Original Post — Direct link

I just got DC'd after playing for a few hours.
After logging back in I lost all progress since I started playing today.

Multiple stash tabs I had created as well as all the items I put in them (one tab almost full of weapons, and a tab full of small idols).
I also lost multiple pretty large upgrades I had crafted and had equipped.
5 character levels (from 76 down to 71)

Multiple skill points.
Progress on completing two timelines in monos.

Not gonna lie...
I had not had many server issues and the load times were whatever, I didn't care at all and was loving the game.
But losing multiple hours of progress and tabs worth of items etc. is a bit much and I don't think I can play again unless support resolves this or the issue gets fixed.
That's just a bit much :(

External link →
about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Hey u/Autismmprime, we haven’t heard reports of this elsewhere and we’re very interested in investigating this as this is nearly the highest level of issue that can happen. We’re very sorry that happened and are puzzled.

Would you mind providing me with your in-game username? You can also directly message me with it if you’d rather.