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The droprate for high LP is astronomical. My suggestion is an in game dungeon/mechanic that lets you merge two uniques (two uniques with identical names/same amount of LP) and get a higher LP.

For example: merge two ”The Fang” with zero LP and get one ”The Fang” with 1LP.

To get a 3LP item you’d need 8 0LP-items. For a 4LP you’d need 16 0LP-items.

Make it cost gold if you’re worried about balance?

Or idk, a rune that works on Uniques to add LP? Feels a bit too easy though…

Edit: i failed the math the first time lol

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over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Bibblord

Why do people keep claiming its easy lol. It still takes ages. And like someone else suggested, there could be a fail rate and even a chance for destruction.

It's a relative difficulty problem. If you wanted to add a system like this without significantly impacting the general rarity of LP on items, you would need to have a different amount of items required to combine for each unique. The number of wings you'd need to get 4LP would be something silly like a few trillion. I don't know what the actual number is but it's very unreasonable to expect it to be reliably attainable.

Lower level uniques would be more reasonable but at the lowest end it would probably still be something like 25-30 uniques I think. I don't have the numbers in front of me at the moment.

Have you ever tried to combine up to high runes in D2? It would be a kinda similar situation.

The item factions will also have a very significant impact on specific item acquisition speed.