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Does the Herald actually drop? I haven't seen a single one since it was added. In fact I've seen more bastions and wings of argentus than it.

Also is there something off with the drop rate on Ravenous Void? I got two yesterday from random drops.

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over 2 years ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

Originally posted by FeelingSedimental

IIRC when a unique rolls, it rolls by slot. So it chooses unique gloves, then a random unique on the list of unique gloves. Then the reroll chance applies, so you have a 98% chance for RV to reroll into other gloves when chosen.

This is close, but not always correct. If it's from an Echo Specific Reward that specifically gives a unique or set pair of gloves, then it can only reroll to gloves, but in most cases it can reroll to any unique that would be a valid drop.