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I know it was recently stated that EHG was planning to hand this subreddit over to the player base and let mods take over and run it. It's becoming more clear as we approach the launch that this is greatly needed. Can we please get information on a timeline for this? Giving a new mod team time to set up rules and auto mod before the game launches and this entire subreddit becomes massively inundated with new players would be extremely helpful.

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by pallesaides

Well yes, that is how it could play out ... My point is if they don't hand it over to somebody then potentially anyone could end up with it if they aren't modding it ... And since they can't be paid to mod it, they can't mod it.

Which is why I do this in my spare time.

Edit: which is also why I'm probably not doing a great job too.