over 1 year ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

Are you referring to the NPC in the Risen Lake?
If that was the case, were you the Player that initially interacted with the NPC that gave the quest?

over 1 year ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

Gotcha, that’s a big help actually. Just a few additional questions.

Do you remember the first zone you entered within the first Party?
If it was The Risen Lake, did you walk past the initial objective because the way was unblocked due to the Player you joined having already completed the objective?
And finally, if you did not exit The Risen Lake with the first Party, did you instead just leave the zone to come back to later?

over 1 year ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

Was there anything that happened in-between you starting the objective to protect the Seer and then speaking to her again after the enemies were defeated? Any odd behavior that might’ve occurred between those two points would help a lot in figuring out what the issue here is.

over 1 year ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

Odd, are there no enemies present anywhere in the camp? Like have none of them spawned at all?

over 1 year ago - HybridLyte - Direct link

Ok that’s good to know, we’ll check this out.

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