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So I’m curious who out there thinks like me where if you have a damage conversion of a skill of 100% all related skill damage and sub skill’s connected to it (from skill tree or item) all the connections convert. An example of how this is not happening is on a void knight running smite. If you convert smite to void the main beam goes purples and scales with relevant void damage scaling , but if you go into the lightning side of the tree the extra zaps stay yellow and deal lightning damage. Mostly I would like to see this happen because I get confused when conversion of a skill to like fire and it says sources of ignite effect the skill but it’s uncertain if it’s just the skill trees sources of ignite or also weapons affix’s and passive chances to ignite. Additionally I would like for all the relevant flat damage to pool into one damage type. So if a spell it would combine all flat spell/void spell /elemental spell… but not combine melee flat or void melee flat as it’s not a spell.

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over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

One reason we've never done this is because you would have inconsistent behaviors between specific element added damage for base and converted. Like if you have lightning blast and +20 fire spell damage, then you convert lightning blast to cold and suddenly that fire spell damage is converted to cold. So suddenly, you have to convert a spell in order to take full advantage of specific element added spell damage. So then the rhetoric becomes: "skills are only worth using if they have an elemental conversion and it is mandatory". Suddenly huge swaths of builds vanish. The only way I can see off the top of my head to fix this (without just going back) is to remove all typed added damage. Suddenly somewhere in the range of 40 affixes go poof and we are left with added damage being just limited to melee/spell/bow/throwing damage.

Almost all conversions work the same for that skill. Some triggered abilities do not have conversions, sometimes that's just because we haven't added it yet and other times it's because the converted version wouldn't work for some reason. When it doesn't get converted, the node should explicitly state that.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by legiononeps4

Thank you for the in depth reply, much appreciated.

Sorry to ruin the poll.

over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Cospik

This, but also: we have a carefully built up balance in the current calculations. A change like this would not only require a fair bit of engineering to implement, but it would also force a total rebalance of, literally everything. 4 months from release, they would lose 4 years of built up iterative experience in balancing the system as a whole. Those 4 years of fine tuning while in early access are the key advantage Last Epoch has against the big players (Diablo 4, et al.) who have decided they need to hide everything until release day. In this case, they would be gaining some simplification at the expense of greater build variety as well as years of balance work - I don't think it's worth it. I love how LE is so well positioned between the simplicity of D4 and the (imo "over") complexity of PoE.

Yea, I didn't bother getting into how much work this actually is to implement. It might seem like it would basically be some tick box but you're right, even if we wanted to do it, we don't have enough time to get it in for launch.