I enjoyed it quite a bit. The visual fidelity/quality/whatever is pretty inconsistent, but I'm sure they're working on that. What really bothered me was early progression and difficulty.
Masochist turns enemies into complete sponges with appropriate damage and default is just way too easy. I really don't enjoy that and it's honestly my biggest issue right now. Perhaps the campaign is tuned for hardcore to make sure no hardcore character ever dies, but as a softcore player would love options to:
- raise monster offense and defense independently
- apply one Monolith mod to all campaign zones
- apply x random Monolith mods to any campaign zone
- change difficulty dynamically during the campaign
Ideally, I would want a separate idol grid that allows players to slot items that modify difficulty and rewards (smth. like +10% Quant | you deal 10% less dmg, Daggers are x% more likely to drop | enemies have y% increased crit. chance), but I'd happily settle for just a couple of checkboxes at character creation.
The cost associated with resetting skills and passives incentivizes having a build in mind when starting out or reading everything and planning as soon as the first specialization is unlocked. I felt like I got drip-fed skills and specializations as to not overwhelm me while the game was simultaneously sending signals that I should figure everything out right now. Especially not knowing how costly (read not at all) a passive respec would be later on. Even then respeccing 2 or 3 skills to try something new feels bad. I'm not sure how to fix that. Maybe raising the min-level of skills alongside skill-level up to a cap? That way players could try things out early on and would then settle into a build as the campaign progresses.
I wish there were separate versions for farming and pushing as far as you can get. When I'm playing Arena to farm XP it starts off as a total snooze fest followed by a very enjoyable goldilocks zone and then I feel heavily encouraged to leave way before I actually want to leave only to repeat the whole process. When I'm trying to push my character as high as possible I have to wade through two undesirable periods before getting to where I actually want to be.
IMO there should be a seasonal Arena with static layouts and mobs for each wave that let you start at any wave you've previously beat up to (your max wave - 10) with leaderboards and so on. A second Arena should be more closely scaled to your character and only very slightly increase in difficulty with each wave (possibly player-driven with a selection akin to the Monolith's after every 10 waves).
More plz
I've been resetting vendors to buy Runes of Shattering. That can't be the intended gameplay loop, right?
Uniques have felt kinda underwhelming so far. I've been playing mostly rogue; maybe it's just because it's a new class.
Crafting is very straightforward and I like it that way, but I have no doubt that some people will be very disappointed by that and I'm not sure how it could be expanded in the future. I really like better affixes being drop only and farming items just to shatter them for their shards.
Is crit avoidance supposed to be mandatory?
Resistances are horrid. It's bad enough in PoE - why do we need more resistances? Can we just get an "all resistance" affix on everything with some uniques granting "+n to x max res and +n to x res"?
I wish I could somehow apply my loot filter to stash and inventory (highlighting/color).
Possibly the best rogue interpretation I ever played. The way passives and skills work together to encourage different play patterns, general theme, animations(!), most of the sound, skills, shadows - all great.
Acid Flask flight path should lose some of the... vertical excess. It looks almost comical the way it is thrown currently.
Decoys model looks too cartoonish. I'd prefer if it was a (non-shadow) clone of the player model or smth like that.
Ballista's model seems more like something a warrior would use. Maybe a clone throwing shuriken or smth like this?
I wish Perfection was a bigger deal. It stacks up too fast, dodge bypasses the need for "actual perfection" and there is no difference between getting hit once and 5 times. More max-stacks, slower stacking (capped at x per sec.), 1 stack lost on dodge, 2 on glancing blow and 3/4 on a direct hit would cement it as an option for a distinct playstyle rather than a pretty generic power gain.
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