Original Post — Direct link

Nearly a year or so ago I bought the £80 supporter pack (liked what I played, believed in the game) and it offered some cosmetics in-game or whatever, but upon doing the whole steam link and installing on steam it didn’t install any additional content.

Will my goodies be associated with my account and be there when I log in?

Cheers, and good luck with the launch!

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almost 6 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

You are purchasing the $35 Ardent Gladiator supporter pack through Steam.

We're aware of a few bugs relating to cosmetic items and we're looking into them. Please accept my apology for the delay.

almost 6 years ago - /u/EHG_Sarno - Direct link

Originally posted by kortonx

I know it's a known issue, but I think OP means he purchased through the website and linked to Steam. He did not purchase through Steam.

Oh, maybe - sorry if so!

You log into the same Last Epoch account and will have access to the same in-game MTX regardless of which client you're using.