almost 5 years ago - Hackaloken - Direct link

Could you please post your log file after this happens? If you haven’t restarted the game since, Player.log will work. If you’ve restarted, upload Player-prev.log. Thanks for the report!

almost 5 years ago - sarth - Direct link

I’ve put in a potential fix for the Rotting Hunters for the next patch. If the issue remains please post again and let us know. Also from the comments here it seems there may be other skills or effects that cause visual issues, posting any screenshots or videos and what skill or enemy it was is incredibly helpful. Thanks :smiley:

almost 5 years ago - sarth - Direct link

Thanks. Will investigate.

Edit: The potential fix I applied to the Rotting Hunters also works for both Glacier and Volcanic Orb. So while I am not certain that this will fix the issue, it is possible the next patch will fix it. Letting me know if the issue remains after the next patch would be appreciated.