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Is there a way to see your total totem cast speed? Currently it shows 0 when looking at the character screen. Am i missing something?

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almost 3 years ago - /u/EHG_Kain - Direct link

Originally posted by Ericberic

The problem with the current stat screen is, if the modifier is conditioned in any way it will not register for the total. Say you are wielding an Axe and you have "35% chance to bleed while wielding an Axe" on gear/passives. It will still show 0% chance to bleed on the stat screen because it is not generic Bleed chance. Same with Totem cast speed. Minion cast speed will show, but Totem cast speed will not be included. They will update the stat screen (boys at EHG will give us what we want, in time) but for now, I would use lastepochtools.com and I would calculate it myself.

P.S. EHG have stated that they do not intent to allow 3rd party tools to math everything for us (like Path of Building) but they do intend to make things much more clear in the future. They want to keep a semblance of curiosity towards builds, and not make it some math competition for just bigger numbers.

Hello! I just want to quickly provide an updated clarification for this. While it's possible we may have made comments in the past which inclined to this opinion, or a statement may have been misconstrued, that's not representative of our current stance. In fact, we are currently looking into creating API's to further support third party tools, as we think they're an amazing tool for the community, and really enjoy how these kinds of tools and community sites can bring everyone together.

The statement which may have been misunderstood is that we are not planning to include dps calculators in game: though we are working on expanded skill information pages as we believe it's important players have the relevant information they need to make decisions for builds.