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Hi everyone, first time in here!!

It's been already a couple of months that I want to try and buy this game. I got a quite decent desktop PC, but I'd like to be able to play this game on Steam Deck mainly, coz with rough work schedule, I don't have always the time or the energies to sit at the desk to play.

Can anyone give me some detailed Infos about how the game runs on Steam Deck?

I'm ok with lowering the resolution a bit to get at least a stable 40 fps, so that's not a problem, but some of the (quite old) videos that I found on YouTube shows that the game seems to struggle a bit with 30-35 fps and that would not be enjoyable for me unfortunately..

Thanks in advance to everyone who will answer my (maybe?) stupid question, have a great day everyone!!

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about 3 years ago - Munin - Direct link
almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Results on Steam Deck are few and far between with inconsistent results so far. I've seen several people say that they are having a great experience with it and others saying that it is unplayable.

It is technically an unsupported platform for an Early Access game so it's a little tricky to get hard details on it. I think that most people are running in Proton for a better overall experience.

Hopefully you can get some first hand info as I haven't actually tried it myself yet.

almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by SottoSopra666

Yeah, that's exactly the situation, I was also trying to find some Infos in this subreddit, but looks like a lot of people talk about decent performance and stable 40 fps (beside endgame contents), and then there are some users that report almost unplayable situations..

Gonna think about it a little more, then maybe I'm gonna buy it, and eventually refund the game if it's not gonna be my cup of tea

Well if you're considering that, at least wait until the patch tomorrow. It has the entire first chapter completely overhauled and is a totally different starting experience that is much better.

almost 2 years ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by SottoSopra666

Yeah I was gonna wait a couple of days anyway, tomorrow is gonna come out a new dlc for another game that I play, so I'll mainly stick to that for at least a couple of days, and then go back thinking about Last Epoch.. Maybe that will fix the performance!! (Even though I took a look at the patch notes and seems like performance was never mentioned)

It was mentioned several times.

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