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Don't log into any spellblade that dual wields right now. The passive reset is removing your offhand weapon. It doesn't show up in inventory or stash. Bug reports have been placed.

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over 1 year ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

We're looking into reports of this.

if an item is forced un-equipped, it should follow a series of locations it tries to go.

1.) It goes into your inventory

2.) If no space in inventory, it goes into Gift inventory

3.) If no space in either above option, it appears on the ground.

Try checking these locations, along with checking the Forge (just to see if it might have been left there).

We haven't been able to reproduce this yet, all tests so far did correctly send the weapon to the inventory, but we're investigating cases where the inventory of the character didn't have room for the weapon.