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11 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Pandarandristt

Does this account for the decreased chance of LP from ascended items? Pretty sure they just get a flat -1 LP.

No, that's not it. It's a multiplier. You can still get 4LP.

11 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Pandarandristt

Appreciate this! I'm just parroting what I've read on reddit, and now I will continue to do that, but from a reliable source!

It's a multiplier

I realize that you're saying it's not a flat adjustment, but I'm not sure what "it's a multiplier" means in this context. Certainly it doesn't mean you take the raw LP and multiply it by some number and that's the actual LP. Is it a multiplier on the odds of success? So, for example, every rank of LP is half as likely to occur? Have you stated anywhere what that multiplier actually is?

Sorry, it's so simple that I didn't think it needed explaining so I shortcut it and made more confusion. The chance to get 1LP is x% less, the chance to get 2LP is x% less, the chance to get 3LP is x% less and the chance to get 4LP is x% less.

I don't know what x is off the top of my head. It's just whatever the chance was before, it's x% less.