over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

One of the most frequently discussed topics is changes to how you can respec both skill trees and class passives. Today we’d like to talk about the changes we plan on making in the near future. We are not yet ready to commit to these being in a specific patch.


  • In addition to despecializing skills, it will be possible to respecialize individual points.
    • As per the current functionality, you will still need to earn XP to re-gain a point to be spent elsewhere on the tree. (This can be done even at the level cap of 100.)
    • Additionally, it will only be possible to perform respecialization if it would not cause the tree to enter an invalid state. For example, you cannot use respecialization to remove your investment from a node that is a prerequisite for another node which you have also taken on your tree. In other words, you can only use respecialization to achieve a result which would be possible without respecializing.



  • The amount of gold required to refund passives will no longer incrementally increase as you continue to refund passives.
  • The gold cost to refund a passive point will now depend on the following;
    • The number of points invested in that passive.
    • The level requirement of the passive.
      • Base class passives will be less costly to refund than mastery class passives.

The goal of our changes is to facilitate making minor adjustments and reducing the cost of low level experimentation. Passives in which you have repeatedly invested are likely to have been more integral to your build, and will thus be more costly to refund.

over 5 years ago - Sarno - Direct link

While this is likely to remain true to a broad extent, we’ll be making some changes to both the rate of gold income the cost of buying items from a vendor in Patch 0.7.3.