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lost ark was my favorite game of the decade until it got ruined with microtransaction hell and ive sifted through tons of games in the genre trying to scratch the itch. but with currently no fleshed out co op of main features, no actual content with regards to storyline, character development, feeling of advancement or evolution, etc. (so far as ive been total by numerous people playing early access), no pvp, lackluster abilities (my personal opinion from testing and biggest holdup… in a game where u just get a few buttons to spam none of them really felt cool or exciting to press.. this one throws knives, this one throws knives that are cold, this one pulls blood out but looks mysteriously like the throwing knife animation but the knives are red and going the other way) i just cant see anything to make this game anything more than your average bullet hell game except the lack of a quirky techno soundtrack. honestly know i’ll get downvoted for this but im not trying to doompost i want to be wrong it just seems like i could push a thousands levels into this game without seeing unique content or a combat challenge outside of dont stand in fire and at that point i could code a bot in under an hour that could do the entire game for me which kinda sucks out any will ive had to play it. havent refunded the game yet. hoping someone can tell me im wrong. am also pretty interested in the class fantasy of falconeer.

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy Last Epoch. I just wanted to pop in and say that we are in a different genre from Lost Ark and if you're looking for a similar experience, we won't shift into that genre in the future. We do share some similarities but I think that it's kinda like comparing Skyrim to WoW. They have similarities but are very different. Those might be too different but the ones I wanted to use are too obscure.