Original Post — Direct link

Incase any devs or dev adjacent people are in this sub I wanted to give a full throated shout out to those who created this game.

I'm a pet/summoner build all the way if I have that option in game. Not only do my summons feel important and strong but the level of skill customization related to summons alone is deeper than 99% of pet systems I've played.

I can see you guys poured your heart into those computer to build this game. It really reflects in the details.

It's not perfect as I'm sure you know however I'm willing to say the direction you guys and gals are going at least with skill customization is absolutely the path to perfection.

Thanks for giving me incredible value to my dollar. I'll be contributing further because of it with supporter packs.

This is coming from a cyberpunk 2077 pre orderer....so I can't stress this enough ..thank you for the value to my dollar spent. Shows you care about not just your product but your customer.

External link →
6 months ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Thanks for taking the time to reach out with positive comments and uplift the team. This was shared internally.

Lots of love did go into it! For the first 18 months we did this for zero funds late in the evenings. That’s why it’s called eleventh hour games - we’d get home from our day jobs, do the family routine, and then get on and jam on our passion project late into the evening. It’s gotten a little bigger now but we still have many of those same founders running the show who were really just die hard ARPG fans that were determined to figure out how to make our dream game. It’s been hard as hell, every obstacle you can imagine, but worth it!

Again - thanks for the post.