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Hi everyone,

Perhaps someone had the same issue and found the solution?

Problem: game will suddenly drop 2-3fps which creates this annoying stutter / jitter

What I have already tried (with no effect): - all low settings + low res - fps cap to: 1, 1/2 and 1/3 of screen native res - fps cap to 60, 63 - fps uncapped - taa to fxaa - twich mode - chat and chat filter off - run game as admin

I currently run game on ultra capped 60fps. Every 20-30s I'll get a 2-3fps drop which will result in a split second stutter.

Full offline mode.

Cpu usage: 20% Gpu usage: 40-60%

My PC (laptop): Win 11 i7 13650hx Rtx 4080 Ssd 32GB ram

Any ideas?

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about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Typically is there’s a dip in performance it’s related to a specific action happening. If you let us know the action you’ve taken when you see the decrease we’re pretty quick to be able to fix it. Do you recall what skill you were using, enemies were on screen, zone you were in or anything like that?

about 1 year ago - /u/moxjet200 - Direct link

Originally posted by niord

First of all thank you for answering. I love the game. The visuals update on 1.0 are stunning. IMHO u guys are now on D4 level :)

Actually yes. I can provide more info about the issue on hand.

Void Knight Warpath Standard spin to win build.

I get the fps dip even without enemies on the screen. The moment I start spinning I will get a dip and stutter (2-3fps) every 15-20s.

Happens on every mono I am in and also in between (zone b4 mono, the one with merchant and chest).

Don't think it's performance as I have tried a game on super low res and minimum details and it still does the same. Runs smooth 60, dips to 57, stutter and goes back to 60. Same thing with capped 30fps.

I'll take a look in the evening is this happening only with warpath or with just running as well.

Will test other skills too. Perhaps you are right that this may be connected to the skill itself.

I only have one character so again will check it evening time.

Great game guys!

Appreciate the kind words and glad you’re enjoying it! I’d be interested to see your skill tree on warpath as there may be an augment that’s not optimized for performance