about 1 year ago - EHG_Steve - Direct link

Greetings Travelers,

Here is the timeline of what to expect with the launch Last Epoch 1.0 starting on February 21st and leading through the weekend!

Launch Time - Day 1

Last Epoch’s 1.0 Patch will become available to download via Steam at 11 a.m. Central Standard Time (USA). If you do not see the prompt to update your copy in Steam, please restart your Steam client and check again. It could take upwards of 20 minutes for the client to see the update.

Online Version Downtime

Last Epoch’s online services will be down for maintenance and deployment 24 hours before launch. During this time, the team will be hard at work getting everything prepped.

Twitch Drops Begin - Day 2

If you have not already linked your Twitch account, head over to the link below and get your account linked.

Link: https://twitch.lastepoch.com/

Twitch Drops will unlock for content creators beginning Feb 22nd at 12:01am CST and ending on Feb 26th at 12:01am CST. Each day will feature a unique cosmetic, so be sure to tune in to a drops-enabled creator each day. The following week, you will have a second chance at scoring any missing items. You will not be able to earn duplicates of these MTX items by participating a second time however.

Support Needs

We have an incredible support team. These are people that work for us directly, and will be standing by to help you.

If you are in-game and have support needs, please use the in-game support tool by pressing the (Esc) key, and submitting a support request that way.

If you have issues with your account, Please use support.lastepoch.com - The “Submit a Request” button in the upper right corner is a live and supported item.

Please know that we expect to get a massive influx of support requests, and we will be doing our best to knock those out as they come in.

If you jump on Discord or Reddit or comment on your issues in random places throughout our social spaces, we will not have the resources to utilize those spaces for direct support during our launch.

We will not tolerate any amount of abuse of our support staff. It pains me that I have to say this, but please know that our community guides, codes of conduct, and terms of service apply to our support staff as well. If you are found to have been verbally abusive to our support staff, we reserve the right to revoke your access to online play.

Enjoy the Game!

Last on the list of things to remember. Have fun! Last Epoch is a world for you to dive into and slay your way to victory!

We look forward to seeing you in game at 11am CST on Feb 21st, 2024!

about 1 year ago - EHG_Steve - Direct link

Cycle 1 will come at a later time.

1.0 Will take all of your current characters and move them to a standard cycle that will persist indefinitely. Then, Cycle 0 (the launch of 1.0) will essentially allow you to create a brand new character to enjoy the launch.

about 1 year ago - EHG_Steve - Direct link

Correct. You will have a completely fresh stash/inventory/characters if you chose to make a Cycle character at launch.

about 1 year ago - EHG_Steve - Direct link

We are doing everything we can to be ready. :slight_smile:

about 1 year ago - EHG_Steve - Direct link

The game will not be going on sale prior to 1.0 - This was a commitment we made last year, so that players who wanted to jump in and play during early access, did not feel they had to overpay.