over 1 year ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s good afternoon everybody and welcome
5s back to another last Epoch Dev
9s stream as always I'm your host
11s Mike how's it going
17s everybody hello hello hello welcome to
20s the stream if this is your first time
22s here glad to have you with us as always
23s we stream for charity Tres above my
25s head I am one of the senior Developers
28s for 11 hour games working on last def
30s here we're going to play some lasty have
32s some fun if you have any questions
35s please feel free to ask them in the chat
37s about the game other stuff too if you
39s really want um put at last ebok game in
43s the question please and I'll mention
44s that again later as well just so I see
46s it pop up in my face
53s better oh yeah we were we were
55s struggling here weren't
58s we what a little fun
66s happy Friday oh my God it is Friday the
68s 13th I I hurt my back pretty severely
72s this morning and um the only reason I'm
75s able to stand right now is because of
76s some sweet sweet
79s Robo avoid taking that stuff like as
82s much as I can but
89s sometimes
102s give me that cast
103s [Music]
113s speed I've been I've been struggling a
115s little bit with um so as I've been
118s playing more and more run master
121s cuz we played a lot leading up to the
122s patch that's all we played but like this
124s build in particular is the first time I
126s really experienced this where I'm really
128s trying to get a and and this is
130s something that we're we're looking at
131s addressing um I'm really trying to get
134s that uh that cold fire fire um meteor
138s swarm whatever it's called I don't know
140s the names of the actual abilities I call
142s meteor swarm um ability as as like my
145s main damaging invocation that's like the
147s one I want to get
151s but I find sometimes that I don't
153s necessarily want it so I don't want to
154s lock it in all of the
157s time
158s but I do know sometimes that I'm going
161s to I'm going to try and get one I start
163s with the the cold and I try and get up
166s to two fire but sometimes I accient hit
168s a third fire ability like I hit flame
170s Ward that's a fire ability or I I go to
172s Dash and I and I lose that leading cold
176s room and I find myself popping off a
179s fireball and it's not the end of the
180s world world you know and you you go
181s about your day and and it's fine but I'd
185s love for that to be a way to
188s like um like once you get to three just
190s like stay at three or like um I mean I
194s know I know there there's ways to like
195s force
197s specific
199s um stuff as well but like I I don't know
201s there's I don't want to always force it
203s is is the problem for me right
206s now so i' I've seen some suggestions to
209s help help remedy things like that
212s recently um so I'm hoping we're going to
214s get that
215s in I just I literally just did
230s [Music]
237s it here we go I got a question and love
240s them
243s questions uh when the Discord rework was
245s happening I talked with Kane about the
248s asid's channel and why you guys opted
250s out of making it Forum based as well he
252s told me whatever Kane told you Trump's
254s whatever I'm going to tell
256s you oh let's turn those notifications
261s off two
265s hours
269s um
279s okay just work stuff you know no no big
284s deal
286s oh oh I felt that chuckle in my back
289s that was good all right the roback kick
291s in come on here we
294s go uh he told me it was because you guys
297s wanted to keep it more conversational as
299s such to me as such me and some others
302s have had a few kind of long- winded
304s conversations in there like the one
306s about tags for holor and stuff was just
308s wondering if it was fine or if it or if
310s we should refrain if you're going to
311s have if you're going to start to have a
313s conversation
315s um especially when there's pending like
317s with each other especially when there's
320s pending um questions in the Channel
322s please take that conversation somewhere
324s else
326s um just just just because it's I I can
329s be really cuz I can't keep an eye on the
331s channel 24/7 I TR I try my best to keep
333s um keep up to date with it as much as
335s possible but sometimes it's like 2 a.m.
338s and I'm like I'll do it in the morning
341s and then I show up in the morning and
342s there's
343s like a bunch of buried questions in a
346s conversation and it's a little tough for
347s me to catch up with that and questions
349s get lost and um I find that
353s frustrating so if possible I would
355s appreciate conversations happening in
356s another Channel um just so I can not
360s lose track of other conversation other
368s questions but if no one's messaging you
370s with like a direct warning it's not that
372s big of a
383s deal all right next
385s [Music]
388s question
393s I would love to have a way to keep it
395s always on two runes and never third
397s added for specific abilities yeah that's
399s that's
400s yes I agree with that too I think that's
402s another use case that's not quite well
404s supported yet um and it's actually
406s interesting in the development of the
408s Run Master we we toyed with the idea of
410s of you starting when you unlock rication
413s you just have two runes available and
416s and we may actually go to this at some
417s point and once you either some node or
421s some probably not an item probably a
423s node that you have to have to take in
425s order to get up to three
427s invocation
430s um
434s runes also other news I fixed my printer
436s two days ago yeah 3D printer um and so I
441s can finally print stuff again I'm very
443s excited um I'm going to play Magic
446s tonight and um
450s I've I've got a new deck that
452s uses
453s um the Monarch mechanic oh that was a
457s mistake and uh so I'm I printed a crown
460s to go take and uh put on my head it like
463s just finished like seconds before the
465s stream went live so I can't go get it
470s yet little bit of spaghetti on that prin
473s um it's the filament's fault not the
478s printer all
482s right uh will there be a roll Dodge
487s mechanic added this is some this is
489s something that gets brought up quite
490s frequently um it's it's something that
493s we've experimented with in the past um
496s it's not something we are going to
498s include at 1.0 I can say that for
500s certain
502s um depending on how the development of
504s the game goes um there there's it's not
506s off the table for longer term uh stuff
510s for us to to do and explore I think it's
513s it can be a lot of fun um and I think
515s the the really big upside for it in my
517s world is that it it opens up a lot of
519s things you can do in boss fight
521s mechanics
523s um because you can guarantee that
525s players have this reactive resource this
528s reactive fast move limited resource that
531s you can like um like oh if you don't use
533s it wisely you're going to be in trouble
535s or if you don't use it wisely you need
536s to have some other tool to do with this
538s deal with this as well um
542s and I I I I think I think it just
545s creates some cool stuff you can do with
546s it that that makes the the mechanics of
549s the fight more engaging
552s overall
556s um so yeah there's there's upsides there
559s downsides um you know it's you give that
563s level of Mobility to um every class and
567s it it takes away a little bit of the
569s identity of each class so like the the
571s the the one class that it makes a lot of
573s sense for like the most sense for is is
576s Rogue and and Rogue has shift which is a
579s very similar
581s ability you know and
583s and
586s um it it it kind of eats into that
588s identity I think Rogue has as this um as
592s as that type of character now now then
593s you can we we looked into doing all this
595s stuff and it may or may not come back
597s still but um definitely not for one
599s point .0 I can tell you that the
602s um like we we looked at having skill
605s trees for it as like a a a basically a
607s dedicated skill in your bar with like a
609s mini skill tree that goes with it or we
611s looked at having like um one Central
614s skill tree for the whole skill it's like
616s everyone has Dodge roll and Dodge roll
617s has a skill tree but then there's like
619s nodes on Dodge roll that are unique to
621s Rogue or there's like Rogue items or
624s like Rogue specific items that can
626s interact with Dodge roll that that give
627s it new special abilities and things like
629s that um and and so we we we we've
632s definitely gone down this Rabbit Hole
633s pretty hard and um there's a lot of
635s pluses to it there's a lot of
636s interesting stuff that can come out of
637s it it's it's just and we we' even
640s implemented and tried it a little bit it
642s just doesn't quite fit with what we want
643s to do um and so it's not something we're
647s we're we're putting in right now um I
650s really I don't want to close the door on
651s it but um I wouldn't expect
658s it
660s but I will say it's a good thing to make
661s a post about on the forums in the
664s suggestions section if you want it maybe
666s or or go find an existing post send it
668s some there and up of
671s them all right I'm hearing a particular
674s crash bandicut sound from playing Rune
677s Master by hearing things there was
678s possible the same sound pack from 1997
680s was used I would be shocked if there was
682s a similar sound pack that was used
684s because the sounds are all custom
687s made um I mean maybe there's
691s like uh like an instrument or something
694s that's similar I don't
701s know I think it's one of those things
702s where it's just like coincidentally
704s really close and you have a strong
705s connection to the game so you hear it
706s and it triggers memories for
709s you which is very
714s cool health and damage oops I right
717s clicked so we're going
721s uh any news on adding more servers um I
724s mean we are I I think the I I don't
727s nothing I don't have anything special
728s I'm sorry I don't
731s know
735s um I I I know it's still a goal to have
737s better
738s coverage um I can at least say that but
743s I don't I don't have any details to
744s share right now I'm
747s sorry so I know you usually the like
751s better server question or like like um
753s better coverage question for servers
754s comes with it the um implication of
757s specific servers that you want to know
759s about um and I definitely don't know
769s that
772s ooo
778s juicy
786s oh what's
791s that oh El
801s cool okay where was
804s I I I I Sor I run the Ser thing I I know
807s there's there I know there are active
808s like ongo conversations about um like so
812s many aspects of our servers and it is a
815s very high priority for us so if it's not
817s up to what you're hoping for right now
820s we're very likely working on the
821s specific aspect of it um but we're
823s definitely working on the overall aspect
825s of it and uh we'll continue to work on
827s it because it's an extremely important
829s part of the entire game
838s experience
846s more
848s questions feel like Audrey 3
851s questions
856s questions uh is the reason that none of
859s the Rogue skills that have the movement
861s tag also have the traversal T because it
864s make them share a cool down um basically
866s it's it's the uh there's sort of a a a a
870s judgment call we make on the
872s significance of the movement granted by
874s the ability to determine if it is a
876s traversal skill or
877s not so something that just has like a
880s slight hop associated with it like
884s um
886s uh RI the Riven ability dancing strikes
891s um it
894s um um I really hope it's not marsal it
897s shouldn't be
898s marsal um I don't think it
900s is uh mostly mostly just because it
903s doesn't go far enough it's not as it's
905s not like it's not in the same that line
909s there's there's like think of like
910s buckets of um movement quality and it's
914s it's to it's it's in a different bucket
916s than
918s um
923s teleport these both getting right no
925s just so okay physical how's our our
929s armor and physical resistance poo poo
933s garbage I mean do we have any foring
935s potential to work with right now five
938s 10 can we do anything just Health give
942s me
944s Health Elemental damage over time we
946s like
947s do it's not is that is this considered a
953s DOT no it is not a
958s DOT
962s what am I doing let's roll this let's
966s cast
969s this okay I I will not uh turn my nose
973s up at
974s that zero for what we
988s doing
994s okay not a ton of boost there but you
995s know just just a little little little
998s bump here and
1001s there I still don't think the physical
1003s we need we need more
1006s um yeah SEC CR chance
1010s perfect I think we need more phys
1015s res that's what I think we
1017s need
1025s when add apist
1030s class there's no plans to add one at the
1038s moment I mean the prime list has a lot
1040s there
1042s right I don't actually really know what
1043s that means I'm assuming it means
1047s bees
1067s is that what someone who tends to bees
1068s are called
1073s APS I'm really just going off the fact
1075s that certain city builders have Apiaries
1077s which are
1079s leg generate
1082s honey so could be horribly
1085s wrong uh why do some enemies out heal
1088s the main character sometimes in
1090s RPGs um was it supposed to teach the
1092s player besides run away or give up I
1095s know I can get more damage but that is
1097s not interesting to me it's a DPS check
1099s that randomly pops up otherwise you're
1101s fine um I mean we we try to put
1104s different types of defenses on different
1106s enemies um so we
1110s can cuz cuz like certain certain builds
1113s will uh will certain abilities certain
1116s tactics will will shine and falter
1118s against different types of defenses in
1120s general
1121s um and so we try to we try to mix things
1124s up so that you um e either you're you're
1127s you're like trying different
1128s tactics um or you're like having a more
1132s versatile build um you know to to to
1136s complete different challenges and and so
1138s it's I think it just comes down to that
1139s really it may have just been something
1141s that didn't work well with the builds
1142s you're playing maybe some other builds
1143s would would have been fine with that but
1145s have had a tougher time with other
1146s things I I'm not sure exactly
1159s um it's it's it's a similar line of like
1162s giving it giving it leech or giving it
1165s the ability to like I don't know pick up
1168s health potions and use them like just a
1169s different way of having a different uh
1171s defensive
1193s layer are there any cosmetics in the 1.0
1196s there are if you're asking if there's
1197s new Cosmetics coming to at 1 .0 I
1199s believe there
1201s are yes I've seen a
1207s couple it looks
1209s sweet um also if you have a question for
1212s me please put it with at last game in
1215s the question and I will see it more
1219s likely um I do the first time chat
1223s bubbles do pop out enough and they're
1224s usually questions so I grab those D
1227s sometimes
1229s um will there be more introduction to
1231s party-wide Buffs or debuffs to use uh
1234s such as curse bot Lich or Orbot py
1237s possible another class uh for the party
1241s play um yeah we we
1243s put
1245s um we we put things like that in like
1248s like crit vulnerability in uh Rogue
1251s already has that um so yeah there's
1253s there's there's things like that that we
1254s pepper around um and I do know there are
1257s more of those coming
1261s I I think there's actually I
1264s think I leave it there's more of this
1278s coming uh if Le eventually comes to
1280s console is there possibility for it to
1283s be crossplatform or does that throw too
1285s many spanners in the works wrenches for
1288s all my North American
1290s friends
1294s um uh I I I don't know I don't know yet
1297s um I think that crossplay is something
1300s that we would definitely look into and
1302s uh would be a significant Plus for us if
1305s we
1306s can
1309s um my headset just turn up too high let
1311s me know how the audio balances for you
1312s guys
1314s um if if we can make it so that just
1318s everyone gets to play together and
1320s there's not any major problems there yes
1323s we'll do that
1326s um chances of there being at least some
1329s significant problems are almost
1332s inevitable
1333s um if those problems are going to be too
1336s big to to allow us to to do crossplay I
1339s don't know it remains to be seen just
1341s like a glass
1345s casket all right
1349s uh if I get you teleport goes the whole
1351s screen uh while Dash only goes like half
1353s the screen l no sorry I mean
1356s um like there's real movement abilities
1360s and um that that are traversal abilities
1364s and abilities that cause you to move a
1366s tiny bit that are not traversal
1367s abilities those are the two
1377s categories
1381s every ability that's primary function is
1383s to move you like flame rush or surge or
1387s teleport um on on the Mage and then like
1390s uh shift and shield rush and lunge and
1394s fury leap um and and and and and um
1400s those those are ult traversal abilities
1401s CU they're they're like primary function
1404s is
1405s movement and yeah you can spec them to
1407s be were the primary function not
1408s movement but like out of the gate
1410s default functionality primary is
1411s movement usually those are the traversal
1413s skills um or the abilities that get
1417s granted um a movement in that same
1421s category at that same
1424s scale like I think when you when you add
1427s descend to Smite it gets traversal
1429s because it's basically the same as
1433s teleport it may or may not cast
1437s teleport
1448s uh hey Mike will we see some gameplay of
1452s warlock or Falconer before 1.0 or can we
1454s eventually play with them before um I'm
1456s not 100% sure what's going to happen
1458s with that that roll out
1460s um the uh like the CT program is is
1463s still running and um like there there
1466s will be some early access to uh to those
1469s classes to the CT program
1473s um at at at some point I don't know when
1476s that'll be it might
1478s be a while
1483s still
1484s um I would say likely after we've like
1488s done the major like class reveal
1491s posts on um on our Forum where we like
1494s we lay out like the main mechanics of
1497s the class and like like some some some
1499s skill examples and things like that um I
1503s I might do I might do a very curated
1506s build um where like we pick one like
1509s abilities that are working particularly
1511s well and
1515s uh maybe do a little preview that way
1517s we'll
1527s see get me get get me Day N uh to to
1531s stream a reveal with me H
1534s H don't actually go harass him please
1536s that was
1538s just don't
1542s yeah he's busy
1545s enough all
1548s right uh I love how people refer to
1551s reroll an IT people uh prefer to roll on
1554s items mods uh in other RPGs as chaos the
1557s item oh refer as chaos I see what you're
1559s saying
1564s yes yeah it's it's it's not Poe
1571s chaos it kind of
1587s is I mean you get coins like that you
1590s get terms like that coined
1593s um it happens it happens a lot in um in
1597s Magic it happens a
1598s lot
1601s um like where where where an ability
1603s will get an effect or an ability like
1606s template will get coined by a very
1607s specific card um to the point where they
1610s like actually just sometimes take the
1612s name of that card and like the effect
1615s that it gave and just turn it into a
1616s like static named ability
1626s don't have a good example but I bet
1627s there's like I bet vigilance or
1629s something like that is like
1635s that unofficially fire
1639s breathing I should be able to come with
1640s better examples than that doesn't
1643s matter all
1645s right are there plans to add plus damage
1649s tab to player stat screen showing all
1651s the plus damage per type uh as is for
1654s increased damage um the I I don't know
1658s specifically what's going to be added to
1660s the character sheet we've been sort of
1661s talking about this vague idea of a
1664s character sheet rework for like three
1666s years now um and we keep we keep add
1669s every time we start working on it we
1671s keep adding things to the
1672s scope
1674s um eventually eventually that will
1677s happen
1679s um I I think that would be a good
1680s addition to
1682s it well there's
1685s some some interesting gloves right there
1687s not too
1689s shabby little LP on
1693s there when can we expect to shake up the
1695s monolith idland 1.0 1.1 1.2 um I don't
1699s know but I think of those three guesses
1702s your 1.2 guess is the best of the three
1704s of those
1706s guesses it's just a weird way of saying
1710s give it a
1711s bit uh right is the volatile zombie
1715s summons experimental ax functioning as
1717s intended a lot of people believe it's a
1718s bug I have no idea cuz I don't know what
1721s it says
1723s um if you think it's a bug please report
1725s it as a bug and we'll figure it
1727s out
1734s um what is it saying what is it
1736s doing
1742s I've had my head so buried in in Falcon
1744s and stuff
1749s lately let's go look for
1759s it experimental volatile zombie which
1762s what did you
1763s say there's two of them there's two of
1767s them
1769s uh is the volatile zombie summons
1772s experimental aex functioning properly oh
1775s that was not experimental volatile
1777s zombie on potion
1784s use I mean it should summon that many
1787s zombies when you use a
1790s potion um they should count towards your
1792s zombie summons like normal um if you
1796s have some node that for forces you to
1798s only one zombie it should only summon
1800s one zombie like your your tree should
1802s take effect and be included so any
1804s restrictions in the tree should apply
1810s still uh those are the things I would
1812s assume are possibly going wrong with
1821s it all right seems how you guys love
1824s passive trees so much we do that you
1826s give every skill one have you guys ever
1829s thought about giving one to the monolith
1830s of Fate yes we definitely
1834s have
1836s um I think that sounds like a fantastic
1840s cycle mechanic to me personally um
1843s socare I'm not saying that this is
1845s something we've talked about and will be
1846s a psych mechanic or anything like that
1847s what I'm just saying is that personally
1848s I think it's a good idea for a psych
1850s mechanic
1852s um the core functionality of the um
1859s of the monolith isn't going to be
1860s dramatically changing for 1.0 you're
1862s going to see basically with what's there
1864s is what's there for 1.0 um you know make
1868s improvements on things and um like make
1872s make small small quality fixes and
1875s changes and stuff like that but it's um
1877s core functionality is going to be 1
1879s point out
1880s it's basically locked in
1885s um but after that oh baby do we got room
1888s for
1894s stuff and yeah I think that's a that's
1896s the sort of thing that I would be really
1898s cool to do in a
1900s cycle when warlock when it's
1903s ready I guess I can say 1.0 no
1909s 1.0 the Warlock the warlock's looking
1911s sick right now though that one's that
1913s one's mostly ready like the core um core
1917s stuff is ready ready still got lots of
1919s bug to fix thanks Justin doing a great
1933s job plus three
1937s Raptor always
1939s fun I really want to um R Raptor's been
1943s on my short list for a while of uh of of
1947s abilities I really want to take a deep
1948s dive into cuz there was a lot of things
1951s we tried to do with it and it just never
1952s quite found its place I think
1958s um and I think some of the uh
1961s improvements and changes we've made to
1963s ailments and how those work I think
1965s there's a lot of room in Raptor for some
1968s um some really nice updates there's
1969s there's lots of things that have to
1970s happen first cuz it's still pretty good
1971s but there's like I I I I just remember
1974s working on Raptor a bunch and there's a
1975s lot of nodes now that I'm like I would
1977s change that
1987s that my back does not feel
1991s awesome probably complain about it a few
1994s dozen more
1996s times rare enemies regen Health they
1998s won't live long enough to
2003s regenerate uh when are we getting a
2006s giant form like a 10 foot tall truid or
2009s something um there's
2011s a I'd say it's pretty unlikely I think
2014s if we were going to do a significant
2016s size change with a druid form probably
2019s would have seen it with
2022s bear
2025s um there's there's a lot of stuff that
2028s like assumes the player character is a
2030s really specific
2031s size um and so that's why that's why all
2034s the transforms are are pretty similar in
2036s size and all the player models model
2037s technically have the same collider you
2039s know it's it's there's just a lot of
2041s stuff that's um assumes the player is a
2045s specific size and Devi deviation from
2048s that uh can can cause
2058s problems that meteor Storm's so
2065s good he defin the job yeah he tried to
2069s get out of there but he couldn't
2073s run all right will trade be publicly
2076s tested before 1.0 launch I saw some
2079s discussion on it potentially messing up
2081s the game release if it came with 1.0 I
2084s mean I I I that discussion wasn't being
2088s had
2089s by
2094s um like people working on it cu
2098s were not been saying that I there
2101s there's there's always the chance any
2102s feature has causes issues you know
2106s um we are uh we are going to have people
2111s that do not work at ehg testing the Ade
2115s system before it goes live
2118s um there won't be a public patch that
2122s enables the bizarre pre 1.0 launch for
2128s just every single person who plays the
2130s game that that won't happen the the
2132s first time that just like you buy the
2134s game on Steam you download you install
2136s it you boot it up okay you can access
2138s the bizar the first time that'll happen
2139s is
2147s 1.0 so yes and no
2150s somehow uh will you be adding more Maps
2152s secret Areas or dungeons later on yes to
2154s all of that uh hey Mike do you think
2156s each you will ever develop your own game
2159s engine for the longevity of improving
2160s last Epoch or possible
2162s le2 and do you see any pros and cons
2165s with having your own game engine
2166s developed for last Eon um I think
2171s that
2173s um I think the chances of us developing
2176s our own engine are pretty small I think
2178s the chances of us developing our own
2179s engine specifically for use on last
2181s Epoch and converting it from Unity to
2183s that custom engine is way tinier
2188s um I I would I would be absolutely
2193s shocked if we ever moved last defo onto
2195s a new engine um I mean who knows right
2199s stuff could change the generally I I I
2203s could be wrong with this but I I feel
2206s the implication of um this being asked
2210s because of recent
2213s um stuff let's called Stuff happening um
2217s at at Unity um and I I guess the the the
2222s only thing I can say to that that is
2224s just hopefully in re insurance is that
2226s um none of it affects us in any way all
2229s all the stuff that's been happening
2230s we're completely unaffected by it in any
2233s way um at least directly affected by it
2235s there's I'm sure there's knock on stuff
2237s and um you know maybe down the line
2240s stuff but but right now it has had zero
2243s effect on us and will have zero effect
2244s on us going forward the version of unity
2246s we use is is
2247s unaffected
2252s um now future
2255s games I can't really comment too much on
2258s what engine we'd use in the future um
2262s but either either picking a different
2264s engine that already exists or developing
2266s another engine for games in the future
2268s is not impossible I'd say there's a much
2270s higher chance of that happening than
2272s ever using a different engine on last
2274s Dex specifically um so like hypothetic
2277s an le2 in I don't know what 10 years um
2282s yeah give me those keys all that chest
2284s was stacked and
2286s exalted I am not a man of many pockets
2290s no but I am a man of
2292s many crafting material slots I don't
2299s know it's probably up anyways uh yeah so
2302s I I hope that answered that whole
2305s question I think it did
2310s if not please feel free to submit a
2312s follow-up question it'll be answered in
2314s the order was
2323s received oh my back is
2326s hurting I am
2335s struggling okay back back on Old topic
2337s that we were just talking about uh on
2339s enemies out regenerating the player I
2342s meant more in other RPG games I find any
2346s I rarely find anything like it in
2348s Le but I see it all over in RPG games
2353s where at the moment it feels like
2353s there's nothing I could have done to
2355s beat the enemy besides run away or give
2357s her comeback my DPS is high enough if at
2359s appropriate
2363s levels like you're saying you see bosses
2366s out regening you in other games and are
2369s happy we don't do that in
2371s last is that what that
2389s said I mean we we do we definitely do
2391s use regen as a defensive tool for for
2395s enemies um it's usually not crazy
2403s powerful sorry I don't fully
2405s understand Mike and chat will you guys
2408s release a mobile version I mean I I hate
2412s saying hard no to anything
2415s um but if a phone wants to run last
2418s Epoch that phone's got to get a lot more
2421s power in it before it's going to be run
2422s in this
2425s game
2431s I mean I'd love to do a mobile version
2433s um we've no intention of doing a mobile
2436s version at
2438s all um I just the only the only part
2441s that intrigues me about it really is the
2444s um it I I I don't think that putting
2448s last Epoch specifically as a mobile game
2450s is a good idea I think mobile games
2452s should be developed as mobile games and
2454s non-mobile Games should be developed as
2456s non-mobile games I'm I know there are
2458s exceptions to this
2461s um uh and and I but I think that there's
2467s like not there's so many things that we
2470s do in last Epoch as it is that wouldn't
2472s translate well to a mobile environment I
2474s don't
2475s think um so I'm not really interested in
2478s taking last Epoch and putting it on
2479s mobile devices um but I am really
2482s interested by the prospect of what you
2484s can do with a mobile arpg I think
2487s there's lots of cool things you can do
2488s that you can't do with a a non-mobile
2490s one um I said that we have no plans to
2493s make any mobile games at all right now
2497s um who knows that could change we got
2501s hopefully we got a long time ahead of us
2503s here but
2506s um no no le
2515s mobile
2524s you know
2526s what I'm GNA I okay I'm G to put
2529s something up on screen to show you guys
2531s and I'm going to go get that cool thing
2532s I just mentioned be right
2545s back
2586s hello I'm back how's it
2605s going
2620s all right I think what I've learned is
2621s I'm going to have to print uh print this
2623s thing in two pieces and glue it
2626s together because my print bed is not as
2628s big as my
2630s head I think that's what we've
2633s learned still pretty
2635s cool
2641s I'm just so happy to have my printer
2642s back up and running again oh my
2648s goodness I put a new extruder new direct
2651s drive extruder on
2652s it oh it fixed all the problems I was
2655s having so I've got a ton of settings to
2658s work
2662s through all right thank you for
2664s indulging me
2670s I'm
2672s back uh let's try and find out where I
2674s was in
2676s chat started scrolling on
2679s me uh I think this is close I don't
2682s recognize do you have any favorite skill
2685s from another arpg that you'd like to
2687s bring to Le or that have already besides
2690s D2 stuff obviously you know me too well
2695s um
2700s nothing really particular comes to mind
2702s off of Just immediate
2706s um I mean so Grim Grim Dawn does have
2710s some some gun stuff that I think would
2712s be a lot of fun to bring in
2717s um that's that's where my thought went
2719s first I know we don't have any gun stuff
2721s at all and like we don't really have
2723s plans to add it but maybe eventually
2724s sort of thing um
2728s and this might be influenced by me uh
2730s working on Falcon right now as well
2731s which is like the closest thing we have
2734s to well Marksman as Rogue in general is
2736s the closest thing we have to a class
2738s where that style would fit
2744s nicely
2752s um he said no D2 so can I do D3
2758s uh there's a lot there's a lot of Monk
2759s abilities that I really like the like
2761s um the
2764s Masters big fan of that the multimaster
2767s build whatever it was called I'm sure
2768s there's a proper name for it I'm just
2770s getting
2774s wrong oh there another one here I missed
2776s uh the Emperor of corps's fight is
2778s extremely broken oh
2780s no he gets uh when it comes to using a
2783s traversal skill they break immediately
2785s making them use usess to escape his AOE
2787s do you know if this will be fixed in 1.0
2789s I have no information on the status of
2791s potential upcoming bug fixes I am
2796s sorry uh what is one of the higher T
2798s tier skills in Falcon it's pretty
2801s awesome is what it
2803s is uh when will the API become public I
2807s don't know um I know we're in sort of a
2809s like uh a trial phase for it right now
2813s um I actually didn't know it was being
2814s worked on and someone said that was like
2816s out and I was like what that's awesome
2819s um so right now it is uh limited to
2822s there's there's two people there two
2824s websites we've given access to the API
2826s um for now um this is this is not a
2831s permanent situation we do plan to give
2834s everyone the same access to it
2839s um
2842s and uh it's it's it's the reason it's uh
2845s rolled rolling out slowly is just so we
2846s have a chance to you know make sure
2848s things are uh working the way we expect
2850s them to you know that that there's no
2852s major problems with it that it's not
2854s going to cost us an arm and a leg and
2855s some sort of um some sort of extra fees
2859s that get incurred or something that we
2860s just didn't anticipate or so I don't
2861s know something there's like a whole
2862s bunch of stuff we're testing out right
2863s now with regards to that API system and
2866s um once once it's more well tested um by
2872s having other people use it and give us
2873s feedback on it
2875s um
2878s we'll uh we'll look at rolling it out on
2880s a wider scale I don't know when that's
2881s going to be I'm
2889s sorry would you sit still for a second
2895s please yeah use that channel ability you
2898s know you like
2900s it
2905s yes
2906s I am not a man of many
2909s pockets sounds so fed up with me on it I
2913s swear to God if you try and pick up one
2915s more thing I got to slap
2919s you dream Thorn that's too big to fit n
2928s Pockets uh how long will Cycles last and
2932s how many do you already have planned out
2934s um how long how long they last exactly
2937s will depend um quite a bit on feedback
2940s we get from doing them um it'll depend
2943s quite a bit on like what else is
2945s happening in the in the arpg space at
2947s that time like is there another game
2949s that's um that's going to come out uh
2951s with with one of their uh leagues or
2953s seasons and do we want to adjust things
2955s forward or back to um to avoid that type
2958s thing so like the the the the time for
2962s each will fluctuate a little bit here
2963s and there
2964s depending um um I think that they'll be
2968s roughly similar to what you expect from
2971s other games in the genre and what our
2973s patch Cadence has generally been so um
2976s it's it's I think those those numbers
2978s average out to roughly somewhere in the
2981s general range of 3ish to 4ish months is
2986s um hopefully that was non-committal
2987s enough because I don't know how long
2988s they're actually going to
2989s be
2990s [Music]
2992s um and and and that could change maybe
2994s we get a bunch of feedback that people
2995s are like we want we desperately want
2996s them to be six months or we desperately
2998s want tiny ones to be two months or we
3000s desperately want like one big one and
3002s one small one alternating or you know
3003s like there's all sorts of things that we
3005s can um we can we can do to adjust that
3008s and
3009s um how many do we already have planned
3012s out I know I've seen the plans for three
3014s of
3015s them
3016s [Music]
3017s um with like with like I've seen the
3021s plans
3022s for three specific ones um and I've seen
3026s plans for many more that were not like
3028s this is going to be 1.1 and this is
3030s going to be 1.2 type
3041s specific but I'm sure the people like
3044s those um higher level planning stuff
3047s happens oh my goodness I died high level
3051s planning stuff happens
3053s um without me as it should uh so I'm
3056s sure there's even more stuff that I
3058s don't know
3062s about that one was not meant to be
3065s apparently straight increased health is
3067s not awesome for us right
3072s now
3076s yeah
3078s yeah
3084s yeah Glyph of dominion is bugged versus
3088s Lon fight oh no do not seem damage B
3091s please submit your bug reports on the
3093s forums or using the in-game tool report
3095s a bug right
3097s here do you have any funny coding
3100s stories where bug was caused by
3101s something dumb me spelled or forgotten
3103s semicolon I mean these are the things
3106s you you try and forget uh I nothing
3108s comes to mind specifically but yes
3114s Lots um
3118s um the first time I here's here's here's
3121s one actually uh when we started out uh
3125s working on homing
3127s abilities like having St heat seek
3129s targets um I I I had accidentally put a
3134s negative somewhere that wasn't supposed
3135s to
3136s be um may have been someone else I think
3139s it was me I think one of us had put an
3140s negative somewhere that wasn't supposed
3141s to be and so he was actually doing the
3144s like so you say like home in at Power
3146s four and so it's like we the the Homing
3149s has like a a range that it works at and
3151s U like the power that it works at at
3153s that range and it like scales based on
3155s how close it is all that sort stuff but
3157s um so it
3158s would because there there was a negative
3161s number there it would instead of like
3162s turning towards an enemy it would turn
3163s away from the enemies um so we started
3167s setting up like obstacle courses where
3171s there'd be like a dummy here a dummy
3173s here a dummy here a dummy here and then
3177s you'd like um you you you you You' stand
3181s here woo that's me and you shoot a
3184s fireball this way um and you try and you
3187s try and like find a way to like get it
3189s to go through the obstacle course
3192s without hitting anything because it was
3194s it would repel from stuff so you'd like
3196s shoot the fireball here and it would
3197s like come out this way cuz it go around
3199s that one and it would come this way go
3200s around that one you'd like try and like
3202s get it to go through the course I'm
3205s dying right now I can feel
3209s it
3212s um with without hitting
3224s anything pick it
3227s up um that's the coolest one I can think
3233s of uh will all skill have a skill tree
3236s in 1.0 specifically Healing Hands I did
3239s see something about healing hands on
3242s a like if we got time it needs to it was
3247s the first thing after Falconer and
3250s warlock to go for 1.0 for skills
3254s um so that everything had a
3259s um so that everything had a um a skill
3263s tree so we're we're we we we definitely
3266s want to I don't know if it's going to
3267s make it or not I hope it does I think it
3281s will uh any plans in allowing upgrade
3284s lower level item bases that have
3286s favorable implicits for our builds so
3288s they can keep up with higher level bases
3291s um generally so um we we have no plans
3294s at this time to do that that um
3297s generally this gets uh is is talking
3299s about unique items usually is the is the
3301s question there but not always
3303s um I I think this is a cool if um if I
3308s was going to be in a design meeting
3309s about discussing doing something like
3310s this I would probably pitch that it
3312s should be a reward for a
3322s dungeon um but quite often so unique
3325s items in particular uh frequently part
3328s of how we balance the
3330s item um is the base that's chosen for it
3334s um sometimes that base item is kind of
3336s intrinsic to how that item functions or
3340s um the thematics behind that item so
3342s like the unique items in particular we
3344s take we take pretty bit pretty large
3346s amount of care in picking the right base
3348s item for it um so it's upgrading That
3352s Base item can cause some confusing
3355s situations I think in certain situ in
3357s certain cases um so I think would be
3360s hesitant to allow that um upgrading the
3363s base on like an exalted item or
3365s something like that that basically the
3367s base is um it's it's randomly generated
3370s is definitely less problematic there
3375s um and uh you also it also doesn't break
3379s the convention of not being able to
3380s craft un unique
3384s items
3391s [Music]
3393s any plans to improve the improve on the
3396s engine yeah we do it all the time I
3398s makes my PC run rather hot even compared
3401s to something like cyber Punk Steam
3402s Reviews also mention engine problems
3404s quite often yeah I don't
3408s um I think that probably almost every
3413s single one of those reviews that mention
3415s it are
3418s um kind of misunderstanding the problem
3420s but have a valid
3422s concern
3427s um I I don't think it's specifically the
3430s engine um causing the majority of those
3440s problems uh I'm happy rare monsters
3443s don't out regen the player in e but
3445s wanted to a de perspective on other args
3450s oh having uh having out regening rare
3452s monsters for lower damage characters um
3455s I think it's fine I think it's I for all
3459s the reasons I said that we use it in our
3461s game I think it's fine I think it's
3465s um uh it's just it's another way of just
3468s having that difficulty go up
3472s um and like if if there was an enemy
3476s like like I guess try try and flip it a
3478s little bit and see how it feels um say
3481s that there's an enemy that has an attack
3484s that deals a th000
3486s damage um it doesn't matter how much
3489s defenses you have doesn't matter
3491s anything it always subtracts a th000
3493s damage from your health pool no matter
3495s what zero exceptions um and your
3499s character only has 500 health you will
3502s die as soon as this thing engages with
3504s you and just take away a th000 health
3506s from you you go to zero and you die no
3507s matter what um
3511s and um okay as this is like an extreme
3514s contrived example and it's not very
3515s interesting y yada y but um I I think
3517s it's kind of the other half of the same
3519s coin where it's like that's a defense
3521s check instead of a DPS check but um you
3525s know it's it's at some point the like
3528s the enemies have to get harder in order
3529s for you to feel uh a character
3533s advancement with uh relative to the rest
3536s of the world that that your character is
3538s is is existing
3540s in um so I don't think it's unreasonable
3543s to have uh situations where sort of
3547s minimum uh damage numbers are needed to
3551s to
3551s progress um and whether that's done
3555s through um and like you you can do that
3558s a lot of different ways you can do that
3559s with like an an enraged timer it's the
3560s same thing really
3564s um
3566s it's just a little more obvious because
3568s it comes to a head very quickly um but
3571s yeah I think I think it's the same thing
3573s as in a rage timer really yes like when
3574s you when you get down to
3580s it I'm I'm not saying you should uh
3583s intentionally put people in situations
3586s where they have no hope of being
3588s successful um but I think if if a player
3593s uh maybe like
3596s uh skips ahead to a point where their
3598s character is not ready for whatever the
3600s challenge they're being presented with
3601s is I I think it's fine if um if if that
3606s like reason that it's too difficult is
3609s because regen is too high I think that's
3610s a fine reason for it to be too
3615s difficult mostly because that is
3617s something you
3618s can um train your character to um to
3624s overcome
3629s like oh my Fireball is not strong enough
3631s to defeat this enemy okay let me go get
3634s a better
3636s Fireball that's like that's the charact
3638s it's a very very very simple version of
3640s the the character story arc of
3643s overcoming this
3650s challenge is an ascended master ball I
3653s don't know what that means but I love
3655s love
3659s it I'll take
3664s it saavs I've always thought Wario had
3666s good taste and
3681s underwear for everyone who is uh
3684s possibly confused by what I just said
3686s here is an upside down master
3699s ball uh all right what is
3703s the uh that is one oddl looking Falcon
3706s oh oh oh my God we're that far behind
3709s still oh
3713s a
3722s thank you
3725s someone oh that hurt
3730s okay Ma just seized up there a little
3733s all right thank you gayb very much he
3735s get S quin69 Ah that's
3737s great awesome thank you very
3741s much welcome
3743s Quinn
3750s gretings I have a feeling he's probably
3752s not actually here but that's
3760s okay okay random aside here and I hope
3763s there's enough people here that are as
3764s big a nerds as I am actually let me
3766s strike that who are way bigger nerds
3767s than I am in the best possible way um
3770s that can help me answer this question uh
3772s there was an episode of Loki that came
3775s out recently and I'm just I'm no Major
3777s Spoilers here but there's a character
3779s called Brad
3781s wolf and I'm wondering if that's a
3784s reference
3786s to um to Doctor Who or not with bad
3791s wolf or or if the timing of this
3794s character is just like this character
3795s came out U 80 years ago Mike in a comic
3798s and you're just wrong um or if it's just
3801s a coincidence so if anyone knows uh I'm
3804s very interested to know if Brad wolf is
3806s a bad wolf reference or
3810s not I haven't even watched that whole
3812s episode I just I saw the like the very
3815s few seconds of it and
3817s uh or maybe a minute of it or something
3819s and saw that like
3833s ah I'm very early on my doctor who
3836s Journey as
3842s well all
3846s right uh what is the life cycle of the
3850s last Epoch are you planning to finish
3851s the game and move on to other projects
3853s no or is it a long project with lots of
3855s updates like pee thank you absolutely a
3857s long project with lots of updates for
3859s many years um the line I always say is
3862s um I hope if I'm doing this in years I
3865s will be
3869s ecstatic and every time I say it the
3871s timer
3877s restarts got stop making myself laugh uh
3880s how do we know it's not Mike's clone now
3883s because my back hurts my clone's back
3885s would not hurt this
3888s much uh please no guns no guns we're not
3891s planning on guns right
3893s now
3898s is something spawning did I ruin
3903s this there's some enemy
3906s somewhere and it's right here and I are
3908s Dum Dum and it's
3917s okay oh God get out
3920s [Laughter]
3923s there
3936s give me that extra regen I just got that
3938s that Mana
3940s regen see that come in handy all right
3943s another question will I run around the
3945s outside uh I wish Le gon sounded less
3948s mocking and Goofy when trying to be
3950s menacing and more eldrich mysteriously
3953s scary
3955s um like oh
3959s no oh I don't know that name but I feel
3961s like I should like haros MOA from Elder
3966s Scrolls I should definitely know what
3967s that is uh I felt more intimidated by
3970s him before I met him as he seemed
3972s uncaring to his people yet super
3974s powerful uh he sounds like a
3976s condescending Manchild with is that the
3979s best you can do it hurts no less with
3981s the 10th time he says it
3985s um I'd really like to
3987s see uh context specific I I I don't know
3991s if um oh there's no question here it's
3994s just a comment cool I agree with your
3996s with your with your desire I personally
3998s really hope that there is some um
4001s context specific lines that we we add in
4004s that's that's one thing I really want is
4005s a context specific voice line system for
4007s bosses and and enemies too but most most
4010s importantly for bosses like um like oh
4013s it just got crit and it says a line when
4015s it gets crit or um it does a hit to you
4018s that's like particularly damaging and
4020s you like almost die and was like almost
4022s had you there or something like that um
4025s uh and and and having context specific
4027s lines for like specific triggers that
4030s can like only happen once in the fight
4032s um so like sometimes maybe they don't
4033s happen if that trigger never happens um
4035s or maybe they can happen like only once
4036s every like three minutes in the fights
4039s like if it goes long enough um you can
4041s hear it a second time but like you know
4043s you know I think that there the I think
4045s there's a lot of room for some cool
4046s stuff to happen there
4048s um it's a little outside the 1.0 scope
4051s though
4053s unfortunately are you planning paid
4055s Seasons like D4 or free ones like Poe
4057s without a season or without a season the
4061s so we're doing we're doing our own thing
4062s we're calling them Cycles they they will
4064s most
4065s similarly um resemble path of Exiles
4069s Seasons or leagues sorry um peee leagues
4071s will be the closest thing to last defox
4074s CES they won't be exactly the same um
4078s Poe is incredibly good at cranking out
4081s cohesive content with a a storyline and
4084s tons of amazing artwork and all this
4086s stuff so the scale of a Poe League will
4089s definitely be um greater especially
4092s initially than the ones we can we can
4094s deliver on probably um but that's all
4097s the sort of stuff that we're going to
4098s like we're we're taking a lot of steps
4100s now that will have very positive
4102s cascading effects as we go on
4106s um and get us in a situation where where
4108s we'll be able to to deliver very
4111s frequent really awesome updates um
4114s that'll be a little bit juicier than
4115s what we can do initially at least um
4118s also on top of that there's a lot of
4119s things that are um that are coming in
4122s early cycles that are that are kind of
4127s um more I guess core to the game itself
4132s than sometimes you see in
4134s leagues
4138s um like for example the item factions or
4143s the falconer the Warlock you know these
4145s things are not
4147s really
4149s um they're kind of different to what
4150s you'd see in most leagues or
4153s Seasons
4155s um and you know like there there systems
4159s that we plan
4160s to that we always plan to have be part
4163s of the the core game going forward and
4166s not be um something that you
4168s conditionally interact with so the the
4170s first few are more ubiquitous content at
4174s least um and then we'll start to Branch
4175s out into
4178s um I guess
4183s more self-contained experiences it's not
4186s a bad way to put it
4190s yeah and and another thing I want to
4192s mention about this is that that all of
4194s the um all the stuff we're going to do
4196s with how we're releasing cycles and how
4198s we're going to be delivering on that
4199s content um it's very much subject to
4202s change based on feedback as as is
4204s basically everything else we do
4206s um we we really try and listen to what's
4210s going on and how we can improve based on
4212s that feedback
4214s um our favorite feedback comes in the
4216s form of when X happens I feel
4223s why
4229s just in case anyone's wondering no no
4245s reason uh does last Epoch use any type
4247s of smart loot system can you explain the
4249s loot philosophy being uh being last deck
4251s yes there are te technically so
4255s uh I would say ve extremely light smart
4258s loot systems are used um for
4263s example
4265s um a helmet chest and Relic the random
4270s drop items for that be it normal magic
4273s rare
4275s exalted uh items for for those
4277s categories
4279s all um all are class
4282s specific um
4285s so when a when a when a like a normal
4287s helmet drops there's it's something like
4289s a 99% or 98% chance I don't know what
4292s the actal number is it's it's an
4294s extremely high chance that it's going to
4295s be an item that your class can use um so
4301s if you're looking for normal magic rare
4303s or exalted helmet chest or Relic pieces
4307s it's of of for a specific class you'll
4311s find way more of them on that class um
4314s that's the extent of the smart loot
4315s that's it the smart loot does not affect
4319s um it's not it's not even smart loot
4322s it's just not dumb loot um the the it
4326s doesn't affect what uniques drop it
4328s doesn't affect what shards drop it
4331s doesn't affect
4334s um like the skills you're playing
4336s doesn't affect it
4340s um uh yeah like nothing else it's it's
4344s real Limited in what actually is changed
4347s based on some factor and it's just your
4350s base class and and it's really just so
4352s that you it's just so that most um items
4355s that drop are equipable by your
4358s character that you're playing that's
4360s that's all it is because the it's very
4363s few and far between items that are not
4364s equipped by your character and it's
4366s usually just because there are uh class
4368s specific affixes or a class specific
4370s base for those three slots or some
4373s unique items as well now a uh unique
4377s item being on a class specific base does
4380s not affect its drop chance uh relative
4384s to which class you're playing so a mage
4387s specific um helmet unique helmet a mage
4391s specific unique helmet will have the
4393s same chance to drop on a rogue as a mage
4397s um the only items that are affected by
4398s this not dumb loot are normal magic and
4403s rare and exed helmet chest and Relics so
4407s not uniques not sets um not experimental
4413s not personal uh what other item types do
4416s we
4417s have legendaries but they can't
4423s drop um I oh can you explain the loot
4426s philosophy being lasty so the the I I
4429s guess the loot philosophy in general is
4432s um
4434s we kind of want to give you as many
4437s options as
4438s possible um and let you decide what you
4442s most want to
4444s see
4445s um and that's mostly coming from a
4448s standpoint of wanting
4451s to
4452s um we we we really want to give you the
4455s opportunity to succeed in uh in your
4459s goals that's the easy way to put it and
4462s um we don't want want to tell you we we
4465s we we want to put as
4468s few how do say this we don't want to
4470s tell you what your goals should
4472s be um so
4476s like I I I don't know how to say this
4478s properly
4480s um we like giving you obvious options
4484s that work well together um that that
4489s that sets you up for Success so that
4490s there's like if you if you really don't
4492s want to go too far down the rabbit hole
4493s hole you can still do really well by
4496s just combining things together that you
4499s think like seem like they should go
4501s together cuz they seem similar right so
4504s like um uh what's an example what's an
4507s example flame Reeve has a fireball nodes
4510s oh my goodness where are
4513s they oh I haven't spoke flame re in a
4516s long
4520s time yes was hiding with the icon for
4524s the skill I was talking
4526s about good on Mike uh okay so um like
4531s Fireball and Flame re are like very
4533s similar theming abilities so we put
4535s things to synergize with them together
4536s type thing and so like we we do these
4539s types of things that are a little more
4540s on the obvious side um but we also want
4543s to give players the ability to um
4546s experiment and and Tinker with stuff
4549s that kind of doesn't seem like it should
4550s really work but does somehow um
4555s and uh so to help facilitate that we we
4558s we prefer to give um to put less
4562s restrictions put put um less influence
4564s on the loot that's dropping um because
4568s there might be some weird build that
4570s you've got your your your eyes set on
4572s your heart set on and um it only works
4576s with like some non-standard gear maybe
4579s you're like oh I really need to have
4581s this like Attunement dexterity gear
4585s um and because theun and dexterity
4588s generally don't go together like maybe
4590s we like so we we if we were doing heavy
4592s smart loot stuff T dexterity J to go
4594s together so we we make like some sort of
4596s rule uh in the item generation system
4598s it's like well if dexterity rolls on the
4599s item we don't roll Attunement on the
4601s item um we don't do that because we
4603s don't want there to be this sort of
4606s like damper on finding items for
4609s unconventional
4611s builds um so this does and then in order
4615s to drop an a a significant and frequent
4619s amount of items that are interesting and
4620s exciting and possible upgrades and all
4622s that sort of stuff we have to drop a lot
4624s of gear because we don't look at how the
4627s player is building their character right
4629s now in order to determine what we think
4631s they might want uh in order to improve
4633s those
4634s odds
4636s um which is which is why there's a
4638s built-in loot filter in the
4641s game I know a lot of you knew I was
4643s going there
4654s but oh I should have picked a longer
4656s question to
4670s answer
4672s oh I I was I was looking at at the other
4675s screen and trying to dodge it out of the
4676s corner of my eye I got it dang it ah
4679s Grumble Grumble Grumble Grumble Grumble
4680s Grumble Grumble
4684s Grumble hey Mike is the plan to update
4687s to set items something that'll arrive
4688s with 1.0 or afterwards so I just want to
4691s be super
4693s clear um because the the way I've
4697s recently oh Andrew good it's you all
4699s right great let me put this on record
4700s the way that I last however I however I
4703s said it last time where was that I just
4705s want to go read that out cuz that was I
4708s worded it really good last time I think
4711s it may be on the
4722s Discord not going to find it I'm just
4724s going to try and redo it um okay so we
4727s we we we don't we want to we want to
4729s adjust how set items fit into the
4733s overall all gearing process for your
4736s character that's pretty good
4739s um I think a lot of people have
4741s interpreted this to mean we're changing
4745s uh how set items work or we're changing
4747s something specific about set items maybe
4750s but that those those are not the same
4752s thing really and I just want to be clear
4753s that those are um I'm talking about how
4755s set items fit into the overall picture
4758s of like how they fulfill their role in
4761s the overall gearing process and what
4763s that role is um we're going to be
4765s updating that stuff so it's it's less
4768s about um CU I think a lot of people are
4771s like oh I I the expectation with oh um
4774s set updates the set items are coming
4776s what does that mean oh they're probably
4777s going to buff them in some way and
4781s um getting set items to a to a point
4784s where they are um part of the processing
4787s gearing an endgame character um the
4790s obvious way to do that is to tip off
4792s them
4797s but I'm not saying that's what we're
4800s doing you know it sounds like I'm saying
4802s that but I'm not saying
4808s that okay so what do we need we need we
4810s need void resistance oh yeah right I
4813s looked at this earlier I should I should
4815s never have got into that
4820s fight oh oh Andrew sorry but to answer
4822s your actual question that you asked
4824s after
4824s 1.0 um that it's a set the set stuff is
4828s not planed to come with 1.0 I don't
4833s think we'll
4835s see so part of the problem is it's not
4837s done yet there like I've um we have a
4840s plan for it I've seen the plan it's
4842s fantastic plan we've discussed it we
4843s talked about it um some things don't
4845s survive
4846s implementation so I don't want to start
4848s talking too heavily about
4850s it so I'm also being super Vegas because
4852s it could change
4854s all right moving on if you guys can try
4857s not to release 1.0 too close too soon to
4861s come releases Poe D4 Etc all coming
4864s really soon yes
4868s um yeah Poe's Po's recent uh release
4871s date
4874s shift
4878s um not not awesome for us um
4883s I I do not begrudge them taking more
4885s time at
4887s all
4893s um it's it's it's something as as as the
4898s uh as the scrappy Underdog on the
4900s playground we we it's something we have
4902s to to uh be prepared to adapt to
4907s um but yeah it's it's
4910s good I I I we we we do try to avoid
4913s major releases um from from the more INF
4917s franchise titles that's a good way put
4922s it are you guys doing controller or
4924s steam deck support there's already what
4926s I would call very good controller
4927s support not perfect there's definitely
4930s problems with it um there's things we're
4932s working on we're working to improve that
4934s that's that's a that's controller
4935s support is a major part of our our plan
4938s for 1.0 our goals for the game um steam
4940s deck support is something that we are
4942s very interested in um but haven't put
4945s any time or effort into it whatsoever we
4947s do have controller support we do have a
4948s Linux build it's kind of natural that it
4950s just works right there's some things we
4953s have to do to make it work really and
4955s play really nice um so we're not going
4957s to officially support steam deck uh at
4960s 1.0 um it is something we're keeping our
4962s eye on and something that we hope to
4965s expand into eventually
4968s um but it it all comes down to uh uh how
4973s how many like resources do we have and
4975s and what's the upshot from doing it type
4976s thing so
4979s um I it's a really
4981s interesting um form
4983s uh uh what's it called platform to get
4987s on to um but it is a separate platform
4989s that we are once once we add a platform
4991s it's something that we're like it's part
4993s of our um technical debt forever is now
4998s we have to include this this another
5000s build platform in there and it's that's
5001s that's the main reason we
5003s cut Mac support so long ago um was just
5007s it because it was Mac was going to
5008s become two
5009s platforms
5011s um and we had Linux as platform and we
5013s had windows and four platforms was just
5015s too much and we're like if we cut Mac we
5016s go down to two platforms oh my God
5018s that's so much better um and there was
5021s the whole processor stuff and there lots
5023s of stuff now that make it a lot better
5024s but
5026s um at least initially we need fewer
5029s platforms not more but we are definitely
5032s looking to them in the
5034s Horizon and and I also want to say that
5037s um there are a lot of people that have
5038s steam deck working already um it is not
5040s perfect and there's a few things you got
5042s to you got to tweak and change um to get
5044s it working nicely um but if you talk to
5046s some people on uh subreddit you probably
5049s be able to get it going pretty decent
5052s it's definitely not perfect and it's
5053s definitely not officially supported but
5056s um it's it's close it's closer than I
5058s expected with us doing literally
5061s nothing
5064s how's Falcon going so good um really
5067s really good
5069s actually uh any plans for a traditional
5071s Hydra skill um we've toyed around with a
5075s Hydra skill a few
5076s times uh it actually so one of the one
5079s of the Front Runners for um one of the
5083s front runner like build ideas or like
5086s design uh structure ideas I don't know
5088s what you want to call them like themes
5089s design
5090s themes it's the wrong way to put it
5092s there there's a term for that that I'm
5093s missing but like one of the core
5095s feelings for uh Rune master that we
5098s considered uh going with before we
5101s locked in um the the runes and the
5103s invocation system uh was it did include
5107s Hydra as the top level skill for uh fman
5112s Master which is part of the reason why
5114s you have the hydr hedron as um one of
5117s the
5118s invocations so I'd say it's um it it
5123s it's it's definitely not off the table
5124s by any means um I would say it's given
5129s the density of abilities you see on this
5131s screen I would say it is very unlikely
5135s that uh Mage will get any new abilities
5137s for quite a while um there's there's
5141s like there's there's room for more from
5143s the Mastery to come uh from each Mastery
5145s to come in the future and I and we will
5146s see those eventually but there's um if
5149s you look at how densely populated this
5151s page is compared to the other classes
5153s it's pretty hopefully pretty obvious
5155s that the other classes are going to see
5157s new skills
5161s first
5163s um and I mean like we we're all going
5165s we're going to continue with with more
5166s masteries as well so
5168s like uh probably wouldn't fit too well
5170s but it's it's possible that we could add
5172s it if like in a new Mastery or
5180s something oh
5184s any plans for planning the plans about
5186s the plans absolutely we have one of
5188s those meetings every
5190s week uh I got a pretty modern is laptop
5194s and ran Le pretty terribly at super low
5197s RS and settings I3 13 gen 8 GES of ram
5200s just PC runs um better on ultra settings
5203s though so maybe laptops aren't good for
5205s Le
5206s possibly
5211s um
5220s can you like leave me alone Mr baddy
5225s jerk face huh huh oh my God I went into
5229s the boss fight without getting any void
5231s res
5234s again is there any way we can squeak out
5237s some void res out of any of our gear we
5239s could try and roll This Fire
5241s Res
5247s great
5250s perfect
5256s um we are up a
5260s creek is what we
5271s are
5286s you might be able to make this better
5287s than
5294s our let's roll
5301s this
5308s okay so if I'm going to do this I got to
5310s be
5313s perfect I'm going
5315s to put this up here's a cool thing I'm
5319s going to answer questions till I come to
5321s a longer question that I can talk about
5323s while I'm playing this boss fight so
5325s here's a cool thing which I didn't
5327s actually press the button for it earlier
5329s sorry who knows what this is it's a
5332s little reminiscent of some of stuff in
5333s the game but it's definitely different
5335s uh what meta builds what meta build is
5338s surprised you not bugs
5341s one um what the community made and it
5345s was not planned
5350s um I mean we we rarely sit down and say
5353s like Hey we're going to make sure we
5355s enable this build and we're going to
5356s make sure we enable this build and we're
5357s going to make sure we enable this build
5359s as like um top tier power build
5363s we do we do try and add support for
5365s certain things that we we try and make
5366s as balanced as we can we say like okay
5368s well like someone wants to take this
5370s class fantasy um let's let's make sure
5372s that there's stuff to make this fantasy
5377s work like just that is there not
5379s necessarily commenting on how much
5381s damage it
5383s deals um and usually and metab builds
5385s are all about you know high damage
5387s output stuff so
5389s it's it's a hard question to answer I'm
5392s sorry I don't I don't have a good answer
5393s for
5395s you hi last week you said that the Uber
5397s boss wouldn't be available for 1.0 uh
5400s will it arrive for the second cycle or
5403s in an intermediate patch it when we do
5405s add an Uber boss to the game it will
5409s arrive as
5412s a like as a main patch like here's
5415s here's a patch Uber boss in patch as a
5417s main it it'll be like a large feature in
5420s the patch like that that'll be a big
5421s deal
5425s um I had I heard bosses have some sort
5429s of dynamic damage reduction which causes
5432s uh that your which causes that your DPS
5434s is very low compared to other enemies uh
5437s how this work is this going to be
5438s changed adjusted because it seems to
5440s break power fantasy
5444s um I I I can talk about this one for a
5446s while
5448s actually
5450s nope yep okay um So
5454s currently boss spawns
5458s um as as ideal damage to this
5463s boss um and as as his basically as his
5466s health goes down um he gets a
5470s scaling
5472s Dr uh buff so he'll he'll take less and
5475s less and less and less and less damage
5476s as I deal damage to
5478s him now um the amount of
5483s as as time
5484s passes um that that buff sort of falls
5487s off as
5489s well so someone who is um killing the
5493s boss very slowly will not be affected by
5497s uh by that Dynamic Dr anywhere near as
5499s much as someone who is um doing up
5502s Bonkers oh my God what the f amount of
5506s damage um
5509s this I think is a uh a really good
5514s idea
5516s conceptually uh like the the goals
5518s behind that system are something we are
5520s very interested in continuing uh going
5525s forward however the current system is
5528s not achieving those
5530s goals uh in in in a way that we're happy
5534s with
5535s um it's a terribly aim shot that's okay
5539s though and
5541s um so we we we have uh a a plan for a
5545s system revamp that will
5550s um hopefully achieve the same
5556s goal
5558s better well achieve it at all instead of
5560s failing miserably
5567s um we get out of that
5571s one
5579s so one of the main goals um we we really
5583s like creating fun and engaging boss
5592s content
5597s um
5599s sometimes uh there can be situations
5601s where comes
5603s together that completely trivializes the
5606s mechanics of the boss
5609s fight like to the point where it it may
5612s as well be a training
5616s dummy um and we're less thrilled when
5619s when when that becomes the goal of this
5623s of of a um or or maybe not goals the
5626s wrong when that becomes the expected
5628s when someone's like oh is a build viable
5630s well can it one shot this boss can it
5632s kill this can it kill the final hardest
5635s boss situation in less than one second
5638s all right it is deemed inv viable build
5640s that that's that's not the sort of
5641s Benchmark we're looking
5643s for
5652s um and like for the most
5656s part um like a balanced
5660s build that gets to engage with the
5662s content is more what we're looking to to
5666s uh
5675s incentivize um and
5680s currently what happens
5684s is basically anyone who's got a like
5689s pretty decent build
5692s um and damage numbers turned
5696s on feels like they're hitting bosses uh
5699s with a pool
5706s noodle um and we the the generally I
5710s think the obvious like um solution to
5714s this that gets brought up usually is
5716s okay we'll just make um boss's Health
5719s Dynamic uh there's a bunch of problems
5722s with
5724s that that was
5727s close um so we we we can't do
5730s that
5733s um I don't want to
5750s fail and
5754s um sorry I've gone into the
5760s tank um where was I oh it's not it's not
5764s doing it's not doing its job properly um
5766s and there's there's a ton of you can see
5768s a ton of uh comments on forums and and
5771s and reviews and videos and things like
5773s that talking about how the system's not
5774s working and not not doing what it should
5776s be type thing and and and they are
5778s correct in that it is not um it doesn't
5782s feel good to play it's not fun and um
5785s that's the primary goal of all our
5786s systems is to be
5789s fun uh and and and it's that's a such a
5792s hard and vague uh criteria cuz you know
5796s defining fun is one of the hardest
5797s things in the world to do
5806s um oh man time that feeling when you
5809s just want call on a build um
5815s um oh
5835s no hey there's my void
5838s res we doing void
5840s res
5859s okay I'm just so I'm just so happy
5861s that's what's going on I'm just so
5862s happy
5866s um so yes we we are looking at a way to
5871s I like the long longest wayed answer
5872s ever I'm sorry um we we are trying to
5875s find a way to still have um uh a a
5879s mechanic in a boss fight in in boss
5881s fights in general that
5885s um
5887s a do do do have that a similar um
5892s normalizing effect on Boss kill times
5894s less extreme than what is now um but but
5896s that is one of the one of the pieces to
5899s the to the whole puzzle that we are
5900s trying to do is is a slight normalizing
5902s effect on Boss skill times um however
5905s the the the really important part about
5907s it is is not that it's normalizing boss
5910s heal times the really important part is
5911s that it's um giving something fun to
5913s interact with and so the way that we're
5915s going to do this is going to be a system
5918s that you can interact with right now the
5920s the way boss Dr works is there there's
5922s no count there the way adapted boss Dr
5923s works there's no counterplay
5926s um like the fastest way to kill a boss
5928s is to do the most damage as fast as you
5930s can and what the Adaptive Dr does is it
5932s just reduces that speed and that those
5934s numbers by an amount that is if you know
5937s how fast you're going to kill them
5938s actually a fixed
5940s amount and any attempt to like slow DPS
5943s to let those numbers go back up and all
5945s that sort of stuff y y y it doesn't work
5947s the fastest way to kill a boss is to
5948s kill it as fast as you can um which is
5950s great and um should still be the case
5954s that you can um kill a boss Faster by
5958s doing more damage to it yes you should
5960s be able to kill a boss Faster by doing
5961s more damage to it I I know that that
5964s sounds like the opposite of what I'm
5966s kind of talking about here and it's not
5967s true it's not it's not the opposite um
5970s and I know I'm being super vague and not
5971s really talking about it because the
5972s system we've planned is not implemented
5974s not tested y y y but I mean it's start
5976s to talk about the goals and what we want
5977s to achieve here for it and and it may
5979s not be something that we fix right away
5980s it may be something that needs more
5981s feedback and more iterations um but I
5984s think the next version is going to give
5986s ways to like have counterplay and um
5990s have more interesting decisions in um
5993s how you want to approach the boss fight
5998s um and and be more intuitive as well one
6001s of the big problems with the system we
6002s have now is it's very black boxy feeling
6005s um where you don't really understand why
6008s it's happening until you go into the
6010s game guide um or or the forums or you
6014s know like come here and ask about it
6016s type thing so like there's um we we we
6018s need the system to be more a obvious
6020s what's happening um and and be intuitive
6023s on how to interact with that um to to to
6027s make it uh advantageous for you to to be
6029s more successful um than if you just held
6032s the DPS button down
6034s possibly and then in some situations if
6036s you get your DPS high enough just
6038s holding the DPS button down will still
6039s be the best way so it's it's it's it's
6041s it's that Dynamic nature of of that boss
6044s fight and and having be being able to
6047s improve your character's performance
6050s through strategy rather than uh than not
6053s be able to do that is important too as
6056s well I we we've we've got some some
6060s vague plans to improve
6063s it that that will hopefully not impact
6065s your power fantasy will hopefully
6067s enhance it
6072s actually I think it's going to be sweet
6074s very elegant solution very
6077s simple um I think a regen up to a cat so
6081s they cannot regen More than 70% 75% of
6084s their last health so you'll eventually
6086s kill them but it takes longer and you'll
6088s have to dodge more of their skills
6090s instead of being
6093s impossible
6095s yeah I I I don't think it's terrible
6097s that you can get into a situation if you
6099s overextend yourself where it's not
6100s possible to win the fight I I don't
6102s think that's
6103s terrible I think having that be a the
6106s norm is is not fun and disheartening but
6110s but having that exists in the game is I
6112s think totally
6114s fine I think it's
6120s good especially in a campaign I think
6122s it's especially good and that might seem
6124s kind of ridiculous
6127s um but having
6130s a like a hiccup that you have to maybe
6134s like go back and train for a bit and
6136s overcome and then um and then you can
6140s like you come back and you you you beat
6142s it and it's great and there's that
6143s there's that feeling of like um like
6148s that that that that that cycle there's
6149s probably a term for this I don't know
6150s what it is but like the failure the
6154s retraining and the the the success the
6156s overcoming the the the sports
6160s movie having the built-in sports movie
6163s because that's that's like that's the
6164s storyline just described the story of
6165s every single sports movie ever
6168s um I gu having having having the sports
6170s movie built in into that um a small
6173s section of this campaign is actually
6174s pretty good um because I think if you
6178s don't have situations like that it's
6181s possible for you to get into a uh like
6184s if a worse situation later where you end
6187s up you come to a point where your
6188s character has slipped behind bit by bit
6191s constantly as you go forward and maybe
6193s you get to a point where you're just so
6195s far behind when you get to a boss fight
6198s um that it's it's like you you're like
6200s okay well I guess I'm going to go and um
6204s try and farm my character up and improve
6205s my character a little bit to to face
6206s face this boss fight but it's like two
6208s weeks of farming or something I don't
6209s know it's an exaggeration but um I I
6212s think that that when you're not like you
6215s can be working towards that goal in a
6217s campaign too long and lose interest
6221s possibly I I think I think there's a
6223s danger of that in in some
6230s situations
6233s hopefully obviously it depends heavily
6235s on the game and like where in that
6237s campaign they are or maybe they're not
6239s in the campaign you know there's so many
6241s factors that impact it but I think in
6242s general that type of um mechanic is fine
6245s to have in most most games at some point
6247s in
6257s there I know it's a small thing but when
6260s leveling up and changing skills in your
6262s attack bar you still can't back out of
6265s the box When selecting it when is this
6270s fixed like
6275s this when leveling up and changing
6277s skills in your attack bar yeah like so
6278s in your attack yeah there's like there's
6281s when when this opens when this when this
6282s window opens there's a gigantic window
6284s that's bigger than the screen that's
6285s open behind it that's a big button that
6287s says close this
6290s window
6292s I know because I implemented
6299s it someone had a question above this I
6301s will scroll up and find
6303s it
6305s FXX hi Paladin have a few things that
6309s can help team members will team play
6311s becomes something you focus more on so
6313s the players can form a good team to
6315s clear hard content or the focus be
6317s mostly on solo play with a few team
6319s abilities just for fun um we try to
6324s give
6326s um we we we we we are expanding the
6330s number of abilities that thrive in a
6332s group setting and there's there's a lot
6334s of them already that may be a little
6335s less obvious quite often they're nodes
6337s on other abilities
6340s um so like here I'll give you an example
6342s in a second on uh on on Frost
6348s wall um you can you can apply
6353s um flame W I know the name of the skill
6356s don't worry you can apply flame warb to
6358s allies in Frost
6360s wall here we go um so whenever an ally
6363s walks through the frost wall they get
6365s flame W um
6368s and so yeah like like most of the time
6371s we put these Party play mechanics in
6374s skill trees as optional things um
6377s because we we know that a lot of people
6379s play games like this completely solo and
6383s um if most abilities at their Baseline
6385s assumed a party play situation there'd
6388s be a lot of wasted power and a lot of
6390s abilities uh in their base base power um
6393s and the the
6395s um yeah so we we we we slip a lot of
6397s those things into the skill trees
6399s themselves but yes having
6403s um having uh Party play mechanics like
6406s that is is important and something we
6408s will continue to add more of um I don't
6411s I don't think we really put a an
6413s emphasis on one or the other at least we
6414s try not
6415s to um we are not planning on encouraging
6420s a holy trinity style gameplay so the
6424s um like tank heals
6427s DPS type um like like MMO structure
6431s for um is not something we're we're
6434s planning on pushing and we are we do
6437s design all content to be completable
6439s solo
6441s um I mean that it's possible that like
6444s some content could show up at some point
6446s that we accidentally make it only
6448s possible to complete it in a very Niche
6450s party situation or something I can see
6451s that
6453s happening um but generally we do plan
6455s things to be
6457s soloable um with with like high quality
6459s build and stuff like that but probably a
6461s little easier with a I think the here
6464s here's the line um a well
6468s organized um
6471s uh synergist a well organized
6473s synergistic group of players will
6476s typically
6478s outperform uh solo player in most
6482s situations and a disorganized group will
6488s be outperformed by a solo player in most
6491s situations
6492s um so it's like if you really plan out
6495s your party really well together and
6496s you're like okay well this abili is like
6498s this guy's giving me this buff that's
6499s really good for me cuz I'm doing that
6501s type of damage and I'm giving this other
6502s guy this other buff that's really good
6503s for him because he's doing that type of
6504s damage and like where like okay he's
6506s giving us all haste you know he's giving
6508s us all like a bunch of a bunch of armor
6511s and like you know like we're working
6512s together like really have this like core
6514s synergistic build in a group like that's
6517s going to work better than uh a solo
6519s player that that's got their own Build
6520s Together in most situations
6527s um um but you'll you'll still
6531s but if it's just like all right we're
6533s going to have five people jump in
6534s together
6536s and uh just ignore what everyone else is
6539s doing or in some situations actively
6542s like like oh this person's cleansing
6544s debuffs off that other person as an
6546s attack so it's going to uh cause the the
6548s first one who wanted those debuffs to be
6550s on there to trigger some ability do to
6552s do less damage you know like we try to
6553s avoid situations like that but I'm sure
6554s some of them
6556s exist oh sh armor we don't want that
6560s health and damage we can probably
6561s started that
6572s earlier do you guys plan on doing ads
6575s for Le on social media closer to release
6578s we do adds on social media
6581s um I it's not an extreme reach um but
6586s you know we we throw some out there I
6588s think we've um we're still experimenting
6590s with what has the best rate of return uh
6592s between social media and um other other
6597s I don't know I'm not a marketer I'm
6599s sorry um other types of advertising but
6603s yeah like we are especially leading up
6604s to 1.0 we're spinning that marketing
6606s engine up um and because this is like
6609s this is the point that we're really like
6610s ready to shout from the rooftops like
6611s Hey we're here this game's awesome come
6613s play it um and having having that that
6618s marketing start now is is really good
6619s for us so we've we we've been
6621s intentionally a little and we also have
6624s a limited marketing budget so
6626s like um we we've been strategic with how
6629s we spent our marketing budget and
6633s um I I I assume it's uh it's it's
6637s ramping up as we get closer to
6640s 1.0 as someone who knows nothing about
6643s what we do for marketing other than what
6644s I see CU every I've seen a couple ads
6647s for last defac it was it was kind of
6648s funny I'm like well that was a wasted ad
6663s whoops I hope e doesn't get a gun
6666s amendment I mean the so we we have no
6670s plans or designs towards guns in the
6672s game I use that as sort of a a generic
6674s example um and it's it's but at the same
6679s time it's not something that we are are
6681s completely ruling out long term so it is
6684s possible that we might add guns at some
6687s point long term um we have no plans for
6690s it there's no designs for it but we just
6693s don't want to be like never you know
6697s that's
6698s all oh get that outline fixed what's
6701s going
6703s on Guarantee I know what log there is if
6706s I open the the log right
6709s now yeah yeah it's a whole bunch of null
6715s refs texture is not assigned properly
6724s oh give me that ascendance I said give
6727s me that
6735s ascendance I wish Le monoliths had
6738s crafed mechanics like items so we
6741s wouldn't so we'd have super rare Le
6744s potential monoliths with some rare mods
6746s to make the area super interesting
6748s difficult but rewarding uh crafting can
6750s expand monus uh so much if added um yeah
6754s so this is this is um this is pee Maps
6757s is what we're talking about here um and
6761s we talked a lot like so you may notice
6763s that dungeon keys don't
6765s stack
6766s um we had originally talked about having
6770s dungeon keys work the same as how Maps
6772s work where there's like a magic map and
6774s you can like you different types of maps
6776s that you can craft on change the things
6777s on them you can add stuff to them take
6779s stuff off them y y y and um I think a uh
6784s a an endgame mechanic whether that is
6785s dungeons unlikely at this point or uh an
6789s optional monolith mode or a completely
6792s different um like type of type of thing
6796s entirely I don't know like um one option
6799s I saw I think this is a community post
6801s oh I don't remember where I saw it um it
6803s was like these these uh items that could
6807s drop that would be craftable basically
6810s like Maps um but yeah so they're
6812s craftable items that can drop that you
6814s can that have specific risks and rewards
6816s on specific mods basically basically the
6818s specific Echoes that drop as items that
6820s you can craft on that you could use in
6823s the monolith map screen to to replace uh
6826s an echo that's there so like say there's
6828s an echo that like um you're like oh that
6830s one's way too hard for me you have this
6832s item you use the item it changes that
6834s Echo into something else um so it's like
6836s a different U diff maybe maybe your
6838s build has 100% crit avoidance and so you
6841s you you Pi you pick one that um gives
6844s enemies a ton of crit chance and so it
6846s doesn't hurt your build at all and you
6848s just get an easy one and it lets you
6849s advance better because you use this
6851s item so that was that was my favorite I
6853s can't remember where that was I'm pretty
6854s sure that was a Reddit post may have
6857s been
6859s Discord
6861s um but I really like that
6867s one just hopefully because it was clear
6869s but if not making sure it's not
6872s something we've designed or talked about
6873s it's not something that's in the works
6874s but that type of thing is stuff we have
6878s discussed and we will be looking to
6880s expand our endgame systems and that's a
6882s great way to do
6886s it um that was a repeat question which
6889s is fine cuz we still paying and the
6890s reping which is great thank you very
6891s much all right I think it was mentioned
6894s that corruption rework rebalance was
6895s going to make it into 1.0 I know the
6898s goal is to shift more of the power to
6900s the actual corruption and not to the
6901s echo uh not the echo modifiers but could
6904s you share any more details maybe no I'm
6906s sorry I
6909s can't there's there's not a lot to it
6911s but that's you basically got it that's
6913s basically what's going to happen we're
6914s going to shift a bunch of the power from
6916s the to corruption from the modifiers
6918s themselves and
6921s that's B basically
6929s it all right random stuff in Echoes like
6932s Exel mes are great yes absolutely uh
6935s will there be more added on the release
6936s or will that sort of thing come with
6937s Cycles I don't think any more of those
6939s are coming at
6941s 1.0 I think
6945s the I'm pretty sure 1.0 doesn't include
6947s any more of
6949s these
6956s trying to I can't think of
6962s any um but we will we will definitely be
6964s looking to add more of those um like a
6968s little bit longer like like through
6970s through uh through through the cycles as
6973s we go that that is the type of thing
6975s that we are very much interested in
6979s adding
6984s oh hey two volatile zombies someone to
6986s potion
6995s use I know what item I just picked
6999s up
7001s sweet they're fire zombies see
7004s that are Vol oh yeah they're Fire by
7006s default I was I was playing poison
7008s recently I'm like I have it in my brain
7011s that they're just
7016s poison probably not the best one for us
7018s so we're I even look what else is on
7019s there Health NS actually not a bad
7032s belt yeah we will be adding more stuff
7034s like that in Cycles
7036s though is the offline mode still set to
7039s be truly 100% offline at 1.0 as
7041s previously announced back in March
7045s yes I I know I know a ton of work's been
7048s being done on this um and I I know it's
7050s either working or very close to working
7053s um and I'm pretty sure it's scope for
7058s 1.0
7062s um yes yeah let's go with
7064s yes Final Answer
7068s Alex
7071s all
7074s right
7077s um oh my God not Alex sorry that was bad
7081s all right what's the headcat working at
7083s La now on after launch is that uh
7086s inevitable boost and funding going to
7087s lead to more hands on deck I do not know
7089s the exact number um I think we're in the
7096s like high 80s to low 90s
7101s range like we we're talking we're
7103s talking absolutely everyone that that
7106s has that's working on the project in in
7109s a including like contractors and all
7112s that sort of stuff like yeah I think
7113s it's in that range I don't I'm sorry I
7116s don't know the number I get asked this
7118s one pretty frequently and I should know
7119s the number and I just don't I'm sorry um
7121s but yeah we are pretty constantly hiring
7124s people
7128s um
7131s do careers page
7143s up what's up there right
7146s now yeah UI and gameplay
7152s developer come work with me that's
7155s that's basic that that position is
7156s basically take take a third of Mike's
7158s responsibilities away from Mike it's
7160s basically what that job
7166s is so come come take a third of my
7173s responsibilities um all right I
7177s literally can't stop playing this game
7179s that's that's dangerous I mean like if
7181s you're actually stuck like just I don't
7183s know start blinking in moris code or
7185s something someone someone will find
7188s you um
7191s any anybody's touch take a break and
7193s touch grass I was I was joking
7196s originally but yeah I
7198s mean
7200s um I think
7202s [Music]
7204s having um H having a having like a fixed
7209s timer so there's like a fixed fixed like
7212s like before you sit down set a fixed
7214s amount of time that you want to play
7217s for
7218s um
7220s and I know I know you can't always like
7222s end immediately afterwards but like set
7224s some sort of condition be like okay I'm
7225s going to do I'm going to spend two hours
7228s doing Echoes and um as soon as that
7233s alarm goes off I'll finish the echo I'm
7235s on and then immediately
7239s quit no Lolly gagging no just one
7242s more a lot of it's just discipline I
7244s mean if you
7247s um you you can set up
7250s up
7252s um like disciplinary AIDS that's a bad
7257s way to put sounds like a sex thing um
7259s you can you can put up like uh things in
7263s place that will force you to comply with
7266s your schedule but you could overcome if
7268s you really wanted to so like um uh you
7272s you could put like a a a lock screen
7276s that shows up when when when it finish
7279s when the time finishes or something I
7280s don't know and like you know the
7282s password to it but you have to like
7285s complete you have to beat you have to
7286s beat a chess puzzle to get back in and
7288s it like it gives you time to think like
7290s do I really want to circumnavigate the
7293s Restriction I put in place on myself
7295s just so there like a little bit of delay
7308s there
7311s this could be something as weird as
7313s like if it's like if you're if you're
7315s really struggling with something like
7316s this you can do something weird like um
7317s install the game on a like on a on a a
7321s easily removable drive from your
7323s computer and when like the time's up and
7327s you like you're not like you're you've
7328s used up all your time for the day you
7330s can like take that drive and like go put
7331s it in like a locked box that has like a
7334s combination on it or something and like
7336s it's that extra step of like going to
7338s get the drive out of the locked box
7339s unlock it and plug it into your computer
7340s so it can play it again and like that
7342s little bit of extra time can sometimes
7343s let you uh get a little perspective on
7346s on if you're really trying hard to not
7349s um not do this the other thing um that I
7352s find really good when trying to develop
7353s or break habits is is keeping records of
7355s things um so having having a way to like
7359s like track how much you're playing and
7361s say like okay maybe um like like so
7364s write down so you finish playing for the
7365s day um and you're like okay I played
7366s three hours today or something and um
7369s then you can like really see over time
7371s how much you're playing and if that's
7372s like going up or going down you can
7373s track your progress and you can you know
7375s like okay I'm really trying to get my
7376s game time down to two hours a day from
7378s three hours a day and you can like see
7380s it going down slowly and when you get
7382s there you know it's like it feels more
7384s like an achievement rather than just
7385s like a something
7388s happened I hope it
7393s helps also super duper not an expert on
7396s this sort of thing these are just the
7397s sort of things that I do um
7400s and if you're really looking for help
7401s and advice on this I'm sure there's
7403s better resources and I do not know what
7404s those are I'm
7407s sorry uh all right next question please
7409s make a new Pinnacle bosses that have a
7412s race for first kill um not be practice
7416s on standard like it is on Poe I want to
7418s see hardcore players enter blind in the
7421s arena and get one-shotted that is part
7422s of the fun watching
7425s them yeah it's it's a really tricky
7427s balancing act because there's lots of my
7429s goodness I am not surviving this oh no
7434s okay you can do this mik um oh my God
7438s I'm over
7439s time I just burned right through oh I'm
7441s probably so far behind okay here's
7443s here's here's what we're going to do I'm
7444s going to answer this question I'm going
7445s to almost for sure die in this Arena
7447s which is fine um and I'm going to just
7451s speedrun some
7452s questions uh at the end of this for like
7455s 15
7457s minutes and if I don't good tears I
7465s apologize okay let's try and answer some
7467s buiness um oh yeah Pinnacle bosses and
7470s and stuff yeah so
7472s there's there's tricky stuff with that
7475s because especially because we're also
7476s doing an offline mode um it it it makes
7480s this like blind first online playthrough
7483s uh tough cuz there's like ways to to
7486s figure out what's going on and test
7487s things even if it's like like just
7489s simultaneously with launch it's it's
7492s it's tough um so we'll we we'll see what
7495s happens um I agree with the sentiment
7499s you've got there and it is something we
7500s are mindful of so we'll do our
7509s best but we're not going to sacrifice
7511s offline mode uh to make it happen type
7513s thing like we won't just like cut a mode
7515s if it's causing problems with
7518s that
7529s okay next question so the game content
7531s from cycle will stay after it ends yes
7533s uh was wondering how much further along
7536s uh dual Shields are from last Friday
7539s 0% um uh who is the community manager of
7543s Le uh Kane who is here in chat is the
7548s community manager
7550s it does a fantastic
7554s job oh my
7559s goodness oh my that was
7567s lovely okay we are going to sit
7570s here with got ice brush
7573s nice with boring stuff on screen I don't
7576s know what will be on screen we'll
7578s just
7581s I let's let's let's find some stuff to
7583s talk about I'm going to answer some
7584s questions I I know what do I know what
7585s do I'll put this back up but I'm gonna
7588s I'm GNA move
7591s it here there we
7595s go
7596s [Music]
7597s um okay we're we're gonna try and answer
7599s as many of these as possible I'm
7601s overtime but I really want to get
7602s through these and uh I'm going to be
7605s quick on the answers not going to do
7606s long rambly one sorry all right yeah
7609s Kane is the um
7613s manager
7618s um I'll pass the feedback on to
7623s him uh how about I highlight the best
7625s questions reveals modes from the stream
7627s on the forums um uh action Aaron action
7630s RPG does a uh a recap of every single
7633s one of uh these streams and Andrew Tilly
7636s has a ton of compiled info on forms as
7641s well uh few questions one thoughts on
7643s adding a rarity to the stash tab search
7646s uh love it um will a similar mindset in
7649s how run master was made into Warlock and
7651s Falcon since playing run Master feels
7653s like there is great room for build
7654s variety and experation yes we we we put
7656s the same sort of
7659s um philosophy the philosophy for
7661s generating new classes hasn't changed
7663s much in the last like three years really
7666s um we we don't add that many new classes
7668s the the the drw revamp was almost like
7670s add a new class and uh Shaman's gonna be
7673s pretty big too I think and um
7679s the uh but yes yes the way the way we
7681s approached adding Warlock and Falconer
7683s was the exact same way we approached
7684s adding run Master it neither of them
7686s will be as complex as Rune Masters run
7689s Masters are most complex class and will
7691s remain that way um there's a ton of fun
7693s things to do there uh I'm I'm really
7696s excited to show off that stuff all right
7698s with regards to controller support can
7700s you please allow us to rebind more
7701s buttons uh maybe there's some tricks
7703s there um and there there's there's a few
7707s there's a few gotchas that we've had to
7708s work
7709s around um uh don't buff the set items
7712s overall set items are a bad mechanic for
7715s the end game it creates limited choices
7717s and takes away the puzzle feels in my
7719s opinion it's better to concentrate on
7721s adding more legendary items uniques I
7723s think is what meant uh and slowly get
7725s rid of set items or exchange them for a
7727s new type of loot something refreshing
7728s like experimental items they are very
7730s cool uh uh interesting take I'm sorry no
7734s comment um what type of extra endg game
7738s activities will be offered on full
7740s release of the game uh there's not a lot
7742s of new like fullon activities um
7746s interaction with the item factions will
7748s be the biggest source of new activities
7749s at
7751s 1.0
7755s um of set items we're not actually
7757s removing set items just to be clear
7759s uh any updates on WD movement uh it's
7762s still not
7764s planned uh can you play this without
7767s following a build guide
7770s absolutely um most of the time when I
7772s see people like like I go to Reddit or
7773s something and they're like I'm a new
7774s player uh any advice the like the first
7777s 20 comments are just just go play it
7779s have fun and then come look at a guide
7781s once you've uh got your first character
7783s through end game that's like the the top
7785s answer every single time um from the
7787s community and I agree uh are we never
7789s going to get and and like even there's
7790s like like Perry the pig makes great
7792s videos for lasto and he's got like a a
7794s beginner like a noob guide video type
7796s thing it's like this is a beginner guide
7797s the video starts out with you don't need
7799s this guide it's like how the video
7801s starts that was great um all right are
7803s we never going to get commas in the
7805s damage numbers uh yes no no we're no
7810s we're not never going to get Dam commas
7812s in the damage numbers uh any plans to
7815s change the end of echo reward popup menu
7818s I've had some many times covering the
7819s screen and not seeing something on the
7821s floor mobs the all of those mobs are
7823s supposed to be killed by the boss and
7824s the boss dies there's some like weird
7825s race conditions that cause it to be
7826s possible to happen um uh that that
7829s window does need to be either movable or
7832s minimiz probably minimiz is likely the
7834s option that we'll
7836s see uh that job position I was
7838s mentioning that would be their job to do
7841s uh do you have plans to have other end
7844s of game leaderboards yes like perhap
7846s corruption level and such instead of
7847s just read it absolutely um what those
7849s will be I don't know but yes we do have
7851s there's a few things we've considered
7852s we've also considered having like cycle
7854s specific leaderboards like oh this cycle
7855s there's like this special leader board
7856s that's cool and if people don't care
7858s about it we just ditch it if they like
7859s it maybe we keep it you know we consider
7861s stuff like that too uh any update on the
7862s blessing changes that were talked about
7864s in the maxr interview being able to more
7866s easily switch between previously
7867s unlocked blessings uh nothing's
7869s implemented but we still plan to um it
7872s it's essentially like it's not finished
7874s yet but essentially this instead of this
7876s just being something you just click on
7877s and just pick the ones that you've done
7878s and these instead of just saying the
7879s ranges will actually have specific
7881s values as the highest value you've ever
7882s rolled on that
7887s thing because because spoiler alert
7889s these are technically items these are
7891s actually items that you have in a
7893s special storage these These are as much
7896s of an item as as these and like the
7899s special storage they're in this
7900s literally the exact same
7902s system just displayed slightly
7905s differently uh the real question is oh
7907s my gosh you can't see what I was just
7908s looking at I'm sorry I just realized the
7910s the pictures up on the screen it's okay
7911s we're going to keep going charging
7912s ahead uh the real question is when we
7914s getting
7915s lightsabers I mean there's already kind
7918s of one in the game a little bitsh sort
7919s of not really
7922s um thanks for the answers I do like the
7924s support skills are nodes it's always a
7926s fun boost to your friends with with uh
7928s crit or heal or something um but still
7930s doing your build yeah there's and
7931s there's lots of things like like uh
7933s haste in uh when when you uh Rogue has a
7937s bunch of haste Generation stuff for the
7938s part so you can like um one of my
7940s favorite things to do is is is play a
7941s rogue in a big party and just take all
7943s the things that give everyone else haste
7945s and you're just like constantly dropping
7946s like little haste bombs for everyone all
7948s over the place and it's just like
7949s everyone just goes so fast it's great um
7953s will you be playing uh what will you be
7958s playing Megan Fox to be on a Le for you
7962s sorry I don't that means um what are you
7964s most proud of in Le as you get closer to
7967s release
7980s um that's a really tough question to
7983s answer I don't know um the things that
7986s immediately come to mind is the is is
7988s the skill system and and and all all our
7990s skill trees um I think part of that's
7993s because this is a lot of what I work on
7996s with a lot of other extremely talented
7998s people
7999s um
8000s and just just the way that this this
8003s system and this this is system is the
8004s reason I got into the game um like the
8006s reason I started working here it's it's
8008s what I spend most more time on than
8009s anything else like so it's really close
8011s to me um I think it's something that
8013s that
8014s is um it's one of it's one of our things
8017s that like make us unique uh and and I I
8020s think we do I think we execute it really
8021s well so I I think I think the skill
8022s system in
8024s general uh couple more questions I'm
8027s gonna end this pretty soon
8029s um blame the intern uh I hope someday
8032s Ellie gets a crossover with Poe for a
8033s skin for each game that'll be themed for
8035s the other so we can play as the Mage and
8037s play in the templ that would be really
8038s cool it would be
8041s awesome um I
8044s I I have no idea if that will ever
8046s happen um got to meet a bunch of them at
8048s Gamescom in Germany recently so awesome
8053s um I I I I'm I'm all for it I'm all for
8056s it I have no idea if it could ever
8058s happen um but I'd love to that that
8060s would be sweet that' be really cool all
8063s right can you please tell Aaron to
8065s get uh Aon to get a steam deck he'll see
8069s this so you just did uh I love the
8071s shatter Valley soundtrack it's so
8072s haunting yet terrifying and sad some uh
8074s areas just have iconic music like The
8077s Traveler at the end of time
8080s yeah oh would it be easier to have a
8082s currency or material in the game to just
8084s change an echo map be utilizing the
8086s currency material adding a whole whole
8088s new crafting function uh for Echo M
8091s seems more cumbersome as a player
8093s probably for you all as well uh in my
8096s tiny brain at least um possibly it's a
8099s good
8100s point um you've perfectly highlighted
8104s the fact that I have not thought about
8106s this in depth very much
8109s um but yeah it's that that's that's
8112s definitely an option
8114s too uh I don't see any yeah I don't see
8117s any major problems with that really yeah
8119s uh do you know which element has the
8120s highest damage cap for the soric well no
8124s sorry n technically none of them have
8126s the damage cap
8130s um yeah I don't
8133s know uh I see a lot of people using the
8136s Fire and Ice Rune Master builds but I
8137s play as only lightning build uh I just
8139s blow things up with it yeah I there's
8142s there's there's several very powerful
8143s lightning
8144s builds
8147s um
8149s game work on Steam deck yet uh it it can
8153s um if you haven't got it to work it
8154s there are there are people on Reddit
8155s that I've seen with like information on
8157s how to get it to work I would search the
8159s subreddit for uh steam deck and I bet
8162s there'll be a bunch of posts that'll
8163s come up for you if not just be like
8164s someone help me with this and someone
8166s I'm sure would help you with it I'm
8168s sorry I can't help you with it so I have
8170s no idea what it
8172s needs and that's it we made it all right
8176s fantastic work everyone thanks for
8178s sticking with
8179s me I had a ton of fun I hope you did too
8183s uh if I didn't answer your question and
8185s you would like to ask it it still please
8186s head on over to our Discord there is a
8189s ask the devs channel a freshly reamped
8191s Discord actually with lots of new stuff
8193s that's awesome
8198s um here we go let's head on over
8205s to something who I was talking about
8207s earlier
8209s um yeah it be here same time same place
8212s next week
8214s um playing more play more builds uh next
8217s week we're actually uh I'm going to be
8219s playing the winner of the build
8222s competition uh that's being run uh I
8226s think Perry might be one of the captains
8227s for it as well if not he'll definitely
8229s know who is um check it out have fun see
8232s you
8237s later