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3 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Rain1058

I have heard talk from a dev of 4th masteries. Like barbarian for primalist.

That was probably me and to be clear, I always say that what the 4th primalist mastery ends up being is not announced. Barbarian is the community speculation and had never even been remotely hinted at as the planned 4th primalist mastery at all. I do not know what the 4th primalist mastery will be.

3 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Abysskun

I wish, it's past time we got a samurai class. I swear to god, it's like ARPG devs hate this archetype or somehow aren't aware it exists

I was doing my best samurai impression possible with a 2H odachi bladedancer at the 0.9 patch last year on stream for months.

3 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Abysskun

Have you used that BBoC build with shadow daggers?

Yup, I was playing it on the test servers.

3 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by kenm130

Can we get a 4th mastery for the sentinel that goes full on javelin+shield? It's such an underrated playstyle. ( yes I know 2h spears and the javelin skill exist... but still)

Well....I did already spoil this on stream about a month ago, so yea sure. Well, kinda. It won't be on a new mastery but spear and shield will work in 1.2 for javelin with 2H spears.

3 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Rain1058

I totally understand if this just can't be answered and goes unresponded to.

In 1.2 will the disparity between ward and HP be addressed?

I play mostly sentinel and it feels a lot squishier than my buddy with incredible amounts of ward. I'm sure ward probably will get nerfed in some way, but specifically, will hp be buffed?

All I can really say is that there are a ton of balance changes coming.

I don't think that the perceived issue is quite as simple as ward good, hp bad. There are extremely powerful hp builds out there too. The power curve of each puts a large percentage of the community in a position where the point on those progression curves that they get to, ward is significantly better and that makes the issue feel like the solution would be to just buff hp and nerf ward.

3 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Rain1058

That's a fair comment. I guess I'm not even sure if ward "should" be nerfed, I just kinda assumed it would be. I guess I'm more curious to see the HP changes or more specifically any sentinel damage reduction increases or survivability buffs overall.

In the same vein with less on the line. I'm also curious if paladin will get a new ability. Then if you're able, has there been any thought about sentinels being able to dual wield with more weapons in the offhand?

It's just not as simple as buff or nerf. The defensive progression curve shapes need to change. So at some points on those curves, each will be buffed or nerfed and the opposite could be true at a different spot on those curves.

Ever? Yes paladin will get a new ability. It's not a fixed ability count for each class but those with less will generally get more sooner. Sentinel has a lot of changes in general coming in 1.2. Sorry, no specifics for ya.

3 months ago - /u/ekimarcher - Direct link

Originally posted by Phelyckz

Buuut 4th mastery is confirmed?

We plan to add more base and mastery classes. I don't have any details on which specific ones will get added first.