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this game is amazing. I just picked it up the other day and I am addicted already. Each seperate little passive tree for the skills are amazing and every node seems viable and I just want to spec into all of them

Such a refreshing game I love it and keep it up! I'm so glad to have actually found an ARPG I enjoy that isn't POE/Diablo

The fact that this is beta still also makes it that much more exciting. I will be recommending/gifting this to all my buds


Playing the necromancer atm going in blind and every level up / rare staff drop is exciting

I actually found a set belt that buffs my summons I just need the other two pieces :O~

I love the drop rate of uniques/sets also, the way it should be and feel (rewarding!). When I think of D3, I just think of the endless grind of the game which is salvaging legendaries all day long. Not satisfying at all even when a primal drops

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about 3 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Welcome to the community, Itam!

Very glad you're enjoying Epoch. There's a lot more good things to come!
- Judd, game director

about 3 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by onikzin

Another ARPG game director who likes MTG? Seems to be the secret of success really

Haha, yes! MTG was a big part of my life, spending sun up to sun down as a kid buying, selling, trading, playing MTG. I absolutely love it but admittedly haven't played to a large degree since ~6th edition, though I did dip my toe back in Khans of Tarkir block but realized my need to collect absolutely everything was going to be a financial issue quickly. Great game, tons of game design learnings to gather from MTG.

about 3 years ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by shulgin11

Hey Judd, just want to say its so cool to see you and the team interacting here. Makes me happy to support you guys. Keep up the great work!

Thanks, Shulgin. It's the best part of the role.