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I mean there are quite a few skills and builds that need to be buffed.

The main one that comes to mind and that I want to play is Sorcerer with Disintegrate. But there are quite a few others.

Have they stated any balance updates with 1.0? Or is it just the new stuff?

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Confedehrehtheh

I tried pretty hard to make tempest strike good as a primary skill, but not being able to scale the attack speed makes the lack luster added damage effectiveness really show. I swapped to swipe on my lightning melee shaman and it rocketed in damage. Hoping the new skill and reworked tempest strike can fit into the build!

Most places that tempest strike was being used before, gathering storm will generally be a better fit.

Tempest strike is more akin to the heavier hitting skills like erasing strike or forge strike. Whereas gathering storm is a fast spam skill like swipe or rive.