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Something the issues over the last two days has really highlighted for me is the (inconvenient) feature that automatically moves you to the zone as soon as you come within some arbitrary(?) range of the light/portal.

With all the issues we've been experiencing, trying to zone to a new area, then accidentally touching your mouse the wrong way only to rezone you right back (waiting another few minutes) is really annoying. Even without the myriad of server/online issues, the fact that zones automatically reset when you re-enter them makes it really unfun to have to go back and grab something when you accidentally get transferred to the new area because you got a little to close to the edge.

Is there any plans to at least make this an toggled feature? Something that would allow the player to either have the auto-zone feature enabled, or for those of us that really don't like it (I can promise you, I'm not the only one that's brought this up), something that can be turned off - allowing us to just click the portal/zone entrance when we're ready to proceed?

Edit: I'll just add to clarify, I've owned the game for years and I've never liked this aspect of it. It's really an "is what it is" type thing that won't stop me from playing the game in any way, I'm just curious if there is something that may come eventually (if only as a quality of life improvement) to allow us more control over moving between areas.

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Robbeeeen

I really dont understand why the hitbox for the TP is so absurdly large.

It register a zone switch while my character is half a screen away still.

Reduce the hitbox DRASTICALLY so I have to walk my character all the way into the portal for it to switch zones. No toggle or confirm feature needed.

The zones don't go that far and you end up seeing the edge of them if we shrink it much more. They are all actually reduced in 1.0