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I'm playing HC and the game was pretty stable until i got to the area between titan's canyon and the maj'elka station i encountered my first crash. I was in the middle of a pack of mobs playing melee with a flying squid shooting magical machine gun at me when i crashed so my first reaction as a long time PoE player was, well that's it, i'm dead. I logged back... I'm alive ?! I went back, crashed again. Still alive. Crashed, alive. Crashed, alive. I'm not even mad that i just crashed 4 times in a row, I'M ALIVE !? WTF !?! I have never survived a crash in the middle of a pack in PoE, NEVER.

My mind is f*cking blown. I stopped playing HC in PoE exactly because of that. I must have lost around 20 characters to DCs/Crashes i just gave up after that. When PoE launch a new expansion, there's always a race to 100 and the most ridiculous thing is to watch all the top players crashing and dying because of that. Maybe i'm over reacting BUT GOD DAM I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH just because of that.

Edit: Well i crashed again, the area is the waystation complex,anyone have this same problem ? Seems that no matter the path i take it always end up crashing...

Edit: I managed to get passed the area by lowering my graphics to the minimum :D

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almost 6 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

We're looking into the crashes at this location.

Sorry about that!