4 months ago - EHG_Wick - Direct link

The time is nearly upon us, Traveler.

Each day, the darkness draws nearer and the ruin they bring with them grows stronger. The Headmaster of the Last Archive needs you if our history is ever to survive. On July 12th, at 11:00 am CST, return to the Last Epoch Forums to begin your quest. Join and compete against your fellow travelers as you embark on a hunt that will take you far and away from the confines of safety. The Researchers have discovered 8 clues relating to the history of Eterra and its people. It will be up to you to decipher these clues and secure the knowledge they protect.

The first 50 participants to complete the event will be rewarded accordingly with all new In-Game Titles and Forum Badges.


Play Last Epoch! That’s it. There is no special sign up or registration for this event.

To enter, players must decipher the information provided by the Researchers. From there, you will need to track down the location of the answers and collect proof of its discovery. Screenshot proof must be submitted to the Official Last Epoch Support Team in a single ticket. All 8 screenshots must be included in a single ticket as shown below. Multiple ticket entries will be disqualified.


Traveler’s will find a list of riddles on July 12th, at 11:00 am CST. You must solve each riddle and find the piece of lore it describes hidden somewhere in Eterra.

In arid lands where sands do sweep,
Near the ocean, secrets keep.
A port’s bustle, trade and mirth,
Hides a love of different birth.
With scales and eyes that gleam so bright,
A stranger slithers into sight.
Her heart, once calm, now skips a beat,
For them, a bond both strange and sweet.

Once you have found a point of lore, open it and collect a screenshot.

Untitled (1)1920×1115 208 KB

After all of the riddles have been solved and screenshots have been collected, head to the Official Last Epoch Support Site and submit a Lore Hunt ticket using the special “Lore Hunt” form.


For this event, the following criteria must be followed for a submission to be considered as an Event participant:

  • All submissions must have your Account Name clearly in the subject line
  • All submissions must use the Lore Hunt support form
    • Tickets that do not use this form will not be counted.
    • Multiples of the same submission will be disqualified
  • All 8 answer screenshots must be submitted in the same ticket.
    • Screenshots must remain uncropped and display the entire UI
    • Cropped screenshots will be disqualified
  • Do Not submit follow up tickets to determine answers or placement.
    • All Event winners and placements will be announced after the review process has ended.

Submissions will be closed on July 19th, at 12:00 Midnight CST. Winners will be announced on July 31st right here in the Forums.