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Hello epochers,

The node Hold This from the Explosive Trap tree says:

Whenever you hit an enemy with any melee attack you attach an Explosive Trap to that enemy. This effect has a 1.5 second cool down...

How does this cool down work? Is this a per enemy cool down? If I use a melee attack and hit three enemies at once, does only one of them get a trap attached? That would make this node super lame, but it sounds like that from reading it.

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

If it has been at least 1.5s since the last time this triggered, the next melee hit triggers it.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by GenericSearchRequest

So just to clarify, if I shift through a pack of enemies with the unseen strike node allocated, only the first enemy hit in the pack will get an attached Explosive Trap?

If you take that node. There is a mandatory 1.5s delay between any automatic Explosive Trap attachments. If you hit an enemy and attach an Explosive Trap to them then you have to wait 1.5s before you can attach another Explosive Trap to anyone. This 1.5s duration is unaffected by increased cooldown recovery speed bonuses. It doesn't matter what enemies are being hit. It doesn't matter what ability is being used to do the hitting. It doesn't matter how many enemies that ability has hit previously.

hit -> trigger -> wait 1.5s -> hit -> trigger -> wait 1.5s

that's it, no tricks.