6 months ago - EHG_Kain - Direct link

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The Imperial Uprising Event Launches 2024-09-19T16:00:00Z

It’s Patch Notes Day!

The Imperial Uprising begins in just two days and runs from 2024-09-19T16:00:00Z through to 2024-10-20T07:00:00Z. This event introduces Loyalist Undead, Loot Lizards, the Stash Tab Priority system, Bazaar improvements, UI Scaling, and more. We’re excited to kick off this event with you in just a couple of days, and share with you today the patch notes for this event patch.

As previously announced, and confirmed with a community poll: Coinciding with the start of the event, there will be a Cycle Refresh. This means all current Cycle characters will be migrated to Legacy, and a refreshed Cycle will begin with fresh economy and leaderboards.

Online services will become unavailable 24 hours prior to the patch starting at 2024-09-18T16:00:00Z in preparation of the Cycle Refresh, and event start.

Continue reading below for more information on the features to find in this event patch, as well as specific patch notes.

Table of Contents

 Loyalist Undead
 Loot Lizards
 Stash Tab Priority System
 Bazaar Improvements
 New Shrines
 UI Scaling
 Dungeon Changes
 Steamdeck and Linux
 Level Design
 Skills - Warpath

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The 1.1.7 Cycle begins September 19th at 11:00am CT, and will be continuing until Patch 1.2.

  • All new characters can be created in Cycle or Legacy realms
  • All 1.1 Cycle characters are now moved to Legacy
    • Those character’s stashes are also now moved to Legacy, and shared among similar game modes as usual
  • Each stash from the previous cycle is now available as a remove-only stash in the appropriate Legacy stash. You may remove any of these items on any Legacy character with the same optional challenge settings, and use them as normal.
  • Solo Character Found characters who abandon the challenge will get their SCF stash as a remove-only stash

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Loyalist Undead

During the event from Sept 19th through to October 20th, additional Loyalist Undead packs will be added to all Monolith Echoes. Each Loyalist Undead pack will contain a rare Leader, and a pack of Magic followers. These Loyalist Undead packs have new unique modifiers specific to them, shared amongst the pack. These packs will show up in Cycle, Legacy, Online, and Offline.

All players who participate in the event by logging in and killing skeletons will be awarded a special MTX at the end of the event. (participation cannot be tracked when playing in full offline mode). For the duration of the event we’ll be tracking the progress of player’s efforts against the undead legions, and sharing updates on our socials.

  • Loyalist Undead packs contain a rare leader and a group of magic followers. There are specific pools of undead that can be selected as leaders or followers.
  • All Loyalist Undead have a new mod from a pool of 8 ability based mods, which are applied in addition to the regular magic and rare mods. Loyalist Undead mods include throwing Acid Traps when the undead uses an ability, and teleporting near the player when they start to move towards them.
  • All Loyalist Undead in an echo share the same mod, but the effect is much stronger for leaders than for followers.
  • While this additional Imperial Uprising Event modifier is active, the percentage of enemies in the Echo you need to kill to reach maximum bonus stability is reduced by 25%
    • (the Loyalist Undead inflate the number of total enemies in the Echo and could otherwise make reaching maximum bonus stability harder)

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Event Modifiers

For the duration of the Imperial Uprising Event, all players will benefit from the following Event Modifiers:

  • +50% More Favor Gain (Added with community feedback)
  • +50% More Reputation Gain
    • As Reputation is gained from earning and spending Favor, this means you’ll be receiving a total of 125% more Reputation
  • +50% More Gold Drop Rate
  • +50% More Random Unique Drop Rate

These modifiers will end on October 20th with the end of the event.

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Loot Lizards

Loot Lizards are a new type of Fauna to be found within Eterra. These Overburdened Lizards carry a wealth of items and crafting materials, and will attempt to quickly flee from danger. If reduced to zero health, the Lizard will drop all loot it’s carrying, and quickly scurry off. If a Loot Lizard is left along for too long, it will make its escape with its items.

  • Added Loot Lizards to the game
  • These are a new type of random encounter that can spawn whenever an enemy issues a Call to Arms (when it alerts other enemies around it because it took damage, or the player got close).
  • Loot lizards will flee from players towards enemies, and while fleeing will drop a trail of gold
  • Bringing a Loot Lizard to 0 health will cause it to drop its loot and burrow underground. If a lizard takes no damage for 20 seconds, it will escape without dropping any loot.
  • There are five different types of Lizard, with different colors and loot pools

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Stash Tab Priority System

The new Stash Tab Priority System allows you to set a priority configuration for any of your Stash Tabs. With your tabs configured, quickly moving an item into stash (shift + right click or X / Square on controllers) will deposit the item into the tab matching the item’s properties, regardless of what tab you currently have open.

In the Stash Tab Priority system, you can define:

  • Item Type (for example, Boots)
    • If only one selected item type, then you can also specify Sub types, such as Citadel Boots
  • Rarity (this is also where you can choose Keys)
    • If you choose Unique, you can also then specify Legendary Potential and/or Weaver’s Will
  • Class Requirement (For example, Mage)
  • Level Requirement
  • Item Faction Requirement

Multiple tabs can be set to the same, or similar configuration.

  • If multiple tabs meet the conditions for an item, the items will be deposited in the leftmost tab (on the top of the Stash UI) which matches the conditions.
  • If the first encountered tab matching the conditions are full, it will proceed to following Stash Tabs.
  • If no stash tabs are found with priority configuration that matches the item, or all matching tabs do not have sufficient room, it will attempt to deposit the item into the currently open tab.

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Bazaar Improvements

We’ve heard your feedback on the Bazaar, and are implementing some of the most highly requested changes for searching listings. We’ve completely overhauled the Item Subtype and Affix selectors with a shiny new panel allowing far more specificity when searching for the perfect item. Being able to select a value within the roll range allows for finding that best in slot idol, or the ultimate Exalted item. These new features and adjustments for the Bazaar help make both finding the right item, and listing items easier, to get back into the fight faster.

  • Affix Search now supports selecting “must have” affixes and “optional” affixes.
    • For each affix you can specify a min desired tier and a min desired roll in that tier.
  • Subtype selection now supports selecting a minimum roll per implicit.
  • Affix selection is now capped at 5 must have affixes, and 10 “optional” affixes
    • New panels are localized and support controller.
  • Bazaar Filter state is now saved and restored per stall.
  • Fixed gold cost fields in the Bazaar not modifying search results.

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New Shrines

We have added 28 new Shrines to Eterra to discover. With all these new Shrines, you will be able to rain meteor showers from the sky, incinerate foes in front of you, automatically cast player abilities, gain powerful temporary buffs, or engage a chase with a number of new Loot Lizards for some big loot explosions.

  • Added 15 Player Skill shrines, 2 Loot Lizard Shrines, 10 Power Shrines, and 1 Dungeon Shrine
    • Player Skill shrines will cause the player to automatically cast a given player skill at a regular interval and benefit from the player’s skill trees where applicable
  • Shrine powers will now be removed when entering an Echo or Dungeon Boss Floor to discourage Shrine fishing

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UI Scaling

UI scaling options have been added for both Steamdeck and PC. You can now set scaling for:

  • Tooltips
  • Skill Panels
  • Monolith and Map panels
  • Login Screen and Character Creation
  • Game HUD
  • Ladder Panel

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  • Reduced the size of regular dungeon floors by around 30%.
  • Reduced the number of obstacles in dungeons (this is a reduction relative to their size).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where shrines and other random encounters such as Nemeses could not spawn in dungeons in online.
  • Fixed a bug where shrines and other random encounters could spawn in inaccessible areas in some dungeons.
  • Fixed a bug where shrines and other random encounters could only spawn in one location in Soulfire Keep.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking on a key didn’t zoom in at the dungeon doors.

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Steamdeck and Linux

  • We’re no longer building a native Linux client and recommend Linux players use Proton on Linux which provides a much better experience.
    • This change also allows Steamdeck players to automatically launch with Proton which is the preferred compatibility layer
  • Fixed a gamepad issue where the forge didn’t show the Left Trigger icon to move to it from the Inventory Panel.

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  • Fixed a few memory leaks where assets were being held onto by static references resulting in them never being released.
    • From our testing this saves around 500MB of memory (VRAM & RAM Combined) after 1 hour of back to back echo farming.

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Quests & Level Design


  • New interaction added in The Precipice.
  • Visual improvements to the Crumbling Ruins.
  • Visual improvements to the Outcast Seer in the Risen Lake.
  • The ‘A Study in Time’ quest has been changed slightly to decrease the amount of backtracking needed
  • Reworked The Sanctum Bastille quest pings.
  • Update The Lotus Hall end.
  • Isle of Storms quest reworked to use new independent quests and altars in Moonlit Shrine changed to reduce the chance of players entering a state where altars can’t be interacted with.

Bug Fixes

  • Update The Lotus Hall end.
  • Fixed Golabi shop in The Oracle’s Adobe.
  • Fixed Lost Sapphire Nagasa in The Temporal Sanctum.
  • Fixed Liath’s Tower entrance in Liath’s Road.
  • Fixed an issue in Heoborea where the Nomad Leader would show up every time.

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  • Added an option to respec all passive points in a Mastery or all points in the base tree and all Masteries.
  • Updated the Game Guide to include three new pages: Stash Tab Priority, Shrines, and Loot Lizards.
  • Added Loot Filters to Steam Cloud saves

Bug Fixes

  • Added system to display a mirrored item sprite for items that are legitimate duplicates, such as from the Vaults of Uncertain Fates to help resolve confusion around duplicate items
  • Fixed mod rounding being biased against the extremities of a range.
    • Previously the extremities of a range (e.g. 2 and 5 in the case of the range [2-5]) having a roughly 50% lower chance of occurring compared to every other individual value in the range (e.g. 3 and 4 in the case of the range [2-5]). Now they have roughly the same chance of occurring
    • Another way of understanding it are that the chances of rolling values in the ranges [2-4] are now roughly (33%, 33%, 33%), when they used to be roughly (25%, 50%, 25%)
  • Certain players that had their Forgotten Knights rank accidentally reset will now have it restored to match their quest state.
    • Note: if you were impacted, your faction panel UI will be out of sync with your rank following this fix. It will show no harbingers killed and the “Go kill them to unlock Aberroth” even if you are rank 10.
  • Added preloading for certain enemies such as Harbingers and Exiled Mages to reduce loading hitch when encountering for the first time
  • Fixed display issues with redeeming free items in the cosmetics store.

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  • Skeletons have improved models, animations, and VFX.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Ethereal Reflection didn’t scale with level or monolith/dungeon mods.
  • Fixed a bug where Ethereal Reflections lost their ethereal material when hit.
  • Fixed a bug where Ethereal Reflections attacked their creator if its alignment didn’t match its prefab.
  • Fixed a bug where Siege Golems’ and Siege Spires’ explosions did not play their vfx.
  • Fixed War Tombs and Transfusion Caskets not counting as undead. This resulted in them spawning less often in the monolith.
  • Fixed a bug where Transfusion Caskets’ blood orbs dealt no damage.
  • Fixed the vfx from the soul warden’s soul cage buff persisting incorrectly near the soul warden (RIP floating orb).
  • Fixed Lightning Wraiths being able to spawn in certain divine era timelines, but not all imperial era timelines.

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  • Made Warpath more consistent in how it damages enemies

Previously warpath hit all enemies within its range around every 0.33 seconds (affected by attack speed). So you could move into range of an enemy and warpath could take up to that length of time before actually getting hit.

Now warpath maintains that hit collider, attached to the player, for the full duration until the next one is created. So any enemy that comes in range is always hit immediately.
An enemy moving out of the AoE and back in within a single damage interval will not be hit more frequently than it would have otherwise.

This makes Warpath’s hits feel a lot more responsive while moving, especially at lower attack speeds.

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6 months ago - Averielle - Direct link

Quick, pinch your arm!

Nope not dreaming!