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Guys if you are not playing Spriggan Thorn Totem build, don't play any other totem build at the moment. They sucks if you want to build Totem as main damage output skill.

I did report all these bugs using in game system still I want to list down what is not working:

  1. Upheaval "Master of the Totem" doesn't buff Tempest Strike Totem damage and armor
  2. Storm Crow "Arborist" doesn't buff Tempest Strike Totem with Flat Spell/Mele Lightning damage
  3. Swipe "Avatar of Stone" doesn't buff Tempest Strike Totem & Upheaval Totem with Flat Melee / Spell damage
  4. Storm Totem "Fulgurite Core" doesn't provide Flat Spell Lightning damage based on character Shock Chance.
  5. Tempest Strike Totem "Cold Projectile" which gained from disabling a Tempest doesn't have in game tooltip to show its based damage, what to scale. Tempest Strike "Heorot Arsenal" node which provides flat spell damage when wielding a 2H weapon work with the base 3 types of Tempest Strike Totem but not this "Cold Projectile".

There are some other minor bugs regarding totem too I am not listing. With these bugs exist in game, Totem interaction with other skills is quite limited causing:

- Storm Totem is still strong with those lightnings but the "Blizzards" cold node still feel lacking of support. There is like only 1 way to build Storm Totem if you focus on this skill as main damage output. ("Fulgurite Core" not working)
- Upheaval Totem was mediocre/bad if you don't go "Stonethorn Pillars" to consume Thorn Totem to buff damage, now may be better with new flat minion melee suffix but still doesn't change the fact this totem need to play around "Stonethorn Pillars" which is tedious if you don't have the Idols to proc Thorn Totem on hit. (Swipe "Avatar of Stone" not working)
- Tempest Strike Totem sounds cool on paper, in fact the totem doesn't work with half of its skill tree. Disabling a tempest should disable the particular totem type instead of forcing us to cycle them so we can focus 1 or 2 damage types. The "Cold projectile" when disabling a Tempest type is really questionable. (Storm Crow "Arborist" and Swipe "Avatar of Stone" not working)
- Warcry Totem and Frenzy Totem are fine as they mainly designed to be supporting / utility purposes. You can't really make these 2 totems as main damage output skill.

In a nutshell, Thorn Totem is the only totem which is strong, bug free and interact properly with other skills. I am not saying you can't make other totem builds work, but in current state they are just underwhelming / tedious to play around with the existing bugs / skill design. It is fine when you make totem as supportive skill, but to make totem as main damage output skill it feels pretty meh especially when weapon prefix still do almost nothing to minion build.

Sorry for the long post and whining.

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Ok, so I just finished fixing these, in the process found a few more totem related bugs and those have been fixed too. They will take some time to make their way through QA and out into a patch because none of this is anywhere near as important as the stability stuff but it's on the way.

Your number 3 also is currently not working with Warcry totem and is the same problem as these extras which is how I found them.

  • 6. Refresh Random Totem On Frozen Kill for Tempest Strike Totem, Warcry totem & Upheaval Totem - shaman passive node
  • 7. spell lightning damage for existing totems when you directly cast a storm totem for Tempest Strike Totem, Warcry totem & Upheaval Totem
  • 8. heal totems and give them immunity on potion use for Tempest Strike Totem, Warcry totem & Upheaval Totem - I can't remember where this comes from but I think it's on an item with how it's worded.

These were still working for normal totems, just not for things that were turned into totems and will work for any future things that get turned into totems.

Number 4 was the silliest fix, I switched the order of 2 lines and number 5 actually affects all stats from the tree on the cold bolt totem, not just that one node. I'm also not going into the qualitative feedback on the nodes but the points are well heard all the same. Let's hope these fixes bring things a little more in line with expectations.

oh and the list looks weird because I couldn't figure out how to make reddit let me start a list half way through, it just defaults to 1, 2, 3.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by amingolow

Thanks for the detailed reply, I really appreciate. I understand server stability is the first priority as I have login issue and long transition time as well, although it is quite random. At least I know these Totem related bugs will be fixed soon, Thanks!

However I am still confused about "number 5 actually affects all stats from the tree on cold bolt totem". I don't really understand what this means. My main concern is the cold projectile gained from disabling a Tempest type. What the cold projectile scale with and which skill nodes can affect it? In game doesn't have a tooltip to show its base damage and scaling tags. I tested and confirmed at least the "Heorot Arsenal" node doesn't affect the cold projectile.

Yea, that node doesn't currently work on live. I'm not actually sure which others weren't working before that got fixed but basically any of the damage increases in the tree were doing nothing for it.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Daqqer

Is there any chance that you could also fix the bug where Apogee of Frozen light doesn't correctly give the +3 levels to Upheaval Cold totem or Tempest totem? They are both tagged cold minion skills and this bug is killing my dream build :(

I think what I've done should fix that too.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Robbeeeen

Hijacking this great reply to report another bug with totems:

"Friends of the Tempest" on the Gathering Storm tree does not work when converting Storm Bolts to cold with "Frostbringer". Cold converted hits from Thorns Totem, Warcry totem etc. do not add Storm Stacks.

I'm sorry if I made it seem like I was pulling bug reports from reddit. I had just happened to be working on this and stumbled upon it and thought I'd share what I had already done. If you'd like to see this fixed, please go through the standard bug reporting process either in game, on our forums or on our discord.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by YOURenigma

is there a reason that apogee of frozen night does not work with upheavel totem when it's made cold?

Probably not recognizing that it's a totem at all. The above might possibly have just incidentally fixed that too.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by amingolow

Hi, is there any update for these totem related bugs fixing? It has been some time with a few small patch updates released but none of those bugs fixed mentioned in patch notes do cover these totem related bugs I have brought up. Appreciate if you can reply me.

It got stuck a bit in the pipeline due to it being lower severity than some of the other things that needed to go first. I just got it approved today and it is moving again. I don't know when it will make its way in but I'm hopeful for next week.