the cycle is
6854s going to be about or when we should keep
6856s our eyes peeled for that news the cycle
6858s will be about the item factions um the
6863s the the that's the big that's the big
6864s thing is item factions
6868s um if you'd like um in depth look at
6873s what the item factions are going to be
6875s um of the information that's available
6876s already there is a Dev blog from
6881s about 10 months ago now on our forums um
6886s that's got almost all the information in
6888s it and then um in 6 days we're releasing
6893s more detailed info um like specific
6896s bonuses at certain levels and you know
6899s costs for things and screenshots on how
6900s things look and you know little little
6902s changes that have happened since we
6904s released that post nothing major just
6905s little little adjustments we've
6908s made uh based on the feedback we've got
6910s from the community testers things like
6911s that
6913s um here's here's here's no need to keep
6916s your eyes peeled here's the
6918s news um full detail what that's going to
6920s be in six
6926s days he just keeps dying me next to
6928s their desk to be fair it was a Christmas
6931s present and I just haven't done anything
6932s with them
6942s yet also I'm a weirdo
6949s that
6967s I guess when a grind session is getting
6968s boring this is one way to spice things
6972s up thank
6978s you I like that
6983s what is the combat philosophy when
6984s balancing attacks and evasion ability
6990s um for example in Poe you can dodge
6993s every attack if you move in a
6995s circle uh in last Epoch I noticed some
6998s enemies attack faster than is possible
7001s to dodge uh yep uh is there an intention
7004s to let you be able to dodge everything
7006s if you are skilled enough or do you guys
7008s prefer to have some con uh constant
7010s damage attrition and big attacks that
7012s are only dodgeable uh and big attacks
7015s are the only dodgeable attacks things
7019s um I mean if we're talking
7021s about
7023s uh we we we try really hard to make sure
7026s that abilities we think there's a high
7028s likelihood of being a on-shot
7030s ability
7032s um ignoring Mega corruption for a second
7036s um so like abilities that we think have
7038s a high likelihood of being a One-Shot AB
7040s ility we try really hard to give um
7043s players the ability to move out of that
7046s if you're paying attention in plenty of
7048s time um without a movement
7052s ability um now there are there are
7056s situations where um if you're not paying
7059s attention like you miss that opportunity
7061s to like have the the the timing to move
7065s out of there it seems like it's like
7066s there's just no way you could have gone
7067s out of there um but sometimes the the
7069s VIS visual cues for that are a little
7071s hard to see and the thing doing it
7073s sometimes is off screen which is a
7074s problem um we are working to solve both
7076s those
7078s things um but we do generally try and
7080s keep things dodgeable without a movement
7082s ability if we can um if it's if it's
7085s going to be like a really big hit if
7087s something's going to be a um like a
7090s basic melee attack and it's going to
7092s deal one% of your health at most um you
7096s know like we we don't really take that
7098s into consideration for situations like
7117s what's the difference between the AIX in
7119s spell damage spell blades and
7126s imbued I don't know let's find out
7128s together
7137s [Music]
7145s items is here
7158s anywhere
7171s imbued spell damage all right imbued
7174s that was one of the options in this
7175s question right
7177s imbued and spell blades okay so
7182s imbued just had
7185s it uh imbued is a increased spell damage
7190s stat um so it increases it's it's an
7193s additive increase with other additive
7196s increases uh to spell damage it applies
7198s to all types of spell
7205s damage and spell blades was the other
7210s one be surprised if spell blades oh no
7213s it is well yeah okay spell blades is an
7216s added it's a flat
7218s added uh spell SP damage so this is so
7223s um when you
7224s [Music]
7234s have oh my goodness that has a shield
7237s throw point on it so don't take that off
7240s let's do
7242s this oh it's going to cause all sorts of
7244s problems what am I doing here's what I
7248s want okay so here is spell blades I
7254s believe and here
7257s is uh imbued and so you see it says it
7261s adds x% increased spell damage it says
7264s adds X spell damage um so the flat added
7269s is so say so you've got a fireball
7271s that's dealing 10 damage um and you have
7274s uh the spell damage aex that is 10 now
7277s that fireball does 20 damage
7281s uh if you have 100% increased spell
7283s damage it doubles the damage it deals so
7284s if you have 10 base and uh 10 flat added
7288s with 100% on this it will give you um 40
7293s damage 10 plus 10 is 20
7295s times uh 1 plus 100 how it's actually
7298s written out is
7301s um 40
7304s yes um so yeah that's the big difference
7307s is that these are flat added to the base
7310s damage of the skill this increases all
7313s the damage on the skill after the flat
7316s added has all been added
7329s together uh what's the difference
7331s between the oh that oh my goodness look
7333s at the time okay um we are over time I'm
7336s going to answer out the questions that
7337s are here and then we'll call it a day oh
7340s got away from me a little bit
7345s there any more cool unique events
7347s similar to the Mage coming in the
7349s monolith and or arena for 1.0
7355s no uh will Quivers ever be visible on
7358s the character oh I'd love to
7361s um not at 1.0 but I think it would be
7363s really cool especially because there's
7365s really cool unique looking
7367s ones um and that
7376s will do
7381s that what am I
7383s doing we we're wrapping things up thank
7387s you very much for stopping by I hope you
7389s had fun I know I did um if you have any
7392s questions that I was not able to get
7393s around to answering please head on over
7394s to our Discord uh we do have tons of
7398s people answering questions all the time
7400s uh there's also our forums and Reddit
7402s and other places that people ask
7404s questions about the game and uh we try
7406s we try to keep an eye on as many of
7407s those as
7417s possible oh let's go say
7422s hi someone who knows a lot more about
7425s this than I
7428s do
7439s one more leap for the road I don't have
7440s anything for you I'm sorry next week
7442s well more stuff I'll be back same time
7443s same place hope you all have a wonderful
7446s time and we'll we'll have lots of stuff
7447s to talk about next time because the dev
7449s blog will be out it's going to be a
7450s great week see you
7458s later