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Hi all,

There is a pause / delay when using these together. Does anyone understand what this is?

Is it the animation time for casting Glyph of Intent?

Is it the 1.5 seconds comment in the node text? Does that cause some delay at the end?

I really want to use this node, but right now it *feels* really bad compared to base Flame Rush. I am hoping that if I figure out what is going on; then maybe I can target some specific stat to solve this issue.


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over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Just a bug that snuck in. It wasn't doing that in testing.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Deep_Bath6075

I am doing some build theorycrafting with Flame Rush. Do I need to have Glyph of Dominion on my cast bar for the Glyph of Intent node to work, or would it cast a base Glyph of Dominion anyhow even without me specializing it or having it on my cast bar?

Assuming that's the auto cast dominion at your rush target location node, you technically don't even need to have the ability unlocked.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Deep_Bath6075

Oh that's interesting! Thank you for your quick reply!

I have one more question: I submitted a bug about the Enchanted Weapon Kindling Blade node. It is supposed to auto-recast Enchanted Weapon when its cooldown expires. I found in my testing that sometimes it would work, and other times it just wouldn't. Do you happen to know if this is an outstanding issue being investigated?

I'm sorry I don't have any information available on the status of bugs or their potential resolutions.