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I mean like when you're blinded your field of sight would shrink with the outer parts going dark for example, so basically stuff that actually effects your ability to play rather than just having an effect on your character's stats.

I think this would be really fun and a new-ish approach to the genre, if done well.

Just for the fun of it I'll share some of my ideas:

  • Stunned: Your current screen gets shifted like half a screen to the right and locked in place for a moment

  • Bleed: You get drops of blood on your screen depending on either bleed stacks or your current health to lower visibility

  • Poison: Vision gets blurry

  • Chill: Parts of your screen get covered in ice

  • Ignite: Smoke/Fire covers parts of either the whole screen or just the hp and mana bar to make it harder to see

  • Marked for Death: Get a decently sized mark that randomly covers one corner or 1/4th of the screen where you get delayed visual feedback.

  • Shock: Your screen gets zapped, only updating your screen with enemy movement and such every other moment

  • Slow: You see stuff sort of in slow motion

  • Blind: As said above, the outer parts of your screen go dark, creating a sort of tunnel vision effect

You could also do the same thing for buffs:

  • Haste: Actually speeds up the game a bit

  • Frenzy: Enemies get highlighted red and you move slightly faster towards them

  • The various Rogue shrouds putting a slight colour filter on your screen

  • Beastmaster's aspects adding boar tusks,, viper teeth or lynx claws somewhere on the screen

I know this stuff would be too extreme of a change to implement into the current game, but I'd love to see this as an opt-in feature in character creation sometime in the future!

While this has been done to a very small extend in some games, I think taking it to another level would make for some innovative and interesting gameplay unseen in the genre!

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over 1 year ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Ever since playing Wildstar I have wanted to add practical cc effects to the player. It really fit well with that game though. Blind left your ui but made the screen black underneath. Confuse remapped wasd randomly so you would have to figure out how to move. Check it out if you're interested. I don't think we can add it to Epoch though.