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As the title says I am curious how the value on my charatcre sheet is arrived at?
My character with no added equipment sits at 13% base crit and spell crit rate.
If I add two idols (30%), a ring (42%), and an off hand catalyst (31% regular and additional 4% spell crit), it only raises my total crit rate to 19% regular and 34% spell. I added 103% total increase in base crit rate but it only raised it from 13 to 19%?!
How in the world did it arrive at those values? And why did my spell crit rate jump up so much higher than my regular crit rate, when I only added an additional 4% on one piece of equipment.

Thanks for any help or clarification on this.

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about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

You have 5% base critical strike chance.

If you have 100% increased critical strike chance, you will now have 10% critical strike chance.

If you then added on +5% critical strike chance, you would be up to 20% critical strike chance.

(5 + 5) x (1 + 1) = 20

Percentage increases of a percentage value can be confusing.

about 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by SkydiverDad

I understand percentage increases of percentages. I assume you are saying the crit chance gear is a percentage of the base percent increase and the spell crit gear is an actual flat increase in the base percentage. But on the items they appear to be worded the same? Is there additional info in the tooltip I missed that says which is which?

Also if the base crit percentage is 5, why does my character have 13% after I've stripped off all their increase to critical chance gear?

I think the spell crit was probably flat and didn't have the word "increased" but I'm not sure. Do you have an example in a screenshot or link on last epoch tools? Edit: The only other explanation that I can think of is that you've got some source of "more spell crit chance". That could cause this to spike harder because it's multiplicative with increases. However, I'm pretty sure that doesn't exist anywhere in the game. (I could be wrong on that though)

I'm also not sure why when you take off all your gear, you still have 13% crit without seeing the character. I suspect that you might have had some passives or maybe a monolith blessing that was giving you some crit possibly. You can use last epoch tools to load in your character from offline save or online lookup on their site and link it and we could probably find it.