Original Post — Direct link
8 months ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by Derpbettler

This sounds like you can now farm orobyss pretty easily:

→ go to a timeline with at least 40 corruption lower than your highest timeline

→ do an echo and spawn new orobyss echo

→ kill orobyss and thus increase your corruption over the threshold

→ lower your corruption to at least 40 lower again by the temple echo at the start of the web

→ rinse and repeat from step 2

The chance of the Shade of Orobyss dropping its uniques scales very heavily with its distance from the centre of the echo web. The chance is also higher at higher corruption, so I wouldn't expect this to be optimal, but it might be if you're specifically trying to farm the ring or boots. We might need to disable those drops for shades that are unusually close to the centre if this turns out to be a problem.