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I'm an ultra casual. Without getting into the weeds, as we are all well aware, Circle of Fortune has been nerfed multiple times. Three that I can recount (glyphs, xp, keys) and hopefully nothing that I'm forgetting. To some this might not be a huge deal but to see CoF going backwards as opposed to forwards is very disheartening. As an example the near useless CoF level of dropping a full set of the 9th level etc...

I'm a solo player. Self found. I cannot buy all of my GG items off the Bazaar like MG players. I have to hunt and target farm as best I can. Why is my already slower progression as a CoF player being hamstrung at multiple turns?

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12 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by IngenuityThink3000

He's still going.

Pressed. It's going to be okay big guy. Just calm down

Just to clear some stuff up, they are right though. This has nothing to do with MG.