almost 6 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by TwistU2

Nothing about performance?? Seriously??

Six days ago we released Patch 0.7.0d, which in our testing improved FPS by approximately 5 in combat. Seven days ago we released Patch 0.7.0c which improved load times across the board - in some cases very dramatically.

We take reports of performance issues seriously and will be working to address them through the game's beta. Please understand that we're a small indie team - and when it comes to any one part of development, not everybody will be able to contribute. Some people are developers, others are on the art team, others still are on the sound team, and so on. While we try to update the game with improvements frequently, there is a limit to what we can get done within a certain period of time. Optimization is important to us, but it's not something which everyone has the tools (or knowledge) to work on.