New player here, noticed the season started around June or so. I heard each season goes on for 3 months?
External link →New player here, noticed the season started around June or so. I heard each season goes on for 3 months?
External link →By engine upgrade, do you mean the graphical fidelity will be improved and item textures will reflect what they actually look like?
The thing that irks me the most is that I will get these cool looking gears but doesnt look like it once you equip it.
Those are 2 different things really but neither are completely changing in 1.2. The engine upgrade is a new version of unity that for example will, amung other things, let us leverage some more modern technologies like DLSS and FSR. This will eventually increase the graphical fidelity of the game for anyone using a video card that can use these (pretty common at this point).
As for the 3D models of unique body armour being representative of 2D artwork, we add new 3D unique models every patch but we can make new unique items faster than we make the models so it's a very slow battle. We are working on some new tech to make the process of skinning unique armour models to various character body types faster and better. Still a ways out though.
I wish I could play on controller, I tried to play but didin't feel good
Well, we are replacing the targeting method for every ability and every combination of specializations for every ability with context specific targeting methods for controllers so it feels a lot better to play because you aren't constantly asking "why did I shoot that way?" It really makes a huge difference with kiting on ranged charges.