over 4 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

Our next update, Patch 0.7.10, includes a new Spellblade skill!

A high level skill, Firebrand can be used either as a primary damage skill or as a supporting ability woven into a build using other melee skills, with which it synergizes strongly.


Default Functionality

Firebrand tooltip524×981 446 KB

Firebrand’s unspecialized tooltip


The Specialization Tree

Here’s some examples of nodes from Firebrand’s tree!

Incineration (0/1)
Your next melee attack, that is not Firebrand, consumes all stacks of Firebrand and deals more damage per stack consumed (multiplicative with other modifiers).


        Illuminating Fire (0/1)
        Consuming 3 or more stacks of Firebrand with Incineration guarantees a critical strike.

Fumination (0/3)
Firebrand attacks faster per stack of Firebrand, up to a maximum.


        Inferno (0/5)
        Stacks of Firebrand also grant Increased Fire Damage Over Time.

        Firebrand has a chance to inflict Spreading Flames when hitting an ignited enemy.

        (Spreading Flames deals Fire Damage Over Time and spreads to nearby enemies after
        half a second. Enemies cannot have multiple instances of Spreading Flames at once.)

Brand of Arcanus (0/1)
Stacks of Firebrand add Adaptive Spell Damage rather than Melee Fire Damage.


        Pyre (0/1)
        If Firebrand hits at least one enemy, it consumes 10 Mana to cast Flame Wave, a spell that
        deals Fire Damage in a line.

Crossfire (0/3)
You have global Ignite Chance per stack of Firebrand.


        Exothermic (0/3)
        Flame Reave consumes stacks of Firebrand to add Ignite Chance per stack consumed.