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Waste of a 1LP aside, I am trying to figure out why I can not smash these 2 items. I have been able to smash non-class items with sentinel specific exalts and using exalts I am not a part of the faction for, but the Sanctum just refuses to let these 2 pieces work.
My only assumption is that there is a conflict when both items are from different factions. I can put them into the cache and the menu closes when I hit "Seal cache", but no animation plays and no new item is available when I swap to the separate timeline.

Hoping ya'll have some idea before I waste the Devs time putting in a bug report if it is one.

Thank you!


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12 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

If either of the unique or exalted items have a faction requirement, the resulting legendary item will also have that same faction requirement.

You can't put items with any conflicting requirements in the eternity cache at the same time.

12 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Roguetamer

We NEED this put somewhere in game. Both that you can not use 2 separate faction items AND that the result will take on the exalts faction requirement. There are no warnings and players can spend a lot of resources crafting an item they can not use. Imagine finding a 4 LP item, getting hyped, crafting it with a drop you've been saving from your main/alt and BAM...you can't use it and it's now not tradable. Swapping factions to use a single piece of gear is not feasible in most situations.


  1. Make Factions Account-wide. Simple and clean. No more issues.
  2. When combining, the items retain the faction requirement of the UNIQUE. (None, MG, CoF)
  3. A REASONABLE fee from a neutral vendor to remove the faction requirement of an item, but forcing the item to be account bound. (Cannot be traded tag)
  1. It is?
  2. No, it has to take the faction req from either.
  3. No, we have no mechanism for account bound.
12 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Roguetamer

  1. "Cannot be traded" is a tag placed on some items. Does this not "Account bound" an item without adding a faction requirement? I have several items like this stored in my cache and they can not be sold at the MG or traded via Gifting.

Yes, it does not "Account bound" an item. You can still gift items that can't be traded.