4 months ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s good afternoon everybody and welcome
4s back to another last Epoch de
7s stream as usual I'm your host Mike hi
10s hello how are you I'm wonderful thanks
13s for asking we're just going to hop right
15s in we're playing we're playing our uh
17s our our Lich Lich girls
19s still and really enjoying
23s it especially since splitting the
25s cooldowns on uh reap the what we get
29s when we performing and uh
33s transplant and we are we we we did just
36s move up a little bit of uh to a higher
40s level area than we probably should we're
42s we're 75 and we're we're in a 90 so you
45s know we'll see how things
46s go do my
49s best but the real reason I'm here is to
53s answer questions for you so if anyone
56s has any questions they'd like to ask I'd
58s love to answer them you can put at last
61s Epoch game in the question although you
64s want me to answer it and uh as a note
66s just as always we stream for charity
67s we're repping a new charity well back to
69s a previous one but we really like them
71s so we're back on shot's
75s play that's where all the everything
77s from the stream
85s goes yeah split it's okay still got him
96s did we
98s uh did we have some daylight
101s savings shuffling happening there it
103s looks like
105s maybe that hasn't happened yet though I
108s don't think I don't know it happens in
111s different parts all over the
114s world different times
118s [Music]
122s I'm really I I know this is like sort of
126s a almost cruel thing to say oh my
130s God it's what I get I even I even think
133s about it and the game's just like nuh-uh
135s n
136s nuh-uh just go right back into that
139s one
141s um I am really excited to start being
143s able to share some things uh hopefully
146s soon cuz there's some there's some
148s really cool things coming down the pipe
162s there a lot of features that I know
164s people have been asking for for a long
165s time a lot of things that I've been like
168s internally people have been asking for
169s for a long time like like tools that
171s designers want and uh you know all sorts
174s of cool stuff that we're like finally we
175s can we can do these things we've wanted
176s to do for years um and so we're just
179s just getting early versions of of that
180s in now
182s and hopefully it will sustain
186s us in our quest for
190s ever ever increasing amount of
202s content oh what do we got
206s here don't don't hit that
209s [Music]
214s death will not take
219s me but said something interesting if
221s there's something I like I I I like
223s getting some things from from from the
225s crowd from the audience when
227s uh when we're working on on a patch like
230s this and I guess I'm curious if there's
233s any
236s um any specific like
241s gaps big gaps in uh like weapon
245s theming so like oh there's there's
248s there's no I like I played a lot
251s of uh wow and wrath and I would love to
254s have a a a frozen sword to be able to
257s use you know something like
261s that oh was there a question I missed
264s sorry
267s Frozen hi Mike hi how's it going
271s thank you for the sub there congrat it
276s love it appreciate you thanks for being
279s here we got a Harbinger NES is
285s around hey Mike in regards to item
288s acquisition SL ease of gear progression
290s what metrics do you you use to determine
292s what is reasonable people seem to feel
294s the the more is always better but I
296s imagine you have some Benchmark to
298s prevent infinite power creep yeah I mean
300s there's
303s um we we don't have a fixed formula
306s where it's like oh if if they're hitting
308s certain points by certain levels and
311s certain time invested that there's a
313s problem and things like that a lot of it
314s a lot of this comes down to feel I think
317s um and a lot of it is a lot of it
319s requires
321s massaging uh the the numbers to to hit a
324s specific feel that you're looking for I
326s think
328s uman not terrible getting a little crit
330s MTI on there
334s yeah the necrotic damage nice lot
338s resistances we don't really
346s need yeah I
349s might not really much use that's
352s fine
355s um so I think the with regards to having
359s the
361s um like the power power progression
363s rates be something that we're happy with
366s is is is a tricky uh a tricky line to
369s walk and something that we struggle with
372s struggles B something that we uh invest
374s considerable amount of resources into
377s having that feel really good cuz it's
378s it's a really important thing um and I
381s think sometimes this comes up when
383s you're like when you look at certain
384s mechanics that might seem a little weird
386s that they are um
391s maybe less less free Less open and maybe
393s a little bit more restrictive and and
395s quite often it the reason why it's like
397s that is because of exactly what you're
398s bringing up here um and so I think a
401s good example of that is the way that um
404s empowered monoliths unlock on alt
406s characters um and and sort of like the
409s reason why we've been a little bit
410s hesitant to uh to to just like just
413s straight up unlock everything it's like
415s a shared
418s unlock uh is is because of the like
422s progression curves being too fast in
423s some cases cuz you can end up in
425s situations where you get overwhelmed
426s really easily um on a character and then
428s that just feels like oh it's just a bad
430s character and you give up on it before
431s it's had had a really chance to shine
433s things like that there's there's a lot
435s of
437s uh you know fine-tuning on on a lot of
440s these
445s things um I think that there's also I
449s think this is it's sort of like the it's
450s a huge topic I'm just going to ramble on
452s this for hours if I if I could um I
454s think there's there's a lot
456s that there's a lot to dig into as well
458s when you're looking at the U maximum
461s potential of of a of a character um I
465s think a lot of that comes down to like
468s you know what's what's technically
469s possible versus what's reasonable and
472s the relative power in each like step up
474s to that point so like you you you you
477s want a character that says okay well
479s like without two crazy amounts of uh
481s time investment you want it to be able
483s to to hit you know a corruption X
486s eventually type thing
489s and you you want there to be these these
492s thresholds that you get along the way
494s where you're saying like Okay well now I
495s can I finish my regular monolith I'm
497s into empowered monoliths and like
499s there's there's a big there's a
500s threshold there there's a bit of a jump
501s you want that to be a like an
502s achievement getting to that next stage
504s there's that like okay well this the
506s first time I'm eventually taking on a
508s Harbinger and oh this is the first time
510s I'm taking on aberoth this is the first
512s time hitting a T4 dungeon these these
513s benchmarks that you really want people
515s to hit and to um ideally initially
518s struggle with um but only briefly so you
522s want I think that's the that's the key
523s thing is you want people to hit these
525s hit these points
527s um have have a moment of like oh I need
530s more power have the resources to and and
533s like reasonableness of time investment
535s required to get that power and and to
538s make the upgrade and I think that's the
540s that's really the tricky part is is
542s spacing those like hey I need to make an
544s upgrade and time it takes to actually
547s get that upgrade spacing those out
549s properly is is the real trick
560s um and you know we're like we're always
562s looking to make there's there's a lot of
564s fine-tune adjustments that happen most
567s major patches actually uh in in in that
571s category so like uh for example we just
573s added like the glyph of envy and a lot
575s of the catch-up mechanics around um the
579s like
581s the uh the shade spawning just right
583s right at the edge of the right at the
585s front in order to catch up from for
587s timelines that have a lot higher
588s corruption so I think there's like we're
590s trying to build Tools in to do that in a
593s thematic way an interesting way and
595s convenient way but not having it be too
598s fast um
600s and I think it's a lot easier to make it
602s faster from a player perspective than it
604s is to make it slower um so we've been
606s we've been a little bit cautious with
608s certain things like this and I think
609s that we're uh um I think there's still
612s room to to speed things up a little bit
614s but not a crazy
617s amount okay well we put a portal in like
619s the worst spot ever so we're going to
620s put another one down to replace
623s it which caused us to pop out of form
626s which means we're probably going to die
630s your death has
632s come I
640s think Reaper formor
644s activate of course you want to fight
646s directly on top of
658s that all right we got more questions
660s that I'm going to start answering here
661s in a moment are there plans on updating
665s the road map for 1.2 or do you guys not
667s currently know what's happening going to
669s be able to do so yeah there are I've
670s I've seen a I don't know when it's going
672s to happen um but I have seen some like
676s uh prototype options for road map
680s updates
682s um so I know people people are working
685s on on uh like another infographic road
687s map style um I don't know when we're
690s going to get that exactly but
693s um you know that type of communication I
695s think is really important it's it's and
698s I mean we're seeing some of the issues
699s with it right now in the sense that we
701s we made one and you know like stuff
703s changes stuff changes pretty quickly
705s it's one of the things about our Studios
706s we are pretty and not in the programming
709s sense but in the just general sense we
710s are pretty agile I me we do Agile stuff
712s as well
715s but there's there's a whole other term
717s there but it doesn't matter so the point
719s is is that like we
722s do um we do we do change things on the
725s Fly quite a bit of like in in response
727s to feedback in response to um new ideas
730s people have you know there there's a lot
731s that happens pretty quickly and having a
733s road map that goes that reaches far into
735s the future can leave you open to having
737s to change that road map and you know
739s people set expectations and things like
740s that which is tricky cuz you want to you
743s want to uphold those expectations but at
745s the same time you want to just do
746s whatever's best for the game right um
753s so yeah there's we we we've had to
755s deviate from that road map which we've
757s said before but yeah we we are deviating
759s from the road map that was posted and
760s I'd like to get a new version out as
762s soon as possible um maybe going like one
766s fewer patches in forward in time might
768s be smart on that but we'll
776s see snatch some of this stuff away boom
778s boom boom boom boom boom tab is
786s full all
788s it
791s A2 here here
794s here here are more still with the you
799s love
800s it exalted
805s confirm perfect
812s perfect first
823s try yeah we got some of this let's let's
826s grab a little
829s uh a little B more
832s power more
836s power reperform what are we getting
840s Four Points in
843s that that all we're
846s missing more points in
852s this I think we just want
861s damage yep want
866s that sorry I know this is super exciting
869s but you get to see my build that I'm
871s totally not just copying off someone
873s else I
879s swear uh here we go kill threshold yes
882s that's desperately what we
884s need we want another point in that at
886s some
889s point and we're coming down here I think
891s yeah armor show chance
894s YY get another one of
896s these we're coming in I think here I
899s just like the crit
901s multi give me that give me that damage M
905s damage love it all right more
910s questions I should know better oh yes
912s okay just re repeat ask Frozen you are
915s forgiven it's
916s okay hey Mike since I lost everything in
919s the gold dup in of
920s 2024 oh
925s no naughty boy it's okay let's see let's
929s see what rest of this
933s question uh I found a job cleaning up
936s the coff players tiers that collected
937s Around The Eternity cash do you have
939s anything you can share about the new
940s dungeon mechanics a new dungeon
942s mechanics um there's the dungeon
944s mechanics themselves as far as like uh
947s new dungeons coming in I don't have any
948s info or anything like that um you know
952s like we're we're really focusing on the
955s play experience leading up to the end of
958s dungeons
960s um so you know like I I think one of the
963s one of the key points of feedback we get
965s around dungeons are the
969s um like exalted still um I think one of
972s the key pieces of feedback we get around
973s dungeons are
975s the uh is is is how little fun it is to
979s actually uh like move through the Zone
983s because it is um because the the
987s blockers are frustrating to deal with
988s right and so you know we've been trying
990s to find a way to do proper procedural
992s Generations such that there's uh that
995s this issue with the blockers is you know
998s not
1007s there a couple glps of Envy nice
1022s just just just grab stuff I I like
1033s stuff more stuff
1038s ooh stuff that's saying it's
1046s good um yeah so so yeah focusing on that
1049s like that first stage the the the
1051s gameplay experience of that first stage
1054s in um in dungeons I think is going to
1056s really help us
1057s out uh just to make the dungeons
1059s experience more fun and and that's
1061s that's technology that can be applied in
1063s other places in the game as well
1066s um I'd also really like to start
1068s expanding more dungeons I've got a
1069s couple ideas for dungeons that I want to
1071s implement still um you know it's a
1073s really good place to stick unique
1076s rewards things that you don't want to
1077s build into an entire system or you don't
1079s want to tie it to like a mechanic out in
1082s the world but you also don't want to tie
1084s it to an item specifically there's
1086s there's there's a lot of really great
1087s things that uh having rewards at the end
1089s specific rewards at the end of a dungeon
1090s does
1095s um so I'm looking forward to having uh
1098s better dungeon technology so we can uh
1100s make more dungeons
1103s again I don't think there's I think like
1106s it'll be fix the dungeons we have first
1108s and then future updates more dungeons
1109s think is more likely what will
1120s happen keep going
1123s charge
1133s forward all the damage
1136s reflection all right more questions
1147s uh how is the engine upgrade going
1150s great we are we're fully switched over
1153s internally
1155s um I think we're done
1158s releasing uh content on the old
1161s one means the the the the feature Branch
1164s got merged back into main which is
1167s great means we can work faster
1172s again less paperwork I love less
1182s paperwork it's all these hidden costs
1185s like you think doing doing an upgrade
1186s like that but the version that's still
1188s Al so we need to do the version we need
1190s to do the upgrade early enough that um
1193s that people that that we we we catch any
1196s weird random regression bugs so like
1198s regression bugs are things like well for
1200s for for the longest time let's let's
1203s just let's say the the wall the the wall
1206s that you break in the cave the very
1208s start of the game to get the veterans
1210s boots this it's this like little bit of
1213s out of the way feature you know
1214s something that you don't check every
1215s time you play through the game
1216s necessarily ooh too much that is too
1219s much
1221s um it's it's kind of this this silly
1223s little extra feature right that maybe
1225s you don't just don't there's no point in
1226s checking it cuz it's it's just there
1228s it's worked for years you know and then
1230s you you do an upgrade like this and it's
1232s and you forget to check it and time goes
1234s on and there's this wall that's worked
1237s forever and it just doesn't work cuz no
1238s one's checked it in a while and some
1240s like then people start trying to do it
1242s and it doesn't work and it's this like
1245s it's it's a aggression bug that pops up
1246s you know things like that so we we
1248s really want we have checked it don't
1250s worry um we really want it enough time
1253s to catch things like
1257s that which is why we the internally
1259s switch it over as soon as
1261s possible um after the major patch and
1264s then what that means is you have to then
1266s maintain a second development Branch for
1268s the old version to do things like
1271s updates to the the event when the event
1273s ended um and any bug fixing for like
1276s major issues that are live and it's a
1279s completely different version of Unity on
1281s your computer which means you need to
1283s like you got to set aside a couple and I
1285s say this literally a couple hundred
1287s extra gigs of space in order to have a
1290s 2021 and a 2019 version
1294s um and it's it it it's
1298s like it takes away it takes away a
1301s developer from the from the team working
1302s on the new stuff to maintain the old
1303s stuff and it's like you're almost like
1304s you're maintaining two different games
1306s for a little while and so there's
1308s like this is this is all part of this
1310s like hidden costs of of upgrading game
1312s engines that we've been talking about
1314s like it's it seems like it's pretty
1315s straightforward you should just be able
1316s to do it right but it's these like extra
1318s little r random cost that you never
1320s think about um until it's like
1325s quotequote too
1326s late um luckily we did think about these
1329s things and had plans for it and it's why
1330s it was happen so
1335s early cuz there's some really great
1338s people on the team that that thought of
1339s these things cuz I would not have
1341s thought of them
1358s oh so much
1359s damage oh I was already oh my
1365s goodness
1366s yeah I almost want that health bar to
1368s turn gray when you're in
1373s reperform
1377s right where are those boots
1382s yeah look at those
1390s boots like I found some
1398s boots what do I what do I what do I do
1400s with
1405s those we want to try and get a CDR
1407s suffix on there if we can
1409s can so let's try and seal the ell res
1419s okay put me over here for a second we're
1422s we're going to try a little Craft on
1424s this see what
1425s happens um but we're going to try and
1427s seal the L res I think cuz we want to
1429s get CDR on it oh
1432s no that what we wanted critical success
1435s is nice T5 going movement speed is nice
1437s you know like preserve the forge
1438s potential
1443s no still like no Forge to use okay come
1446s on last try dang it okay so now do we
1449s take the intelligence off what what
1452s other prefixes could we put on in place
1455s of
1456s intelligence uh if we wanted
1459s to like
1462s Vitality that is that kind of it
1469s that's kind of it isn't
1471s it I I still think we tried to seal the
1474s vital the intelligence H we just we want
1476s more of it though really frustrating
1479s that ell res didn't
1484s seal Vitality is always nice I don't
1487s really need it that much wondering if
1491s just more intelligence is more valuable
1494s probably just more intelligence we may
1495s just go with nothing sealed in this one
1500s we'll up at once and then we'll try and
1503s seal for high oh T3 seal okay it's not
1505s the end of the world Vitality this is
1507s probably not
1513s optimal you know
1517s what I'm generally pretty pleased with
1521s that uh do we want to try and get a
1523s higher roll on
1527s anything that health could use a higher
1529s role and that's really the most
1530s important
1536s thing which one is
1538s it AES within their tears
1545s rerolling Health went up it's all that
1556s matters I'm I'm very pleased with I I
1559s feel like I want to roll it one more
1560s time I think I'm going to use it on this
1562s the last piece on the vitality and if it
1565s goes up without with a critical success
1568s or with the the with this working the
1572s glyph Pope working uh then we're going
1573s to roll it again I think but for now
1578s those are just going on I think we we do
1579s this a little CDR for evade not a big
1581s deal we don't use that often l a little
1584s int little armor but we get Ward Decay
1587s threshold which we don't actually use we
1589s do get a ton of Health from this though
1592s which is
1596s great that's
1603s nice overall Mike is
1607s pleased we might slam those into
1609s something later we'll
1613s see all
1615s right this a good pickup
1626s Chris Farley style agile yeah there you
1631s [Laughter]
1633s go
1644s nice all right
1658s the the holy and the necrotic together
1660s feels it feels
1665s wrong but it
1675s works all right more questions here we
1678s go
1680s you mentioned you guys are working on
1682s better controller support with targeting
1684s and uh and it's a far ways out can you
1687s share any controller features coming in
1688s the next patch season 2 yeah like the
1690s the stuff we're working on is coming in
1691s the next patch season 2
1695s um the it won't so so the way we're the
1699s we're building it is um we're we've
1703s built or yeah we' built a
1705s new this it's not fully finished yet
1707s it's not merged in but it's we we're
1708s we're we're almost done building a new
1710s way of assigning individual targeting
1714s systems for individual skills in
1716s individual
1717s modes um for controller So like um
1722s instead of just basically every ability
1724s targeting exactly the same way they'll
1726s be like hey this lightning blast is
1729s different than Whirlwind maybe they
1730s should Target differently you
1733s know um and war path sorry not whirlwind
1739s uh and so there's uh and then there's
1742s also different abilities abilities can
1745s change the way they need to be targeted
1746s based on the nodes they're taking as
1747s well so we we we were adding in ways for
1750s that to update on the Fly
1755s um and we still need to like go through
1760s every single ability and every single
1763s method for um modifying those abilities
1766s in ways that could cause them to change
1769s how they are
1771s uh you know
1775s um that that could change how they
1778s are uh
1782s targeted so there's there's a lot
1784s there's a lot of little work to do and
1785s there's a lot of things that are going
1786s to um I think we we probably won't get
1790s every single one of them exactly right
1791s on the very first
1792s try um so we're going to need to you
1796s know get feedback on like hey oh the the
1799s when you when you take X node and Y tree
1801s along with this one you don't actually
1803s want it to Target in front of you you
1804s want to Target behind you so we got we
1806s got to update you know weird things like
1808s that um so there's going to be a lot of
1810s things this is a cool item um there's
1813s going to there's going to be some pieces
1815s to to that puzzle that are going to
1817s evolve over time so it's not just going
1818s to be a hey it's it's fully finished
1820s immediately um but we are working on we
1824s are working on that making a list of all
1826s the places that the abilities can be
1828s changed
1829s um to catch as many of these as we can
1831s right off the
1833s bat chunk
1840s there yeah it's it's it's a lot of stuff
1842s based on targeting um with controller I
1845s think it's the main thing um you know
1847s we're also doing like just bug fixing
1850s for like oh hey this menu it should Auto
1852s Select this one first and um you know oh
1855s there needs to be a new hockey button in
1857s this context menu to to make it a
1859s smoother experience you know little
1860s things like that that we're looking at
1861s for for controller support
1865s improvements fine
1867s tuning think controller supports
1869s actually fairly decent right now
1873s um you know there's there's there's some
1875s some places where it's a little clunky
1877s still and and that's where we're really
1878s targeting to to make
1880s improvements and I think the the
1882s clunkiest part right now is targeting of
1885s specific situations where abilities do
1887s not line up with their they the default
1889s targeting
1890s nicely your death has
1903s come all right we just got
1907s here XP XP XP
1910s XP so underleveled we need to level up
1913s so
1914s fast it's frustrating too cuz there's a
1916s lot a lot of these that I that I waited
1917s on
1919s um it's a lot of damage it's just
1921s sitting on the table not that one as
1923s much but these these three are the ones
1925s that I'm putting points into right now
1926s and there's a lot of damage just sitting
1927s on the table on my
1933s passives all right since the next cycle
1935s is still a few months away would you
1936s buff some underperforming skills and
1938s uniques I think it's unlikely that we're
1940s going to have a a big buff patch between
1942s now and
1945s uh um like a big balance patch in it
1948s would just be straight buff patch um but
1950s I think it's very unlikely that we'll do
1951s a big balance patch in in like I know
1955s the next few weeks or something like
1956s that it's it's quite a bit this is part
1958s of what I was talking about earlier with
1960s with having
1962s um uh like split teams on the engine
1965s upgrade is you can't like we're we're
1967s trying not to maintain two versions of
1969s the game at the same time
1974s um it slows down development of content
1990s you like if there's if there's a major
1992s uh major bug we'd fix it obviously
1994s hopefully obviously
1998s um yeah I don't I don't think there's
1999s going to be I I doubt
2001s it I I don't want to say a hard no cuz
2003s you never really know but I I I'd be
2005s really surprised
2011s all
2014s right oh what's this what's this what's
2017s this pressing the right Keys
2022s helps uh hey Mike as far as I know ESG
2025s is trying to release seasons in a time
2027s frame outside of your competitors
2028s release in the arpg
2030s genre in general yes where we can yes uh
2034s if if we're given the choice if we're
2035s like hey there's these two dates that we
2037s that we've got that are really good for
2039s us to release on and um they're let's
2042s let's say they're a month apart and one
2043s of them's the same day that Poe is going
2045s to release the season and the other one
2046s is a month after or a month before you
2048s know like we're going to pick the one
2050s like all other things being equal we're
2051s going to pick the one that's you know
2053s away from their
2055s release
2060s um I do know where this questions going
2063s just answered any Discord so I will
2064s answer it again just going to make sure
2066s I don't die here first
2070s uh let's read it out properly
2074s though as far as I know is trying to
2076s release seasons in a time frame outside
2078s of your competitor's releases in the RPG
2080s genre now that I have seen that GGG is
2082s planning to push Poe 1's next season to
2084s q1 2025 I'm a little worried what ehg
2087s will do with the release of season 2 for
2089s Le can you elaborate a little bit about
2091s this um I I haven't heard any
2093s information of anything changing at all
2100s kind of the short version
2102s um you know like the the the options
2105s are um well a a we don't actually know
2108s when it's going to be so we we don't
2110s know the exact date q1 2025 there's
2112s there's three months there so like the
2115s the two of us could be targeting
2118s completely different points in that
2119s 3-month period uh and it's totally fine
2122s there's nothing to worry about type
2123s thing you know that's that's scenario
2125s one uh scenario two is we've targeted
2128s basically the same
2130s spot and we're going to overlap and it's
2132s probably on us to get out of the way uh
2135s if if we're talking about who's got more
2138s more more Market pull uh available to
2141s them
2143s um and so then our options are like try
2147s and release earlier if we find out when
2149s the exact date is early enough that we
2150s can do that
2152s uh tons of problems with that namely in
2156s just that if we're releasing it ear were
2158s doing it either by cutting content or by
2161s skipping testing steps which I know both
2164s of those things uh are are like horrible
2169s horrible propositions for almost
2170s everyone involved
2173s um you know
2177s like so so I I don't think that's super
2181s appealing for us um and then like the
2184s other option is delaying the content you
2186s know which I I doubt many people want
2187s either right um so we've kind of got a
2191s weigh what our best options are how
2193s we're going to handle that how like how
2195s close is the overlap is there any
2197s overlap um you know there's there's a
2200s lot of there's a lot of information we
2202s don't know um and a lot of information
2204s we do know that the public also doesn't
2206s know so it's It's tricky to um come up
2210s with the best answer to this and it's
2213s even more tricky to answer this question
2215s um cuz I can't really say anything but
2218s as far as I know nothing's changed from
2220s our plans um for this for
2227s 1.2 at least not
2235s yet still desperately need new weapon
2238s that's that's our
2240s like sry that's our that's our issue
2242s here need new weapon
2255s probably should like go do some go do
2258s some buying and selling
2261s here it probably
2266s help yeah like we we don't want to we
2269s don't want to release at the same time
2270s as them you know it's I don't think it's
2272s good for anyone it's not good for like
2274s let's start with the selfish reasons
2275s it's not good for us cuz I want to play
2277s it and I can't play it if I'm uh you
2281s know if we're releasing around the same
2283s time um I'm I'm focusing on on ours not
2286s theirs and you know I want some time to
2288s play theirs too so will not take me
2291s there's the selfish reason not to
2292s overlap uh and then we know a lot of
2295s players like to play
2296s both and
2299s uh you we also don't want to be
2301s competing with them for uh people's
2304s eyeballs
2308s that was
2309s close those new boots save me yeah
2355s me
2406s oh my
2408s goodness whoops sorry about that
2413s everyone how much of that did uh did you
2417s miss realized I was muted my
2420s bad okay well uh I don't think I said
2424s too much
2425s there what I say I said the name name of
2428s the next
2429s patch uh I said the release date said
2432s all the key
2433s features and nothing important it's fine
2436s I'm sure you'll find out
2441s eventually
2447s sorry uh what I was just mentioning was
2450s that I was just reading uh er er Adrian
2455s Adrian I think comment on uh
2458s the road maps here Uh I that was
2466s insightful I I think one of the reasons
2468s we like to do road maps uh is so that
2471s people can plan ahead people especially
2472s people who are you know like content
2475s creators who are a huge part of uh like
2478s the last Epoch ecosystem and you know
2481s help help you know get information out
2483s to people and uh you know help just
2487s Drive hype on the game sometimes is
2489s simple as that you know and it's say
2492s simple as that it's a huge part of it
2493s but
2495s um having having um information that
2498s they can plan
2500s out what they're going to do in the
2502s future I think is is useful for them too
2504s so it's not just for us it's not just
2505s for uh people playing but also people
2508s who are you know partners and people who
2509s are doing things at the same time other
2511s content creators and
2519s those things hurt so much is my poison
2521s res just terrible
2532s nope actually have
2538s decent all right get over here you're
2541s silly little
2545s run stuff yeah I love
2557s stuff maybe maybe it's a weapon it's a
2561s two-handed
2571s weapon all right I have a specific
2573s question about run Master does frost
2576s wall runic detonation
2579s inherent Frost walls frostbite
2583s chance I would have to look that up see
2586s if we can let's see if we can figure it
2587s out Frost wall runic
2593s detonation
2597s detonation in Frost wall Frost wall
2600s detonation
2609s all right Frost wall now creates three
2611s runic detonations shortly after you pass
2613s through it dealing spell coal damage to
2615s nearby enemies this effect does not
2618s destroy the wall yeah Ric detonation
2620s runic detonations can be converted to
2622s fire with the pyl yeah
2625s um yeah these are created by the wall
2631s itself I
2633s believe should be an indirect cast for
2636s The Wall itself
2642s yeah it's only it only has references in
2644s Frost wall yeah this is this is an
2646s inherited skill um it'll get frostbite
2650s chance unless it says specifically like
2653s to see how they're worded in Frost
2657s wall frostbite is worded as frostbite
2660s every chance every second so the frost
2662s ball the frostbite chance every second
2664s does nothing
2670s these just
2675s conversions uh I don't see any frostbite
2677s chance that would work with
2679s that unless there's another note I'm
2684s missing if it had frost by chance from
2687s like a wand or something like that yeah
2688s it would
2694s work are are is there Frost by chance on
2697s one
2699s on probably not actually there might be
2702s on gear somewhere they
2705s unique okay I'm just seeing if there's a
2707s way we can make this
2712s happen Rost
2715s bite on hit with cold spells adorned
2718s Idol yeah so there's an idol that you
2720s can do it with
2729s oh yeah there's there's an AIX that
2730s works with it too so yeah yeah the the
2732s item affixes
2743s work
2748s yeah also frostbite shackles would work
2754s too but that that that's kind of
2756s irrelevant if it's inherited or not cuz
2757s if if it's not inherited then you'd have
2759s those stats anyway
2760s so kind of 6 one half dozen in the
2766s other and
2768s Arena let's get a
2771s question possibly just die right off the
2783s bat all right any plans to add
2785s additional means of scaling minion
2786s damage also happy Friday I like not
2789s specifically just minion damage in
2791s general uh but like there's all sorts of
2794s situations where individual minions get
2796s new scaling things and new abilities get
2798s new scaling things that's that's a
2800s common thing that gets added to the game
2801s in general not necessarily specifically
2803s minions in general but like abilities
2806s get new scaling factors if they're not
2807s doing enough damage
2819s uh do you plan to do a PTR for the next
2821s season launch feels like a bit too much
2823s bug to get feels like a bit feels like a
2826s little bit too much bug get past QA and
2829s maybe we can help track them down PSU
2831s seems tired you know work yourself the
2833s teams for us uh
2836s ouch uh I'm tired because I am a uh
2840s young father not uh not the game I think
2844s at this point but yeah uh fair enough
2850s um yes uh we do have a PTR oh it's not
2855s PTR it's PTR cuz it's private um not
2859s public but yes we do have a um a
2862s community tester program that we run um
2865s I don't know if there's I don't know if
2867s we're in like uh opening up more spots
2871s it right now or not but we do run a
2872s community tester program and have for
2874s years now and are continuing to run it
2879s I think there's a build that's going out
2880s to them sometime kind of soon actually
2883s for new 1.2
2885s content this is what I mean we're
2887s testing stuff early
2894s right death will not take
2902s me come on Lich form come back up
2910s there we go damage just skyrockets and
2914s survivability just skyrockets
2922s and the last thing it's the last one
2925s like I know I'll get out ahead of
2931s this is this anything not really
2939s I it's not
2950s bad we might be able to forge that into
2952s something that that increased physical
2954s damage we do mostly
2964s necrotic I kind want just chaos this in
2967s to something see if we just get lucky
2969s melee cold
2974s damage I don't hate just having like
2976s another flat damage there
2998s all attributes is
3000s nice armor shut is
3009s nice let's go with armor
3016s shred oh I was considering rolling that
3019s that's too
3021s bad in that case
3037s let's go all the way call it a
3043s day it says it's a little L an upgrade I
3047s love the way it looks we're rolling with
3048s it see let's see what
3052s happens what's the worst that could
3054s happen right
3062s uh any plan to add a way to restore some
3064s forging potential to bricked items no
3067s we've this is this is one of those
3068s things that's really tricky we've uh
3071s tried to build in ways to do this
3075s several
3076s times
3079s um and it's it's never it's never been
3082s uh it's never been something we've
3083s managed to find a way to do i' I've I've
3086s pitched many many different ways doing
3088s something like this and it never works
3090s out
3092s nicely there attacks me just go way
3096s up feels like our attacks me just went
3099s way
3112s up feels great
3117s this
3126s button uh are there any plans for skins
3129s and MTX for the echo of a world map area
3131s between Echoes I mean that's really cool
3133s yeah that was that's something that was
3134s pitched a little while ago that I love
3135s the idea of um cuz it kind of it almost
3138s would act like a hideout in a sense um
3141s but wouldn't be like out of the way
3142s which I think is the big problem with
3143s most hideouts um
3147s especially when you're playing with
3147s friends it' be a really natural
3149s progression to to show it off cuz it
3151s would just sort of like happen whenever
3152s you're the host
3154s um and I think it also makes a lot of
3156s sense to do it there because of like
3158s lore
3169s reasons so yeah I'm a big fan of that
3172s idea I I don't think we have anything
3175s specifically planned for it right now
3178s death will not take
3184s me yeah look at that
3199s Envy oh that's a big
3202s H try not to die
3208s get all of these that we
3213s want uh I tell people not just stop to
3215s pick things up with those enemies around
3216s I did the exact same
3220s thing okay let's go this
3223s way uh how do you feel about more
3225s quality of life into the game things
3227s like autoloot partial respect uh partial
3229s respect of passives Etc partial respect
3232s of passives you do that already um
3238s I I think that some things that I I have
3241s I have a bone to pick with the term
3242s quality of life I I really do not like
3245s that term um I know it's it's so
3247s pedantic and like pointless to to go off
3250s on it but like every once I feel like I
3252s haven't ranted about quality of life in
3253s a while
3255s [Music]
3256s um it's it's one of those terms that I
3258s think it's it it has like intrinsic
3263s properties to the term quality of life
3265s like why would you not want to make the
3267s quality of my life better it's sort of
3269s the feeling of like like of course every
3271s quality everything that gets labeled
3272s quality of life has to go in because
3273s it's just mean to not put it in it's
3275s like the vibe I get from the term
3277s quality of life that's why that's I'm
3278s not a big fan of the term in general
3281s [Music]
3283s um and I think I think there's there's a
3285s lot of terms I think there's a lot of uh
3288s feature requests that get labeled as
3289s quality of life that are not quality of
3291s life
3293s um and I don't like that I'm not a big
3296s fan
3297s um but yeah I I think that you know
3299s quality of life features are inherently
3302s great for players and you know we we we
3305s love putting them in we love getting
3306s them in and uh improving the quality of
3309s life of our players playing the game
3310s like that's that's that's a no-brainer
3311s awesome thing to do yeah
3314s um I I think the line gets blurred
3316s really quickly as soon as you have
3318s things that actually make gameplay
3319s changes
3323s um
3324s and sometimes the things that get lck
3326s lost when quality of life quality of
3329s life uh features get implemented isn't
3332s always obvious right away
3337s um and I think it can be unfortunate
3339s when it when it actually takes something
3340s important away from the game so it's
3342s it's a I think it's a
3343s tricky uh conversation to navigate
3346s sometimes uh but generally speaking Yeah
3348s we we love putting quality life things
3349s in the game and you know there's there's
3351s lots of features that we we discuss
3353s really frequently um
3357s you know things things like for example
3359s uh like a key a key inventory uh
3362s specifically so you're not like
3363s organizing individual keys in your
3365s inventory manually things like that I
3367s would call that a quality of life update
3369s um and is the sort of thing that you
3371s know like we are targeting
3376s um how I'm not popping out of form that
3379s was so close
3387s will not take me uh was it autoo I think
3390s autoloot is one of those ones that I
3391s would not call quality of life I think
3393s Auto loot fundamentally changes the game
3396s for a lot of players and I think it
3397s causes um I think I think it
3401s causes uh issues in you know
3406s like I I think I would enjoy this it's
3409s different for a lot of people this why
3410s it's so such a hard topic to talk about
3412s but like I I think I would enjoy certain
3414s games less if they had Auto loot
3420s um and I don't think that's always
3422s obvious to to be able to see right
3436s away um and like I I can actually think
3438s of an arpg that had Auto loot that I
3441s think was a huge I it was one of the
3443s like top three things I would change
3445s about that game is that it had Auto turn
3446s it off
3462s um so much
3468s damage thanks those explosions actually
3471s do decent
3474s damage but yeah if there's a you do want
3477s um and even if I'm talking about it like
3479s it's not going to happen or something
3480s like that please still put that in like
3482s feedback forms suggestions forms places
3485s that we we collect information from
3486s players it's all very important and just
3488s because I say it's you know not
3489s something that's happening right now
3490s doesn't mean it'll never happen and and
3492s just cuz I say it's something that's
3493s like I disagree that it's a quality of
3494s life feature doesn't mean we're not
3495s going to put it in um actually was
3498s considering wearing Falcon fists on this
3501s build like not quality of life doesn't
3504s mean not going in
3507s just means that we have to look at it
3509s from a gameplay perspective that's
3517s all just the attack speed on this really
3520s it's kind of all that there is for me
3523s but is a good chunk of attack
3525s speed and and some some extra fire
3527s damage but you know who cares about that
3528s so much we do have good attack speed on
3531s here already actually I forgot about
3532s that I we'll leave it
3538s Leach might as
3541s well we have a little bit of forging
3543s potential anywhere that we can eek out
3546s some extra here there's a little bit of
3547s Health we'll take
3554s it nothing nothing nothing whole lot of
3558s nothing there's any room for any
3560s upgrades
3564s yet going that way we're going this way
3572s I think partial res may have been
3574s Mastery respect question
3577s mark in in that
3594s question which I would advocate which I
3596s would say is not a quality of life thing
3599s but I would still advocate for
3603s it hopefully that makes
3616s sense another
3623s sentence more questions can you teas a
3626s little what stuff is coming for Sentinel
3630s sure here
3633s is a uh here's a
3637s node here's an upcoming node now this is
3639s we we're far enough out that I'm going
3640s to put a little big Aster beside this
3642s and say you know it's this could could
3645s change could be rebalanced could be you
3647s know numbers can fluctuate a little bit
3648s but um hopefully this will wet the
3652s appetite
3655s touch so when you jump forwards in time
3658s all of your devouring orbs are pulled
3660s towards you
3663s and it says trigger avoid it's so tiny I
3667s cannot read
3668s it uh let's find another place where
3671s someone sent it to
3673s me there we go it's giant now trigger a
3675s void I can stand really far back and
3677s read it uh but volatile reversal costs
3679s additional
3680s Mana so there's there's some stuff in
3683s there if you're if
3684s you're going to try and figure out what
3686s all that means go ahead I'm not going to
3687s explain it uh exactly but there's some
3690s there's some stuff to speculate on in
3692s there if you
3699s want I I should hear I'm going to do
3701s this boom I came prepared look a version
3704s that sits in the corner ready to
3710s go so I can keep
3713s playing let me know if it's completely
3714s illegible though
3727s stuff I like stuff give me stuff one day
3730s one of those stuff will be
3734s useful all right is the gamblers fallacy
3738s Quest ever coming back so we can get the
3739s version The Amulet with the lowle
3741s characters I I think that uh there's a
3743s decent chance we'll bring back that
3745s amulet accessible at lower levels I
3747s don't think it will be through the same
3751s [Applause]
3754s Quest my
3758s God like I just can't stop attacking I'm
3761s dead probably this is not over that was
3764s wild
3778s all right what monster decided to make
3780s traitor's tongue a dagger instead of a
3782s one-headed sword and why they decide to
3784s hurt my feelings cuz they don't like
3788s you no I I uh I don't
3796s know it's always it's always tricky when
3798s there's an effect like that uh that you
3800s really want on a specific weapon type
3801s and it doesn't exist there
3810s it's part of the puzzle though like it's
3811s part of the like oh you got to find the
3813s the best thing that fits and is there a
3814s way to use the things that are there
3816s differently to make something
3830s new let's get out of
3834s here Relic
3838s a classic to be sure this is this is one
3841s of the oldest items in the game I think
3843s this it's up
3845s there very old
3849s item all right when can we buy $80
3852s dollar Dino mounts in Le hopefully never
3855s uh any plan on adding wings as Cosmetics
3858s desperately need one to satisfy a weird
3861s OCD in hns uh oh this is where I was
3865s muted oh no I wonder how long I was
3867s muted
3868s for
3876s um beb hiring lip
3879s reader
3884s uh uh wing wing Cosmetics yeah there's
3886s there's lots more Cosmetics coming um I
3889s do not know if any of them are
3892s specifically like fullblown wing wing
3894s wings
3896s um but you know it's something that gets
3899s asked often enough I'd be surprised if
3900s no one was working on
3921s one all right we've got a question
3923s that's been reped I will find that
3927s that oops oh I just pinned something
3930s unpin
3932s unpin oh gosh Mike what are you
3941s doing uh unpin this message
3949s sorry the
3951s like oh okay I found it it's just right
3953s above
3954s it the button for the the pin showed up
3956s right where I was trying to click I
3957s swear it's it's my story I'm sticking to
3959s it that's what I thought also Kane how
3961s hard would it be for you guys to make
3962s skills interact with each other like say
3965s I can say a tornado or whatever and
3967s someone else cast chain lightning how
3969s hard would that be for the tornado to
3970s pick up the chain lightning and become
3973s electrified um so this I I talked about
3976s almost this exact scenario last week
3978s which is crazy um I I used Fireball and
3981s tornado instead of uh chain lightning
3983s and tornado because that was the first
3985s time we tried to do it was Fireball and
3987s tornado uh 6 years ago and
3991s um it turns out it's really hard to do
3995s um we've we released our first skill
3999s skill interaction along those lines with
4002s the uh Rune Master update um year and a
4006s half ago
4008s now and uh like the cuz you can shoot
4012s through the uh Frost gate and the and
4015s the Frost wall I I call it frost gate
4019s um Frost wall speeds up the projectile
4022s when it goes through um so that is the
4024s first interaction of that
4027s happening um I think one of the only
4029s ones in the game at the moment
4035s actually having said that I do want to
4038s add more um one of the issues is having
4041s those interactions work cross player so
4044s in multiplayer which is the coolest way
4046s for them to happen but uh we need to be
4048s careful and implement the middle in such
4050s a way that they don't leave the
4051s opportunity for griefing um where you
4054s say like hey um like oh you you've got
4058s your Fireballs out and they're or you
4059s got your tornadoes out they're doing
4060s physical damage and if you like shoot
4064s lightning blast at it it turns into uh
4066s an electrified version and the damage
4068s type changes and you're no longer doing
4069s physical damage and something stops
4072s triggering and your whole build falls
4073s apart
4076s [Music]
4077s um so you almost you almost need people
4080s to like opt into the interaction on both
4083s ends of it like taking nodes that are
4085s like oh yeah this now works in this
4087s interaction with this other ability that
4088s other people can use and uh if you're
4091s not uh in a multiplayer scenario it does
4095s nothing um so you end up with these
4097s nodes that are only good in
4100s multiplayer
4102s um and you know people are having people
4105s are like hey well not want to resp for
4106s going in and out of
4108s multiplayer
4111s um there's there's there's problems with
4114s it uh I'd really love to resolve those
4117s problems I don't know how to resolve
4119s those problems right
4128s now so much attack speed feels so good
4144s but yeah I think in general it's the
4145s style of thing that we are starting to
4147s explore a little bit more a little bit
4148s more as we go um cuz it is interesting
4151s it's fun it's cool it's um you you look
4154s at the situation it behaves really
4155s logically which is great um like
4159s logically is not really the important
4160s part but intuitively is and often things
4162s that are logical are intuitive so um
4169s you know i' I'd love
4173s [Music]
4175s to uh I don't think there's
4178s any major things in that category
4180s planned for 1.2 that I can think of off
4183s the top of my
4186s head but if you've got one in particular
4188s that you're really interested in you
4190s know dropping that in the suggestions
4191s for hims great idea he's a definitely no
4196s one's looking around for ideas right now
4197s and things really really
4200s Niche uh applications of skills you know
4203s that's definitely it's definitely not
4204s something someone might be interested in
4207s at all right
4210s now uh all right hey any plans to
4213s provide more direct feedback to reported
4215s bugs or issues uh statuses such as
4218s rejected uh no uh work in progress in
4221s review would be great and to be honest
4222s since I did not see anything in the
4224s release notes for some issues rep a
4226s while back it feels like it just does
4227s not make sense to report bugs at all
4230s um this this is one of those things that
4234s like uh generally speaking no we don't
4237s really any PL to do
4238s this um and and I think it's one of
4240s those things that is probably
4243s underestimated in how much extra time
4245s and effort and work and just Dev hours
4248s this eats up uh to to
4252s do and um it's kind of like would you
4255s prefer for less things be
4258s fixed
4260s and um us report on the like provide a
4264s tracking system for the things that are
4265s fixed or or do you just want the game to
4267s be better sort of the options like we
4271s can just make the game we just fix more
4273s things uh or we can report on all the
4276s things that are
4278s fixed
4280s and um when there's when there's like a
4282s really major
4284s issue we do we do try and provide a
4286s little bit of extra feedback on those in
4288s context in um in in patch notes and in
4292s patch previews and things like that so
4293s so we are we we do try for the really
4295s big things we do try and do that but
4296s like an individual node that's bugged in
4299s a specific combination with another node
4301s or something like that is the the the
4303s reach on something like that is so small
4306s that uh tracking it doesn't really have
4309s a big impact except for the people that
4311s are actively trying to use it which yes
4313s it does have a big impact for those
4314s people but it's it's a it's a small
4316s reach
4318s um and trying to do each one of those
4321s negatively impacts everyone because
4324s other things aren't getting fixed
4325s because we're spending more Dev hours on
4326s on a public tracking system for it take
4340s me so probably not
4349s all right I'm wondering how hard it
4350s would be to create a fluent animations
4354s to make possible for a character to
4355s throw a spell while moving for now it's
4358s a bit weird when I'm spamming with
4359s spells and trying to move I mean every
4361s time the character stops in place I
4362s should have looking at the screen um we
4366s we do we do have those animations they
4369s exist uh in in certain specific
4373s situations but for the most part it's
4376s like this this is one of those things
4378s that it's not just an animation issue
4380s it's a gameplay issue um causing things
4382s to be usable at instant speed I.E while
4385s moving um causes them to be suddenly
4387s usable while channeling um while
4390s channeling a movement ability like
4392s actively using them in the middle of war
4394s path for example um and also then it
4397s brings up issues of uh this is this is a
4400s big part of the
4403s um uh like the wasd movement and the
4406s twin sck movement uh type control
4408s schemes that that that do change pretty
4410s heavily expectations for that to be uh
4414s to to be present in most abilities and
4416s also does change power level quite a bit
4418s as
4419s well this is a good example one of those
4421s things where it's like oh it's a quality
4422s of life thing it's a pretty big gameplay
4424s change um I know you didn't use the term
4427s quality of life but
4430s uh I I think it's a similar issue
4433s similar categorization
4437s [Music]
4438s here we
4444s go all right we got more questions
4447s rolling in I got more answers coming out
4450s who knows if they're
4456s right sell all button when uh unlikely
4461s the
4463s the the potential for people to just
4465s cell things that they really wanted to
4467s keep is so high with a cell all button
4470s um and we don't really want to and it it
4473s has the downside and this is going to
4475s sound ridiculous it has the downside of
4477s incentivizing people picking up more
4479s stuff um because it makes it removes
4482s friction from the selling action uh
4484s which which causes people to pick up
4486s more things which we actually don't want
4488s people to pick up more things in general
4491s not substantially anyways
4514s all right uh what would be a better way
4517s to describe quality of life feature yeah
4520s well that's the thing is is I don't
4522s think there is a better way to describe
4523s a quality of life feature but I think
4524s that there are better ways to describe
4526s features that are that might feel like
4528s their quality of life but
4530s aren't um and it's just a gameplay
4538s feature yeah this quality of life I
4540s think think there's
4541s like quality of life and like a gameplay
4545s feature is something that is uh it
4547s changes gameplay you know it's
4550s a I don't know else to describe it yeah
4555s how do you feel about the state of
4556s trading is I feel like the one trade
4559s limit on an item takes way too many
4561s items out of the economy yeah it's I
4563s think it's a tricky situation um we we
4566s definitely considered having like a
4568s limit like all this item can be traded
4569s like four times and having that be a
4570s property of the item when it
4572s drops
4573s [Music]
4575s um which isn't impossible to do but um
4579s the the Simplicity factor in just one is
4582s really good um
4597s I think we're we're in a bit of a a bit
4599s of we're we're in a lull right now um I
4602s think
4604s the uh as as the population size as the
4607s player population size drops it's more
4610s advantageous to have items stick in the
4611s in the um economy longer
4615s but when we're in a high um High player
4618s activity time having those items come
4620s out of the economy is really healthy for
4623s it um so it's possible that like you
4626s know I think it's one of those things as
4627s we get more data as we get more
4629s information um you we might make
4631s adjustments to it but we're pretty happy
4632s overall with it I think right
4639s now all right have you ever done player
4641s tests on auto loot of shards and seen if
4643s the experience was better or not
4649s um uh I don't think we've ever done a
4652s public play test with that something
4653s like that
4654s influenced um we've definitely tested it
4657s internally and it's it's also one of
4658s those things that's really hard to uh I
4661s think tell if something's being taken
4662s away from the game cuz it is a very
4664s subtle thing
4666s um I'm I'm I'm really trying to say this
4669s in a way that I'm not actually pushing
4672s for one thing or the other um
4676s but I just think that's an example of a
4680s uh a thing that gets requested as a
4682s quality of life feature frequently that
4683s I don't think is a quality life
4685s feature regardless of if it's good or
4700s bad I think it's it's one of the things
4702s that like basically every game feature
4704s is um it depends on context a lot like
4707s there's games there's there's features
4708s where in certain games they don't work
4710s and in other games they do work which is
4711s part of the reason why you can't just
4713s like look at another game and say hey I
4715s like that feature I'm going to put it in
4716s my game cuz quite often it won't work
4718s that way
4738s we
4739s go chunk chunk
4746s chunk attack speed buff is so
4750s nice hey dream Thorn we don't hate those
4754s they're fun they're cool Taste of blood
4766s all right let's fill up this
4779s stash all right any plans on more micro
4784s Communications feel like there's a lot
4785s of these questions you already thought
4788s about uh internally and you might be
4789s tire uh tired to answer
4792s them more micro Communications
4798s uh like just like little posts I
4803s mean you don't want to think you don't
4805s want to hear all the things that I think
4806s about with regards to the game it's a
4808s lot of garbage but yeah I mean uh we we
4811s have started uh a new monthly
4813s communication program where we release a
4815s newsletter every month um for you know
4818s just like musings and things we're
4820s talking about and things we're we're
4821s looking at uh so I think there's there's
4823s some element of that that we're we we
4825s are considering right
4842s now
4846s um yeah probably probably nothing
4849s nothing a major difference anytime
4852s soon other than the the monthlies oh get
4855s out of
4860s that got I got to be more active in my
4863s positioning I'm realizing that that's
4865s what's getting me is I'm just like
4867s getting complacent I'm like I'll leech
4869s through
4871s anything apparently I also turned into a
4873s 1950s reporter at the same time but
4875s that's
4879s okay get back here
4881s Spider-Man uh right
4888s like that ow my
4898s face sometimes I can though and that's
4901s what gets me
4912s overconfident all right I know there
4914s probably lots of different opinions on
4915s this but are there any plans about
4916s skipping the campaign if you've done it
4918s once already
4920s um I think
4923s there's
4926s uh
4928s so there's a ton of thoughts on this we
4930s we hear feedback uh for and against this
4932s all the time it's it's a really common
4934s topic and I I don't want to dismiss it
4936s by saying that
4938s um I think that most of the feedback
4941s that we get on it boils down to people
4943s are are and you know I I could be wrong
4946s on this I I say this and and people
4948s don't generally correct me when I say
4949s this but you know if I if I am please
4951s tell me
4953s um I I think the feedback that that
4956s we're we're getting from players with
4958s regards to wanting a campaign skip uh is
4961s less that they want to campaign Skip and
4963s more that they're not having fun with
4966s like like if if we're going to look at
4967s the the the the the feedback as a like
4970s here's the problem here's what we're
4971s experiencing here's when X happens I
4973s feel Y which is the best type of
4975s feedback we can get um I think players
4978s are feeling uh you know bored with the
4980s leveling process
4984s um and uh I I I think just slapping a
4988s campaign skip on the game doesn't fix
4992s that um so I'm I'm hesitant to to to
4997s explore a campaign skip if if the if the
5000s feedback is the leveling process is I
5002s like is boring or something like that um
5005s um I think there's other ways to address
5009s that um you know like and it doesn't
5012s even it can be it can be really indirect
5014s things as well um so
5017s like what are the things so if if the
5019s leveling process is boring or or not fun
5022s or you're not enjoying the leveling
5023s process and you want to um have a better
5025s leveling process okay so why is the
5027s leveling process not fun for you uh I I
5030s think is is the first place you have to
5031s start looking for information and I
5033s think it's um there's lots of different
5034s reasons why that could be the case um
5036s and I think it varies from player to
5038s player and I don't think there's like a
5039s just a one single answer to that but
5041s let's let's let's pick an example let's
5043s pick a hypothetical answer to that and
5045s let's explore how we can fix that in a
5047s different
5049s way um I'm literally making this all up
5052s on the spot so please uh this is not a
5055s announcement of plan feature or anything
5056s like that
5058s uh just the thought experiment right
5061s now um so let's let's say um
5065s okay maybe it's you're you're leveling
5067s characters too
5069s frequently um and so because you're
5071s doing it a lot and the process is too
5074s similar each time it's not
5078s interesting okay so so there's two
5080s there's two things there um there's the
5082s process is too similar and you're doing
5083s it too frequently um so maybe if we just
5086s reduce the frequency that players need
5088s to do the campaign um in like per cycle
5093s or per per season sorry excuse me uh may
5096s maybe that
5098s is
5100s um like maybe for for some players
5102s that's just enough like oh you if you're
5104s if you're only doing it twice per s or
5106s per season or three times per season
5107s instead of six times per season or
5109s something maybe that uh that process
5111s becomes more fun CU you do it less
5115s frequently uh I hypothetical maybe and
5118s so like then then you can start looking
5119s at uh creative ways to do um let's let's
5123s go back to okay here we go let's go back
5125s to a previous question that someone
5126s brought up that I guessed what they
5128s meant cuz I think it was a typo but I'm
5129s not sure which I think they were asking
5131s for Mastery respects so let's say um as
5134s an example you you put Mastery respects
5136s in the game suddenly players are um not
5140s like if if they wanted to to to get a
5142s paladin or they and they they start the
5144s game Paladin and like oh now I want a
5146s forge guard you don't have to relevel
5148s the forge guard and you're not going
5149s through the campaign an additional time
5150s on on that season and so you're doing
5152s the campaign fewer times and maybe the
5154s campaign just naturally becomes more
5155s interesting because you do it less often
5157s I I I don't know if that actually works
5159s you know like there's but but I think
5161s there's lots of different ways to come
5162s at the problem and I think the important
5163s feedback is the important thing to look
5166s at important place to start at that the
5167s feedback is hey what's what's the how do
5170s I feel when something happens you know
5172s like how's how's the what what's the
5175s actual issue
5177s here and just I want a campaign skip is
5180s is like it's valid feedback and fine I
5182s just I want to explore why you want a
5184s feedback I want to why you want a
5186s campaign Skip and I want to explore um
5188s if there's maybe even a better way to
5190s maybe maybe you don't want a campaign
5191s skip maybe there's an underlying issue
5192s that's causing hey a campaign skip is
5195s the solution that you've thought of
5196s which might be a perfectly valid one but
5198s maybe there's another option too that's
5199s even
5206s better that's what I'd like to explore
5208s so if you have thoughts on um why or
5213s like what you're feeling that's causing
5215s that that's that's maybe triggering the
5216s request for a campaign skip I'm really
5218s interested to hear that feedback
5222s um and if I'm completely wrong and just
5225s wildly off face I'm also interested to
5227s hear that feedback
5228s too Mike's wrong is
5231s uh something I'm used to hearing
5245s hopefully that was a a good rant a yes
5249s come on let me ah it popped out
5258s yeah got
5265s him all right regarding passive tree I
5268s was talking about the system like D4
5269s where you can edit however you like
5270s until it's valid okay I was here we go I
5273s was wrong with my assumption but yeah
5274s understand what you mean so like where
5276s you you get system where it's like
5277s respect mode and it's like right click
5279s to remove a point left click to add a
5280s point you just like make all the changes
5282s and it's like okay you've got this many
5284s changes
5285s done accept the whole thing at once I
5287s think that would be
5290s better I just got to the
5292s 2:00 time point that means we're half
5295s hour behind D not
5296s great I will try and speed up thanks for
5299s the thanks for the warning there Kane
5302s appreciate you hello Mike nice nice
5304s Friday I noticed that recently although
5307s or because most defensive layers that
5309s you can build through gear protect you
5311s against hits dot damage seems to the
5313s biggest struggle when it comes to
5314s tankiness in the endgame either ailments
5317s or dots pools both seem to be the
5319s biggest source of damage we take is this
5321s intended and if it is can we expect more
5323s ways to deal with it in the future
5327s um I don't I don't think it's like
5330s strictly intended that hey the scariest
5332s thing are dots you know um but I do
5336s think it's important that there are dots
5337s that are scary I think scary dots
5340s especially um as as as dot pools that
5343s can be spawned underneath the player is
5345s a really good tool for um and it's
5348s something people mention a lot is the
5349s hey like we want some reason why um it's
5353s difficult to play a ranged character you
5354s know like some skill element in uh
5357s player positioning when playing a range
5359s character uh compared to playing a Melee
5361s character CU quite often you get um
5366s more uh natur just just naturally hit by
5369s things as a Melee
5371s character which I think can be
5372s frustrating cuz it can seem like it's
5374s it's harder to play as a Melee character
5376s you know in some cases it is
5378s um so I think that there's uh there
5382s there's a lot of room
5385s for I I think really powerful ground dot
5389s placement things like effects like that
5390s is a really good way to say like hey
5392s ranged character move you know um
5396s whereas like a giant melee slam is a
5398s better way to generally say hey Melee
5400s character move
5406s um
5409s and uh I I yeah I I think that there's I
5413s think it's good that there are really
5414s dangerous dots uh in the game um do I
5417s think they always need to be the most
5419s dangerous thing
5422s no um I think that having new defensive
5427s options that let you proactively deal
5429s with dots would be really good um I
5431s think they they need some sort of
5435s like just just straight up slapping an
5437s AIX in that's just like oh less damage
5439s taken from dots
5443s um or something like that is is probably
5446s not the best
5449s option
5452s um as the only thing to do if like if we
5455s were hypothetically trying to combat
5456s that
5462s situation but yeah I I think adding new
5465s um new axes in general is really good I
5468s think that we we we we frequently
5472s hey that's what I'm talking about right
5475s there okay now we need an egg now we
5478s need an
5482s egg that feels good that feels feels
5484s really
5494s good your okay we we've been we've been
5497s weapon hunting for a few weeks
5501s now and this is this is the one we're
5503s looking
5505s for
5508s yes yes so happy we got that
5521s it says it goes down that's
5523s funny I know it doesn't because of all
5525s the extra stuff but
5528s like H the reduce bonus damage taken
5531s from crits means we're going to change
5533s our do we have full crit avoidance right
5537s now we have no crit of voids oh my
5542s God okay well we need the rest of that
5549s then will not
5554s me attack speed just took a huge
5561s hit but the hits are way bigger
5574s I think overall big big Improvement
5576s right there that just happened also
5578s defensively
5584s too thrilled on that
5590s one come with me I I need to heal off
5592s you in a
5598s sec what did I just do oh just grabbed
5602s my slack channel on the other screen and
5604s just like stretched it weird all
5622s right all right will not take uh can you
5626s tease the insane 50% buff to the 100
5629s flat HP uh execute threshold on Shadow
5632s strike making kill enemies at a massive
5634s 150 HP
5638s instead yeah I'm still not sure why that
5640s one's so low it almost feels just like a
5643s a thematic piece not a functional
5647s piece it
5662s elud he
5665s uh hey hello hi
5667s there hey hi
5669s hello uh hey how's it going hey
5674s there is so good okay uh I know you're
5678s you're working on game accessibility can
5680s you already speak about it any high
5684s contrast mode oh gosh I'm not even
5687s looking at the screen uh if there'll be
5690s a high contrast mode if it'll be
5692s customizable uh
5697s uh oh I bet that's outlines of objects
5701s and characterize customizable characters
5703s background elements and other I hope in
5705s these things to put my hands on the
5710s game uh there's I don't have any details
5713s on specific accessibility features that
5715s are coming but if you want to request
5716s them head them on over to our uh
5719s suggestions channels
5726s oh man I want a I went the wrong
5736s thing I want a
5740s uh Nemesis so bad right
5744s now uh will we get more types of
5746s environments Maps oh
5748s yeah oh yeah
5756s we we've got there you know there's
5758s things that are that are pretty close to
5760s being able to tease but they're just not
5762s quite there so you're not allowed to say
5763s anything I really want to say
5766s [Music]
5767s something I'm not allowed
5777s impossible your has come
5785s all
5786s right uh is it possible to make glyphs
5789s autoc consume on pickup like maybe an
5791s option for that uh it is technically
5794s possible for us to Auto pick them up we
5796s don't have any intentions to do
5798s so if you'd like us to consider it head
5801s on over to the suggestions
5812s channel uh all right uh merch store
5815s update when I don't know come
5819s on it's got to happen soon
5826s right I've actually had to start giving
5830s some of my merch that I've had from like
5832s conventions and things like that and and
5834s this is going to sound weird but to my
5835s mom
5850s so come on guys I need uh I need a store
5852s so my mom can buy stuff instead of
5854s taking mine please I don't have that
5857s many
5865s left there's even like there's even a
5867s few signed playmats out there from uh
5871s from uh Gamescom last year
5882s impossible right more questions when it
5884s comes to griefing from skill
5886s interactions the original Frost wall
5887s flame W uh node plus a friend with
5890s minions running through the frost wall
5892s instantly deleting all of your Mana was
5893s fun yes but that only hurts yourself so
5896s you you put yourself in that situation
5898s and we also fixed that I
5900s think didn't we I think
5907s but yes that was a a a exact perfect
5911s example of what I'm talking about being
5913s an issue you will not take
5924s me like if if you saw someone using that
5927s you could be like all right I'm going to
5929s and you're like playing a necromancers
5931s or like a a like I'm just going to slap
5933s the skel on my bar for a second and have
5935s them run through
5957s there all right more questions I get
5960s this is the problem is I get caught up
5961s I'm like oh yeah I'm playing doing so
5962s good here I forget to answer
5966s questions all right Mike will you play
5968s poe2 Early Access I'm not sure yet
5971s depends on timing um I played it a
5974s little bit already at Gamescom and it
5976s was
5978s awesome when it comes all right answer
5982s that uh I disagree wonderful I like
5985s disagreements well I don't know I like
5987s conversations and debates
5989s um more direct feedback to bug reports
5992s uh just sec
5994s I don't want to
6000s die I'm interested to hear what you have
6002s to
6004s say but I also want to fight this
6009s boss and I'm going to need a couple
6011s shots at
6014s it in my opinion the spirits of fire of
6019s the three level 91s is the hardest to do
6021s the
6022s harbinger uh early
6025s as your like first
6028s Harbinger so I like making sure you
6030s don't have to fight a Harbinger on it
6031s when you're first leveling a
6052s character I'm going to get to question I
6054s swear uh you mean you most likely have
6058s any kind of database to track bug fixes
6061s anyways right oh I see what you're
6064s saying um this this is on the
6068s the
6070s um having having like an open Bug
6072s reports form things like that yeah
6076s um in integrating it directly into our
6079s into our existing bug tracking system um
6085s it's it's not really an option for us
6087s I'm
6099s sorry all
6102s right uh there's an item in the merchant
6104s skill that doesn't exist in the game yet
6106s or was it removed what is the heirloom
6109s of
6111s light I have no idea
6116s uh it's probably on last dep tools then
6119s as well and I might be able to go look
6120s it up and see if I can figure it
6122s out but just from the name I have no
6130s idea you're merely a
6133s pawn there's a couple items that have
6136s been added to the game without any
6137s purpose by
6139s mistake uh maybe not by mistake but just
6142s like
6144s they probably shouldn't have been
6145s released yet or they got picked up in
6147s some like data scrapes and things like
6149s that
6151s um let's find out what we're talking
6153s about heirloom of
6155s light see if we can find
6158s it I no idea what you're talking
6164s about your of light is not on lasty
6167s tools
6179s heirloom of light okay it's a different
6182s website that has it implicits just
6184s health regen
6185s Relic just some health regen and health
6187s gain on kill this is terrible this item
6192s um I suspect this
6196s was uh a placeholder for an item that
6200s got started and just wasn't wasn't ready
6203s to to be added into
6205s the um release files yet and just got
6209s added by mistake maybe it was like
6210s someone just started something and never
6213s got this this looks like just an
6214s uncompleted
6215s item I've I've never seen that
6222s before it's not like a tease to
6225s something or a preview or something or a
6228s puzzle to figure out anything like that
6234s I bet I bet like so I really have no
6235s idea what that item is but if I'm going
6237s to guess I'd say we'll probably see it
6240s as an actual item with the same name and
6243s completely different statistics like
6245s like just nothing's the same it it
6248s really looks like someone's just like
6249s just just made the item and uh it's like
6252s a copy of something or just like cuz
6255s some default stats or you know like
6267s little bigger of a hit than I wanted to
6279s take okay more questions uh can you
6282s share stats of the ratio between CF and
6284s mg players might have already be done
6286s and I missed it it has not been done you
6288s did not miss it I'm sorry no I
6290s can't uh hi hope you and e team had a
6294s good week we
6298s did was it was a personally difficult
6302s week but overall I think it was
6313s positive uh for the next big patch is
6316s there new music planned yeah enjoy the
6318s soundtrack especially the End of Time
6319s music would be great to get more thanks
6321s yeah there's always there's always new
6322s music on the pipe
6325s uh I know you're working on game
6326s accessibility already
6333s asked uh I know you won't see this for a
6336s while but my personal issue with the
6339s campaign and this is not limited to last
6341s Epoch is that it feels like a running
6343s simulator where the focus is on getting
6345s from point A to point B more than
6347s killing monsters or monos do a better
6350s job of incentivizing killing monsters
6352s even while you search for the objective
6354s that's a good point I think there's
6357s um probably just room for like so what
6361s if hypothetical like let's let's I think
6364s that's a great starting point to to to
6366s to look at this issue um and I think
6368s that having a like a a specific thing to
6371s focus on on why it's not enjoyable for
6373s you is is like is a fantastic way to
6375s start looking at that problem um and
6377s maybe start tackling I'm not saying the
6379s I I guess I should be clear um I think
6382s there's more than one way to tackle
6383s these problems and one of those ways
6385s could be just ending a campaign skip but
6386s there might be other ways too that might
6388s be better who knows
6391s um and so like maybe just uh increasing
6395s the like the ways you can do like having
6398s more dungeons having more ways for like
6400s small skips if you're head on experience
6402s um and things like that and then giving
6405s um enemies in the campaign a lot more
6407s experience um option like like ways to
6410s get more experience or or have a be if
6411s you're underleveled you gain experience
6412s faster even NE possibly and like having
6417s having ways for more experienced players
6418s to jump through the campaign faster
6420s because you're killing things more so
6422s like incentivizing killing things more
6424s in the campaign might be a way to help
6425s with
6427s that or like alternate routes through
6430s zones and I don't
6442s know circling back to campaign skipping
6445s uh how do you feel about one campaign
6447s run per stash except for hardcore
6452s um I think I assume this is like per
6454s season cuz it has to be per season I
6456s think that's that's an important thing
6457s that it's kind of just got to be per
6459s season no matter what
6464s um how do I feel at one campaign run
6466s person me personally um I see this is
6470s this is the problem is I actually like
6472s having the campaign be part of the new
6474s character
6475s process
6476s um and I think that even if there was an
6479s optional skip straight to monos I would
6481s still just do the campaign to level
6482s myself um so there's kind of there's
6485s kind of the like the developer mic brain
6488s and the player mic brain and I kind of
6489s have to reconcile between the two so if
6491s um if we're asking player Mike brain
6493s which do I think I want I I would I I
6495s don't like it cuz I think I'd be
6498s incentivized to just jump into the into
6500s the monolith uh directly which I would
6502s be like n I'd rather do the campaign cuz
6504s I like the campaign but I know not
6506s everyone does so like looking at it from
6507s a developer perspective I kind of have
6509s to take that into account as we all do
6514s um and I'm not sure how I feel about it
6519s otherwise yeah cuz like there needs to
6522s be a leveling process for each character
6524s regardless right
6534s Eternal you into
6538s a you will be
6545s Eternal
6552s burn I'm not going to answer questions
6554s for this right now I should uh it's a
6557s long question that I can't read that
6558s whole thing while this is happening a
6560s Mike you should have got the question
6561s before starting this what were you
6562s thinking
6566s you will
6573s be
6575s burn
6583s theame okay oh I'm sorry I I I might
6587s have a shot at
6589s this I'm right now trying to get them
6591s all kind of low similar
6593s times please start this guy's last chain
6596s okay here we go can I kill these guys on
6598s top of each other I can and
6602s room no okay this is bad this is bad I
6606s think I just have to
6615s wait
6618s etal I think I I don't think I can go in
6620s there until it reforms up
6627s oh God it immediately fell
6632s no this is a
6635s problem or a blessing a
6638s problem
6641s um um would you please come out
6645s here would you please I I I really would
6648s appreciate it if you would walk out here
6651s you will be
6654s out the flame is
6659s fading okay ooh
6663s yeah yeah that's just
6668s yeah perfect roll on it too
6679s yeah all right that went better than I
6682s expected actually
6685s woo 1.2 was delayed for the uh for the
6688s upcoming arpg landscape uh and an engine
6691s upgrade mostly however now that that was
6693s upcoming airG landscape was also delayed
6696s partially into 2025 is it now right in
6698s the middle of your public release window
6699s for q1 2025 do you think you all will
6702s might have jumped the gun on delaying
6703s since you all are in a similar situation
6706s as before now uh or just generally
6708s General thoughts on how you would handle
6710s long delay and things each you learn SL
6713s has anything changed for on future
6715s delays
6717s um I don't think anything's changed uh
6720s necessarily for future delays at this
6722s point it's I think we're waiting till
6723s see how it shakes out um we're still
6726s we're still in the middle of it uh so
6728s it's not much to look back on just yet
6731s the uh I I don't regret the change we
6734s made a lot of it had to do with
6736s changing uh a lot of it also had to do
6738s with changing like what content we're
6740s targeting for the next patch um based
6743s pretty heavily on feedback we got from
6744s 1.1 on which Fe which content we should
6746s be focusing on for 1.2 um so there's a
6748s bit of a pivot
6750s there as
6752s well um yeah we'll see I I I talked more
6755s about the other parts of it earlier in
6757s the Stream uh so I don't want to double
6758s up on it too much CU I'm a little bit
6759s behind mik for campaign skip uh could we
6763s have the option to start from Mastery
6765s pick uh I mean we don't have any plans
6768s to do that I think that's it's also it's
6771s also not very far I mean like this is
6772s part of the problem is as well like if
6773s if you really want to start there like
6775s um if you've got anyone that you can
6777s like go to the Discord ask someone like
6779s hey someone warp me there you know like
6781s and and you start at level 20 Zone and
6783s it's
6786s fine uh the issues with dots is how it
6789s scales the higher it goes it currently
6790s does more damage than anything else more
6793s quickly than any big obvious boss attack
6795s on top of the higher damage uh so many
6797s mobs in an echo do various dots all over
6800s and doesn't even give a chance to heal
6802s out of it yeah they're quite dangerous
6804s at the
6805s moment uh has there been any talks about
6807s upping the implicit move speed on boots
6809s and getting rid of what feels like a
6810s mandatory usage of movement prefix slot
6813s kind of feels like a attack of sorts on
6814s all normal and unique
6817s boots yes we've discussed this many
6819s times it comes up every six months or so
6821s as a as a topic for
6825s design uh heirloom of light is an old
6827s item that is in the files but not in the
6829s game it's been thing for a long time
6831s kind of like uh flesh of Stone
6835s ah I missed
6840s it that's funny I I can't believe I
6842s didn't know that
6846s huh it's probably not on ell tools cuz
6849s he knows it's just useless we're not
6850s doing anything with it we we should
6852s probably remove
6854s it unless it's like some hidden joke
6856s that I've just or like like maybe
6858s something I missed completely but I
6860s don't think
6861s so my you okay you lost so much weight
6864s yeah I'm doing good did we did we find
6866s one right at the end okay don't die Mike
6869s don't
6870s die not an egg of course we knew it
6872s wasn't an egg I just
6875s forgot and one I'll be not
6887s terrible very nice very
6889s nice a lot of Health on that
6912s all right what are we seeing you could
6913s also have little mini challenge dungeons
6915s too where the enemies are a little bit
6917s harder but a little better rewards may
6919s even secret places like that you can go
6920s back and farm towards the end in game
6923s yeah I mean that's kind of what the
6924s dungeons system is in the game
6926s yeah we just I think a big the big thing
6929s there is this is what was talking about
6930s earli in the Stream is that the actual
6932s like experience of interacting with the
6934s dungeon content right now uh leading up
6936s to the bosses is is not awesome cuz
6939s we're not doing proper procedural
6940s generation systems it's it's this like
6943s pseudo generation where um there's a
6946s fixed map and blockers get dropped in
6949s place to cover up certain paths and I I
6952s think people really don't like that I
6954s think that there's
6955s a um a a very heavy psychological cost
6960s that we pay on that style of procedural
6963s Generation
6965s Um that I do not
6968s understand
6970s um like like not not in a sense of like
6972s I don't understand how that could be a
6974s thing like I I I get that it's a problem
6976s for people I just don't uh I don't
6978s understand the phenomena well enough to
6980s fix it
6981s directly um without just fixing fixing
6984s it without just fixing the actual uh
6986s procedural generation to be more similar
6988s to what you'd expect in a game like this
6991s which I think is is the the plan we're
6994s more interested in just having better
6995s procedural generation content in the
6999s future it's just real uh real tricky
7002s thing to get right and
7004s uh I think jumping the gun on that could
7007s be problematic so we got to make sure
7009s it's real solid
7013s will not take
7015s me that is a big Focus for us in general
7017s is just just getting the quality of of
7019s all the new features that come out up
7021s just making it so it's like hey
7023s something new came out and it works
7035s great got time for one or two more
7038s here a few items like that these were
7040s the stats for Herm of light um yeah
7043s I uh don't ask how I know heirloom of
7046s light uh when you cast the spell while
7048s facing East you have 20% chance to cast
7051s radiant Nova radiant Nova is a fire
7052s spell its damage scales with your
7054s Attunement you have a 1% increased spell
7056s damage per level if you have cast
7057s radiant Nova recently recently ref first
7059s the last 4
7063s seconds not not a terrible item maybe
7065s I'll maybe I'll make it huh huh you're a
7068s good man thank you I appreciate that I
7071s try to be
7093s and yeah I think this is so this there's
7095s people talking in chat right now about
7096s the the time it takes to get to
7097s monoliths and it is it is pretty wildly
7100s variable how long that number is for a
7102s lot of people like I bet a lot of
7104s players are sitting there going and
7105s someone says like oh it's 2 hours to
7107s model this for me um which I I I believe
7110s for some people that is that is doable
7112s um but I bet there's also players that
7113s are looking at that number going yeah
7117s right
7120s um and it's probably frustrating to to
7122s to look at a a new character and say hey
7124s it's going to take me 10 hours to get it
7127s um to to like a playable state in the
7129s end
7131s game and and like hey I just want to try
7133s a new build and you're like hey what if
7135s that build's not as strong as my current
7137s one um and you're like do I just burn
7140s that time you know so it's I I I can
7143s appreciate that there's some
7148s uh some some some some strong feelings
7151s on on this
7157s matter next time you will perish
7173s okay any last second
7178s questions we're running out of time
7180s we're almost done
7181s here going to finish this Echo and then
7185s we'll be done
7198s oh this is a really good stream I had a
7200s lot of fun I
7202s uh I'm really enjoying this build this
7205s character is and I say this like every
7207s time I I don't think it's it's been a
7208s long time since I played a character on
7209s stream that I didn't have a lot of fun
7211s with um it's a great
7214s sign uh but at the same time I kind of
7217s want one of my stream builds to be less
7220s fun so that I
7223s can can try and find a way to make it
7224s more fun but here I'm just like n this
7226s is fun that is too
7230s much worthless
7234s anyway of all the problems to
7238s have oh a bunch of bunch of flood at the
7240s end all right let's see if we can Hammer
7241s through these when did you started ell
7243s join the company did you envision it
7245s where it is at today or did you see Le
7247s at a different state um I I definitely
7251s always dreamed of us being where we are
7254s now uh but I never expected it I think
7257s uh you know that they'll like hey
7258s wouldn't it be cool if and uh yeah I
7261s think this is pretty
7263s incredible all right any discussion of
7266s removing Bas monoliths love the campaign
7268s hate the middle part um not really no
7275s um I'm not sure I'm not sure how you'd
7277s remove it at this point uh
7284s like apart apart from just being like
7286s all right uh level cap 60 now you know
7290s um yeah what's your favorite class build
7292s my favorite is falconer I I love
7296s Falconer it is uh Falcon is my favorite
7300s uh since you didn't say yay or nay on
7301s the Moose speed boots AIC situation I
7303s assume it's not changing anytime soon uh
7307s probably not I'd be pretty surprised
7309s it's I I I can't say yes or no cuz I I
7312s just don't know but like i' I'd be
7313s surprised I'm surprised a lot though so
7316s who knows you know all right uh do you
7318s want to take over the subathon for me
7320s I'm tired
7322s now day 43 most
7325s impressive I won't take over but I might
7327s help you out a little bit here how about
7330s you start playing the build of the month
7331s in a terra's monthly every month that
7333s would be cool the problem is that I only
7336s play
7337s um like my the like the account that I
7340s play on live with it doesn't have like
7343s there's not a lot of stuff like we look
7344s at my character list and it's just this
7346s character
7347s um cuz I play on the dev servers off
7350s like on during the week um so I don't
7352s have time to like build up characters I
7354s guess I could play in the normal servers
7355s but like I got to test new features
7358s right uh so It's tricky to get
7361s characters up to a point where I'm
7362s actually doing stuff that's like
7363s remotely fun and interesting to engage
7365s with me actually playing at all I know I
7367s know people aren't really here to watch
7368s me play they're here to answer get me
7370s answer questions and stuff like that but
7371s you know I'd like to be doing more
7373s endgame stuffff when I'm here if I can
7375s so happy I found this item oh my God so
7379s huge so huge all right thanks for your
7382s hard work Mike have a great weekend
7383s thanks you too and on that note it's
7385s time to end I had fun I hope you did to
7389s I hope you had fun I know I did that's
7391s how I say
7392s it I'll be back same time same place
7395s next
7397s week uh and we will be answering more
7400s cool questions we are looking to get
7403s more guests on so if you have any people
7404s that you know that you'd like or or
7406s departments you'd like to see as guests
7407s drop it into the uh ASD devs channel on
7410s Discord if I did miss your question
7412s please go ask it again there I'll be
7414s happy to answer
7417s it
7426s um how we doing how we doing okay let's
7428s do this let's go check it
7430s out Aaron has been streaming uh subathon
7434s for 43 days now which is
7437s incredible I uh wish you all the best
7440s stamina eron and uh I I'm impressed I
7444s don't think I can do it hope you're
7446s having fun still we'll see you next
7461s week but