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Lastepochtools shows no attribute scaling for skeletal rogues. Compared to warrior, archer, and vanguard, all of which scale with intelligence liked you'd expect. Is this an error in lastepochtools?

If it's true, it seems like it'll be really tough to scale the damage on the rogues compared to the other skeleton flavors :/

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over 1 year ago - /u/ehg_trasochi - Direct link

The attribute scaling that matters is the attribute scaling on the skill that your character casts. In the cast of Summon Skeleton, you cast the Summon Skeleton skill and that cases summon warrior, archer, or rogue as a subskill. So, the attribute scaling on those skills has no actual effect, and Skeletons Rogues scale just well with intelligence as Skeleton Warriors and Archers.

We do need to clean up tooltips so that attribute scaling for sub skills isn't so unintuitive like this.