over 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

In Patch 0.7.9 we released new 3d armor models for the Primalist, Mage, and Sentinel. In our next update it’ll be the Acolyte’s turn, and today we’re taking a look at some concept art, material references, a turnaround sheet, and the 3d models themselves.

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Early Concept Art w/ Material Reference

As with the new 3d armor models implemented for other classes in our previous content patch, the new Acolyte armor models will be used for the highest level base types, and so it is designed to reflect the gear progression that characters wearing it have achieved.


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Turnaround Sheet

We’re currently discussing whether to have the Acolyte at the character selection screen wear this armor when our next patch is released. Let us know if you’d like us to make this change!

(While we want the appearance of characters at the character selection screen to reflect their equipped gear, this is more of a long-term goal and won’t be ready in time for our next patch.)

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