almost 2 years ago - Last Epoch - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s good afternoon everybody welcome back to
4s the last efoc Dev stream as always I'm
7s your host Mike
9s hello how's it going and we're gonna get
11s right into things where we're just gonna
13s keep playing our our rogie boy here
19s just gonna hang out and
20s have some fun
26s keep going this Quest and we're gonna
27s we're gonna try and get through the
29s campaign a bit
31s I don't think jumping into monos this
33s early would be smart
34s on a less optimal build flat back you
38s know
40s I will warn you right up so it's a
42s little shorter stream today we uh we had
45s a little thing internally that I wanted
46s to
47s be a part of so I uh
50s I had to delay in a little bit but um so
53s we are light on spoilers but I do have
55s one spoiler to share today I'll tell you
58s right up front
59s it's a good one I'm excited about it you
61s won't even know what it is
63s foreshadowing
65s hope everybody's having a good day
69s oh Aries thank you very much the resub
72s three months in a row glad to have you
74s here hope you're having fun all that
76s good jazz
88s easy
93s we do need to get uh we need to get some
96s more damage we need to get a new weapon
97s our weapon's fine but it's out of
100s Fortune potential though so it needs
101s more stuff Lang welcome everyone with
104s the rating party from Lang how's it
106s going everybody
108s glad to have you here if this is any of
111s your first times here and you have a
112s question for me please put out last
113s default game and the question so I see
115s it and I can answer for you
117s um we also stream for charity here our
118s charity this month is a world neighbors
121s today's the last day that will the new
122s one for you next month
124s you can see that right over my head
129s we were looking for some chests earlier
131s some chess pieces
133s and puncture are not things we use
141s I had a genius idea all right good let's
144s hear it uh the other day what if you had
146s skill trees but attached to individual
148s weapons armor that could grind for uh
151s have you guys considered some of this
153s yes we considered exactly that before
164s yeah and there's
165s um
167s concerns around are we in a previous
170s specialization system if you unequipped
173s we actually fixed this a little while
174s ago because
175s um so for a long time if you like were
177s respecting your character and you're
179s like the bar came below the line
182s it would it would unequip the skill and
184s de-specialize it because you couldn't
185s have it up here or down here like if it
188s wasn't down here you couldn't have it up
189s here and um so we're like okay well if
192s an item ever gave you an ability you
194s just like you just do this like what's
196s what's gonna happen is it just gonna
197s like remove all your points and D level
199s the skill
200s which would have been problematic
203s weapon
205s am I doing right there
213s and um yeah so we we've talked about
216s different things to do there are
217s different ways to fix that and
219s um it would be cool it would be the
221s first time that there'd be a skill that
223s multiple classes could have now at the
226s same time you could put
227s um you could put it on a class specific
229s weapon
231s um
232s you also could do weird things we've
234s talked about
235s um of like putting
238s one class's ability and why is it still
241s time to go down here
243s did I miss something
250s it's crazy
251s uh it's just a bug
253s um where you could put like a class's
256s weapon on
258s um
259s on like uh sorry one class's ability on
263s a weapon to give to another class so you
265s could have like
267s um
268s the example I heard I heard for this and
270s I like this is all hypotheticals people
272s and stuff like we have no idea if this
273s is gonna happen or not but
276s um the first example I heard of why this
277s idea was brought up and I remember this
279s is a Community member or some of the
280s team or what but
281s um it was like a a helmet a rogue
287s specific helmet that gave you the
290s ability to summon wolves
293s and this meant you could you could make
296s a rogue that had
298s um
300s like you could you kind of like force a
302s ranger class to happen
305s um
307s and uh yeah I thought that was cool that
309s was a cool idea
322s because we've always been kind of like
324s medium like hard classing
327s so there's like really soft class gains
329s like Poe's very soft class
332s um
335s and then we went like a little more hard
336s class but like because there's
339s um like you can get as a marksman you
342s can get it's a great strike if you want
343s so it's not like super hard classed
358s oh how much they I'm doing pretty good
360s how are you today
365s because I'm a genius too
371s uh have you considered adding a
373s notification when Max bonus stability is
375s achieved on an echo uh no also the skill
379s tree on weapon idea comes from Poe new
381s league oh I I have completely uh I
386s haven't seen anything from the new Poe
388s League at all and everything I was just
390s talking about was from about a year ago
395s but that's cool that it's the same sort
397s of thing I mean it's really interesting
399s you see ideas like this pop up there was
401s um there was some something that we had
403s that we added to the game
405s um
407s I can't feel like we added it internally
408s and then Poe launched it and then we
411s released it or or if we launched it
413s first and then PV launched it it's
414s happened a couple times where we were
415s like oh we were just about to do that
417s and we're like I just do it anyways it's
419s fine or like we do something the PV
421s doesn't right after it online and the
422s timing is so closely like there's no way
424s they took it from us because they had to
426s have that in development beforehand
428s um I just think it's so cool when
429s something like that happens
432s there's only so many dials you can turn
434s so many mechanics you can interact with
435s so like
437s eventually like a lot of those things
439s are going to be shared anyways
442s brings you here
447s yeah sure 5K sounds good
461s oh yeah new passive
464s let's get that going
473s here here
475s armor shred love it good afternoon Aaron
479s how's it going
492s uh yeah he's still for anyone here if
493s you do have a question please put out
494s last game in the question so I see it a
497s little bit easier but you see a couple
498s here that I will answer anyways
500s um any idea we can expect more
502s multiplayer sync and load time
503s improvements just wanted to feel as
504s smooth as a single player yeah I mean
509s then the scoff will not go away
515s sorry about that
518s um yeah this is sort of stuff we're
520s always
521s working on always adding you know all
523s sort of stuff
525s um
527s we're
530s I can't give like an exact date of like
531s when it's gonna feel perfect or anything
533s like that
534s um but it's the sort of thing that we're
535s always working on
540s any plans to look into Holy Grail type
543s stuff in game yeah for sure
545s um
545s we don't have any specific like
548s um this is how it's going to be worked
550s out yet but I'd be surprised if we
552s didn't eventually put something in
554s um I know there's been some discussions
555s on if you if there's sort of a few
557s things we need to sort out first before
558s we do it on how we want to look
561s and it's kind of low on the priority
563s list so the things are like
565s um should it allow you to remove the
569s item so is this just a is this is this
572s an additional type of storage or is this
575s a way to track things that you have
577s found
578s so I mean it's the way attract things
579s are found it's basically just like an
580s alternate achievement style system
582s and do we just work into the achievement
584s system at that point or is this supposed
586s to be like a
589s this guy is uh
591s doing some work
594s uh is this is this a system where it's
597s uh like a stash tab that's instead of a
600s normal stash tab it's just like a bunch
602s of rows and um well like is there a
605s specific slot for every item and you can
608s put the item into this slot and it's
609s like a way to store them and then like
611s okay well can you then take them out of
612s that storage or not
614s um there's a lot of little details there
615s and I'm not sure what people who are
618s fond of interacting with systems like
620s that expect and I think that's those the
621s types of people that we need to talk to
623s before we implemented something like
624s this
625s um
626s just because I feel like there's some
627s expectations there
629s um
630s every every time I've tried to do
631s something like that I've just tracked it
632s on a spreadsheet
634s um so I don't have uh I don't have any
636s examples of games that I've tried to do
637s that on that have mechanics that already
640s um
642s and if there's like if there's good
643s references you know we're just we're
645s outside of
646s stuff I've interacted with recently at
648s all
653s so if you've got a lot of experience
655s with something like that and you'd
656s really like to see certain features with
657s that you know go leave those suggestions
659s threat in the forums and
660s I'm sure people will be happy to
661s interact and talk about it and
665s this is sparkly I want to pick it up
667s anyways um yeah
675s where are we going can I sleep
679s let's go
681s Pro tip you can right click on nodes
707s guy maybe despite all that
710s win-win right
712s all right once you're done there you
714s should Reach
716s suicide Vision
718s this is it's actually good if you read
720s through I've just scratch it so many
722s times
726s do we have anything we actually want to
727s store
729s uh maybe for later
737s might as well
740s poisonous it's probably gonna be
741s actually really useful
742s what was that
748s oh we need that damage that's right
750s that's fine poison runs there we go
753s right
754s yeah
758s where are we going now
762s you going this way
763s everyone around
767s okay are the
770s uh rollbacks fixed on you um there was
773s uh there was a big fix that just went
775s out focusing on that
777s um you can look in our news channel and
779s Discord or on our forums and there's a
782s bunch of info on on something like that
784s I can't guarantee they're 100 fix uh
787s there might be new new reasons why
789s problems are happening but the problems
790s that were really prominent for a little
792s while there are under control
796s hundreds of hours of Ellie over the
797s years cool awesome uh never occurred to
799s me that I could use a two-head how to
800s play Dancing Yeah you're not supposed to
803s it's horrible I love it
811s I I was the I was the idiot that was
812s playing uh
814s um like a melee sork and enchantress in
817s uh D2
820s um who had no idea how to do it I'm like
822s yeah this sword looks sweet let's go
825s um as like a 10 year old
828s oh come on go
833s Idols oh okay give me a second here
836s uh Ellie res useful
839s no I'm fine
846s not fantastic
849s we did get some stuff that we can just
850s straight up equip because they're empty
852s slots
860s using lethal Mirage is a defensive
862s ability is so weird
864s but I love it
871s it's also offensive but
880s an easy and Hawks back to you Falconer
883s will be out at 1.0
887s is poe overblooded I've just started
889s playing it and I have to say I like it
891s so far the amount of mechanics and skill
893s trees seem too much aren't people just
895s copy and paste the ultra websites uh I'm
899s I maybe it's really hard to answer that
903s question without a very deep dive
904s there's I'd say a very prominent opinion
907s from a lot of people that it probably is
908s a little much right now overall but I
912s mean a lot of people love that and so
915s it's that's a really hard question to
916s answer I think it comes down to a matter
917s of opinion mostly
921s the ride boy Knight died at level 70 in
924s lagon on Hardcore oh no that sucks it
926s wasn't my fault I tanked the beam
928s uh any chance of avoiding to get more
931s damage reduction from skill tree in the
932s future
933s yes maybe uh if you've got specific
936s suggestions on things like that
938s um please put them in the forums
949s all right next question
951s don't have a question just want to say
952s you're up to this awesome awesome thanks
954s glad you're having fun that's what it's
956s all about
958s uh are you guys ever gonna make it so
960s blocking doesn't apply the ailments from
963s the mobs I don't know
969s I I mean like I don't think so
975s but maybe
986s do I have a personal
989s uh do you have a personal dream addition
992s to the game that you'd love to see one
994s day a class option Game feature cosmetic
996s Etc this isn't a promise for future film
997s at all yeah
999s um
1000s I mean this is hard because I've had
1002s such a strong
1003s like hand in being able to add things
1006s for so many years now that like so many
1009s of the things that I like that if I was
1011s gonna put like oh no oh no this has
1014s never happened to me before on here
1017s we're just our pain just spiked I don't
1019s know it's okay
1022s um
1023s the the yeah like there's there's all
1026s the things that I'm like this has to be
1027s in the game kinda already in the game or
1030s is already coming to the game type thing
1033s um
1036s so I don't I I that list is really short
1039s if it exists at all I can't think of
1041s anything off the top of my head
1042s um
1046s so much of the stuff that I'm really
1048s jazzed about getting in is coming with
1050s the new Mastery classes
1053s um
1059s I'm sorry
1068s foreign
1077s in terms of maintaining the server I
1080s it's it is
1082s i i before we started doing any
1084s multiplayer stuff like before you
1086s started doing online stuff I thought
1088s development of this game was hard
1090s development of this game before online
1092s was unbelievably easy
1095s like multiplayer was such a huge
1098s undertaking like it's
1101s like
1103s it's it's insane the difference it's
1106s like there's so many things that
1108s multiplayer does
1110s um to like requirements for
1113s um like what the code base is gonna do
1115s and all sorts of stuff that just doesn't
1116s exist otherwise
1118s um
1119s like things you have to consider that
1121s you just don't have to worry about
1122s otherwise it's just so much it's insane
1128s making a multiplayer game compared to a
1130s single player game is several orders of
1132s magnitude more difficult it's like
1144s which is why we had to get help from a
1146s lot of extremely smart people that have
1149s experience with this sort of thing
1156s uh
1164s have you guys have a question do you
1166s have any idea on when the bug and like
1168s the Cyber will fix I have no information
1169s about when any bugs will be fixed
1173s um have you guys thought about limiting
1175s the price of stash tabs 41 tabs
1178s yesterday and realized that had become
1179s too expensive I don't know if gold not
1180s to mention the in-game mechanics and
1182s rewarding Choice uh can cost over a
1185s thousand thousand yeah
1186s um
1187s I I think it's I think it's really
1189s appropriate that stash tabs start to
1191s become really really expensive if you
1192s think they're too expensive or you like
1193s to leave feedback on the matter please
1194s head on over to our forums
1196s um oh come on
1207s I need to remember that I have cleanse
1208s on two of my buttons
1211s smoke bomb and shift cleanse right now
1214s I don't think I've only got potion
1215s cleanse though no no pushing cleanse
1220s are we gonna see a new Reaper form soon
1222s Yeah we actually teased the visuals to
1225s the reform there's a forum post about it
1228s um it's actually been even improved
1230s since then it's very cool
1232s um
1234s it's it's a lot smoother uh the the
1239s visuals are more representative of the
1241s base character model
1242s but not like
1244s I don't know it's hard to explain it's
1246s it's really good it's really good big
1248s fan
1249s um
1253s decent gloves
1256s what are we using
1260s crafting break
1262s yeah trying to kiss this out
1267s hey
1272s poison res
1275s are these just better
1278s larker chance
1280s poison Rose instead of Fizz which is
1281s fine and especially in this area
1283s yeah the endurance is nice we're gonna
1285s wear those
1293s oh
1296s oh yeah are we gonna see new oh yeah uh
1299s just gonna do a bit with Surf and strike
1302s uh I mean
1304s more skills will get updates and changes
1306s as we go forward continue to
1309s um hi this game is quickly becoming my
1312s favorite RPG awesome I was wondering if
1314s the reform visuals are final no compared
1316s to the way for the visuals on the form
1317s of the animation are a bit underwhelming
1319s I agree the new ones are coming they are
1321s uh the new ones are sweet I saw a
1323s preview of the actual like animations
1324s and everything about a week ago and
1327s they're real nice
1329s there's also some like
1330s visual twists on the model depending on
1333s nodes you've taken which is really nice
1338s oh
1341s interesting
1347s is there like three from questions in a
1349s row
1352s um I just started my first Rogue do you
1354s think acid class is a skill that can be
1356s built around yeah I do love the way it
1357s feels and sounds all the game thinks um
1360s yeah uh acid flash can be there's like
1363s um
1364s there's a sweet node in decoy
1367s that lets it uh
1371s uh like it throws acid flasks so you can
1373s like you do this one and you can get
1374s this here
1376s um where you get like three decoys and
1380s um they like they all drop a bunch of
1381s acid blasts all at once and then the
1383s acid flasks you can have chain acid
1385s flasks
1387s um
1390s uh or you can be poison pool as well
1394s um
1397s there we are
1399s uh I think I think that one works with
1401s it and there's another one that they
1402s like they they Ricochet like if you if
1404s one drops another one like pops out
1410s I don't know where it is but it's sweet
1413s it's a lot of fun
1416s uh I was doing specific things in this
1418s node I think it was coming
1420s here possibly unlikely a thing
1426s no we don't poison my Shred
1429s armor shred duration
1432s what was I doing
1437s just get a duration point
1439s creation's always good
1448s uh more questions all the questions this
1451s is a short stream today so I'm gonna try
1452s and get as many as I can in here
1455s um
1456s I do apologize if I missed any
1460s uh is the backpacking live should be
1462s there's an announcement just went up on
1464s it
1465s uh forgive already asked but is 1.0
1467s launch this year that's the prevailing
1469s goal that was in leaked a little while
1472s ago I think on in-game chat was that
1476s there was that that was the the goal was
1478s leaked I think
1480s um I don't think we've officially
1482s announced anything
1483s yet
1489s I'll take that
1493s uh also will let's be reworked so every
1496s build revolves around the same uh skill
1498s that cuts your life in half insane DPS I
1500s mean there's like there's a few very
1502s high Synergy abilities in Lich I can't
1505s look at it right now actually
1506s um
1507s they do work really well naturally
1509s together
1510s um
1511s I I really like that
1514s um it might work a little too well
1515s together but nerfing something so that
1517s other things are more viable is kind of
1519s gross generally
1521s um
1523s like like if that's the only reason not
1524s not because it's like too strong but
1526s just like
1528s it's just too
1530s smooth together like it's I don't know
1532s what it is it's like
1534s It just fits too well
1536s she's a nerfing or something I don't
1537s know
1540s I'm gonna be bad
1545s yep the waypoints
1553s YouTube
1556s what is your opinion of having separate
1558s movement skills in pure unless Deepak as
1560s opposed to having a default spacebar
1561s Dash like glass Arc and D4
1564s um
1566s it's
1568s um
1569s It's Tricky we actually tried having a
1571s Dodge roll
1573s uh button and
1576s I think the biggest problem for us with
1579s it was that it was it was
1582s um class identity is one of our
1584s strongest
1586s uh like design pillars that we build we
1588s build lots of things around
1589s um whenever whenever we're trying to
1591s make a class we're we're thinking very
1593s closely on what it is but also what it
1595s isn't
1596s um
1597s so like when we're when we're looking at
1600s um
1600s uh Beastmaster abilities for for minions
1603s you may notice that there's there's
1605s nothing in Beastmaster oh I could be
1608s wrong with this I hope I hope I'm not
1609s wrong but there shouldn't be anything in
1611s Beastmaster that says like get a buff
1613s when your minions die or like do extra
1616s damage when your minions die I think
1618s there might be like an enraged themed
1620s one where it's like you you go into like
1621s a frenzy when one of your minions dies
1623s something like that type thing but like
1625s um for the most part we don't we really
1628s don't want people doing we don't want to
1629s encourage people to kill these Master
1631s minions we do want to encourage people
1632s to kill acolyte minions oh yeah
1635s necromances blow up the minions we
1637s literally give you an ability that
1638s sacrifices one of them
1640s um and and so there's
1642s there's a lot of these like class
1644s pillars design pillars that we and like
1646s class identity is one of the big design
1647s pillows we focus on
1649s um and one thing we found was uh
1653s this is actually really good that I'm on
1654s Rogue I can I can display this really
1655s well is that Rogue really has this clear
1659s class identity with shift compared like
1661s movement skills are really great way to
1663s nail down
1664s um class identity and as soon as we
1666s added a Dodge roll type mechanic to to
1669s every class suddenly everyone felt kind
1673s of rogue-like not the genre roguelike
1676s but kind of felt all the classes kind of
1678s felt like Rogues
1680s um
1680s and and we didn't like what it was doing
1682s to the class identity of it where we're
1684s like okay well this part part of the
1686s identity of the class is how it does its
1689s Lumen ability
1691s um and we actually at that point moved
1694s to we we then tried out like having like
1697s a dedicated movement slot and have it
1699s not be like a full skill tree
1701s um and then like do we have that be an
1703s actual like does is that like a sixth
1705s ability that's your movement skill
1706s immediately like that
1709s um especially on classes that could have
1710s multiple movement skills for different
1711s things and
1713s um so it's
1715s we've we've
1716s we've tried lots of things in this
1718s category
1719s um and because we're trying to push home
1722s class identity as a core design pillar
1727s um I think that was the biggest reason
1729s why we didn't have a Dodge roll because
1731s we wanted we didn't we didn't want you
1733s to have this like
1735s quick agile Mage that was able to like
1738s the sorcerer that's that's that's got
1741s their magic powers is how they're gonna
1742s do things but they can they can do this
1744s like sweet Dodge roll tumble thing
1746s you're like
1747s okay
1749s um and you can start theming a little
1750s bit differently for everyone you have
1752s like the Mage be like just this really
1753s short teleport Dash thing
1756s and then we're like okay I just feel
1757s spelled lady and that's actually how we
1759s created surge as an ability
1761s um was from this whole thing
1763s so if you want the timeline on this go
1765s find when Serge came into the game and
1766s looked back about six months and that's
1768s when this was all happening
1772s um so yeah yeah
1773s I I don't think it's for last Epoch I
1777s really like it as a mechanical
1781s I haven't played last night Lost Ark so
1782s I can't speak that one
1785s all right I just started my first road
1788s you think
1790s it's a short stream it's League time
1792s I'll give it to a leak in 15 minutes
1794s from now
1799s uh it's difficult to find a balance of
1801s development resources of creating the
1803s stuff to get to 1.0 versus rebouncing
1805s remaking old content yeah absolutely
1810s um
1811s 1.0 at this point so we spend a lot of
1814s time over the last year between eight
1815s five and 0.9 a lot of that time was
1818s spent you know uh bringing up the
1821s minimum polish level on a lot of things
1822s there's a lot of enemies that got
1824s replaced there's a lot of abilities to
1825s get replaced there's a lot of zones that
1826s got redone and a lot of it is just sort
1828s of like bringing up that minimum quality
1830s level
1832s um which is really important because
1833s there's a lot of times where you're like
1835s just like one thing that kind of sucks
1836s to just drop you right out of the whole
1838s experience and it's really unfortunate
1840s when that happens so we're trying to
1841s limit that as much as possible
1845s um and but yeah making new stuff new
1848s stuff's exciting new stuff's interesting
1849s new stuff will you know bring old
1851s players back new stuff will sometimes be
1853s the Catalyst to bring new players in
1856s um you know like there's there's new
1857s stuff's awesome in a lot of different
1858s ways
1860s they're never gonna do this
1862s maybe that's why it's 18 boarding Dental
1874s um yeah
1877s so yeah it's tricky but at one point I
1879s was the push right now for sure
1881s uh an ETA on basic transmog systems
1884s sometimes I end up with outdated armor
1885s models that have better stats not at the
1887s moment no
1889s uh we'll Reaper for
1892s I'm gonna stop answering form questions
1896s I feel like there's been some repeat
1897s ones because I wasn't answering things
1898s fast enough
1901s what is the rationale with monsters
1902s ambushing you when you re-enter Town
1904s portals uh bugs are real still
1913s I will be any actual use for Spears in
1914s game yeah I mean you can't play
1916s circumstick without a sphere
1922s don't look at me
1928s yes Eric let's go this is a sweet part
1929s of the game
1934s sorry about that
1935s it's gonna hit my microphone real hard
1937s if it was real loud I apologize
1939s uh where are we going
1943s are you uh are you considered to change
1948s loot so it won't drop from drunk won't
1950s drop item level five in item level in
1953s area level 50.
1955s um probably not
1959s uh I know it can be adjusting the loot
1961s filter but newer players are mostly
1963s confusing confused loot filter can be
1965s overwhelming sorry stumbled through that
1968s question for some reason
1969s there is uh I think the answer to this
1973s more so would be
1975s um having better loot filter
1976s tutorialization with um one thing that I
1979s really want to get in with the loot
1980s filter I don't know when we're gonna
1982s have the time to do this but a feature
1983s that we sort of like when we first came
1985s up with the in-game loot filter ideas
1986s that we sort of that we put on the on
1988s the books in the initial ideation was
1989s having an in-game
1991s loot filter sharing system so you could
1994s um like browse other filters people have
1997s made you can
1998s um put your own upload your own that's
2001s that's kind of why there's that
2001s description field there uh in the loop
2004s filter because you can leave a
2005s description that's big enough for your
2007s own purposes in just the title and that
2009s description feels kind of useless for
2010s most people that's why the description
2012s field is there
2014s was one day we hope to have that built
2016s in so that there's more of a uh like if
2019s you're if you're not gonna customize
2021s your own filter but you really want
2022s something that someone else has done
2024s quickly where you can just say like
2026s you know tilted the filters by Mage
2029s filters and be like okay I'm Mage
2032s Fireball and there's like 10 major
2034s Fireball filters and this one's rated 5
2035s out of 5 stars and there's a bunch of
2037s great comments under something you know
2038s that sort of thing
2040s um
2041s I think that helps with this a lot
2050s but if you'd like to leave that as a
2052s suggestion please head over to the
2053s forums into our suggestions Channel
2057s [Music]
2059s question please put that last default
2061s game in the question so I see it I'm
2062s just skipping over ones that don't have
2063s it uh looking forward to the long
2065s anticipated not entirely joking
2067s discussed Dragon Knight and Draco form
2069s primeless content in the future
2072s [Laughter]
2074s okay no it's not promised yet actual
2076s question are you looking forward to more
2078s utilization of the prehistoric Era
2081s timeline uh for future content such a
2084s beautiful map and still little to
2085s explore yes the ancient era is pretty
2089s flipping awesome and there's really not
2091s much that you can do in it yet
2095s I truly love looking around the world
2097s the map and different
2098s um different eras and like there's
2100s really cool stuff like you see the
2101s cities like floating
2103s and then it's like come crashing Downs
2105s like what happened there right like how
2107s did that happen
2108s um
2114s will you ever be able to see other
2115s players in cities like D4 and pube yes
2117s cities are I mean that's why that's why
2119s you can't use abilities in cities is
2121s because cities are non-combat zones
2124s um and and we plan to have cities be
2127s much higher player count maximums than
2129s the four players that can exist in the
2131s world
2132s um
2133s which which is like the main reason why
2135s abilities can't be used in cities
2137s because as soon as you can as soon as
2139s you can have it's really easy to crash
2141s the servers if you have 40 people in the
2144s city uh and they're all using abilities
2146s that that zone goes down real fast and
2149s that happens
2151s that's a lot better now since last let
2153s me tried that but still it's uh
2157s not something we're interested in also
2159s it's it's real hard to like navigate to
2160s NPCs and talk to vendors and open your
2162s stash if there's meteors falling all
2164s around you all the time you know
2174s uh do you like the idea of account wide
2176s progression or do you prefer each
2177s character having uh their own Journey it
2180s depends on like so for some things I
2183s think it's really good to have uh share
2185s Journeys or
2187s um a lot of this comes into personal
2189s preference as well because you have like
2191s your item collection is the main part of
2193s a lot of people's Journeys for this sort
2195s of thing
2195s um and so you play solo you're gonna
2197s have
2199s um
2199s want that
2201s that the terrible junk food
2203s um Idol
2206s let's go buddy
2216s I love the sequence
2228s that's why I'm mounting ballistas on a
2230s bird's back
2232s uh
2236s let's get some more questions going here
2238s oh yeah yeah account white progression
2241s so yeah and like so you what I think
2243s this question is is hinting at I could
2246s be wrong but usually one of questions
2247s like this hint at is monolith regression
2250s um and I think that's still a very
2252s Lively debate that could be had
2257s on whether or not that's good to be
2259s um regular or a countdown and there's
2262s there's lots of middle grounds there too
2263s so you could have
2265s um some sort of item some sort of
2267s consumable that you could
2270s um that you could collect on your first
2272s character through and use on subsequent
2274s characters to speed that process up as
2276s well
2276s um I think that would be a nice Middle
2277s Ground
2279s we'll see what happens
2294s all right
2297s next question any plans feel the link
2299s items in chat if so when yes hopefully
2301s very soon I know someone's working on
2302s that right now
2304s I would say that's that's probably a
2306s 0.91 thing I said very soon
2308s um I I doubt that would be something we
2310s would include in the hotfix patch but
2312s maybe
2314s um
2317s but yeah it's it's in the works
2330s okay
2338s next question dude very important
2341s question is not about new appearance but
2342s how it works why don't you answer
2344s because I just saw more reform questions
2346s and skipped over it go look
2360s will the reaper form Ever Be reworked to
2363s resemble Druid forms no this goes back
2364s to our class identity thing we very
2366s intentionally have the different forms
2368s uh So like
2370s um this is one of the things like like
2371s be sisters have their their companions
2374s go down you can rest them
2376s um
2377s go down you can't this is this is
2379s another one of those changes we want the
2381s the transformations to feel very
2382s different and and behave very different
2384s uh depending on which class you're in so
2386s if you're playing uh acolyte we want the
2389s reform to feel mechanically very
2392s different like fundamentally distinct
2394s from the Druid forms and
2396s um having like the abilities replacing
2398s on the Druid form but not on the reform
2401s um you get one new ability on reverb and
2404s then having
2405s um having it be that constant drain
2407s because reform um act like lichen
2409s General plays into a lot of that Health
2411s manipulation stuff and it's it hits all
2413s those that those theming notes really
2415s nicely so I don't think we'd ever change
2416s it to be very similar to Druids for
2419s those reasons
2424s I gotta find where I was again
2430s answer that
2432s there we go uh any plans for animation
2434s set updates for any class other than
2436s primeless and Necromancer I mean we're
2438s always updating things like that those
2439s are just the next next ones on the list
2441s probably
2442s uh we'll read for uh there's the
2444s question again sorry
2446s I did just answer that time I swear
2449s uh do you use different loot filter for
2451s internal testing versus stream versus
2453s just for playing for fun
2454s um
2457s no well
2459s the filters are saved on different
2463s accounts so like the internal tests
2466s um servers will will save different user
2469s accounts so I don't have access to the
2470s same filters so like I'm really lazy
2473s with when it comes to filter setups and
2475s like my filters are so basic they'll
2476s slap them up in like I don't know 30
2478s seconds to a minute
2480s um
2481s that uh
2484s they end up being very similar but I do
2486s make individual ones for different
2487s situations
2490s like my filter right now is very basic
2493s it's actually a pretty complex one for
2495s me
2500s I usually just like hide the the low
2502s tier items uh here I've had items that
2504s are not for this class just for the
2506s stream so yeah I do things differently
2508s for stream you're right right there I
2509s wouldn't have that on normally
2513s I'm currently thinking a lot about
2514s trying to buy Ellie do you have any
2516s future plans for in-game Market
2517s leaderboards selling around interactions
2519s between people yes
2520s um so there's a huge post that I would
2522s direct you to about um item factions
2525s just search item factions uh last debug
2528s Google it or on our Forum site
2530s um big big big big big big post there
2533s um the tldr of it is you'll be able to
2534s pick between access to a auction house
2537s the bazaar or
2539s um
2541s tools for better better Target farming
2543s specifically
2545s um and like different drop bonuses
2547s things like that
2548s but you still party together and play
2550s the other things like that and um little
2551s leaderboards yeah we entered the letters
2554s off those problems but they're coming
2555s back so yes there will be ladders and
2557s not just ladders for one thing would you
2559s plan to have ladders for various types
2560s of
2561s um things that could happen
2565s so yes yes yes yes to all that stuff
2569s uh out of the missing Masters which one
2571s uh are you your team most excited about
2573s like I can't give the whole team because
2575s like you asked that to the team and
2576s it'll be a pretty even split down the
2577s board
2578s um but personally I'm most interested in
2581s Falconer
2582s um
2584s I haven't said that there's things with
2585s the other ones that just get me too
2587s oh Spike welcome big old raiding party
2590s coming in welcome everyone from there
2592s glad to have you with us if this is your
2593s first time in the Stream and you have a
2594s question for me please put at last
2595s default game in the question I don't
2597s have a ton of time left doing a short
2598s stream today I might
2600s um
2601s I might do I might try and stretch it a
2604s little bit if I'm really far far behind
2605s on questions we will give our I do have
2608s a teaser little spoiler
2619s let's get a question that I can answer
2620s in the meantime this is
2628s come on there we go uh so this is a
2631s little kind of concept art uh
2635s in in-game concept thing for something
2638s that's unnamed and uh uh unrevealed so
2642s far so I'm not gonna tell you what this
2644s is what it's for
2646s any of that stuff
2647s but this is something that's coming for
2649s something
2651s uh that's more questions all that's up
2655s uh is there any plans to improve the
2657s overall looks available I mean we're
2658s always doing that so yes uh is blade
2660s Shield not meant to work with Pierce on
2663s ethereal blades passives I don't know
2666s what those do I thought my head I am
2668s pretty sure they are not meant to I'm
2669s pretty sure one of them actually says
2671s they don't work but I could be wrong
2675s uh will you be doing things for alts
2677s took mine to like at like I look at my
2680s like 400 corruption on my main and dread
2683s my ALT I already would make use of a
2685s taxi for my friends to quicker level
2687s unlock stuff but would still need to do
2689s Idols passive infinite low level Echoes
2691s to gain power again I uh this is a
2693s pretty broad topic I don't think enough
2694s time to answer full details today uh
2697s Master Sword has reselled for 23 months
2699s or not that's insane we're almost at
2701s that two-year Mark that's so cool
2704s thank you very much glad to have you
2706s with us
2707s um pretty sure that's the full two years
2709s we've been like that'll be two years
2711s that we've been doing this
2714s um
2716s it's brought up a lot
2717s um
2719s it's
2720s it's something we've been hesitant to do
2722s too much for
2725s um but it's not impossible uh so I I
2728s said you know go to the forums leave a
2731s feedback thing there and
2733s um we read them we look at them all
2734s sorts of stuff Spike has re-rated us
2736s it's another writing party thank you
2738s very much
2741s uh all right are you going to be able to
2743s copy paste a rule uh I
2746s I find I frequently want a lot of my uh
2750s presets to have the same rule but can't
2751s really move through
2753s uh roll three presets you can cop yeah
2756s there's
2757s um
2758s it would be nice if you could copy a
2761s rule from one to another you can
2762s duplicate them inside of a filter and
2765s you can duplicate filters themselves
2769s um but you can't copy one from one
2771s filter to another filter yet I said
2773s that's something I'd like to see
2776s all the suggestions are great
2778s um if I've reacted positively or
2779s negatively to a suggestion here I will
2781s forget it as soon as the stream ends so
2783s do not take uh me reacting to a
2785s suggestion at something that I'm going
2786s to put into the game or do anything like
2788s that because they're one in here in one
2790s ear out the other right now uh please
2793s get so many of them so you got to go
2794s leave them on the on the proper places
2795s for things like that or else I will
2796s they'll just get lost
2799s uh
2801s do you plan to explain more what Raya is
2803s or is he just a mystery demigod well
2806s Brian is a full-on God not just a
2808s demigod
2809s um and uh yeah like there's there's
2812s there's a lot more lore stuff coming
2817s uh there's the game's missing really
2820s some sort of cinematic properties for
2822s like um in between chapters and things
2825s like that having just like little
2826s cutscenes to like help push the story
2828s along
2829s um
2830s like they don't have to be huge in
2831s sweeping and Grand to just like get a
2833s little bit of that story in there
2835s and you can communicate a lot more in
2837s the story
2838s um in a in a one minute video than you
2841s can in a bunch of texts that people are
2843s not going to read you know
2846s there is a lot of lore stuff in the game
2848s um someone's kind of hidden some of it's
2850s environmental
2852s um you know we we plant seeds all over
2854s the place and there's interesting things
2855s that people do catch and ask questions
2857s about that I think is really cool
2859s um
2859s and we are looking to make it to get a
2861s little bit more in your face a little
2862s faster a little easier to adjust without
2863s having to hunt for it
2865s um it's a fine balance because I know a
2867s lot of people don't care even if it's
2869s great story they just don't care and
2873s um having not skippable story stuff can
2875s be really frustrating to a lot of people
2878s so we're aware of that dichotomy
2887s uh just more questions here we go I know
2891s I go a little slow sometimes sorry
2892s there's a lot of people here my goodness
2895s hi everybody
2898s uh can you explain what cast speed for
2901s totems does uh this one gets me certain
2904s things in the game I was like no I don't
2905s know what that does it's either the
2907s speed you cast totems at or it's the
2910s speed that totem's casting at because it
2912s is cast speed four totems this is a stat
2915s you're giving to your totems so this is
2918s your total castings faster I'm like 80
2920s sure
2923s are there any plans to add more diverse
2925s maps for Echoes uh yeah of the lake map
2928s for example uh it's being an open unless
2930s uh less following a quarter like most
2933s maps are yeah there's a couple we're
2935s looking at some of the bigger ones
2936s splitting them up
2938s um so they're smaller and you know you
2939s can pack more mobs in a smaller area
2941s type thing
2943s um
2944s there's also features missing from that
2947s still so
2950s uh let's blade Shield answer that uh I
2953s haven't played in a while how is
2954s multiple coming along I mean it's out so
2956s it's come along great
2961s we are playing online right now I'm not
2962s playing oh yeah is there
2968s [Music]
2968s um
2972s I mean we're not doing fire damage those
2974s implicits are kind of poo poo but
2979s explicits
2985s I do dare to stand against you deal with
2988s it
2992s uh is there a chance the fracture Crown
2995s unique will be added to targeted loot uh
2999s maybe it's me but I have had some bad
3001s luck trying to get one
3003s where are we
3006s uh bad luck trying to craft one I think
3008s something something
3009s or even dropping with the right stats to
3011s start crafting on yeah it's it's a very
3014s unique item
3016s um
3017s it's uh it's a bit of a callback to our
3020s old crafting system
3021s so in our world crafting system you had
3023s to actually uh you could fracture items
3025s so there was like always every time you
3026s crafted anything on it was a chance they
3028s would just break it instantly
3030s um and people
3032s didn't like that to put it nicely
3034s um so we changed the crafting system and
3035s it's way better now
3037s um but there was a chance if you ever
3038s bricked a crown item in the old one you
3041s fractured it it became a fractured crown
3043s and it became the unique
3046s um I really like that it's It's tricky
3047s to get and it's it's not uh like a
3050s normal unique and things like that I I
3052s think it's unlikely that we'll make too
3054s many changes to it but I could see that
3056s being the sort of thing
3058s um that like comes in a prophecy you
3060s know like uh if there's especially if
3062s there's more uniques that are found that
3063s way
3065s um but because it is such a unique
3066s unique I'd say there's a low chance of
3068s having any systematic things that affect
3070s that yeah
3073s against us
3078s things are getting spicy
3086s lethal Mirage is lethal
3089s uh any plans to improve overall internet
3093s uh to an early question about movements
3096s doesn't every class have the ability to
3098s make a skill have movement yes so how is
3101s say having that movement skill slot
3103s break class and easy having that
3105s movement on a separate slot doesn't
3106s break class identity
3108s um we just didn't want to add a sixth
3110s scale to the bar
3112s so forcing
3114s um it's that if you you'd have to make a
3118s unique the mechanics of each movement
3121s skill are unique and so if you have a
3123s generically mechanical movement ability
3125s for each class that's where the problem
3128s is
3131s any plans for more classes after the
3133s original five long term of course I
3135s think you'll likely see more Mastery
3137s classes before you see more base classes
3138s but yes we do have
3141s um we do have some loose plans for
3143s specific masteries and classes post
3146s launch
3149s there are some very intentional gaps in
3152s like like there's some very intentional
3154s gaps in class fantasies on things like
3156s that that we've like we're like okay
3157s well let's make sure we don't uh take
3159s this class too far in this direction so
3161s we leave room for that other class later
3163s you know
3166s so if there's something that you're like
3167s why don't they have this in the game yet
3168s that's why
3171s uh any plans to make entangling routes
3173s more accessible in Spring and form
3176s uh like having it trigger off things
3178s more not specifically if you've got a
3179s suggestion head to the forums
3181s um
3182s guys have you considered adding the
3185s ability probably uh to change subclasses
3188s and just switch between opening uh
3189s between open blessings yes we definitely
3191s consider that because it's been asked a
3193s bajillion times
3194s um
3196s I we have no plans to do it at the
3198s moment
3199s um doesn't mean it will never happen but
3201s you know there's
3202s we're focusing on polishing improvements
3205s right now
3207s I don't want to say it will happen
3208s either like it's there are no plans
3210s regarding it at the moment
3218s but yes we have definitely considered it
3224s dozens of times uh my friend was having
3227s a blast until they got to the end game
3228s they say it's spiked in difficulty way
3231s too fast
3232s um like his Lich minions died on the gun
3235s instantly oh my goodness
3239s that's what that's what that's what I
3240s get for uh
3241s just ignoring what's happening
3245s uh stuff died on the gone really fast
3247s notable Target Farm items because not
3249s being able to clear Bots and counter
3251s them uh what would I say to that I mean
3253s there's
3254s the difficulty curve is
3257s it's a really difficult thing to have
3260s function nicely for
3263s um really like really well oil machine
3265s builds and have it function nicely for
3269s um maybe less optimized builds
3272s um I have no idea how well optimized
3274s this person's build was at all but um so
3277s we quite often get feedback that things
3279s are simultaneously too hard and too easy
3281s we get that a lot like um like let me
3284s race through this I I just like I'm
3286s stuck doing super easy content it was a
3287s question earlier that actually mentioned
3288s this and uh then we also get feedback
3291s it's like the difficulty spiked so hard
3292s and I was like just doing what it was
3293s telling me to do and I couldn't make it
3295s through I had to go back to Old content
3296s and that felt bad and
3298s it's it's it's this tricky
3301s it's a tricky thing to do to like give
3303s players the tools to go forward into
3306s harder content faster if they can handle
3308s it
3310s um and not even know that they can go
3312s into harder content forward if they
3313s can't handle it and and
3316s um and I don't think that's really
3318s possible so it's kind of a joke but
3320s um
3322s I I think that's the hardest part of
3325s this whole thing is um
3327s because because we quite often get this
3329s feedback from both
3335s I have the tools to do this I'm just
3336s talking and getting
3338s uh
3342s don't focus on the game mic doesn't
3343s matter focus on the questions all right
3346s um yes that's roughly what I'm gonna say
3349s on that topic I'm gonna move on I would
3351s like the life drain pause when you're
3353s out of combat oh this is referring to uh
3356s Lich
3357s um in and out of combat is a loose
3360s distinction for us right now
3363s um it's a I understand the suggestion if
3365s you've got suggestions please head on
3366s over to the forums leave them there
3373s all right I want this I earned it yes
3377s let me go fast
3381s where am I going what am I doing
3394s rolling around at the speed of sound
3406s oh gosh did I just drag like half the
3408s map here with me
3410s this is gonna go well
3419s oh just right here okay cool it's gonna
3420s go great
3425s okay back to questions I get caught
3427s playing and then I'm like no it's
3428s actually doing stuff aren't I
3432s uh uh where are we here questions
3434s questions is blade Shield not meant to
3437s work I I sorry I mentioned this a few
3439s times I don't know
3440s it may say it does
3443s um it may say it doesn't I don't know
3445s I don't know what those passes do
3449s I don't know by their names tell them
3451s what the node names are under the hood
3453s and I probably know which ones they are
3457s I guess I'm on a road I could look it up
3458s couldn't they
3463s uh oh fun question is there any plans to
3466s give Druids more Caster options versus
3467s everything having to do with totems
3469s um maybe I don't think there's any
3472s missing abilities at the moment Andrew
3476s a lot of it's taken up by
3478s uh
3479s transform abilities
3483s but there is that sort of like missing
3484s Caster element that I think it once we
3486s start adding new abilities to the
3488s masteries because like there's there's
3489s room there's still room to add um add
3491s abilities in so like this one's messed
3494s up this one's actually supposed to be
3495s here
3496s um synchronize track should be fine a
3497s little higher and then so like there's a
3498s missing one here so it'll be four on
3500s each passive tree uh when we start
3504s there won't be one here but there's
3505s there's room for one more to go here a
3508s second one to go here third one to go
3510s here like a fourth one to go here
3511s there's room for there's room for five
3513s more skills that could go on the passive
3515s tree if we wanted to
3516s um I don't think we'd ever do that many
3518s in Philadelphia completely but there's
3519s there's room for more things there and I
3521s can see
3522s um Caster being a bit more of a focus on
3524s Druid abilities uh like the whatever the
3527s next durability that comes in I think I
3529s could see that I don't know
3532s do you have plans to release an API for
3534s things like twitch extensions other out
3536s of game projects uh for us obvious
3539s tenuous long-term plans yes
3542s do you have any plans to streamline
3544s monoliths and blessings for 1.0
3546s um if the question being
3550s yes
3551s but it's a very open-ended statement and
3553s can mean literally like we've
3557s done something tiny to dance that you
3559s know yes
3560s nothing specific or major so that we
3563s don't have any plans at the moment to
3564s for example allow you to just open your
3568s blessings menu and like select a
3570s different blessing or anything like that
3571s you know you're no plans for that
3574s but if you have suggestions for it you'd
3575s like to get considered please head on
3577s over to the forums
3583s another question Mike you can do it
3586s uh when seasons start will it be easier
3588s to find three or four LP uh the the
3591s difficulty of that we have no plans of
3594s changing dramatically there might be
3596s some specific mechanic that gets
3598s introduced in one of them that
3600s does specific things around that
3602s possibly but like it's not like we're
3603s gonna just turn that dial up and be like
3605s all right everyone gets three and four
3606s LPS no problem no
3610s oh my god there was the other rating
3611s party I'm so far behind I'm like 15
3613s minutes behind here
3614s uh anyways uh so here's what I was gonna
3618s end right now I'll stretch it a little
3619s bit here because I'm so far behind I'm
3620s sorry uh are there any ways or plans to
3623s implement more uh increased pet size
3625s aside from two Beastmaster pass videos I
3628s love uh I'd love to get a Godzilla
3630s Rapture
3631s um
3632s probably not that it's already getting a
3635s little on the big side
3636s um but it's possible it could happen
3644s I've kind of just answered maybe to like
3646s every question here it's so hard to
3647s answer like other plans for the specific
3649s thing because like the stuff that there
3651s are plans for is kind of either secret
3653s or like
3656s not like all these things that you know
3658s that's if we had plans for them we would
3660s have just done it type thing
3662s but when I say there's no plans I I also
3664s don't mean that there are specifically
3667s plans to not do it I mean like there's
3669s just
3669s no plans around it
3673s uh are there any plans to streamline I
3675s already answered that
3677s um
3678s um oh this is about this is about this
3680s was actually about alt characters
3683s uh was this question was about it looks
3685s like like the ability to save and store
3687s blessings and re-equip them oh yeah okay
3688s it was like that plus having empowered
3690s immediately available for new characters
3691s the problem with having empowered
3693s immediately available for new characters
3694s this kind of falls back into the whole
3696s like having these extra challenges
3699s available to players that can't handle
3700s them and they don't know they can't
3701s handle them
3702s um but still trying to make those
3703s challenges available to players that can
3705s handle them
3706s um and so you don't push people into
3707s situations that they're that are way too
3709s hard for them but because it's available
3710s to do it feels like it should be done so
3713s you look at something and go like okay
3714s well I'm I'm able to go do that
3716s empowered model so I should be like able
3718s to do it right I'm not gonna get your
3721s ass handed to you
3722s um and and having that
3725s um having that happen it's it's really
3728s not a good experience especially for for
3731s people who are maybe like
3732s um genre veterans and new Epoch players
3736s I think get would get really frustrated
3739s at that because they maybe are are
3741s bringing assumptions in from other games
3742s which makes sense
3744s um but it's it's causing uh
3747s unreasonable expectations on their own
3749s power levels and so we've seen that a
3750s fair bit
3753s uh similar to the above uh curious why
3756s not doing blessings as like a permanent
3759s highest value unlocked feature and maybe
3761s uh every run you do you can just pick
3763s your highest value you have ever
3765s unlocked there or the new ones something
3768s to make it not as painful to swap
3770s blessings but not starting over
3773s uh there's a lot here and for alts you
3776s know there's a lot of stuff here um
3778s we've always pictured the monolith as a
3782s like your character's progression
3783s through the world your character's
3785s progression through these systems
3787s um
3788s and oh they're coming for me and and
3791s having these things
3794s um carry over from character to
3795s character it's sort of been
3798s pretty pretty like strongly against
3800s those sort of core
3804s design for the models in general now
3807s it'll never happen by any means uh but
3810s that's sort of why it wasn't there
3811s initially at least um and as from the
3814s blessings not being permanent
3816s oh God what's despair
3821s not be able to switch back and forth
3822s between blessings I mean we always felt
3824s it was like having these semi-permanent
3826s decisions was was was like interesting
3830s and and
3831s um gave more weight to the decisions
3832s themselves where you can actually
3835s um you're sitting there and you're going
3836s okay well like what am I gonna pick this
3838s is gonna change how things go for a
3840s little bit
3841s um but having that oh gosh
3846s having those um those decisions be
3848s easily changeable
3851s um and maybe it's possible it's too
3852s restrictive now but having those
3853s decisions be just like in go into the
3855s menu just pick whichever one you've got
3856s there no problem
3858s um
3859s gives those decisions it's more like
3861s you're unlocking a
3864s um a setting then you are receiving like
3867s it goes back to the theming of the thing
3869s itself so like you go you you complete
3872s this this Quest this Mission this
3873s timeline you've helped restore this
3875s timeline helped improve it okay and
3877s you're receiving this blessing that's
3878s happening at the time of you receiving
3880s this blessing
3881s um and it's like this God or entity or
3884s something that's saying like okay here's
3886s this blessing you're getting right now
3887s and these are your options of blessings
3889s you can have
3892s um and and and the theming might have to
3895s shift a little bit in order to get to
3896s mechanics that are more popular
3900s um but we'll see what happens
3904s we may just have to loosen up the the
3906s hold on the theming if if we want I
3909s don't know this is very speculative
3915s put a little bit of background to why is
3917s the way it is
3919s uh how come you cannot get frenzy totem
3922s as Shaman shamans are all about totem's
3924s hurricanes Etc yeah that totem is just
3926s so minion
3928s Focus it's just like so much better on
3929s minions
3930s um and it's while shamans are primarily
3933s totems and they need they need an extra
3934s totem on Shaman still
3936s um
3937s we just It just fits so well is it not
3939s below the line
3942s I guess it must be about the line
3944s I thought Francis would almost blow
3945s blind
3948s take a quick quick peek here
3958s um
3966s where's frenzy done
3969s there it is 25.
3978s it is just above the line that's
3979s hilarious yeah I mean I think it was it
3981s was because it was it's so much a
3984s um
3985s such a minion focused ability
3988s and that's all it is
3993s next questions
3996s as an update Dev roadmap no I can give
3999s you one right now
4000s um
4001s missing masteries
4003s polish
4005s there's a road map
4017s there's gonna be other stuff too but
4019s if you're gonna make a roadmap that's
4020s probably all we put on it right now
4022s we have a lot of features that were like
4024s okay we want to get this in for this
4025s patch we want to get this in for 1.0
4028s um
4029s but a lot of it's just like
4031s okay this is this is cuttable if if we
4034s have if it comes down to it
4035s and a lot of it's just like little
4036s things okay we'll get it in but
4043s uh
4050s well Falcon have similar restrictions
4052s that marks and blade answer have in
4053s terms of the weapon type it requires for
4056s skills referring to Bow and dual
4058s wielding restrictions
4060s um I'm sure there will be I shouldn't
4062s say that
4066s there are definitely less restrictions
4068s I'm trying to remember what all the
4070s skill names were
4072s I don't think I don't think any of the
4074s falconer abilities that are specific to
4075s Falconer have a weapon requirement
4081s I don't think I need to do I don't think
4083s any of the falconer abilities have a
4084s weapon requirement oh I'm gonna regret
4086s saying that I know I am
4088s all right any plans of giving another
4090s classes access to bows or any more range
4092s of web types I'd love to give
4095s um
4095s Prime list access to Bose specifically
4097s and possibly
4099s um Sentinel those are the two classes
4100s that I'd love to give access to Bose
4103s um
4103s it's not gonna happen pretty 1.0 I can
4105s tell you that for sure I'd say there's a
4107s very I I would be surprised if we don't
4109s give them access to bows at some point
4111s after 1.0 I'd be very surprised
4124s run
4126s right Mike here for questions not for
4127s playing but I want to get the campaign
4130s done okay yeah fine
4133s um
4138s uh any fun starter build you recommend
4140s someone returning to Le
4142s um yeah I mean there's it depends what
4144s you like my advice generally for people
4145s are just like what what should I play
4146s I'm like what do you like what's the
4148s sort of style what's what's the sort of
4150s thing that you've played in other games
4151s like this that you really enjoyed
4152s where's where's your passion line that
4154s sort of stuff and kind of just roll with
4155s it and just make something as you're
4157s going
4158s um
4159s if you get close to being able to like
4162s do Super End Game stuff like you'll
4164s probably you can take most reasonable
4166s builds to end game and like you can take
4170s it takes a little bit more to get to
4172s like late in game
4174s usually
4175s um but like most builds can be adapted
4178s if you're close yeah
4180s and oh my gosh no way okay we're staying
4183s here rapid fire some questions off and
4185s then we'll call it a day here
4189s um fun starter build to play dancer
4192s loving it
4193s uh it was the game was the privileged
4195s modeled after you the the original
4197s version of the finalist is an old
4198s version of the primalist doesn't have it
4203s there was a version of the Prime list
4205s that they did use my face to make yes
4208s um the current prime list has since been
4210s uh redone from scratch without my face
4212s as the base
4214s so if you find some old screenshots you
4215s can see something that looks a lot like
4217s me actually
4219s um do you see anything deformative you
4221s wanted to steal for Ellie I I I know
4227s um I really try to
4230s uh separate myself from other games when
4232s I'm designing stuff for Ellie
4235s um
4236s but it leaks in it leaks in you know you
4238s just it's it's there's so many things
4240s that are great about D4 that would not
4242s work in Le at all
4244s um and there's so many things that are
4245s great about Ellie that would not work in
4246s D4 as well so it's it's hard to do
4248s though things like that
4249s um I did have a lot of fun with it
4250s though so I really enjoyed myself
4254s uh why are the town portals
4257s um designed to respawn all the monsters
4259s on top of you when you return from town
4260s they're not designed that way is this
4261s natural no
4263s uh does Rogue get more bass skills of
4266s the classes have three skills in Rogue
4267s is this on purpose rogue's just not
4268s finished yet all of them will have the
4269s same number of skills at launch uh part
4272s part of that is is that the base skills
4274s are um frequently designed where we'll
4277s be like okay this is a the rug's a
4280s little different because there's skills
4281s that are both we'll be like okay this is
4283s a blade dancer skill
4285s this is a marksman skill even in the
4288s base we kind of we can sometimes we give
4290s them like little shoves onto one side of
4292s the other
4294s um and Rogue is the youngest of all the
4297s classes so it just hasn't had as much
4298s time to get new skills added to it and
4299s the skills we did add were so felt so
4301s great we didn't feel a need to push the
4302s spinny in and yada yada and Falconer is
4304s such a
4306s yeah they'll all have the same number uh
4309s are there any plans to implement
4310s different animations for the same skill
4312s depending on the weapon type yes they
4314s all have that already uh hey Mike what's
4316s a cool feature from other games oh sorry
4319s I just realized you mean VFX not
4321s animation probably
4323s um all of the animations are unique for
4325s each weapon type so like
4327s um
4328s like like it's slightly different it is
4331s I know it looks very similar well
4332s two-handed might be the same
4335s okay well
4337s they do all have unique animations some
4339s of them are very similar sometimes
4341s they're the same if it's the same uh
4344s hand-holding situation usually it's
4346s split I think on like staves Spears
4349s other two-handed weapons wands other
4353s one-headed weapons I think is how this
4355s is what happens
4357s um
4358s hey Mike what's a cool feature from
4360s other games that you'd like to add to
4361s Ellie yeah uh
4364s no I mean this little there's little
4367s things like
4369s um Affinity tabs in the stash let's go
4372s with that
4375s um but that's like it's hard because
4377s like that's been in the planning
4378s document for our stash System since the
4380s very beginning it's so hard to like look
4382s at the system and say like oh I'd love
4383s to take that it's like well it's
4386s we came up with that independently I
4388s swear it's so hard to do it doesn't
4391s matter though uh any plans on being able
4393s to skip campaigns for all characters
4394s given that we at least completed the
4397s campaign once no we don't have any plans
4398s at the moment
4399s um we do have plans to alter
4403s um the accessibility of dungeons as use
4406s for skips in early campaign
4408s um and and throughout the campaign so
4409s dungeons if you don't know are also
4411s campaign skips
4412s um there's some restrictions that make
4414s it very difficult to actually utilize
4415s them properly on all characters but we
4417s want to make that more enticing for
4419s giving and appealing good
4423s um
4425s I was referring to an old question I
4426s don't know what the question was I was
4427s more referring to the fact that in a new
4429s cycle if you reach monoliths with one
4431s character make it to where the
4432s empowereds are unlocked on your future
4434s characters need to reach empowered on
4436s your first character yep I understood
4437s that in the question I remember that
4438s question
4439s uh any plans on the release of 1.0
4442s absolutely
4444s um what's the consensus around mods
4446s modding
4447s um
4448s regarding online multiplayer play no
4452s uh will the falconer transform to an
4454s actual Falcon
4456s um transforming is not what we're
4457s considering for a rogue skill uh theming
4460s at the moment
4463s uh have you guys considered any point to
4466s not use classic Diablo health and
4467s manospheres coat with your own
4469s alternative for yourself yes you can
4470s look at the kickstarter demo video and
4473s it has a different system that I still
4474s loved
4476s um it it we we we went we did before
4479s that we had she had another uh different
4482s one uh then we switched the one that
4483s we've seen Kickstarter we modified it a
4485s couple times and like the feedback we
4487s just kept getting from everyone was just
4488s like just go to D like Diablo style
4490s gloves just just do it like every time
4494s everyone was just like no just it ain't
4496s broke don't fix it guys and we're like
4497s fine
4498s [Laughter]
4501s uh hello Mike don't know if anybody
4503s asked this probably that's okay but do
4505s you uh do you guys are okay with the
4507s state of bow builds and how crit
4508s vulnerability got nerfed again
4510s um do you guys don't plan on adding any
4512s other way to more easily scale crit
4514s chance on it like for example new bow
4516s and scriptures base types uh with flat
4517s critical chance on it um I I don't have
4520s any specific things I can speak to if
4521s you have suggestions please head over to
4522s the forums
4523s um I recognize that name I know you knew
4525s I was gonna say that
4527s oh and we got to see any questions I'm
4528s caught up in the roadmap for the
4529s pipeline to reveal
4531s um
4531s we're we're going for 1.0 we're pushing
4534s uh there's a lot of new masteries to go
4537s there's work on the
4540s uh there's lots of skills to put in
4541s there's
4543s the there's there's work on early
4545s campaign stuff that we're putting in
4547s um
4549s there's a lot of flex features a lot of
4552s flex features
4553s modern Master skills have void damage
4555s support uh not uh no like um Rune Master
4561s will still be primarily fire cold ice
4563s fire cold lightning
4569s full-time
4571s uh I had fun I hope you did too uh if
4574s you uh here's his last one is remaster
4576s going to be a trap based class
4578s um it's not
4580s uh the core theming of it is not traps
4584s okay here we are I'm done now
4587s I had fun I hope you did too
4590s um
4591s [Music]
4594s if you oh yeah if you have any more
4596s questions that I didn't answer and you'd
4597s like them answered please head on over
4599s to our Discord
4601s um we have uh an accident Channel tons
4604s of great stuff there if you have any
4605s bugs please go to our forums bug reports
4607s there if you have
4608s um suggestions forums and suggestions
4610s Channel we do look through all this sort
4612s of stuff we don't respond to most of
4613s them because there's just so many that
4615s comes in we do read them
4617s um
4619s yeah
4623s we're done thanks for stopping by let's
4625s go say hi to a friend who's Heaven big
4628s events today I think
4632s um yeah
4633s this could stream a little shorter than
4634s usual usually we do two hours start an
4636s hour earlier than that normally
4638s um
4639s but I'll be back next week have a great
4641s time thanks for hanging out everybody