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I don't want it to be a clear skill, I want a node that puts it on CD and makes it deal ugabooga dmg, like an ultimate, but there is no such node. There are so many damage skills that deal less dmg than meteor and yet have a CD, it is very strange.

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

The node which scales damage based on mana and uses all your mana is effectively that node.

I was wrong, I think it was an old node that I just forgot we removed or something.

Edit 2: if anyone has it handy, can the last epoch tools build planner be put to a different patch? It's it possible to look up what it was before? I'm convinced this was an old node that we removed.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Kadajko

There is no such node.

Woops, it might be an item then? I'm sure we at least used to have a way for you to dump all your mana with a single meteor activation.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Akhevan

Ain't no such item either. So these are 1.0 spoilers right?

I think the obvious answer is that I've just gone completely insane.