Hello Traveler,
Today is a very special day in Eterra and we invite you to celebrate. The Summer Solstice is upon us and with it, the warmth and light of the summer sun is here to guide us through to the end of the year. On this day we come together to recognize all we have achieved thus far when the celestial light illuminates the world in vibrant detail.
In ancient times, more than 12,000 years ago, people celebrated the turning of the world and the life and death of the seasons. The Summer Solstice was one of the greatest celebrations, marking the day when the sun hung highest in the sky and the day was longest. This tradition has survived the test of time and is still celebrated around the world today. In many cultures, people gather for festivals in reverence of the sun and the bounty it offered.
These celebrations last for three days at minimum, encouraging community and an abundance of food and drink. Bon-fire jumping was, and still is, a popular traditio...
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