10 months ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s good afternoon everybody and welcome
4s back to another last Epoch Dev stream
7s as always
10s I'm your host Mike hello how's it going
13s whoa
15s totally relaxed start super prepared
21s just I'm out of breath because I I just
22s ran up like 10 miles yeah that's it
30s oh it's been a busy morning we had uh
36s a little bit of
38s a little bit of realization this morning
39s when I was
41s putting the teasers for today's stream
43s together I'm like
44s I have a fresh load of Windows I'm like
46s oh my God I have to redo everything to
48s set up the stream again don't I
50s oh no
55s but it looks like we hammered it out at
57s least I hope so let me know if it's
58s working and if things are horribly
59s terrible please tell me if this is your
61s first time here oh look how fancy stuff
63s happened already
66s thanks to the four months in a row
68s that's fantastic very cool glad to have
71s you with us
72s um if this is someone else's first time
74s here though
75s um
76s we uh I I sit and I play I Stand and I
80s play last Epoch and I answer your
82s question so please put your questions in
83s chat and please put at last Epoch game
85s in the question so I see it sooner we
87s also stream for charity here Traders put
89s my head it's pretty awesome
91s we do that because it's awesome
96s and I'm just gonna be uh playing my
97s casual we already got an upgrade oh my
100s key bindings are all lost too
103s oh no
105s oh no
107s uh
109s the only one that really matters
113s Escape doesn't close that window
116s uh Mike that's your fault Mike
131s okay I think we're getting we're getting
132s they'll do a few times right to change
133s some settings but I think we're doing
134s pretty good
137s um
138s yeah hopefully things look better too we
140s should see better frame rates and less
141s tearing and uh things to just be nicer
145s in general now
146s is great
150s hello total annihilation
159s I feel like it's
161s uh reasonable to assume a lot of people
164s who are here today will have or will
167s eventually watch the uh D4 Fireside
170s chat that just happened this morning
173s it's pretty cool
177s they said they're doing another one next
178s Friday I'm like well it's gonna be just
179s like an arpg Dev Dev Friday
184s tradition or something
187s convince Peewee to do it too
189s have just like a a rotating announcement
192s day every Friday
195s be funny
199s oh yeah I was gonna go ahead and try to
201s see what I got
202s or ants love it love it
219s we've been we've been testing some new
221s uh
222s uh networking libraries on a new
224s networking library that one of one of
226s their team members has been developing
227s from scratch actually for Epoch
229s um
232s and and like I don't know if I can
234s actually tell the difference but I feel
236s like I can
238s you shouldn't be able to see much
239s difference in in actual live performance
241s the game
245s um
247s other than like reduction in when things
249s are going well it shouldn't appear that
251s anything's different is what I'm trying
252s to say but there should be more times
254s that things go well
260s a lot of necrotic resistance it's
262s actually a sweet ring
271s shattering's going
274s I was working on a few uh like nicety
277s touch-ups for the for this panel here
279s it's gonna be sweet I'm actually pumped
280s for it
297s if you're wondering what I'm dancing to
298s It's the Music That's constantly playing
299s in my head
301s also I just realized that there's an at
303s last you [ __ ] tag here that I'm not
306s seeing
307s am I somehow not signed into that
312s uh
322s do I need to
325s like
326s do something to highlight that
334s oof
337s who do i chat as yeah okay yes I got the
340s chat rules hi
343s join twitch today okay I'm just not
345s logged into twitch somehow on here
348s great
352s no idea what my sign-in info is
358s how do we do this
371s please stand by your call is important
372s to us it will be answered in the order
373s it was received
380s like eight-factor Authentication
387s hey I can see the tags now wonderful
392s let me catch up on some questions you
394s asked previously on
395s uh when will the game be promoted on
399s Steam I'm waiting for a promotion to buy
401s like a sale I'm from Brazil and I'm
403s waiting for a translation into
404s Portuguese too yeah
407s um
408s one of those things you won't have to
409s wait too long before I think
413s I get asked this question like every
414s stream and I really should know what's
415s up my head
417s um
419s so if you go back to any of the last
420s like eight streams I'll tell you exactly
421s Which languages are coming I'm pretty
423s sure Portuguese is one of them
425s um
426s and we have a surprisingly High audience
429s in Brazil
431s um which is great and a lot of a lot of
433s team members from Brazil too which is
434s awesome
436s um
437s what am I getting that yeah how long you
438s have to wait for Stuff whoa that was a
440s close one
450s calculated
452s uh
453s as far as as far as the sale We're not
455s gonna do any sales until 1.0 at the
457s earliest
458s like I don't know when the next sale is
460s going to be but I know it won't happen
461s before 1.0 launches
465s um
466s yeah
468s uh so there won't be any sales before
469s 0.92 happen let me tell you that for
471s sure
472s um
474s and as far as translation goes we are
476s actively translating the game called
478s localization uh
480s to several different languages many
482s different languages
484s um there's a whole team doing that right
485s now it's coming along very well I know
487s early early versions of that are in
490s testing right now like like checking to
492s see how good those are sending them off
494s to native speakers uh things like that
496s so we can um get feedback from
499s uh
501s uh from community members we are lucky
503s to have such an international team for
504s that as well that we have like most of
506s the languages We're translating into
508s someone on the team is a native speaker
510s it's great
511s most
515s oh yeah that hurts
519s this is something interesting as well
520s the death screen like it just pops up
521s instantly I bet you've never seen the
525s deaf animations for any of the
527s characters in the game
528s foreign
529s I realized this recently
532s um
534s one of them has a horrible bug in their
536s death animation
538s but you never see it
541s tahariel reset for 27 months way to go
545s Bud thank you very much glad to have you
548s with us that's awesome
550s that's a long 27.
553s big numbers
555s those are not rookie numbers
560s all right all right all right hey I
563s bought your game thanks I sank already
565s 100 hours straight cool game yeah
568s that's awesome
570s wow
574s I'm glad you're enjoying it I'm glad
575s you're having fun looking forward to
577s trade system me too
585s all right
587s that's all the questions are caught up
588s easy
594s I am I'm realizing that my character's a
596s little on the squishy side
598s and also doesn't do enough damage so you
601s know it's just bad
604s but it's fun so it's good
609s I thought that would be a
610s thought would be a hallway
628s I love meteor I love I love it so much
635s any time frame for 0.92 um yeah it's I
638s can't give you an exact like oh it's
640s it's roughly this many to this many days
642s away or anything like that
644s um but it is like I I could give you
647s some some hints and some tips on how to
649s figure out getting closest on your own
652s here
654s um so we do we generally do patches
656s roughly in the three to four month range
660s um which I usually don't say but uh
663s there was a public post that went out
665s this morning that did say it from game
666s richer so I'm gonna say it now and
670s um
672s yeah so usually do every roughly about
675s every three to four months-ish depending
677s on other things that are happening in
678s the in the genre in our studio you know
680s all the sorts of things can affect it
683s um
684s and yeah so I would
686s I guess that that's a pretty good
687s indicator right there there's also
690s um
691s like maybe a large event coming up soon
695s that uh we might want to use as a
698s platform to hide something like that up
700s uh possibly I don't know might might be
703s might be a good thing
706s just in general I think a lot of game
707s studios do something like that
709s you know
710s Maybe
719s my I looked at my play time actually on
721s the on the actual game app on Steam and
724s I'm like oh it looks like I never play
725s it then I realized that the time that it
728s shows on there is like
730s 95 of this is the time I spent streaming
732s and then I'm like oh my God it's
734s actually a fair bit
746s just gotta leave it open some to
748s let's get that up
758s the weight is killing you eh well you
761s know I think uh
764s it's it'll be worth the payoff I'm very
766s excited for what this next patch has to
767s offer I think there's there's gonna be
770s some things that are uh that we haven't
772s even teased
774s I mean technically there was one little
775s teaser but you couldn't tell what it was
777s and um
780s that'll be surprising to people I think
782s they'll be sweet
793s I go Concords do you want this though
797s yes please
800s this
801s I mean
804s I used it
814s give him some hype I I've got it I can't
817s be there yeah it's It's Tricky we've
819s never done a convention in Europe before
822s um
823s we've done packs a few times uh we did
826s LTX we did quakecon uh we did a few
829s other things too in the states
831s um but yeah it's I I'm so pumped I I am
834s so happy I get to go as well
837s um I got asked to go and I'm like
839s let's go
843s a little nervous but I think it should
844s be fun
849s well I think it will be a really big
851s difference it's like a bullet hell game
853s here
856s um
857s it's it's most of the conventions I've
859s been to before presenting uh and
861s attending they they close at like five
863s or six o'clock
865s um and then like people Everyone goes
866s out for dinner afterwards
869s um
870s but like
872s this one I think it's nine is on the
874s floor closes every night so I'm like I'm
876s gonna be so wiped I'm just gonna like oh
879s it shows over all right I'll just fall
881s asleep on this bench right here thanks
887s but you know taking shifts and relaxing
890s and down times and things like that to
892s make sure we're
893s staying healthy Etc
902s we're gonna be in Gamescom it's uh it's
906s the the booth the number is listed on
908s you know I suppose it went out recently
910s um it looks like the word boob it's like
913s B zero BB
916s uh
918s so so yeah
920s it's uh it's our boobs
927s or Bob
931s yes I'm 10 years old deal with it
939s all right get that cash money
944s Dodge raiding oh
947s tripped at the finish line
950s too bad
955s we also have we also have a business
956s Booth the Gamescom too that's like I
958s don't know the booth I know the number
959s for that one but it's like more of a
961s normal booth
965s ever on anyone thank you very much
968s very generous of you
972s just to use the emotes
975s nice
978s e-088 I was close there we go August
981s 23rd to 27th
983s next game
993s one of my friends who's uh
996s um he's he's he's like done this sort of
999s thing as well at booths
1001s um at like conventions and stuff and I
1002s told him I'm going to Journey for
1003s Gamescom uh to run our booth he's like
1005s oh you're gonna be a booth babe like yep
1009s not as well dresses them normally but
1011s you know be fun
1017s and the it just went out
1019s we need we need a way that like shows in
1023s the tools of what just happened to it
1024s but like I have no idea how that's
1026s possible
1031s so I don't think the notification can
1033s tell you
1034s might be able to
1040s oh here's a big one all right first time
1041s here welcome
1043s uh Moto's BR asks the game looks great
1046s thanks I see people saying Le
1047s complexities between Poe and Diablo 3 I
1050s love Grim Dom Diablo 2 where I'm a 40K
1051s Inquisitor but I had a hard time
1053s enjoying Poe due to its complexity and
1055s the fact need to play with with at least
1057s four tabs checking what I'm supposed to
1058s do next
1060s um do you have any plans to avoid this
1061s issue in the future meaning allowing new
1063s players to have a good time even with
1065s the game getting complex over time yeah
1067s I think so we've
1070s um
1070s we sort of have this philosophy around
1072s most things in game we say we don't want
1075s people to have to go to another website
1077s to like have to go to another website to
1080s um just enjoy the game I don't use it
1082s from casual just like uh less hardcore
1085s experience of it so you're not trying to
1087s min max absolutely everything but you
1089s still want to have that information to
1091s get a good understanding of what's
1092s available
1094s um you you you don't necessarily need to
1096s get like the absolute perfect sequencing
1098s for everything but you want to be able
1101s to be relatively efficient you don't
1102s want to
1103s um watch some YouTube video and be like
1104s oh my God I wasted eight hours on that
1106s what was I do you don't want that
1108s situation to happen so we we do try
1111s um this this sort of started
1113s um this game guide
1115s and so if you press G in game it
1117s mentions it here as well game guides
1119s also a little um loading screen tip that
1122s says but it needs to be more in people's
1125s face I think and this
1127s um this this has a lot of really good
1129s information about uh like specific
1132s details on how things Works how things
1134s work like specific formulas this weirdly
1137s enough I click to block I think this
1138s block formula might be off it might be
1140s 0.8 instead of 0.6 I can't remember
1141s though
1143s um
1143s you know there's lots of info you can
1145s search for these so I can be like unique
1147s and like we'll filter to all the things
1149s that uniques have mentions in
1151s specifically
1153s and this layout's a little janky I gotta
1155s fix that anyways there's points so we do
1157s this to try and have that information
1158s available in game where with that you
1161s should be able to get by and not need to
1164s like
1165s watch an hour-long tutorial video to
1167s like get into the game so to speak
1170s hot in here already I have like a big
1173s box fan that I usually uh have running
1176s and it died last week I'm just hurting
1179s um
1181s also saying yeah we like we try really
1183s hard to make our tool tips have really
1184s clear and complete information
1187s um you know things like that we also do
1189s uh it was a good example loot filters
1192s um
1195s so like
1197s ideally this is what the problem is this
1199s is why I'm not
1201s oh where's my
1202s Mage leveling
1204s better than nothing
1207s yeah I'll roll with it
1209s um
1210s I'd really like to in the future this is
1212s something sort of like one day we'll
1214s make this happen it'll be cool if we do
1215s it
1216s um I'd really like to have a way to like
1218s share loot filters and possibly like
1222s upvote other people's loot filters in
1224s game in so you don't have to leave here
1226s used to be like like open loot filter
1229s browser and it like lets you like pick
1231s out a loot filter that someone else has
1232s made and just slap it in you know to
1234s another website to get it that sort of
1235s stuff
1236s um the trading system when it does
1239s arrive the bazaar you won't be able to
1241s access it from another website by
1243s interacting with it at least uh there's
1245s a possibility we may have some uh like
1249s viewing stuff maybe in the future but at
1252s least the initial version it'll just
1253s only be available in game anyways
1256s um so so you won't be able to you won't
1259s need to go to the uh to another tattoo
1260s to work on that sort of thing
1264s um
1266s yeah it's like we we try to
1269s we we really tried to make it so you
1271s don't feel that you're forced to go look
1273s at other stuff
1275s um but still have the availability for
1277s other resources to be helpful if you
1280s really want to take take things to like
1281s the next level
1283s um and we see some really good uh
1285s examples of that already in websites
1287s that are that have been around for quite
1289s a few years now
1290s um do some really cool stuff
1293s for people who want to like
1295s um do like Advanced DPS calculations or
1298s Advanced defense calculations
1300s um or just just have like a database to
1302s be able to search quickly like oh I want
1304s to find all the skills interact with
1305s poison or you know like like like really
1307s dive into like item possible databases
1309s and things like that like like so
1311s getting into those like really
1312s nitty-gritty details if you want to
1313s research the the specifics it's possible
1316s um on those ones we try and support them
1318s when we can
1319s um
1320s which we probably could do a better
1322s better job of I think
1327s it was pretty rambly answer but I hope
1329s it answers your question if not please
1331s feel free to expand it and I'll do my
1332s best
1337s [Music]
1341s here we go
1354s all right
1358s oh the main part of this question
1360s actually was was about
1361s um as complexity evolves over time and
1364s uh so I don't I don't have uh like
1367s specific answer for as the game's
1368s complexity evolves over time
1370s um
1371s but I do think that sort of following
1374s these same principles were already
1376s um
1377s paying attention to I think we can keep
1379s things in a really good state
1382s with regards to the complexity and the
1385s approachability and accessibility
1389s oh what am I doing
1392s what am I doing
1395s I mean that's just a sweet
1399s and start taking stuff out of you I do
1400s not have room to take stuff out of there
1405s all right
1407s I think this will take us over the
1409s over the line possibly into
1412s boss territory
1413s getting close to the powers
1416s is there a plan to reveal the three new
1419s Specialties I know they dropped with 1.0
1421s but I'm excited to see the skills
1423s um I can't talk about anything that will
1425s be happening I assume this is about
1426s Gamescom and I I can't I can't uh tell
1430s you what's gonna be happening at
1431s Gamescom I'm very excited for it all
1434s um
1438s even if you're even if you're not going
1439s there's gonna be sweet stuff
1441s um that you'll be hearing from the
1443s convention at that time
1466s uh meteor
1468s never gets old
1473s I was considering switching this to a
1475s static orb build
1476s which I think might be fun still and I
1478s might do that just until I find the
1480s staff because I want to be lightning I
1481s don't want to be fire build which I'm
1483s very fire oriented right now still
1484s because of uh meteor
1489s and I'm kind of considering switching to
1490s static orb until then
1494s it's also a very fun build
1514s I haven't seen any reports of like oh my
1516s God everything's on fire so that's great
1518s um since the stream's going well
1520s I turned up the settings a little bit
1521s from where it was for where I was
1523s streaming before as well
1525s it should look a little crisper
1537s I am the one who calls down elements
1539s from the sky not you
1557s do we make it four short I should have
1559s killed more stuff
1560s hahaha
1564s uh yeah I mean let's just roll through a
1567s couple of these
1584s watched sing
1586s yesterday so I've got like a whole bunch
1588s of
1589s like poppy bouncy songs in my head right
1592s now
1616s all right are you all still working on
1619s surprise mechanic like Luke goblins yeah
1621s surprise mechanic yeah um yes
1626s um
1627s yeah I actually uh
1632s saw a mock-up of one recently that I
1635s thought looked really cool
1636s there could be tons of fun to play with
1646s I'm still so tempted to just like slip a
1648s Luke Goblin because I'm sure I can just
1649s make it
1650s so easily
1655s not not gonna do that we don't we don't
1658s do that anymore
1659s four or five years ago totally would
1662s have just done it
1668s responsible development processes now ah
1673s just just kidding for the record I think
1675s it's a very positive thing
1682s uh hi are there any plans to let us
1685s reroll uniques like Poes three for one
1687s vendor recipe with everything specific
1689s right now I do think that there's kind
1691s of a gap in the usefulness of
1694s um either like upgraded from unique so
1698s like you you you're rocking something
1700s and then you find an upgrade now like
1701s the old ones just kind of I just Chuck
1703s it in the trash unceremoniously discard
1706s this item that's helped you achieve
1708s great things up to this point or you
1710s like and find some way to incorporate it
1713s into your legacy yeah you know
1716s um
1717s I I there's there's definitely room for
1719s some sort of mechanic that
1721s um
1723s that that lets you
1726s take
1727s uh poorly rolled or just outclassed
1732s um and has been upgraded unique items
1734s things like that to do something from
1736s them It's Tricky
1738s um because if you say you had saved a
1742s system whereby and and this and we
1744s really contrived here
1745s um you've got you've got a unique sword
1747s that does
1749s um and this is intentionally causing a
1751s problem to illustrate the illustrate
1752s this sort of overarching problem
1754s um so you've got a unique sword that
1756s does uh one to ten
1758s damage one to ten melee physical damage
1760s that's all unique does
1762s um and you have some sort of system in
1765s the game where if you take three of them
1767s and you uh sell them to store all
1771s together and then you get
1773s um you get one out that pops out it's
1775s it's the combination
1777s of all the roles it just adds the roles
1780s together so you have like uh you have
1782s one that's one damage one that's three
1783s damage one that's four damage and and
1785s something you you get one out that's
1787s eight damage just all of them put
1788s together
1790s obviously that's a problem it's just
1792s like that it's tons of problems all over
1794s the place but it does give the
1796s opportunity for uh D darks has receptive
1800s two months in row thank you very much
1802s can you guys Nerf sword just for the
1804s meme
1806s no
1809s um
1810s if anything starts it starts to get a
1812s tunnel up
1814s um
1816s what was I saying oh yeah yeah and and
1818s so you you get the situation where
1820s someone can
1821s um
1823s where the best possible way to okay so
1826s let me add something else to the
1828s scenario that we're talking about
1829s um the eight to ten range unique swords
1832s 810 damage range unique swords only drop
1834s from super high end areas but oh the one
1837s to three range unique swords can drop
1840s from really low level area
1842s um and so if you have this this system
1844s whereby you can take
1846s um
1847s uh the lower versions and combine them
1849s together to get the bigger versions
1851s in some cases the most efficient way you
1854s can Farm is by farming in an area that's
1857s way below your character's level
1861s um
1862s and and there's there's a lot of ways
1865s that something like this can happen
1868s um and then this is sort of just trying
1869s to make a really obvious simple example
1871s and it's bullying way out of control so
1872s sorry about that
1873s um but there's there's this problem of
1876s is the thing you can do with the low or
1881s the bad versions of these items
1884s um something that's good enough to uh
1888s like offset the need to find the
1890s high-end items I'm gonna be a good way
1892s to put it uh and what one of the most
1896s commonly requested things in
1899s um
1900s in a unique combining type
1903s uh or like like something to use a
1905s unique item for a system uh generally
1908s comes in the form of hey I want to
1910s combine like five zero LP items into a
1912s one LP item you know
1916s um and
1918s the the ratio on how rare some of those
1920s jumps are
1922s uh might seem a little
1926s absurd on uh how many you have to be
1929s like all right well you can find 4 000
1932s ravenous voids and you can have a 1lp
1934s ravenous way it's not that bad but uh it
1937s suddenly becomes a non
1940s uh a non a non-consistent ratio
1945s because you're you're finding it's so
1947s much easier to find a 4lp version of
1950s Alchemist Ladle you're probably finding
1953s like you're probably finding a 4lp
1956s version of a super low tier unique
1957s before you're finding even a regular
1959s ravenous void
1961s maybe not but in and around there
1963s probably
1966s and
1969s so so part that's that's where some of
1972s the trickiness comes from
1973s um I know this original question that
1975s I'm veered way off course from is
1979s um the the suggestion here which is a
1982s much safer suggestion
1984s um is just letting you take three of
1986s them and re-roll them and so it
1988s re-randomizes them and I'd say it's
1990s another crack at the item dropping
1994s and and that might be possible too
1995s there's
1997s there's just there's some there I I
1999s believe that there is some system uh
2003s that we could Implement which would let
2005s players utilize undesired uniques in a
2008s way for a small incremental bonus to
2011s work towards some sort of larger goal uh
2014s that wouldn't that would result in more
2015s consistent gear upgrade curves
2019s do I have any idea what the specifics of
2021s that look like
2025s do I hope we can figure it out
2027s eventually oh yeah
2034s it's not something we're actively
2036s working on right now so it's it's not
2038s like uh it's not something that people
2040s have in the works or I haven't even
2042s heard an internal picture a system like
2044s this recently
2057s let's just gotta drop the meteor hammer
2061s uh merge director
2064s uh we actually like literally can't
2068s right now
2069s um
2071s not not because of a problem but because
2072s we set up systems so you can't just
2075s um push straight to main you have to uh
2078s you have to get a pull request approved
2080s by at least one other person
2083s there's no there's no push straight to
2085s Main
2090s which was
2093s gods
2098s oh my God run a Escape it's gonna get me
2102s nope just just all right cool let's just
2106s chill right
2126s boom
2129s boom boom yeah Bill Boom Boom
2137s all right a little bit of XP
2146s do we have captured avoidance I don't
2149s think so
2158s where's Critter points
2160s 94.
2163s I mean that's pretty high
2167s there's our final version of these boots
2169s they're okay
2172s we got a little unlucky on that Dodge
2175s raiding role
2184s no I can't do it
2209s so much shred here
2210s the 20 increase damage might just be the
2212s way to do it
2217s turns isn't terrible
2219s do we have calling I don't think we do
2225s let's go for a damage though
2231s oh Mike in chats how long until full
2234s release approximately
2237s um we don't have uh a set release date
2241s that we are prepared to
2243s give an approximate timeline for
2247s um
2248s it has been said by other people in
2252s public forums in in the company that uh
2256s our internal goal is this year
2265s and and nothing has changed since then
2273s but you didn't hear from me
2280s no things things are going really well
2288s so frequently that I'll like look at our
2290s like internal patch notes Channel and
2292s I'm like how did we not have that in the
2294s game yet like what were we thinking
2297s you're like well because it wasn't easy
2299s to do and we just developed the tech
2300s part last week so okay fine
2317s I watched the Diablo 4 campfire stream
2319s Mike speaks far more better than dudes
2321s in jail before jobstream I think that
2324s they were under a lot of pressure and
2325s and a really difficult spot I think it's
2328s really hard to to go into a stream like
2330s that
2331s knowing that the sentiment is so so
2335s negative
2337s I think they handled themselves really
2338s well
2340s and you could tell they care a ton about
2342s the game
2343s and really wanted to do well and be fun
2347s that's what I heard from them
2365s a little careful Mike
2367s here we go
2375s Sean because I said so
2383s carry the shrine over
2387s did you guys ever do this like you you'd
2389s find a in like detail you'd find a
2391s shrine and like
2395s um like prepare prepare find the shrine
2397s leave it uh dude the whole like Bell run
2401s uh like get get to the throne and then
2403s you like Port back to the shrine really
2406s quickly to like grab your XP boost and
2410s some would have been watching the party
2412s screen and they they knew you'd done
2414s that and they grabbed it right before
2415s you and you get nothing and you missed
2417s the first wave and it's terrible
2424s that was one change in a um
2428s one of the D2 mods I used to play a
2429s bunch was that curses and shrines could
2432s co-exist
2434s um so like getting cursed in Nuka Shrine
2436s off you which is so nice
2445s this has been trying so useless in chaos
2447s sanctuary
2462s all right next question
2465s remember to tag me yeah all right let's
2468s look back you know the answer as well do
2469s you guys plan to buff vulcanus elubion
2472s and battle mage make hybrid spell melee
2475s builds more viable
2477s um well one one thing in general that
2479s will help spellblade
2481s um when Rune Master does come out it
2483s will have
2485s um
2486s like like we're we're effectively giving
2488s it another what is it 20 or so nodes
2491s um
2492s that'll that'll be available to it so
2494s it's it's gonna get more options
2496s um then as well it's going to get
2498s another two skills that'll have access
2500s to so like more options again and and I
2502s know more options doesn't always
2503s directly translate into like more damage
2505s but just having those those more options
2507s will in general help I think
2510s um
2511s to just sort of round out the op the
2513s round of the class or other things it
2514s can do we're also taking a little bit of
2516s a look at it working through the passive
2518s Tree in Rune Master we we took a couple
2521s nodes from sorcerer
2523s um I think we tweaked a couple nodes on
2525s both Sorcerer And Rune master or um
2527s spellblade at the same time as well so
2529s there's there's things that are um that
2532s when that eventually does come out will
2534s will help spellblade in general I don't
2535s there's I don't have any information on
2537s specific plans for buffing specific
2539s items
2541s um
2542s it's it's possible if you think this is
2545s a good uh reason to do that I'm not
2547s saying there is or isn't but
2549s um and you want to get a conversation
2551s started that we might see it and
2552s consider it as an option uh best place
2554s to do that is on our forums
2557s um
2559s next section feedback in suggestion
2561s section
2562s um
2564s I love I love reading the the things I
2567s don't reply very often but I do read
2568s them all
2569s because I love seeing those things
2571s people come up with as like cool ideas
2573s and it's it's really fun to see because
2576s um there's certain things that just like
2577s don't get even suggested internally
2579s because people like well I know we can't
2580s do that
2582s um but just seeing those suggestions pop
2583s up are are always really cool even if we
2586s can't even sometimes which which is
2587s frustrating
2590s but I do like to see those like what if
2592s suggestions that are like this would be
2594s cool wouldn't that be neat
2598s I just find those fun
2610s my goodness me
2616s I was gonna invite you to my birthday
2618s party but not anymore
2624s we're having barbecue
2635s I do think that the in general like the
2637s spell melee hybrid build uh style
2641s um
2644s is something that will
2646s I'll probably find more purchase in the
2649s like
2650s uh
2656s what I'm trying to say hybrid spell good
2663s uh in in spellblade in general but also
2666s oh yeah focusing on Elemental damage
2668s itself
2669s um
2673s because it's a it's a like a more
2674s specific but not super specific so you
2677s you don't have to uh
2685s you don't you don't have to like
2687s um stack just melee or like one specific
2690s element
2694s try not to die here
2697s that way better than I thought
2701s yeah
2703s yeah
2710s the Frailty is really nice just have to
2712s shatter
2712s it's a shatter Target for sure
2718s we're just gonna do that
2725s two better than none
2732s all right 670.
2736s time to suggest a rock and or roll
2764s thank you
2775s all right theoretically if I just want
2778s to focus on one specialized skill what
2780s is the max plus level skill an item uh
2783s honor item and the character I think
2784s right now it's 29.
2787s uh just based on like like what's just
2790s possible of combinations there's no hard
2793s coded Max
2795s um so you're just looking at like what
2797s combination can I do to get this as high
2799s as possible
2801s um
2804s oh I can see you typing
2807s just realized that my slack
2809s notifications came through don't I
2810s [Music]
2814s oh
2819s no
2822s llama that was you
2825s um
2829s yeah okay
2831s uh
2833s plus skills yeah there's no like actual
2836s like okay the the cap is 30 or something
2839s and and
2841s um
2844s my goodness whoa
2848s I'm not fast enough to do this fight
2850s properly
2852s I'm uh oh my goodness just just like
2855s this is how you hit all of them
2857s I don't know why I thought that'd be a
2859s good idea
2863s okay I gotta pop some of these early
2866s wow this is going poorly I need so much
2870s more damage Mobility survivability
2874s um I I don't think there's any way
2883s that excellent portals
2886s yeah our move speed is too low I need to
2888s put boots on for this fight that are
2891s higher move speed
2894s and I have them that was one of the big
2896s things I was worried about when I was
2897s switching out these boots
2899s um was the Moose he wasn't high enough
2901s and we get stuff off killing things we
2903s don't kill things very often in this
2905s fight
2924s Hold Us
2929s and we use teleport as a DPS boost too
2964s I don't know how we haven't died it's
2966s been like three times I'm like oh that's
2967s I'm dead
2991s okay I got another question on this so
2993s keep talking
2995s but if I look away chances of me dying
2998s is like guaranteed
3002s so there should be a story behind
3004s needing to approve merge director prod
3007s yeah there's always a story
3010s uh behind that
3021s poppies
3038s a little stagger there
3057s is so much in this fight that's about
3058s like managing
3061s um ads
3063s and like some of them are weird ads like
3064s these these lightning things you gotta
3066s walk over and pop
3091s oh we got there
3095s oh
3103s skill should I drop right yes please
3110s [Music]
3112s pretty sweet it's the destinate item
3115s though so
3120s fun build to do
3123s is there like anything you can do to
3124s hurt you
3125s that
3127s a blind blind's such a funny such a
3131s funny thing
3134s we did it first try
3137s no problem that deserves a celebration
3148s and it's uh turtley boy hey totally boy
3155s how you doing
3159s WoW turtle
3176s all right
3185s why is there a lot of new content a lot
3187s of content for Early Access yeah before
3189s was fun bro but looking to check this
3191s out there's I'd say there's as far as
3193s Early Access games go I think we do have
3195s a a pretty high amount of content
3199s um
3200s it doesn't have it doesn't have anywhere
3203s near the poe levels of content I'll tell
3205s you that right now
3207s but there's there's a much more robust
3209s end game than like Diablo 2 for example
3211s which really doesn't have much of an end
3213s game at all
3214s um
3216s we're definitely looking at expanding
3218s our end game still
3219s um and that is like a major feed thing
3221s that's gonna like over the next year
3222s we're gonna there's gonna be lots of
3224s upgrades and expansions to uh to what
3226s the end game loop is and um what options
3229s there are the things you can do things
3231s you can get all those sorts of stuff is
3233s is gonna
3234s expand quite a bit you know like Focus
3236s around end game in in the like first few
3238s Cycles
3244s uh
3246s I also just saw the the O'Neill with two
3251s L's
3252s it's definitely a Stargate reference
3253s yeah there it is
3257s I was also I was watching Stargate now
3261s that were on the topic uh I'm gonna take
3263s the opportunity there's an episode
3265s there's a time travel episode where they
3267s like
3268s um like they they end up going to so it
3270s was like one of the season finales and
3272s they like mess up the past and
3274s um then like their alternate reality
3275s selves get a message from them in their
3277s past they have to go back and re-fix
3279s what their alternate reality fit messed
3281s up
3282s um
3283s that's how uh fish get in O'Neill's Lake
3286s in his cabin anyways
3288s um and and Sam is like hyping it's like
3291s mousy Sam is hyping yourself up to like
3294s tell off her boss about a paper
3296s um and and she she makes a reference to
3300s like her like intro line at the very
3303s beginning of the series where she's like
3304s and just because my reproductive organs
3307s are on the inside so the outside doesn't
3308s mean you can then she's like that's dumb
3310s who would ever say that
3312s um like do I actually sound like that or
3313s something and it's it was uh it was just
3315s such a great little nod back to the kind
3318s of cringy intro she got
3321s I thought it was neat
3324s that's what you get when I watch random
3325s Stargate episodes
3328s be closer smaller Circle run it faster
3330s yes be better at the game I'm on it
3334s uh we did that one didn't we
3342s uh let's go do some spirits of Fire
3344s yeah
3350s [Music]
3352s one of three
3357s oh what season am I talking that's like
3359s season eight or something
3363s new season
3365s six
3374s I will tell you
3382s it was Mobius
3388s oh well eight season eight episode 19 I
3390s was right the first time nice
3414s yeah Stargate is not afraid to poke fun
3415s itself they also they have somewhere uh
3417s valumaldoron was pitching TV show ideas
3420s to the TV exec that was filming a TV
3423s show of Stargate and she was just
3424s pitching other sci-fi shows
3426s um and the TV exec was just like calling
3429s out which shows they were and she's like
3430s uh yeah you got me okay next one ah you
3432s got me next one and then she pitches
3434s Farscape which is the character which is
3436s the show that the actress uh played
3439s previously played on previously with her
3441s co-star that came over
3443s um
3443s and when they both it was like season 10
3447s or 11 when the big big reboot happened
3448s in Stargate yes you won uh and and the
3451s TV exec just has no idea what Farscape
3453s was and he's like yeah you got me never
3455s heard of that one
3456s so they're like poking fun at like uh
3459s they're she spoke in front of her own
3461s show with that which I thought was
3462s really funny
3465s oh my gosh there's a giant thing on the
3467s screen how long has that been there
3471s sorry
3474s it's back to the last default let's
3476s let's talk about the game I'm actually
3478s playing and working on
3484s it's the last epoch
3486s there's this one episode of last Epoch
3488s where the main character has to go back
3490s in time to fix
3494s is the reason not to have server side
3496s file for loot filters it's not a big
3499s deal all I just noticed since I recently
3501s reset my PC
3503s um
3507s [Music]
3510s yes it's the answer your question there
3512s is do I remember what it is no
3519s if like it may have just been something
3521s as simple as like
3523s if we don't change anything it'll just
3525s keep working because it's entirely a
3527s client-side thing
3530s um
3532s and we just haven't got around to fixing
3535s until like to implementing that yet I
3537s think I think that's probably all it is
3540s there's a lot of stuff like that that's
3542s kind of like falling through the cracks
3544s of like
3546s um man we really should get that done
3547s and
3548s um the person who's getting into my
3550s dad's like well we got this really
3551s important thing that you've got to start
3553s on right now
3555s um we'll get back to it don't worry
3555s we'll get back to it and it's probably
3557s on some list somewhere
3559s um but I've been doing a lot of those a
3561s lot of those tasks this week it's been
3562s great actually
3566s tons of little things that you'd
3568s that I I'd forgotten about and I'm like
3570s yeah that'd be great let's get that in
3575s also really nice to just like
3579s get a checklist and like start checking
3580s things off on it oh it feels good
3585s I'm a simple man when that checklist and
3587s that checkbox fills in
3590s chills
3593s uh
3596s I feel like it was for offline then why
3597s not have both server and client side
3599s right yeah super minor to be honest yeah
3601s it's um
3604s I don't I don't have a good reason
3607s I'm sorry
3611s I know we've talked about having and
3613s something I mentioned earlier in the
3614s Stream is is having like a
3617s um like a a server-side storage for loot
3622s filters that you can uh search sort and
3626s upvote
3628s um
3631s I think I think that would be a really
3633s huge
3635s um Improvement for new player
3636s accessibility because because we do we
3639s do drop a ton of loot like it's just a
3642s ton of loot
3643s um and the vast majority of it for any
3646s one particular build is completely
3648s useless
3649s um
3652s not all of its movies but like like
3654s you know there's 100 pieces drop and
3656s chances of one of them being good for
3658s you is pretty low
3661s which is why a lot of people filter out
3663s huge amounts of items
3665s um
3666s and that process of setting up a loot
3668s filter I think is a little daunting for
3672s some players
3674s um and we try to keep it relatively
3676s simple to do a basic one and tutorialize
3678s it that sort of stuff and there are if
3680s you are in this boat right now there are
3682s some fantastic ones uh that other people
3685s have set up that are um kind of more
3687s generic loot filters or like uh it's
3690s like this is just a good Mage loot
3692s filter like
3693s um to get you started and you can
3694s customize a little bit or they've got a
3695s whole bunch of rules that are turned off
3697s and you can be like oh this one sounds
3698s like something good for me
3701s so I think
3703s um
3704s I think heavy has one on the forums
3707s um I know I've seen a bunch of other
3708s ones too so
3709s if you're in that boat check it out
3712s um because yeah loot filter is a really
3713s important part of making that experience
3715s fun and good and when I play on on
3718s stream I I just I'm not paying attention
3721s to the loot like at all because I'm more
3723s here about the stream than I am about
3724s actually like improving this character
3726s as much as I can but trying to have fun
3727s with it too
3733s that's why Miley filters not super
3736s awesome
3747s uh I know it's not about the game yet
3749s but who wants who would win between tilk
3752s versus Wharf
3756s um traditional weapons in tow
3759s no question
3762s um
3763s hand a hand
3766s that's a tough one I don't know
3790s I'm relatively new to RPGs welcome be
3793s Burton O2
3794s hope you're having fun uh blasted Ellie
3797s awesome I'm not sure if it's being
3799s discussed or even possible but what if
3802s at the end of an arena run slash mono
3804s and after Action Report popped up it
3806s documented the damage each ability did
3808s that way it could be used as damage test
3810s build crafting setup
3812s um so
3813s the we very intentionally don't have a
3816s way that says
3817s um in this thing you just did here's
3820s here's how much damage you did
3824s um
3826s and uh we we don't really have any plans
3830s to change that however
3832s um I do really like and this is
3834s something that's been pitched before
3835s that I've seen and I I fully support it
3837s is having some sort of
3840s um like after action reports uh for for
3843s certain activities
3845s um
3848s whether it's like
3849s um like you complete the campaign and
3851s something tells you about like your
3853s story throughout the campaign
3855s um this this hearkens me back a lot to
3858s um civ5 and Civics with mods where you'd
3862s be able to at the end of a game there's
3864s a uh the map you see it you see a a time
3868s lapse version of the map
3870s um that shows the territory the change
3871s over the course of the game where like
3872s each second is one turn in the game and
3874s it like slowly grows and you see like oh
3876s this emperor empire grew and fell here
3878s and that sort of stuff and having those
3880s like retrospectives on this long thing
3882s you just did this this long challenge
3884s you just undertook and helps you like
3886s relive that process I think it's a
3888s fantastic thing to do
3890s um and it's also valuable in shorter
3892s form things as well like the arena which
3894s isn't that short but also in models as
3896s well and I think that there's there's
3897s room for maybe like
3899s um
3899s more vague things like
3903s um
3903s uh you used meteor 8 000 times or
3907s something I don't know and
3908s um or maybe the largest hit you did the
3911s single largest he did came from this
3913s skill
3914s um things like that I think would be
3916s really good
3917s um having it be super specific and
3919s detailed is uh is tricky and I I don't
3924s think we have plans I know we don't have
3926s plans but I don't think we uh I think it
3928s would be a tough sell to get one of
3930s those in
3933s um
3938s because there's like even if you do it
3940s in like in in like say you at the end of
3944s the monolith it shows you the
3947s um like the total damage that
3951s a certain ability did and the like
3953s biggest hit that it really did or
3954s something like that
3956s um I mean like you can has a horribly
3958s Innovation as it is you could just like
3960s walk into a monolith cast one spell
3964s uh portal out or let yourself die
3966s intentionally
3968s um and like get that report or something
3970s and uh like use it for like the least
3972s efficient DPS calculator of all time
3976s and as soon as we add a tool like that
3979s um like the possibility to get to have
3982s something like that work in game the
3984s conversation immediately shifts to give
3986s us a quality of life Improvement to make
3987s this easier because we already have it
3990s um and if we take it out the
3991s conversation becomes give us it back
3995s um
3997s and there's there's a little bit it's a
3998s little bit harder to
4000s take things away than it is to not add
4002s them even if this is the reason it's
4004s exactly the same for both of them
4013s we are working on this is one of the
4016s things we've been working on this week
4017s is the
4019s um the mini map on like lighter areas
4022s like you just can't see it at all there
4025s um
4026s and like
4028s you can see here with this darker
4029s background it's like having something
4031s that's like adaptive or just like
4033s finding the right mixture of
4038s eye of Newt and
4042s tale of muskox to
4045s to make it play nice
4050s foreign
4052s operating under the theory that we're
4054s gonna have to have some sort of adaptive
4057s um
4058s overlay map for what type of Zone you're
4060s in so like we'll have to have zones
4062s tagged as bright or dark and then like
4065s change the UI slightly for brighter dark
4067s zones
4069s will be my guess we do have a couple
4071s zones that like you as you move through
4073s them it likes flips
4077s but we can't do like see on this map
4079s even on the
4081s brighter areas looks fine because it has
4083s that that background but we can't put
4085s that background your whole screens they
4086s just look awful
4088s um
4090s I know there's some adjustments to some
4091s zones that are also happening as well to
4093s just like make this lesson a problem
4094s because we're also we're also looking at
4098s um
4099s like other other UI elements that sit on
4101s screen that maybe don't look as
4102s fantastic in the untreated position one
4104s of them really specifically this is
4105s really terrible
4107s um
4108s and it's frustratingly not that terrible
4110s in this scene to prove my point sadly
4112s it's not working
4115s you have to be so good when I'm trying
4116s to say you're bad
4119s uh
4129s it's like no damage to him somehow
4145s oh my god he has so much health
4150s okay
4152s the quest logs on the right here
4155s it's kind of hard to see in this in this
4156s scene right here
4158s um so we're working on improving that as
4160s well there's all sorts of little things
4162s that we're improving polish touch-ups
4165s pretty
4169s uh next question here we go
4173s hey hey how's it going
4175s guys are having a great week I am having
4177s a great week I was wondering what was
4179s your view on the super uber uniques or
4182s super rare FX Uber shards from design
4184s standpoint or would it work on last
4186s Epoch is there any is there one already
4189s thanks keep the rear work
4191s um yeah so I think that there is I think
4193s there's room for
4195s like super Chase items
4198s um
4199s and this is I'm basically just parenting
4201s what they said in the D4 stream so
4202s assuming you're talking about the D4
4203s stream here
4204s the D4 situation
4207s um
4209s having them and I'll tell you how we've
4211s also tried to solve this problem and how
4213s we may not have been perfectly
4215s successful with that and all sorts of
4216s stuff
4217s um because this is a difficult
4219s a very difficult problem to to solve
4221s here so you you have
4223s um and I think there's like an extremely
4225s fine line where this feels fantastic and
4228s like a tiptoe over the line one way or I
4231s tipped over the line otherwise the whole
4232s thing just crumbles and you can be like
4234s unbelievably close to it being great and
4238s it's just awful like it's so close
4243s so this is like there's there's this big
4246s desire and big need for
4248s Chase items to happen in the game things
4250s that
4252s um are that require high power
4254s characters require
4257s um like put it putting in some effort to
4259s like really get there having them having
4261s them be Chase items things that you're
4263s aspiring to get that maybe you're not
4266s guaranteed to have things like that
4269s um
4270s but I think the like the sub text
4273s request there is
4275s and and I and I I just this is this is
4279s sort of like how I feel about it myself
4281s what I'm talking about is like yeah I
4282s want these super rare things to exist
4284s but I want to find them
4287s um
4287s and
4289s you you can't everyone can't find them
4291s if they're if there's these Chase things
4293s to happen like it can't be something
4295s that is expected to be found
4299s they're they're they're they're they're
4300s they're chase you know like these are
4302s not things that you should be like I'm
4304s gonna plan my build around having this
4306s Chase item
4307s um and I think that's where the big
4309s problem comes in is that when you start
4310s having these uh these very powerful
4312s Chase items
4314s well like by definition that kind of
4317s like turns a build on it kind of like
4319s makes it work awesome right
4321s and so there's this you're trying to
4322s make these Chase items that are rare but
4325s not too rare powerful but not too
4328s powerful
4330s um
4330s and and and also fun but not too fun
4333s because then everyone wants them and and
4336s it's like it's everything's like uh
4338s there's this like too good line on like
4340s three or four different axes that you
4342s can cross
4345s hopefully I'm making sense
4346s um and and so I think there is room for
4349s things like this to happen and
4352s um
4353s one of the ways we've we've tried to uh
4357s to incorporate this a little bit is is
4359s in our exalted items and legendary items
4362s um
4363s so you can you can have these these
4365s versions of this of these items that are
4368s that provide their unique effects and
4370s functionally enable builds and and
4372s functionally enable and enable certain
4375s functionalities
4376s um but then getting like LP versions of
4379s them to get more stats on them so that
4380s they are they're better items there are
4382s these Chase item version these Chase
4385s versions of these same items that are
4388s um
4389s very difficult to acquire they're cool
4391s and it's like oh you got like a really
4393s good version of that and I think the
4395s like
4397s the
4398s like perennial example of things like
4401s this is just wide roll ranges or several
4404s roll ranges and several wide roll ranges
4407s in uh on on high tier items that are
4411s like accessible but still really
4413s difficult to get super good versions of
4414s them so like
4416s um
4418s I guess I'll use
4420s a spirit I think is actually a pretty
4422s good example of this in um a spirit Rune
4426s word in Diablo 2. it's a very low tier
4428s item
4429s um it's really easy to get a Spirit uh
4432s weapon and the shields are not that bad
4434s either you just gotta find a white
4435s monarch shield and you know that usually
4437s get one of those by by the time you play
4439s through the campaign
4442s and
4444s um
4447s but then getting a perfect
4451s 35 25 Cascade
4454s getting two perfect ones is it's kind of
4458s a Chase thing you know like it's it
4459s takes a while to do
4461s um you still got a spirit Shield it's
4463s not terrible to do but like it takes
4465s some time
4466s um
4468s and there's tons of other examples and
4470s things like that
4472s um
4474s and and so yeah we we try and have these
4476s like these versions of items that are
4479s the same thing with smaller numbers
4480s effectively
4482s um that you can get to turn on your
4484s build and have it be functional
4486s um
4487s but these super rare versions are out
4489s there now where we may be stumbling a
4493s little bit with this is
4494s um
4495s the the point that we've like put the
4499s expectations the play expectations on
4502s this is just I'm just oh it is this
4504s thing I have to kill great
4507s um
4510s the point that we've oh gosh stuff's
4512s happening that was weird
4514s um
4515s the fact that a 4lp ravenous void exists
4519s might be a mistake
4521s like
4522s no one has found a four LP ravenous void
4525s yet on on live I can I can I don't know
4527s for certain but no one's not one
4530s I I put money no ones down to three I'd
4533s suggest probably no one sounded two yet
4535s you know
4537s um
4538s but the fact that these technically
4540s could exist even if they're just like
4543s this it's the same item with just like
4545s slightly better stats
4547s um
4548s but the fact that it is theoretically
4551s possible but practically impossible for
4555s the even above average or like hardcore
4560s or try hard like dedicated committed
4563s player
4564s um
4565s it's it's possibly problematic and
4569s um
4571s I'm not sure the best way to
4575s like properly communicate what the
4578s expectations of the of the items here
4580s and rank that you should be able to to
4582s get are because if someone's just like
4584s going on to like um like basketball
4587s tools or tuck lab or some other
4588s third-party site that's like lists out
4590s all the possible items or you go into a
4592s build calculator and you're like what
4593s what could happen like pie in the sky
4595s what's my best in slot for all these
4597s things and then you look at this like
4599s best in slot Pie in the Sky perfect
4601s build and you're like I literally can't
4603s ever expect to find any of these items
4605s because they're all so unbelievably Mega
4607s rare but I can find 95 versions of these
4611s that are basically the same thing but
4613s just like not quite as pushed
4617s um and and it's it becomes a little less
4619s satisfying
4621s um I think
4622s I think because you're there's
4625s you're never really looking at that like
4626s even like a single slot thing or that
4628s slots like completely finished and
4629s there's like no way I can improve it
4632s and that that drive to
4636s uh to push for better items I think
4638s becomes diminished because it feels like
4641s there's this really long tail
4647s I think you end up in the situation
4649s where you have like like here here's the
4651s here's the like the total gear this is
4653s this is better
4656s better year goes this way
4659s um and you you start with like normal
4661s items you spend a little time with that
4662s and you get your magic and your rare
4664s items
4665s um and this is the way I think it feels
4669s um which is different than the way I
4671s think it is
4673s um and then you like you start getting
4675s exalted items
4677s um and you look at these like
4679s you look at hey there's this like
4681s exalted items there's like tier two
4683s exalteds and tier three exalteds and
4684s there's like tier four exalteds and like
4686s four LP uniques and things like this
4688s it's like way up here and and most
4691s people are like stuck in this range and
4694s they see all of this at the end and they
4697s go I I want that but there's no way I
4699s can get it and there's the expectation
4702s is that you're gonna be sitting over
4703s here and that's that's where the
4705s content's balanced and where the game's
4706s balanced and
4708s um what we expect people to hit is is be
4710s in this range of like rares and a couple
4712s and a couple exalteds and a couple like
4714s one to three tier
4716s um LP uniques and things like that and
4719s and you you see these like well
4722s technically it's possible that you could
4724s get a perfect uh like 47 exalted item
4729s and a 4lp ravenous void and smush them
4732s together and get that perfect like 47
4734s ravenous Point legendary
4737s yeah it's technically possible no it's
4740s not gonna happen and
4744s um
4745s maybe it's just the fact that it's
4747s technically possible is the whole
4748s problem and like maybe there's certain
4749s that doesn't need to be like people this
4750s items capped at one LP the settings
4752s capped to LP and I I really hate that
4755s idea myself and I I think it it kind of
4759s diminishes that
4761s um what if
4762s possibility it it it it you won't see
4766s like maybe eventually you'll see that
4767s time you go to the bazaar and there's
4769s there's that item that's soon there's
4771s there's like there's that two LP
4772s ravenous voids sitting there you go oh
4774s my God someone found that what
4777s um there's that 3t7 item that's there
4779s like oh my God someone found that what
4783s um
4784s and I I think I Think It's tricky to
4788s find that balance in like there's this
4790s oh my God maybe it could happen one day
4792s and
4794s um
4796s no it couldn't and I think a lot of
4798s people have a tough time understanding
4801s really low or really high like really
4804s low odds really big numbers really
4806s really tiny numbers people it humans we
4809s don't have a good frame of reference for
4810s it
4812s um
4813s and like it's really easy to say like oh
4816s you have a hundred of something you can
4817s quantify that you know what like if you
4820s were to say oh I have 100 pencils I bet
4822s you could visualize pretty close to what
4824s 100 pencils looks like but if I said you
4826s have a billion pencils you understand
4827s what the number of billion means but I
4830s guarantee you that you have no like if
4831s he's like like how many how like how big
4834s of a volume is a billion pencils like
4837s like even try and compute it into into
4839s smaller objects and like like build that
4842s up into a space like it's you're still
4843s gonna be so far off
4846s and yeah I
4852s kind of just rambling at this point
4853s sorry
4854s these are things I think about
4858s where I'm going with this is I think the
4861s main problem with having super mega
4863s Chase items
4865s um is if those items are functionally
4868s and mechanically unique and enable
4870s certain playstyles I don't think this is
4872s a hot take at all so if you have some
4874s item that is on the same tier as a 4lp
4877s rabbits void
4878s um and
4880s there's like of of the hundred thousand
4883s people playing uh some game one of them
4885s will ever find it but that item if you
4888s do find it it unlocks a completely new
4891s play style and build and cool mechanic
4894s um so one person gets to experience this
4896s amazing thing and everyone else has to
4897s be like oh wouldn't that be cool
4900s um
4901s I think that's what the problem comes in
4903s it's that when the
4905s like
4907s you can't do the coolest thing
4911s if you could do the cool thing but maybe
4914s you can't do the cool thing as fast it's
4916s way less of a problem I think
4920s hell yes we slept for three months in a
4922s row thank you very much welcome welcome
4929s all right I'm gonna get back to
4931s questions instead of just rambling
4933s sorry about that a massive detour I
4936s think you've all learned a spoiler just
4938s sitting through that because that was
4940s rough
4944s uh okay
4946s I didn't make this
4954s [Music]
4965s oh
4969s that's it
4976s yup there we go uh hey Mike Judd
4979s mentioned there's a new Mobility skill
4981s coming in 0.92 that internally is a team
4984s favorite yes I read that this morning
4985s too is there anything else you can share
4988s and is it a favorite of yours
4991s um
4992s it's it's a fair it's I think that it's
4994s it's one of my favorites moving skills
4996s yeah I think it's a ton of fun
4998s um it's not my favorite movement skill
5000s shift is still my favorite Moon skill
5002s um but I think it does a lot of really
5003s cool mechanical stuff that is fun and
5006s interesting and I just did the skill
5007s cheat for it
5008s um
5010s uh well not on my own I I was working on
5013s implementing the skill tree be clear on
5016s that
5017s um
5018s I I think it's a lot of really cool
5020s mechanically interesting unique stuff
5022s happening in there it develops a new
5023s tech to make it work all sort of stuff
5026s um
5027s yeah it's fun it's cool it's interesting
5030s uh
5034s it's it's base
5037s it has it has uh so let's give a tag
5040s tease it has a tag that is one of these
5042s things and can be converted to another
5045s one of those things
5047s and possibly another one of those things
5051s I think it has three three different
5053s versions it can be
5066s it's actually good info
5072s that's all I got for you
5074s it doesn't it but implicitly by me
5076s saying that it can do damage as well I
5078s should it's probably pretty obvious
5080s hopefully
5082s I've been trying rather unsuccessfully
5084s to create a generic loot filter that
5086s works for all classes and builds uh
5088s something like never sings filter in Poe
5090s could it actually be done uh yeah
5095s I think it's really tricky to do
5098s um
5099s I think it's possible
5102s um I haven't heard this suggestion
5103s before but I think it could be possible
5106s to create rules that only activate when
5109s you're playing as specific classes
5114s um
5116s that can help things stay a little bit
5117s more generic
5119s unless you just want to find loot for
5122s all glasses there's just so many class
5124s specific
5126s um
5128s like
5129s uh what I'm trying to say specific
5132s affixes
5135s so like you you come especially in Idols
5137s as well you come to your class
5138s specifically these categories 50 44 56
5140s 50 64. there's just so many things in
5143s this list
5144s and some of them are just so specific
5146s that having a generic one is really
5147s tricky so like okay you're playing a
5151s um the difference between playing a like
5152s a
5153s bow Rogue and even just a melee Rogue
5157s like suddenly this
5158s is either really useful or really not
5161s useful
5162s um and you don't really care like you
5167s you want to see like super
5171s super strong items for anyone you know
5173s but not like the the the interim items
5176s you only want to see like the interim
5177s items for the class you're playing
5178s currently
5180s um so I don't
5182s mean you could probably make like an end
5184s game one like a uh like a high tier
5187s in-game one that did that I think but
5190s having any sort of like uh like low like
5194s like leveling progress version of it I I
5196s don't know how it's possible with the
5197s way we have it set up right now
5199s um we are adding in more options so
5201s hopefully it might help a little bit
5203s uh
5205s one two three five six welcome glad to
5208s have you with us thanks for stopping
5211s I hope you're having fun
5215s [Music]
5220s oh what's up Mike what's up zuckerby I'm
5224s here to ask if there's any improvements
5226s being made to alleviate some issues
5228s installing community events coming soon
5230s button uh to reset solo account found
5233s online or anything else
5234s um I I don't know I haven't heard
5236s anything specific
5243s but
5245s I love the bugs good
5247s um it's certainly possible sort of thing
5249s we could be looking at
5251s um someone may also be working on that I
5253s just don't know
5262s that is the style of stuff I've been
5264s working on this week
5273s uh cyborg war is asked one thing that a
5276s lot of people enjoy in poer are the
5278s Divination cards gonna be uh Farmers
5281s related Target farming a really rare
5282s item I know the last Epoch already has a
5284s bit of Target farming and it's gonna be
5285s more
5287s and to see we have Guild but I do think
5289s it's a decent system that gives the
5290s players a sense of progression towards
5291s bigger goals instead of being nothing
5293s nothing nothing nothing to do 100 yeah I
5295s agree and this is something that I've
5296s I've talked about for sure in the um
5298s uh in what one of the things that makes
5301s Rune world so good as well
5304s um in that you are you're building
5306s You're Building towards something it
5308s doesn't have to be something specific
5309s because pieces can be used in multiple
5311s places
5312s um
5314s that's one of the big differences we
5315s that was one of the things we looked at
5317s when talking about hey what are we going
5319s to do for our legendary system and in
5322s that you can work towards it slowly by
5325s combining multiple items together
5328s um now because it's only two items
5330s instead of up to six that are in
5332s wrenwards for example or way more in
5335s divination cards
5337s um
5338s I want way more but yeah we'll get more
5340s and um
5342s oh
5351s um
5352s yes that that that General
5354s um idea of mechanic where you're
5356s building towards something
5358s um and you have you get pieces to the
5359s puzzle that that happen over time I I do
5361s really like
5367s and I'm sure you'll see a pop-up again
5370s have you considered adding Random
5373s Encounters to monoliths
5375s uh like Butcher and treasure Goblin D4
5377s they'll give some excitement to
5378s otherwise but not as farming yes we have
5382s um yeah I've yes
5387s I don't know how else to say it
5390s um we do have plans for um wait I call
5393s it unexpected content
5395s um things that just
5399s you hop into a monolith and you don't
5402s know what's going to happen before you
5403s start as you come around the corner hey
5405s something unexpected cool uh implied
5407s quests That's What I Call treasure
5409s goblins
5411s where it's this like hey this is cool
5413s thing I'm gonna run from you so the
5415s quest is catch me and kill me before I
5417s blow up or before I before I disappear
5418s before I escape
5420s um
5423s and and so yeah that that style of
5426s content
5427s um is something we are working on and
5430s will be seeing uh show up
5434s in the not too distant future
5451s two down one to go
5456s is four LP theoretically possible on
5458s every unique
5460s um there are three uniques that uh there
5464s is a version of them that it's possible
5466s on and the
5469s um the normal version is not possible on
5472s uh because they're Quest rewards so
5474s there's three Quest reward items that
5476s can be obtained through the
5479s um
5481s uh the the necrotic fire dungeon the
5484s soul Gambler there we go nailed that
5486s first try and um so the the quest
5489s versions throughout well while you're
5491s getting them during the storyline the
5492s first time you get them all uh cannot
5494s have LP on them at all
5497s um this is to avoid people
5500s um basically farming quests over and
5502s over again in the middle of the
5502s campaigns you think would just be boring
5505s um
5506s in order to try and get uh the lp
5509s versions of these rewards and then um
5511s people like making new characters get to
5513s this point delete it making your
5514s character get to this point delete it
5515s like that just sounds awful
5517s um
5518s so you you can't you those are always
5520s zero LP and then
5523s um the soul Gambler later on in the game
5525s uh the dungeon reward you can uh you can
5529s get LP versions of those same uniques
5531s and they're a tweaked a tiny little bit
5534s but they're basically the same thing and
5537s um
5538s actually a little better anyways the
5540s those ones can have LP all uniques that
5543s can have LP which is almost every unique
5546s in the game can spawn with 4lb anywhere
5549s from zero to four there are no hard
5550s restrictions on any items at all on how
5552s much LP they can spawn with having said
5554s that if you go um tank lab has this laid
5557s out really well
5558s um
5577s so you can see here's a little
5580s um
5581s so you can see these These are here
5584s they're they're 200 each those ones are
5587s the three
5588s um
5590s uh quests reward items and you don't get
5594s those those are those will not spawn
5596s with LP so other than these three but
5598s there are um
5600s you can get these through this little
5602s Gambler cell so it's
5604s sort of all of them sort of not all of
5605s it's it's I don't know how you want to
5606s describe it but it's effectively album
5609s um this is the this this number here is
5612s the level that they are I should have
5615s captured the top of the table as well it
5617s doesn't matter these this is the the
5619s effective level that the item pretends
5621s that it is when it's deciding if it's
5623s going to have LP or not so you see some
5625s items like prism wraps their base levels
5627s five but their LPL is 90.
5631s um so you can it's really easy to find
5632s and equip prism wraps it's really hard
5634s to find and equip legendary versions of
5636s prison wraps so when President is
5638s deciding if it's going to be a legendary
5641s a legendary potential item or not when
5643s it drops it pretends that it's a level
5645s 90 item for that calculation
5647s um which and the higher level item is
5649s the lower chance it has to have
5651s legendary potential
5653s so all these I've sorted this by uh LPL
5656s and all these ones you see at the top
5658s are the least I should be using wings of
5660s argentis as an example because it's
5661s actually the least likely to have
5662s legendary potentials so all these ones
5664s up here you're like
5666s like anything anything that's on this
5668s list right now like you find one of
5669s those legendary with any legendary
5671s potential and it's a huge win
5674s um
5676s yeah
5678s and then you look at some at the at the
5680s bottom of the list that are like
5683s um
5684s like either just
5686s zero or like they just don't have
5687s anything to use their own level normally
5689s things like that and it's like you you
5692s can see something you're like oh my
5693s goodness that is insanely easy to get
5696s them
5699s um
5704s example like Falcon Keepers glow
5708s Fighting Chance Oculus Hamilton uh
5710s grimoire
5711s uh hell reach Throne of admission
5713s Trinity of flames or the Orthodox peak
5715s of the mountains firestar's torch all
5717s those things are
5718s pretty darn easy
5720s to get
5723s um
5724s what's their potential on
5728s which is sweet
5733s that info is just on tongue Cloud it's
5735s just a unique page I think that
5737s information is also an icpoc tools it's
5738s just the I knew that would be laid out
5741s really easy to take a screenshot for the
5742s Stream
5746s slow not a big fan for death not a big
5749s fan
5764s next question cyborg war is asked I
5767s think this issue the want for help
5769s you're a red void thing uh thanks for
5771s contextualizing the question I
5772s appreciate you uh we'll get less
5773s prominent as the game gets more content
5775s I agree and items and stuff since it'll
5777s take players longer to get stuck than it
5780s does right now
5781s um since I feel people who are saying
5783s this are the ones who are playing for
5785s hundreds or hours or exhausting game
5787s content as it is currently yeah there is
5789s we do so I agree I definitely agree that
5791s the the issue is exacerbated by that
5794s um sort of like people exhausting the
5796s content
5798s I totally agree there there is it's not
5801s completely just that like there is
5804s um there is a an issue with the item
5808s acquisition curve plateauing at certain
5811s points that we don't want it to Plateau
5813s um and we're and we are working to fix
5815s that
5819s so I don't want to say like oh it'll get
5821s better just just hang up hang on it'll
5823s get better naturally don't worry we're
5824s not gonna do anything we're just gonna
5825s let it get better no we're not doing
5826s that
5827s um we are going to actively work to
5829s improve the situation like always we're
5832s always going to actively work to improve
5833s the game
5834s um
5836s but we do we do want to acknowledge that
5838s that's it's not perfect and we are
5841s working to improve it
5852s 'd be boring if it was perfect well he
5854s wouldn't be boring for all of you it'd
5855s be boring for me
5856s [Laughter]
5859s we're not intentionally making it not
5861s perfect that would be stupid
5867s be grateful it's perfect though
5871s could you imagine
5881s all right next question
5885s hey Mike oh my God run away Mike
5900s I am gun shy from fighting a bunch of
5902s elite versions of these
5906s that wasn't so bad okay uh would it make
5910s sense to scale the possibility with game
5913s time uh or through some system so it
5917s feels bad some areas when something is
5919s near unobtainable but possible uh just
5922s like why have it exist it's not
5925s necessarily going to happen yeah and and
5927s so I totally get this this like why have
5930s it if it's not possible right and that's
5932s sort of like okay well maybe we just cut
5934s off some of them
5936s um to not be possible anymore right
5940s and I I
5943s the reason we have it even though it's
5946s not practical for someone to expect it
5949s is is because it doesn't have a they
5952s don't have a large mechanical impact on
5955s the gameplay
5956s um and aren't required to complete any
5958s content that's in the game it's more of
5959s a a trophy than anything else
5962s um
5965s yeah like like trophies don't do
5967s anything like like why have why have a
5969s gold medal at the end of the of the
5970s Olympics for the winner like it doesn't
5972s do anything right
5973s um
5974s but it's awesome
5978s and I know it's not a direct comparison
5980s but it's it's kind of along the same
5982s vein right
5984s um
5989s there's there's definitely an argument
5991s to be made for putting a cap on those
5993s things removing those items that are not
5995s practical to get
5996s um
5997s and I'm not gonna
5999s knock him decree which is better uh here
6002s sorry I know you're not pushing for that
6006s uh do you think you could add item
6009s Library where we could preview all items
6011s in the game so you wouldn't have to rely
6012s on third party websites to plan builds
6015s um we we have talked about this
6018s but in this and we have intentionally
6020s not put an item database inside the game
6023s though which I know is kind of opposite
6025s to what I just was talking about about
6026s like adjustment earlier in the Stream I
6028s was talking about wanting to have
6030s um
6032s specific
6033s uh to to not force players out of the
6036s game
6037s uh game Space very often or at all if
6040s possible
6042s and
6043s um I don't
6044s I don't know if it's necessarily
6048s a um
6053s like if we're gonna look at like the
6055s the player who's like I'm gonna sit down
6057s I'm gonna play the game and I'm gonna
6059s like let my build sort of evolve as I
6061s play and just take things that I think
6063s look cool
6065s um that that player probably doesn't
6067s care about a database
6069s or if they do not until pretty late like
6072s how I play on stream basically
6075s Mike doesn't care about that database
6077s that much
6079s at all
6082s it's called stream back I like this
6085s arcsfin
6088s what's up glad to have you with us
6092s I feel like I just answered a question
6093s from you hope I did okay
6096s um
6097s what was I talking about sorry
6099s oh yeah preview in the game it's it's
6101s something we've gone back and forth on
6102s adding I like an item database in the
6105s game
6106s um one thing I really want to add is a
6107s bestiary and have it have it be like I
6110s want a pokedex which I know sounds
6112s ridiculous but I want it to be like
6115s um
6116s you know there's
6118s there's there's grayed out version of it
6120s it's like who's that Pokemon and
6124s um once you like maybe if you've seen it
6127s you if you fought one it like reveals
6130s information if you fight 10 it reveals
6133s like some sort of like little more
6134s tidbit that's cool you know that's
6136s something I think it'll be a ton of fun
6137s it'll be super cool
6139s um
6140s maybe having something similar for items
6142s we need to I think if you're gonna do it
6144s for items you kind of need to put the
6145s information up front because people are
6146s gonna be using it as a database see what
6148s they could get
6152s um
6153s I don't know we'll see what happens I I
6154s think it's a cool idea we have talked
6157s about it we intentionally didn't add one
6159s that might not be permanent
6171s foreign
6178s that type of research and planning does
6181s lend itself very well to the okay I've
6184s got eight tabs open
6186s type thing you know and mimicking uh
6189s just a good
6191s uh good UI for that like that is I think
6195s tricky not impossible
6205s just because it's hard doesn't mean it's
6206s not a good reason to do it though
6211s any chances of the end game
6214s uh being added
6217s of the end game being added to
6221s any chance of the end gaming Adam before
6223s I put out I'm like
6225s yes
6228s um being attitude 4.0 yeah yeah yeah
6229s because right now uh it's it's pure
6232s grind to be fair I like the grind here
6234s more than any other game but any uh but
6236s any changes yes there will be changes to
6238s the end game
6240s um
6241s that will that will be available for you
6243s you you if you put the game up 1.0
6247s um end game will not look the same as it
6248s looks right now
6251s it looks like the most vague way to
6252s answer that question ever because I
6253s don't know what I'm allowed to say or
6255s not
6257s but there's cool stuff coming
6259s I'll tell you that much
6263s hey you've been a while since I last
6264s caught a stream live hello glad glad to
6267s have you here
6270s it's been a good stream so far having
6271s fun enjoy myself Lucy Lucy goosey
6275s uh when can we expect the next Dev Vlog
6278s or anything other than the next update
6280s good question
6281s um
6282s everyone's pretty heads down right now I
6284s don't think there's uh a major Dev blog
6286s in the works
6288s uh there's one topic I could see getting
6291s Dev vlogs
6293s uh I mean there's like
6295s this is a really big networking project
6296s that's happening right now that I think
6297s would make a really awesome Dev Vlog
6299s that almost everyone would look at and
6302s go this is the dumbest Dev Vlog anyone's
6303s ever written and then there's like four
6305s Dudes in a corner being like yes this is
6307s great
6308s you know so well maybe something like
6311s that
6313s um there's another one that I think
6314s could be made that would be sweet
6315s um
6318s the person who would have to write the
6320s initial version of it is insanely busy
6323s right now
6324s they are always insanely busy
6329s um
6330s all the best dead blog's been written by
6332s them though so
6336s all right so I'll give you a maybe sorry
6339s I don't have anything else on that uh
6341s any news for the update on the set items
6343s uh I know it's not touched it's not even
6346s started yet I know that so not good news
6349s but it is still planned it's still gonna
6351s happen don't worry but I know there's
6354s not been any progress on it in a long
6355s time
6362s uh all right working my way through
6364s working my way through sorry if I'm
6365s really far behind I'm not that far
6367s behind
6370s I really feel the ultra rare drops like
6372s that are worthwhile because when someone
6374s does drop uh drop one it becomes a
6376s community event of everyone talking
6378s about it and stuff bringing everyone
6379s together making a legend or whatever in
6381s the game yeah and and see that's that's
6383s kind of what I was what I was trying to
6384s talk about a little bit earlier with the
6386s like oh you see one of the bazaars he's
6388s going on a forum post stuff like that
6389s yeah it is a really cool moment
6392s um
6392s and as long as there's a a functionally
6396s like 95 version of that item that is
6399s available to people if they try really
6401s hard like if you if you if you're like
6404s I'm gonna put in a ton of effort and
6405s there's a decent chance with a ton of
6407s effort I'm gonna get this amazing item
6410s that's not the like it's not winning the
6413s lottery item
6417s um
6419s and
6422s yeah so it's it's and that's what I mean
6424s that's what I'm talking about like we
6425s started this whole uh topic I was like
6427s there's a really fine line you stick one
6429s to over either direction it sucks
6432s um and you could be like super close to
6433s feeling awesome and it feels terrible
6436s um and I think I think that's all like
6438s if you people are bringing up really
6440s good points and there's there's also
6441s lots of
6442s um personal feelings and personal
6443s opinions people have around systems like
6445s this that will vary really wildly and I
6448s don't think there's a great one size
6449s fits-all solution that and we're gonna
6451s have to accept that some people that
6453s aren't going to be happy with whatever
6454s we do come up with in the end
6456s um
6458s and we're just gonna try and make the
6459s thing that we think is gonna be the most
6461s fun for the most number of people
6471s all right
6476s just paying for the questions above I
6478s can do that
6480s a few players have asked for a Gear mod
6483s Pokedex suit yeah uh would some kind of
6486s system that makes such a rare item
6488s visually distinct so people could know
6491s that something is incredibly rare or
6494s being motive for people to chase rare
6495s things over things that are positively
6497s that positively impact their actual
6499s build the input
6501s good question let me
6503s see if I can wrap my brain around it
6510s with some kind of system that makes such
6512s rare items visually distinct so people
6514s could know oh so like like
6517s um
6518s like like some sort of like Mega star on
6521s there like like a big like star star
6523s like oh my God this just dropped make
6525s sure you don't leave this behind like
6527s the chances of this happening are like
6529s one in a billion oh my God type type
6531s notice I I think that'd be kind of cool
6534s um yeah I don't I don't see I'm not a UI
6537s designer so
6538s um
6540s I'm sure I'm sure that you I uh UI lead
6543s would would be like no Mike here's why
6548s um except you'd say it nicer
6551s anyways
6552s um I I think it's a cool idea I think
6554s it's a really cool idea and I think that
6556s um
6558s it's it's hard to detect those things in
6561s some situations
6563s um I mean just like we like any item
6567s that has more than like
6570s um I don't know item has more than 25
6572s tiers of affixes on it gets like some
6574s sort of like visual Flair to it maybe
6576s you know something like that where it's
6577s like oh my God you found a tier 25 plus
6579s item which are a really Mega rare
6584s the highest possible weirdly enough the
6587s highest possible total tiers on an item
6590s is not a four by seven
6592s um
6594s it should be 28. uh the the highest
6597s possible on an item
6599s uh is is actually
6602s um stealing a T4 and because T6 and C7
6606s are are resulted in drop only
6609s um in order to seal an affix it has to
6611s start with uh three T sevens and a T4 to
6615s seal so you start with 32700 T4 to seal
6618s you seal the T4
6619s um and you're 25 and then you can get
6621s five more you have to 30. so so 30 is
6624s the highest and it's not the one that
6626s what you'd think would be the highest
6628s um but yeah anything over about what to
6630s say 25 is Bonkers
6636s biggity biggity bonkers
6649s oh that hurt
6653s ow my face
6671s I caught up
6681s let's Starcraft building
6686s it's not mine someone else made that up
6688s it's great though
6691s if you know time for a teaser yeah
6694s you're right
6696s big time
6702s you're only allowed to clip it if you
6704s can tell me
6705s what Starcraft building that is
6723s all right here's a little teaser for you
6725s because I died and I I offered my
6728s Penance to you
6730s in this
6732s this concept art
6735s I didn't even look at this I I may have
6738s just slapped the image and have been
6739s like I'll see it when it is when it's on
6741s stream
6743s I can't see this too tiny
6746s that's cool
6748s oh I know what this is
6754s [Music]
6756s I really like it when they put the
6757s little like
6759s um the material references in there
6762s in the concept art big fan
6774s no leaks no leaks don't worry no leaks
6776s are good I'm Rock Solid Rock Solid
6781s thank you
6784s see it's 20 21 somewhere on that image
6787s no
6789s oh yeah that's just uh
6791s yeah that's um
6794s someone slapped uh like just overlay on
6797s it
6798s the art is not from 2021.
6819s can't have a regular without a mimic
6826s oh they did the mimic in uh the deity
6829s movie it was really good I really
6830s enjoyed that movie
6833s I I feel like I was the absolute like
6836s just the like they're like who are we
6838s gonna make this D movie for Mike let's
6841s make Mike a d d movie okay here we go
6843s because like I've played Just Enough DNE
6847s to get like most of the references and
6850s like understand generally the like
6852s nuances of like most things that are
6853s happening but like there there wasn't a
6856s ton of like super advanced stuff that I
6858s you needed to know
6860s um
6864s it felt like it I went and watched a
6866s bunch of like things you missed from d d
6868s movie video after the fact and I'm like
6870s yeah the stuff that I totally missed but
6872s like not that much really
6877s I thought they hit the sweet spot for
6879s someone
6880s someone who's uh
6882s played a little bit of d d but not a ton
6907s that spawns all this
6914s uh
6916s good stuff good stuff
6923s give you one more of those to round out
6925s the stream at the end here whatever time
6927s this Echo
6942s maybe we got time for teamwork
6949s give me that go I love God
6979s let's go race to the Finish
6985s seal the reef gate
7000s someone someone posted the VFX for uh
7002s one of the Warlock skills that'll
7004s eventually be there in 1.0
7006s um
7007s one of the new one of the new ones and
7009s like
7011s the you you know like you talk about
7012s something in a concept art phase and
7015s like a design phase and you're like oh
7016s this would be cool like maybe we can
7017s make you do something like this and then
7020s like someone implements it and somehow
7022s just knocks it out of the park and
7024s you're like yeah
7027s that's what happened it was cool I liked
7028s it
7034s if you're watching you know who you are
7036s good job loved it
7058s all right Mike don't trip at the finish
7059s line
7063s feels like it's gonna happen
7081s hey foreign
7091s have you guys considered an end game
7093s system more similar to Maps where you
7095s pay a price to open the map the rewards
7098s are better in addition to the monolith
7099s or is it just dungeons yeah I was about
7101s to say you know how dungeon keys don't
7103s stack right now
7106s you know Maps don't Stacks you know why
7108s Maps don't stack
7110s because they have specific mod rolls on
7112s them
7119s all right
7122s once more because you've all been so
7123s great
7127s [Music]
7135s the key
7139s uh you thought you said something to
7142s stack they they probably will stack we
7144s considered having
7146s um we were considering doing dungeons
7149s with with
7150s um the keys having properties that you
7152s can roll into them which is why they
7153s don't stack now uh but I don't think
7155s we're doing that so I think they
7156s probably will stack
7158s foreign
7163s they'll most likely end up
7166s uh in here
7168s that's where I can blend up or somewhere
7170s very similar to this if they don't end
7171s up in here
7174s all right
7178s that'll about
7181s I had a great stream
7183s I had a ton of fun
7186s thanks for stopping by I had to tell the
7188s fun I hope you did too if I didn't
7189s answer one of your questions or you just
7191s missed the stream and you like to ask
7192s some questions to us we are very active
7194s in our Discord there's an ask the devs
7196s channel feel free to stop by ask us
7198s questions also ask the community Channel
7199s what a lot of helpful people can help
7201s you out with various things issues
7204s you're having questions you have about
7205s the game all that sort of good stuff
7206s we're also pretty active on other
7207s platforms
7208s um around the internet
7210s and I hope to see you around
7216s let's go
7224s let's go say hi to someone
7228s oh my goodness Mike learn how to use a
7230s mouse thank you
7238s oh yeah we'll see you next time I'll be
7240s here same time same place next week
7244s and if you haven't heard we'll also be
7246s in Gamescom at the in about a month from
7248s now almost exactly
7250s see you there bye