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So I have 70 hours in game now and am lvl 99 wanted to throw some cash money at the devs to support but I have a unique problem.. everything offered in the store is God damn ugly? First game I've ever played not a single item looked good enough for me to buy lol

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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Thanks for wanting to support, u/Critizin. Admittedly, we haven't put too much emphasis on the MTX store yet as we're still a smaller team for the genre and we had plenty we wanted those artists to work on for the 1.0 launch for base models in the game. We haven't even implemented all the major MTX-slot types yet, like skill skins, footsteps, titles, etc.

We'll be producing more for the shop but we don't have a dedicated MTX team in place just yet. If there's anything that you guys would like to see cosmetics-wise let me know!

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by pon_3

For now I’d be happy if pets could keep up with me. Some of them look cool but they only show up when I’m standing still. They still lag way behind even when all I have is leather boots with no other movement bonuses or sources of haste. Just using movement skills puts them off screen.

We’ll fix it 👍 good callout